Fanfics and Drafts ★
91 posts
🔞 18+, mature content warning 🔞 Mj's silly little stories 🥴✌️ NaLu/FT & Astarion/bg3 👀💜 (header by @aristenfromwarsaw)
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 4 months ago
Last 6 lines
I got tagged by @tragedybunny
Snippet from chapter 12 of Trickery & Daggers
“No? Perhaps you would like it brushed when it’s dried, instead?”  Flashes of hands grabbing and yanking her hair, tying it up too tightly, securing it in a severe bun as would be appropriate for the help. She never had any choice in the matter. If strands came loose, it was wrenched back into place. Now though, she relishes having it worn down, even if the length brushing over her skin occasionally triggers that old fear in her.  “I, um, I don’t have a hair brush.” She mumbles, avoiding looking at his curious gaze.
No pressure Tagging; @tallymonster @pickel182 @vixstarria @ollysoxisfree
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 4 months ago
The opening draft for chapter 12… it’s gonna be a long one 👀
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 4 months ago
Trickery & Daggers Masterlist ✦
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Morgana is no ordinary half elf. Aside from her shock of violet hair, Morgana is a warlock and her patron an unaligned Archfey, who knows much more about her past than they let on. Throw an ex-magistrate, runaway vampire spawn and some deadly parasites in the mix and some harsh truths will be dragged to light while they seek a way to survive.
Also available on AO3
Rated M. Eventual smut
Warnings: (to be added)
Centres on my Tav, Morgana, an Archfae Warlock. I might be a bit obsessed with her.
Entirely self indulgent.
Game retelling, with my own flair added. Tavstarion. Found family trope and camp shenanigans.
Chapter List:
Chapter 1 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we meet (almost) everyone.
Chapter 2 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we encounter the emerald grove and greet some residents.
Chapter 3 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a snake is dealt with, and a nice night around the bonfire is had.
Chapter 4 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a hot tiefling is collected, and some campmates spar.
Chapter 5 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we get to know everyone a little more.
Chapter 6 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a hungry vampire comes calling.
Chapter 7 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we play a questions game.
Chapter 8 - Tumblr / AO3
In which studying happens, and we voice a reflection.
Chapter 9 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we tackle arachnophobia
46 notes ¡ View notes
mjwiththefangs ¡ 5 months ago
a lot of you probably knows Belphie's story, but I'll summarize just in case.
Devon Rex cats are better for people with allergies (less shed fur + less Fel d1 protein in their saliva), so on February 16, 2024, I went the breeder route and put down a deposit! before Belphie even opened his eyes, he was mine.
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every Friday, the breeder sent me a new photo. I had a broken leg, and was basically rotting in bed at that point, so it was the best part of my week. then, at 12 weeks old, I BROUGHT HIM HOME!
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at first, he was so alive. like a wind-up monkey that never shut off. he dangled from the wall-hangings, savaged my feet as I walked, and used my elderly cats as jumping poles to do cool acrobatics over. but this all gradually faded.
first, he stopped playing. then he stopped climbing. then he stopped moving much at all. my vet ran tests on him and found multiple pathogens (calcivrius + mycoplasma), but the medication didn't help - he kept declining.
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on September 17th, I woke up to find him swollen like a balloon. we finally had an answer: he had Feline infectious Peritonitis, aka FIP. before 2017, this would've been a death sentence. he would've kept bloating until he drowned in his own fluids. and before 2024, I would've been forced to inject him with black market drugs. but thankfully, South Tower Animal Hospital in Fergus, Ontario was doing a study on the oral medication! we drove two hours, enrolled him, and left with the GS-441524 pills.
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and he went from those photos above.....to this:
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I thought Belphie would die as a kitten. I'd accepted that he would never grow up. but now he gets to LIVE!
and all for the low cost of $7,553.....ahhhahaha........god.
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that + a recent home disaster has wiped out my savings, but I still need to pay for Belphie's medication. to remain in this study, I need to do bloodwork monthly until Feb 2025, and he'll need daily pills until March 2025.
I've put a risograph print + enamel pin set at greerstothers.shop. I hate asking for help, but if you'd like to support Belphie's continued treatment, please consider checking them out!
25K notes ¡ View notes
mjwiththefangs ¡ 5 months ago
Trickery & Daggers Masterlist ✦
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Morgana is no ordinary half elf. Aside from her shock of violet hair, Morgana is a warlock and her patron an unaligned Archfey, who knows much more about her past than they let on. Throw an ex-magistrate, runaway vampire spawn and some deadly parasites in the mix and some harsh truths will be dragged to light while they seek a way to survive.
