mloriart-blog · 9 years
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water you forgetting? #recycle #savetheanimals #conservation #livegreen #smartwater #message
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mloriart-blog · 9 years
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#sand #beach #symmetry #toes
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mloriart-blog · 9 years
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as is life, kids. #sandcastle #waves #symbolism #newportbeach
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mloriart-blog · 9 years
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#canon #50mm #selfportrait #selfie #mystery #blackandwhite #photography #art #vintage
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mloriart-blog · 9 years
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#rose #vintage #canon #50mm
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mloriart-blog · 10 years
Coming for you, Seattle.
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mloriart-blog · 10 years
The Product of a Busy MInd Let Free
Home for a holiday break, I (finally) found myself capable of thinking, thinking of things other than “what issues do I have to deal with at work today” or “I need to buy groceries but the burrito joint down the street is too enticing.” 
This thinking unearthed a deep, unfortunately hidden wishful agenda for my life.  My college experience being nothing short of lost and confused, I obtained a business degree with no immediate goals or aspirations following it.  I didn’t see myself creating my dream life with this degree, nor did I see myself being happy.  Happiness is the main issue on hand; I have yet to achieve it, which is fine. I am 22 years old, fresh out of college, and I’m still in that “you’re young, you still have your whole life to figure it out” phase. 
But hell…..time is ticking and I need to start making some damn changes! This isn’t the life for me, crunching numbers, running excel spreadsheets until my eyes well up in tears. A glimpse of what my life should be composed of was discovered in my second year at UCI.  I signed up for an “Intro to Earth Sciences” class by the sweet, brilliant Professor Julie Ferguson.  This class was meant to fulfill one of my General Ed requirements, and I didn’t think much of it. 
As the course progressed, I found myself intrigued in ways I had never felt, and in ways I never felt again throughout the remainder of my college career.  The course was enlivening and INSPIRING.  This is the subject I need to pursue, my mind incessantly chanted to me that quarter. 
Long story short, and obviously, I did not do anything about it.  I’m an idiot.  Like a drone, I took the classes I needed to take and graduated within four years with an economics degree.  And here I am, 6 months deep into my first job (which I started the day after I graduated, literally) and I am even more lost than ever.
  This is meant as a slap in the face – I need to see this post as a liberating notion of my caffeinated brain and trembling fingers trying to get me to do something about it.  Get a different job in the right(ish) field (something that I can get with an economics degree), gain experience, take a couple ESS classes, and get into graduate school. 
With that path, I will be on my way. Writing this gets me so excited.  It needs to happen.
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mloriart-blog · 10 years
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mloriart-blog · 10 years
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mloriart-blog · 10 years
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What good deed will you do today?
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mloriart-blog · 10 years
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Yosemite National Park | Jared Warren
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mloriart-blog · 10 years
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{ the little joys of hiking }
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