mls-enthusiast-blog · 11 years
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GROUP C Gameday 1 Predictions: Costa Rica v Cuba Cuba has been capable of producing some good soccer players. Most recently evident that of Osvaldo Alonso of the Seattle Sounders, but though they have some form or quality don't expect much out of them from this one. Had Osvaldo Alonso not defected from cuba to the US maybe they'd have a chance. Costa Rica has always had prestige. Aside from the USMNT and El Tri, Costa Rica has been to the most world cups from concacaf region. They have brought in some high class players, specifically Real Salt Lake forward Alvaro Saborio. Look for Saborio in the attacking third and maybe even put some away. Thinking this games ending in a 2-0 Costa Rican direction. USMNT v Belize Klinsmann has this US team in some really good form. Though he hasn't brought his true "A" team that he had been utilizing in World Cup qualifying it doesn't mean that this team doesn't have extreme depth. Captained by Demarcus Beasley and cameos by the likes of Landon Donovan and Hercules Gomez the team has a synergistic blend of new comers and veterans, none of whom Belize has a clue how to play against. Look for a thrashing, we're thinking 4-0 at the least.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 11 years
Gold Cup on the horizon. Players that shine via the tourney are often looked at by many MLS teams so expect alot of movement after the tourny.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 11 years
Red Bulls defender Heath Pearce is set to miss the remainder of the 2013 MLS season as he prepares to undergo major hip surgery on Tuesday to repair a torn labrum in his hip, sources confirmed to SBI on Friday.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 11 years
Larger posts will be applied to this blog, but in the mean time check out our twitter @MLS_Enthusiast for some quick updates on the state of the league and personal bias on current happenings. Yes... personal bais. ;]
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 11 years
Was Rogers worth Magee?
It’s become evidently clear what team has come up on top after a player for player trade between the Chicago Fire and the Los Angeles Galaxy. Nearly 2 months have passed since the Chicago native Mike Magee has traded for the Southern Californian local Robbie Rogers. Upon the completion of the trade, Magee had been an inform, in role midfielder playing quite literally the best soccer of his 10 year career.
As it stands Mike Magee has scored once in each of his seven matches in all competitions to date for his new side the Chicago Fire. While in the same amount of time Rogers season has not flourished.
Rogers with 5 first team caps under his belt for L.A. has failed to score this season. Earlier in the year Rogers had initially announced his retirement and a lack of game fitness occurred. Assumably it would appear that prior to these first 5 apps Rogers was required to get back into game schedule fitness towards the middle of the season. A time in which the whole league had a significant head start. By joining late the need to find a rhythm and to recognize the play of the league is a slow process for many athletes. He has not found a way to the scoreboard but he has been productive in some manner. Finding openings and taking players one on one is a attribute the Galaxy have not had in quite some time. In all, it’s too soon to debate whether the trade has truly paid off yet.
Mike Magee is in ridiculous form and losing him at the moment may only be a near sighted negative. Robbie Rogers has played internationally for the USMNT in a number of fixtures and if he can improve his quality to the next stage, he may prove to be a usefully cast member for the Galaxy.
It’s just so unfortunate for Galaxy fans because Mike Magee was as clutch as they come. Whether it was making goals or shutting games out as a keeper (Yes, shutting out the SJ Earthquakes in an away game as a goal keeper.) Magee will always be a fan favorite. He knew when to come up big and it always paid off whenever “clutch" was needed the most.
Rogers needs time before people can make the judgement of whether or not the trade was fair. His transition back into MLS will prove to be difficult but most catch on. Don’t lose your faith Galaxy faithful.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 11 years
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Clint Dempsey will be the USMNT Captain moving forward. Tim Howard; his number 2.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 11 years
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Beasley Hits 100 - 2012
Beasley was ignored by the USMNT higher-ups for the greater part of last year, but his good form in Mexico with Puebla attracted attention, and he was named to the US’ squad traveling to the Azteca for a friendly.  Coming on as a sub, Beasley was on the pitch when Michael Orozco Fiscal scored the goal to earn the US its first ever win at Estadio Azteca.