Also available on AO3
Rated M. Eventual smut
Warnings: (to be added)
Centres on my Tav, Morgana, an Archfae Warlock. I might be a bit obsessed with her.
Entirely self indulgent.
Game retelling, with my own flair added. Tavstarion. Found family trope and camp shenanigans.
Chapter List:
Chapter 1 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we meet (almost) everyone.
Chapter 2 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we encounter the emerald grove and greet some residents.
Chapter 3 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a snake is dealt with, and a nice night around the bonfire is had.
Chapter 4 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a hot tiefling is collected, and some campmates spar.
Chapter 5 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we get to know everyone a little more.
Chapter 6 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a hungry vampire comes calling.
Chapter 7 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we play a questions game.
Chapter 8 - Tumblr / AO3
In which studying happens, and we voice a reflection.
Chapter 9 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we tackle arachnophobia
46 notes ¡ View notes
mjwiththefangs ¡ 6 months ago
Trickery & Daggers - Chapter 9
In which we tackle arachnophobia. Also on AO3 Masterlist Word count: 4859 Warnings: Biting, arachnophobia, vomiting, knife play
“ ‘Vampire spawn, although weaker than the Lords that spawned them, have incredible strength and powers including spider climb. These combined with their affinity with shadows make them a dangerous adversary to face alone.’ Hm, well, fancy that, the little warlock was right.” Astarion reads aloud with a hum. “It would seem that Bastard kept us all starved for more reasons than we knew.”
 The bitterness lances through him, twisting with renewed fury and loathing for the one that turned him and tormented him all these years. So far, the book has been insightful. Not only in teaching him new things about himself, but about other undead also. He had been hoping to find something - anything - to use against Cazador, though so far it's only reiterated what he already knows. Sunlight, silver, a stake through the heart.
 He was amused to discover that lesser zombies will not be hostile if you smell like a corpse. It seems to be unknown if the same is true for greater zombies, being that they only seem to occur alongside necromancers.
 He leafs through the pages, skimming more text and paragraphs on vampires, until he turns another page and raises one brow, curiosity bubbling within him.
 “They’re real?” He murmurs to himself, half-believingly. 
 ‘Often referred to as half-vampires, these creatures are not always the result of a union between a Vampire and a Mortal. ‘
 Now there’s something interesting. He’s assumed dhampirs are such a rarity due to the nigh-impossibiltiy of their conception. But maybe they’re not such an impossibility after all. 
‘Documented instances of dhampiric existence are confirmed but not limited to macabre bargains, necromantic influences and encounters with abstruse immortals.’
 He reads further, torn between amusement and a grimace when he finds that parasites can trigger this transformation through the host indulging its hunger. Well, these tadpoles suddenly have a few more complications or potential consequences. That will make their removal certainly interesting.
 Surely, being a vampire, he’s the only one of the group who is guaranteed to be safe of dhampiric transformation. Although, according to the next page, most studies show that while still sensitive, and in most cases weakened, they can walk in the daylight. Most of the time. The text seems to suggest that it can vary on an individual basis, what traits or powers a dhampir will share with a vampire.
 ‘ Typically, dhampirs can integrate and blend in better than their shadow-sworn kin. ‘
 “Ugh, what an obnoxious way of putting it.” Astarion rolls his eyes and instead returns to reading on what makes such a creature. “... ‘Reincarnation of a vampiric lord ancestor ‘ ? Oh dear, Strahd himself may yet walk among us!” He laughs to himself and then he instantly becomes more sombre, the fun lost, when his eyes fall to the next known cause of transformation.
 ‘Tragedy interrupted the transformation into an immortal.’
He stares accusively at the words for a long moment. His jaw clenches. He snaps the book shut.
Astarion decides he can read more later.
 “The sign says Moonhaven.”
“Well, the goblins were calling it Bogrot.”
The jovial chatter between Wyll and Karlach drifts in through the broken doorway of the apothecary.
“There’s a hatch over here. Shall we go down?” Morgana calls, peering over the counter top to the elf flipping through what appears to be a ledger.
 “Hm? Ah. Yes, it sounds like the owner had something hidden in a basement.” He says thoughtfully. Her own curiosity piqued now, she nods, and opens the hatch, descending down the ladder into the dank and stale room below, thankful for her inherited darkvision as she scans around her.
 Astarions boots step noiselessly down the ladder behind her, signalling his arrival. He stalks into the room, wrinkling his nose in disgust.
 “Ugh. It reeks of undead down here.”
 Morgana only hums in agreement. They both search the room, examining books, rummaging through drawers, patting down shelves, until Astarion makes an excited noise and something clunks and drags across the floor behind the bookcase.
