mod-yu-narukami · 2 years
it’s good so far mod makoto yuki 
Rp starter oc staria's fan made persona 6
let me tell you something before we start. Lucian and the started fate stickers have been inside the shattered glass world so far they stopped a robber robbing the bank and the kingpin behind them after someone attacked the bowling place And now they of to find a serial killer who murdered a quite a lot of people.
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Wada minori: "I didn't know what came over me while my other personality came out but I have a feeling it come on purpose like if someone is trying to use me as a puppet and plus the fact I used a summon that fuse into me and now it's next to me while looking at the love of my life"
(Picrew artist: https://picrew.me/search/creator?crid=72847 )
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Maki akira ; "I see but that shouldn't excuse you from those killings "
staria :"actually Maki it does I am not sure what it is like in your world but In mine there is a way someone can get mind controlled and that is with a microchip"
Maki akira : "A microchip well I guess your right there is a way that could have happened but just in case he actually did do those crimes we need to rule that with the possibility"
(Picrew artist : https://picrew.me/search/creator?crid=2583957 and twitter https://twitter.com/neige_vague?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor )
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Lucian: "There's one way to find out and that is wanna join us Wada minori we could use your help in this matter that way we could help each other?"
maki Akira: "You gotta be serious prince staria senpai "
Wada minori ignored Maki Akira's response and said "Sure I am glad to help you Lucian as well as the rest of you"
Maki Akira pounded.
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Kiyoshi puts a thumbs up and said "Welcome to the team wada minori I am glad to have you here honestly"
(Picrew artist for both Kiyoshi and staria: https://picrew.me/search/creator?crid=45019)
congratulations Wada minori has joined your team.
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mod-yu-narukami · 2 years
Phantom thief keade: hey don’t worry about that shuichi I may not be the one you know and you clearly not the one I know since he is dead but I know you deserved a hug from me” keade hugged the precious shuichi kun. 
A new theif appeared (promo)
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phantom theif keade: Ah you must be fellow tumblrs my name is keade akamatsu all though I am not the one you know but I may look like her but I am a phantom theif who is always alone but I may work with others if I have too any way mind if I have a promo ?” 
mod yu narukami is speaking I am new to Tumblr with some stuff but I am fine with roleplaying and only heard about this from a friend of mine which I will tag below as they told me to do I guess.
@mod-yu-narukami (my blog)
 many more
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mod-yu-narukami · 2 years
ok I send a starter to you
Hello Mod how are you doing so far with your new blogs?
It’s your friend Makoto
(credit: @fyeahpersona on here)
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I am doing fine thanks makoto and also are we still good to do the public roleplay of dangansona on animo as well as a roleplay on here with my two blogs.
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mod-yu-narukami · 2 years
Hello Mod how are you doing so far with your new blogs?
It’s your friend Makoto
(credit: @fyeahpersona on here)
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I am doing fine thanks makoto and also are we still good to do the public roleplay of dangansona on animo as well as a roleplay on here with my two blogs.
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mod-yu-narukami · 2 years
my first blog
A new theif appeared (promo)
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phantom theif keade: Ah you must be fellow tumblrs my name is keade akamatsu all though I am not the one you know but I may look like her but I am a phantom theif who is always alone but I may work with others if I have too any way mind if I have a promo ?” 
mod yu narukami is speaking I am new to Tumblr with some stuff but I am fine with roleplaying and only heard about this from a friend of mine which I will tag below as they told me to do I guess.
@mod-yu-narukami (my blog)
 many more
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mod-yu-narukami · 2 years
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hello my name is  mod Yu narukami nice to meet you.
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