danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
In the mood to interact with more people! Hit the like and I’ll see what I can come up with to one of your opens. MUST be 20+!
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danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
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danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
Love me violently, viciously. Love me like you want to kill me.
romance by A.L.© (via ahlara)
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danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
The tension was evident the second she walked into the room and it instantly made Alya feel very uncomfortable. It was far from a secret, Myles’ rather short fuse and explosive temper. Almost everyone in the building from the execs to the janitors had witnessed it at some point or another. But having it directed at her like this when he blew up mentioning someone coming for his throat only seemed to make his personality ten times more unnerving. She remained in the doorway, not daring to step any closer as the anger and frustration seemed to vibrate from his body. 
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“Excuse me?” she asked, confused for a moment before realising that someone must have told him already. “So someone already said something. Great. I was wanting to talk to you about it myself, but I guess that’s out of the window… This is nothing to do with you, though. For what it’s worth, you didn’t even cross my mind when I accepted the offer.” Not everything is about you - the words did not leave her mouth, though, instead keeping that one to herself. “You and I both know what this industry is like, we take opportunities when we see them or we lose them forever. I’m not doing this to spite you, if that’s what you think.”
He's got her. Surprised her with her own bombshell, handed back her own grenade with the pin pulled out for her. Yeah, their business isn't sunshine and rainbows. Nothing's sacred around these parts, especially if it's being funneled to his ears. She's not doing this to spite him, but he knows poison when he tastes it, has his lips pursed together while it runs over the palette. "Nah, why'd I think that for?" He's only been the one to bring in to a few of the bits of the show, gotten her out from behind the scenes once and while, and for fucking what? "Just one of those 'I really like you back-stabbings,' innit? Stop pissing about! Who'd even know your name without me to toss it out?!"
The pages rustle violently with the raise of his arm, a flinging motion to point her out, a woman on trial, him as judge and executioner. "Fucking Christ, only a few other ways could've gotten it otherwise. Climbing more than ladders?"
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danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
Closed starter for @danidoesrpstuff​ || Myles & Alya 
She had been working as part of his production team for many years now, ever since she first entered the broadcasting world. She had seen him at his highs and his more frequent lows both on and off camera, always wondering how he managed to get there and why she was still struggling to get out from behind the scenes. But then her big break came and now it was her moment. But she would not leave without speaking to him first; she would rather he heard it from her directly. 
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“Myles?” Alya knocked on the door to his office and stepped just inside the frame, looking over at him for a moment before speaking up. “I just came by to discuss something.”
Myles Delaney. Name on the show that spilled out on televisions every weeknight at eleven, same name that was practically carved into the door to the -holding cell- office for the man himself. Inside was what every other office seemed to have: a desk stained with water rings, a chair on either side he barely sat in, and broken glass in the corner (a special furnishing for the day.) By the time Alya reached him, the walls were quiet, not even an echo bouncing off of them to announce the shards. He had a new glass in one hand and papers in the other, the pen between his teeth that had scribbled on the growing monologue for the next taping. All was well. The calm before the storm.
"Yeah?" The word was released over the pen before the drink was changed out for it, giving her the full attention while he stood in the center of the room, always on mark even when there was none. "Couldn't be more important than this bleeding opener. Been working on it steady now for a few hours. Had to get all the thoughts together and whatnot," he tells her, a nod, a shrug, all following, all thrown in her direction.
"Makes for good material. My fucking own coming for my throat like this!"
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danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
Hey! I’m super excited to start some new things with new partners! This blog is new so you might not see a ton beyond my guidelines and a sample of my muses, but feel free to throw some plot bunnies at me! I’ll see how I can help out with them.
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danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
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this is such a gorgeous shot that it physically pisses me off
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danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
I reject the idea that kindness and gentleness and love needs to involve a bunch of gentle flowery language
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danidoesrpstuff · 2 years
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I'm obsessed with this man
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