 “A secret door.”
 “How cliche.” Morgana says dryly, and he giggles.
 Through the doorway, they find themselves in a cavernous opening, with sunlight leaking through the ceiling, and the thick smell of decay lingering about the coffins.
They exchange a quick glance. Astarion flips his daggers in his hands and crouches low, Morgana’s magic hums to life in her palms, and she takes aim, and nods.
 It doesn't take them long, going one by one through each coffin and eliminating the hostile skeletons in each one. Morgana checks all the remains, looting any valuables, while Astarion brushes any remaining bone dust from his clothes with apparent disdain.
 She can hear him muttering under his breath and rolls her eyes, hiding her smile, and wanders deeper into the cavern, halting when she spots something catching the light.
 “Astarion! Over here.”
 When he joins her, she gestures to the shining surface. It takes them longer than either would like to admit to realise they’re looking into a mirror.
 “I keep forgetting your reflection just disappears.” He clicks his tongue.
 She shrugs, scanning the silvery surface. “Honestly it’s rather pleasant to not be the only individual without one.”
 Before he can retort, a presence surges to life within the glass surface, a featureless mask, its hollow voice echoing out.
 “Speak thy na-me.”
Morgana lifts her chin, thinking, and slowly answers “Morgana.”
“I do not kno-w this name. Tell me, are thee an ally of my ma-ster?”
She grimaces and purses her lips.
 How about this…
“I know your master, Ilyn Toth.” She’d found a journal in the other room and quickly skimmed it. He was a former Red Wizard, although he only spoke of ‘Bringing her back.’
 “Ha. Clever little Warlock.” Astarion mutters his approval and she smirks to herself, pleased.
 “Fin-ally. If thee could see any-thing in me, what would it be?”
 Morgana pauses, folding her arms across her chest. What would she want to see in this mirror?
 “...I'd see myself free of this worm.”
“You se-ek to surv-ive.” The voice in the mirror seems pleased with her answer, and without much more to say, it dissipates, allowing the pair access to what appears to be a lab.
 Morgana lifts her chin in wonder, eyeing the large aquatic-looking skeleton hanging from the ceiling and glancing over the various apparatus and discarded, long rotten body parts, now mere bones, littered about the space.
 “What is all th-”
 She squawks indignantly, suddenly jerked back and flails her arms to keep balance. The warlock whirls on the vampire, incredulous, only for him to level her with an unimpressed stare.
“Traps.” He deadpans, pointing, without looking, right where Morgana was about to step. Her face burns briefly with a flash of embarrassment, but she clears her throat, regains her footing and mutters a thanks.
 She can feel his smug eyes on her as she carefully steps around the room, minding her footing this time, and approaches a locked gate.
 Her brows lower into a frown. There’s something magic in there; very old, and very powerful. Grasping at the bars, she tugs.
 It doesn’t budge.
 She clicks her tongue in annoyance. Turning, she reaches into her pockets, fishing out a lockpick and pin. A huff sounds over her shoulder.
 “You can’t pick a lock.”
 Morgana just rolls her eyes, carefully poking around in the lock with the tools. Unblinking, she mutters back “I can pick a pocket, can’t I?”
 “Yes, and you didn’t notice your own pocket getting picked by yours truly.” Astarion counters. “Just move over and let me do it before-”
 The tool snaps, a loud click echoing through the room.
 Morgana sheepishly turns her head up to him, Astarion glaring firmly at her. Relenting, she shuffles over without a word and he swoops down, peering into the lock and then immediately scoffs.
 “You’ve jammed the lock, darling.”
“You… can’t unjam it?” She asks meekly.
 He rises back to his feet, hands on his hips, exasperated. “No. I can’t. It's one thing to break a tool, it's another to break the damn lock in such a distinctly unhelpful manner.” He flaps his arms. “Now we can’t get in there and find what treasure they might have been hiding.”
“You’re incredibly petulant, you know that?” She says dryly, earning another glare. If he were a cat, his tail would be lashing in silent fury. “Look, maybe i can just blast the door,”
 “No. It’s trapped. You really are no good at spotting these things, are you?” 
 She throws her head back at his mocking tone, swallowing her own irritation, when she spots something.
 The vampire ignores her, skulking away already.
 He stops with a stomp. “What?”
“Did you read that book? The one I gave you?”
She can feel his intense gaze on her, puzzling over her. In her peripheral, he follows her gaze and looks up. The bars reach almost to the high ceilings, but there, near the top, there is a gap.
 “What are you thinking?” He asks, releasing a long sigh.
 “Can you spider climb?”