© Andy Mead/YCJ/Icon SMI 918m/Andy Mead/YCJ/Icon SMI/Newscom
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
expect a lack of content for the next upcoming weeks. school is starting and keeping up with this blog will prove too be difficult. more updates will come the closer the MLS comes too the playoffs, but until then don't expect too much. thanks, much obliged. =]
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
ill be letting out a full analysis of the Mexico vs. USMNT game soon. some obvious things occurred, but the US came out on top. how? no one knows. stay tuned.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
I remember when this was about soccer and country. What went wrong with this horrendous split between the MNT and WNT?
Seriously, we’ve seen some amazing achievements these past few years from both sides. As a die-hard American soccer fan, I am ashamed with this constant division. America won last week and today. Be happy! 
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
the most nerve-racking 4 min of my life.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
Mexico 0 - 0 USA
pretty stagnate on the USMNT end. not much offensive activity. not much defensive cohesion either. the US seems sloppy as well. alot of overdone passes and over extensive fanciness on donovan and torres. in order for something too come along some individual work or some counter attacks are going too be needed. 
too refocus on the defense, given the make-shift characteristics im not entirely disappointed but im nowhere near impressed. too many opportunities on set pieces have arrived and it shouldn't be the case given our physical dominance. 
other than that im satisfied with the 0-0 scoreline. alot of time left for something too happen in the US' end but the same can be said for Mexico.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
nuff said.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
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I'm Blue, If I Were Green I Would Die.
its time. the attitude is present as well as the passion. tomorrow night at 8pm ET, the USMNT and El Tri will spend 90+ minutes at each others necks. this is a big deal folks. even though this is labeled as a "friendly" these two will forget of the term when they take too the field. 
wednesday night in Mexico City can be a historical one for the US. the USMNT has had... trouble, too say the least south of the border. in fact, the US has failed too win a game EVER on Mexican soil. this fact has streched back beyond 3/4ths of a century with a 7-2 loss back in 1937. many would see this as a precursor for a mediocre rivalry, but fortunately for the US that isnt the case. 
though winning on mexican soil has NEVER been easy, the US are indeed on a steady path towards the upper realms of solid soccer. they have been competative with the Mexican National Team having won 5 out of the last 10 meetings, all of which obviously were on US grounds but none the less, the Americans can indeed play at the Tri's level. 
a large part too the adversity, is Mexico's fortress, the infamous Estadio Azteca. with a capacity of over 100,000 and an atmosphere like no other (its been understood that communication on the field is boderline impposible due too chanting and high decibel count.) this fortress has served the Mexican faithfull well with a winless road record for many visiting concacaf teams. another aspect that makes the location unique is its altitude. the Azteca is located in Mexico City which is over 7,000 ft above sea level. not only does the ball have different movement in high alltitudes, but the less dense oxygen level in the air adds another difficulty for visitors. 
aside from the facts, lets dip into the fiction. Mexico has been on fire. no doubt about it. they've beaten Brazil recently, their U-23 team won olympic gold, and they put the US too rest in the most recent Gold Cup at the Rose Bowl last June. the Mexican NT is indeed a force, a strong one. But the US are not pushovers, and are debateably at the same if not better than the MNT. Boast? maybe so but when put in perspective at what the "GAP" between the two are, there isnt much too really take away from both sides. the US has been gaining higher profile players with their moves too big name clubs. Dempsey has had some intersest from Liverpool, Donovan with the known loan too Everton and a potential signing in the future. even a newer name like Geoff Cameron, a versatile defender and midfielder who recently was signed too Premier League side Stoke in the off season has potential too make a difference. The US are on the move and they are improving at all times, no stagnation. But Mexico are a strong team and they have the confidence factor especially following all the trophies as of late. Its really Mexico's game too lose.
Wednesday night, 8pm ET is the time. ESPN2 is the place. Hope you tune in.
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
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Real Madrid vs LA Galaxy
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mls-enthusiast-blog · 12 years
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BBVA Compass Stadium, Houston TX
Houston Dynamo vs. Chicago Fire
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