 “Ugh, this again-”
“Astarion have you even tried?” She levels him with a firm stare and he falters.
“Well, no-”
“Are you hungry?”
He freezes. Slowly meeting her eyes with some lingering trepidation.
He really is like a cat.
“Do you think you could do it if you feed?”
 His eyes dart to the barely-healed marks on her neck and she ignores the zip that his heated look sends up her spine.
 The vampire pauses, considering. “I would be willing to try it.” He says slowly, a silent question in his words.
 Oh. She had expected this, of course. But somehow, it still makes her flush.
She swallows.
 “You… You can feed on me, if you like.”
 His gaze darkens. He steps closer.
 “If you’re sure, darling.” His voice is low and rough.
She nods, resisting the urge to bite her lip. He taps a finger under her chin, tilting her face and leaning down.
“Use your words.” His breath ghosts over her skin.
 “Yes.” she whispers, and then his lips brush against her throat, hesitating for a heartbeat, allowing her this moment to change her mind. She holds still, only tipping her head to give him easier access.
 He hums his approval, gentle hands brushing her hair away, and then she gasps as his fangs sink into her neck, arms gripping her tight.
 Like the first time, it’s like ice, chilling and then numbing. Then it feels like she's floating. Her hands wind into his embroidered doublet, holding tight in an attempt to keep herself grounded while his arms snake around and hold her tightly, pressing her body against his and winding his fist into her violet locks.
 It feels… nice. Intimate, maybe. 
 She hears a soft groaning noise from her companion. Then a small moan. Heat sparks through her, even as her fingers start to grow cold.
 He’s been starving for years, she reminds herself, firmly, Of course he’ll enjoy a fresh meal. Although the thought of being meal did nothing for the heat rising to her cheeks.
 He drinks deeply, pulling her lifeblood into himself, savouring each mouthful, and right as her knees begin to go weak, he draws himself back.
 Those intense rubies bore into her, his face still so close. He drags his tongue over the wound, chasing the last drops of her blood, a final pleased groan escaping him, and a soft breathy whine leaves her lips unbidden.
 He looks more alive; there is a faint colour to his cheeks and the tips of his ears are tinted pink. He almost looks like he could be blushing.
 They stay that way for perhaps a moment too long, his arms slow as they release her, moving to her shoulders in an attempt to steady her. The whole time his eyes don't leave hers.
 He must be able to hear the erratic beat of her heart, she’s sure, and maybe she’s a little mortified. It is Morgana who looks away first, mumbling under her breath about the trail of red from the corner of his mouth.
 The vampire suddenly recoils back, as though uncomfortable with her proximity. His tongue darts out to lick up the stray line of blood and the tips of his ears flush a deeper pink.
 “I-” He clears his throat, regaining his composure, “thank you.”
 His attention pointedly turns to the wall, doubt still etched on his features.
 She watches him, wryly, trying to calm her racing pulse and quickly knocks back a healing potion, and gestures with the same hand towards the wall.
He pouts - actually pouts at her - his mouth twisting into a grimace. “Are we sure spawn can just - walk on walls?”
 “Oh for the love of-” Morgana sighs deeply, one hand now cupping her neck and again waves the bottle as she speaks. “If it fails, I promise to catch you, ok?”
 One silver brow quirks up, and while he clearly still has his doubts, he resigns himself and tentatively places one foot on the wall.
 Then the other.
 She watches his face morph with surprise, and notes just how round his eyes are when he’s not frowning or flirting. It doesn’t take him long to get the hang of it, some excitement lighting his features as he scurries up the surface, over the bars and deftly snatches something from a pedestal on the other side.
 He returns moments later, hopping down in front of her and brandishing an aged ugly book. She cocks her head.
 “Can I see that?”
 Reluctantly, he hands it over.
 Malevolent magic oozes from the book, two large amethyst eyes on the cover boring into her soul, the wide gaping mouth with its uneven teeth appearing like a trapped scream. The book does not open. But the magic from it resonates in the air. She can feel its putrid pull, back out of the basement and not too far away.
 “There’s some sort of key nearby…” She mumbles, tracing her fingers over the leathery cover. 
 Astarion straightens beside her.
 “Well. We better go find it then.”
“There’s something down there?” Wyll peers over the edge of the well, eyeing the depths quizzically. “Are you sure?”
 Honestly, no, she wants to answer, but she can feel that chill touch of magic, the traces luring her down into the well.
 Her lips purse in thought.
 “Try throwing a gold piece down, we'll soon know what's at the bottom then.” She reasons. Astarion makes a disgruntled noise behind her.
 “A copper piece.” She amends. Karlach snickers.
 Wyll, good-natured as always, acquiesces in her request.
 The coin clinks down the well and makes a distinct thump shortly after.
 “It’s empty.” Wyll exclaims, “and not deep either.”
 They all look to her, and Morgana peers over the edge, noting iron rungs in the stone bricks. Steeling herself, she tugs her sleeves over her hands, swings her legs over the edge, and begins the climb down.
 It is dank and dark in the bottom of the well, the sounds of skittering in the distance make her skin crawl, but the magic pull is stronger here. Once again, she is grateful for her darkvision.
 And quickly remembers that at least one of her companions may not be able to see in the dark.
“Wyll,” she keeps her voice low, quiet, wary of the sounds echoing around them, “can you see alright?”
 By the tentative steps he takes to crouch beside her, she would wager that, no, he can't.
“Not as far as the rest of you, but I shall manage.” He responds.
 Karlach and Astarion come to crouch beside them, opposite in their countenance, Astarion’s stealth barely undermined by the soft glow of Karlachs engine.
“Stay close” Morgana tells him, the group steadily working their way into the cave as she follows the tug of necromancy and insatiable curiosity.
 She’s so absorbed in tracing the magic, not taking note of her surroundings, barring the chittering noises sending shivers up her spine, that she stumbles and her foot catches in a strange cocoon.
It’s only then, Wyll diving to help her, Astarion drawing his bow and Karlach brandishing her axe, that she notices the cobwebs surrounding them.
 Panic begins to swell in her chest, and she tugs her foot while Wyll slices through the cocoon. 
 Skittering sounds close in around them, the group staying tightly together. A shadow moves along the wall and Morgana swallows a shriek.
 Her leg finally free, she scrambles to her feet, hands crackling with power, but Wyll grasps her wrist. “The light will attract them.” He whispers, raising his rapier, then turns his head, concentrating, relying on his hearing over his limited vision.
 “Let’s just find this key, and hurry up and get out of here.” Astarion hisses.
 Morgana nods vehemently, squashing her magic down and tempering her impulse.
 Karlach hangs back, axe at the ready, maintaining steady breaths in an attempt to keep her flames down. They inevitably have to squash a couple of ettercaps, Astarion and Morgana hanging back with arrows and suppressed Eldritch Blasts, Wyll fighting alongside Karlach in her flamed fury, cleaving through them, and the few larger spiders that inevitably draw near.
 It seems for a moment as though no more are coming. 
 Until skittering noises rush close and Morgana almost screams.
 If not for the cool hand clapped over her mouth, and yanking her back into the shadows, out of sight. Her heart hammers in her chest, the worm suddenly squirming and Astarion’s voice whispers into her mind at the time as her back is flattened against him.
 “Keep. Still.”
She does. She doesn’t dare to move. Fear spikes through her and she holds her breath.
 Slowly, slowly, the sounds fade, and Astarion releases her, and she gasps, her hands trembling. She whirls to face him, and his eyes drop down. Confused, her own eyes follow to the blade in her trembling hand.
 It’s the first time she’s unsheathed her dagger since waking up on the beach.
 She drops it as though it burns her.
 They both stare at the ornate dagger for a moment, before she snatches it up and quickly re-sheaths it.
 “Th… Thank you.” She says. She brushes herself off, avoiding looking at the vampire, even as his questioning eyes linger, instead scanning for their two horned companions, spotting them a little ways away, wiping off their weapons.
 She waves them over.
 “I don’t think it's far now. Let’s just get this over with.”
 They follow behind her as she follows the trail. Around a corner, she spots it; a pulsing purple gem, seeping with necromancy. 
 But then, just above it, her eyes land on the largest spider she’s ever seen in her life, and all of its many eyes land on her.
 “♐︎◆︎♍︎🙵♓︎■︎♑︎ ♒︎♏︎●︎●︎⬧︎!” She swears in sylvan, and unleashes an eldritch blast.
The arachnid matriarch is dead. It must be. Morgana has unloaded three more blasts to its foetid corpse, and when she’s finally certain the bug is definitely dead, she spins on her heels, trips, and unceremoniously heaves, emptying her stomach's contents.
 “Ugh, charming…” 
Without looking, she flips off the grimacing vampire.
 “You doing ok over there, soldier?”
 Morgana retches again, unable to answer Karlach right away, hands now braced on her knees. The warmth from Karlachs hands hovers just over back, offering what little comfort she can without burning her.
 Coughing and gagging, Morgana takes a deep breath, filling her lungs, and finally straightens herself up.
 “Thanks Karlach, I just -” She gulps down another deep breath, this time reaching for her water skin, “I just really hate spiders.”
Wyll guffaws a laugh and quickly covers it with a cough, though his expression still shines with thinly-veiled amusement. Karlach grins.
 “Well! Let’s get out of here and get you some fresh air, eh!”
 She nods her agreement, noting that the purple gem is no longer on the floor, but she can still sense its power looming from the pale elf innocuously dusting himself off and with a minute shake of her head, she trails after Karlach towards the exit.
The fresh air does wonders for Morgana’s lingering nausea. Not so much for the clammy uncomfortable feeling of her padded armour sticking to her skin. She wrinkles her nose in distaste.
 “Have we searched all the buildings here?” She asks aloud, turning her head to Karlach. 
 “There’s a few older houses over here, they had some new-looking chests in them.”
 They both turn their heads expectantly to Astarion. Morgana’s mouth twitches into a sly grin.
 “You did say that I can't pick a lock earlier.”
He scowls. “Fine! But if there’s anything valuable, I want the first pick.”
 She chuckles and nods, and so that's how Astarion ends up lockpicking several trunks and chests, making unimpressed quips about how a few had nothing of value, finally stalking off with a huff to find Wyll when he’s done.
 Morgana and Karlach rummage through the chests. She picks a plain looking trunk, and unceremoniously upturns it, emptying its contents, when a flash of violet catches her eye. The half-elf pauses. The trunk did seem new, and it had been sealed, and there’s no musty smell emanating from the garment when she picks it up and examines it.
 “... Hey, Karlach?”
 “Hm?” The tiefling’s head pops up.
 “The area is clear now, right? We can take a break?”
“We cleared out goblins yesterday and now with those beasties today, i don’t see why not -”
 “Good. Keep watch for me for a moment.” Morgana interrupts and quickly strips herself of her padded armour, yanking it over her head and discarding it, ignoring the fresh air on her clammy skin and squirms into the new item, tugging it down. 
 “Holy shit. Your tits look great in that!” Karlach exclaims and Morgana bursts out laughing, smoothing her hands over the corset-esque top and flushing at the sight of her rather ample cleavage.
 “Hells, they don't look too showy, do they?” She laughs nervously.
 Karlach beams at her. “If you've got it, may as well show it off! Though I have to wonder where you've been hiding them!”
Morgana flushes, laughing awkwardly. The garment really does emphasise her assets. She was already somewhat well-endowed, and now, 
 “I look like I’m displaying goods for sale…”
“You look great!” Karlach chortles, “Now come on, Wyll will have lunch ready!”
Their lunch should have been uneventful. Or at least, it would have been not for their unwelcome visitor.
 “A devil?! It's bad enough we have worms in our heads, and now there’s a devil after us?!” Astarion splutters.
 “You can’t trust a word he says -” Karlach starts, ferociously.
“There is no good to come of dealing with a devil!” Wyll asserts.
“Let’s just get back to the others,” Morgana reasons, gathering up their things, and ushering them back to camp.
 The whole way, both Wyll and Karlach urge caution with Raphael, the newly acquainted devil in question, each recounting their own less-than-stellar experiences with devils and fiends. 
She allows the pair to take charge in recounting the meeting when they reunite with the rest of their camp. Although first, Lae’zel assess Morgana’s new clothes with the exacting opinion she’s come to expect.
 “This outfit offers no protection. You may not wield a sword, but you still join us in battle.” The warrior assesses, “Although. It certainly adds to your charm. You look… nice.”
 Morgana is briefly taken aback. Regardless, she thanks the warrior, who merely nods her reply and briskly adds that she expects Morgana to join her in weapons training soon, to which Morgana insists she will practise in preparation.
 After today, having to temper her powers to minimise discovery, perhaps she does need to be able to use her weapon when magic is out of the question.
On that note, the warlock glances around, noting her companions in deep discussion regarding the devil. All barring one.
 She knows where to find him, because despite his stealth, he still has the gem on his person and she can follow the magic emanating from it.
 The vampire is sitting beside the river, just on the bank, away from the camp. She approaches him quietly, and when he briefly acknowledges her presence without asking her to leave, she sits beside him.
 They stay in silence for a while, and she wonders when he changed into his camp clothes, watching him observe the river flowing by.
 The half-elf speaks first.
 “So, you might be needing a creepy skin-bound book to go with that eerie jewel in your pocket.”
 His mouth quirks up, amused. “I don’t know what you mean, darling. This is a perfectly good eerie jewel all on its own, don’t you agree?” He produces the amethyst with a flourish, side-eyeing her, and with a flick of his dexterous wrist, it disappears again.
She shakes her head with a smile. “You seemed interested in it, so I left it in your tent on my way by. Just. Be careful. Necromancy is powerful stuff.”
 He scoffs, waving her off. “Oh please, darling, it might have something helpful for an undead like myself. I’d be a fool to pass up that kind of power.”
 She just shrugs, turning back to the river.
 After another beat, she asks him, “Will you spar with me?”
 “Teach you a few little tricks, you mean?” He says suggestively.
 “Honestly, you are such a flirt.”
 “Only with you, you sweet, generous thing.” His silken admission ignites a spark under her skin, and he smirks knowingly.
 In a blink, he rises with all the grace and skill of a practised performer, flicking a dagger free from his waist. Morgana rises to her own feet, inelegantly, and fidgets with her rings, blinking up at Astarion.
 Pointedly, he looks at her still-sheathed blade at her hip. 
“Nach tarraing thu d’airm?” [Will you not draw your weapon?]
She bites her lip. She swallows. Her eyes dart away.
 “Could I borrow one of yours? Mas e do thoil e?” [please?]
 Astarion hums, considering and tilting his chin. “Alright,” he concedes, “dèan gàire orm an uairsin. Carson nach cleachd thu am biodag?” [Humor me then. Why don't you use the dagger?]
 He tosses his blade to her, and she stumbles to catch it, having been mentally translating his Elvish question. He comes at her quickly, swinging a blade with careful precision, and she jerks backwards, thrusting the borrowed blade up with both hands to defend.
 The vampire clicks his tongue, effortlessly batting her away, and holding his own under her chin.
 Just how many times is he going to get a knife to my throat?
He’s watching her expectantly.
She swallows and her throat bobs against the tip of the blade as she does. She licks her lips, readying the words. She speaks slowly, disjointed.
 “B’ e a’ chiad mharbhadh a bh’ agam. Rinn mi na bha agam ri dhèanamh.” [It was my first kill. I did what I had to.]
 Keen red eyes blink with interest.
 “Your pronunciation is awful, darling.” He sighs dramatically, “and your form is simply terrible. A bheil fios agad eadhon mar a chumas tu lann?” [Do you even know how to hold a blade?]
Shame colours her cheeks. “No.” She mutters, momentarily deflating. Then she stands up straighter and squares her shoulders, determined.
“Sin as coireach gu bheil mi ag iarraidh ort teagasg dhomh.” [That’s why I’m asking you to teach me.]
“Better.” His fangs catch the light with his grin. He raises his hand, demonstrating. “Like this, darling.”
 He gives her a moment, watching how those silver eyes scrutinise his hold, his grip, and then she mimics him. She nods. He rushes her again, but this time, she manages to deflect. It’s sloppy, he notes, but with a bit more practice, she can parry effectively.
 “Tha thu nad neach-ionnsachaidh luath.” [You’re a fast learner.]
Her face lights up at his praise. She’s actually enjoying herself. Elvish is much easier to speak when she doesn’t have the time to think about it, she discovers. As for wielding a dagger, it takes concentration, and practice, and by the end of their little training session, she’s more capable of defending herself. And speaking more naturally in Elvish. A double lesson.
 Despite how much skin she has exposed, his blade has not touched her skin once, though, she supposes, Astarion is just that skilled with a blade. It was intentional that he didn't catch or nick her.
 She hands his dagger back to him, chest heaving as she catches her breath. He gives her that signature smirk, taking it back with a thanks.
“You never mentioned that you can speak silvan.”
“I didn’t.” She answers levelly.
“How is it that a little half-human like yourself is fully fluent in silvan, but not elvish?” He folds his arms, tilting his head with curiosity.
 Morgana laughs breathily. “Fae stuff.”
“Well darling, you shall simply have to tell me more next time we have one of these little… study sessions.” 
 She smiles filled with mirth and amusement. “It’s a date.”
15 notes ¡ View notes
mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
Trickery & Daggers - Chapter 9
In which we tackle arachnophobia. Also on AO3 Masterlist Word count: 4859 Warnings: Biting, arachnophobia, vomiting, knife play
“ ‘Vampire spawn, although weaker than the Lords that spawned them, have incredible strength and powers including spider climb. These combined with their affinity with shadows make them a dangerous adversary to face alone.’ Hm, well, fancy that, the little warlock was right.” Astarion reads aloud with a hum. “It would seem that Bastard kept us all starved for more reasons than we knew.”
 The bitterness lances through him, twisting with renewed fury and loathing for the one that turned him and tormented him all these years. So far, the book has been insightful. Not only in teaching him new things about himself, but about other undead also. He had been hoping to find something - anything - to use against Cazador, though so far it's only reiterated what he already knows. Sunlight, silver, a stake through the heart.
 He was amused to discover that lesser zombies will not be hostile if you smell like a corpse. It seems to be unknown if the same is true for greater zombies, being that they only seem to occur alongside necromancers.
 He leafs through the pages, skimming more text and paragraphs on vampires, until he turns another page and raises one brow, curiosity bubbling within him.
 “They’re real?” He murmurs to himself, half-believingly. 
 ‘Often referred to as half-vampires, these creatures are not always the result of a union between a Vampire and a Mortal. ‘
 Now there’s something interesting. He’s assumed dhampirs are such a rarity due to the nigh-impossibiltiy of their conception. But maybe they’re not such an impossibility after all. 
‘Documented instances of dhampiric existence are confirmed but not limited to macabre bargains, necromantic influences and encounters with abstruse immortals.’
 He reads further, torn between amusement and a grimace when he finds that parasites can trigger this transformation through the host indulging its hunger. Well, these tadpoles suddenly have a few more complications or potential consequences. That will make their removal certainly interesting.
 Surely, being a vampire, he’s the only one of the group who is guaranteed to be safe of dhampiric transformation. Although, according to the next page, most studies show that while still sensitive, and in most cases weakened, they can walk in the daylight. Most of the time. The text seems to suggest that it can vary on an individual basis, what traits or powers a dhampir will share with a vampire.
 ‘ Typically, dhampirs can integrate and blend in better than their shadow-sworn kin. ‘
 “Ugh, what an obnoxious way of putting it.” Astarion rolls his eyes and instead returns to reading on what makes such a creature. “... ‘Reincarnation of a vampiric lord ancestor ‘ ? Oh dear, Strahd himself may yet walk among us!” He laughs to himself and then he instantly becomes more sombre, the fun lost, when his eyes fall to the next known cause of transformation.
 ‘Tragedy interrupted the transformation into an immortal.’
He stares accusively at the words for a long moment. His jaw clenches. He snaps the book shut.
Astarion decides he can read more later.
 “The sign says Moonhaven.”
“Well, the goblins were calling it Bogrot.”
The jovial chatter between Wyll and Karlach drifts in through the broken doorway of the apothecary.
“There’s a hatch over here. Shall we go down?” Morgana calls, peering over the counter top to the elf flipping through what appears to be a ledger.
 “Hm? Ah. Yes, it sounds like the owner had something hidden in a basement.” He says thoughtfully. Her own curiosity piqued now, she nods, and opens the hatch, descending down the ladder into the dank and stale room below, thankful for her inherited darkvision as she scans around her.
 Astarions boots step noiselessly down the ladder behind her, signalling his arrival. He stalks into the room, wrinkling his nose in disgust.
 “Ugh. It reeks of undead down here.”
 Morgana only hums in agreement. They both search the room, examining books, rummaging through drawers, patting down shelves, until Astarion makes an excited noise and something clunks and drags across the floor behind the bookcase.
 “A secret door.”
 “How cliche.” Morgana says dryly, and he giggles.
 Through the doorway, they find themselves in a cavernous opening, with sunlight leaking through the ceiling, and the thick smell of decay lingering about the coffins.
They exchange a quick glance. Astarion flips his daggers in his hands and crouches low, Morgana’s magic hums to life in her palms, and she takes aim, and nods.
 It doesn't take them long, going one by one through each coffin and eliminating the hostile skeletons in each one. Morgana checks all the remains, looting any valuables, while Astarion brushes any remaining bone dust from his clothes with apparent disdain.
 She can hear him muttering under his breath and rolls her eyes, hiding her smile, and wanders deeper into the cavern, halting when she spots something catching the light.
 “Astarion! Over here.”
 When he joins her, she gestures to the shining surface. It takes them longer than either would like to admit to realise they’re looking into a mirror.
 “I keep forgetting your reflection just disappears.” He clicks his tongue.
 She shrugs, scanning the silvery surface. “Honestly it’s rather pleasant to not be the only individual without one.”
 Before he can retort, a presence surges to life within the glass surface, a featureless mask, its hollow voice echoing out.
 “Speak thy na-me.”
Morgana lifts her chin, thinking, and slowly answers “Morgana.”
“I do not kno-w this name. Tell me, are thee an ally of my ma-ster?”
She grimaces and purses her lips.
 How about this…
“I know your master, Ilyn Toth.” She’d found a journal in the other room and quickly skimmed it. He was a former Red Wizard, although he only spoke of ‘Bringing her back.’
 “Ha. Clever little Warlock.” Astarion mutters his approval and she smirks to herself, pleased.
 “Fin-ally. If thee could see any-thing in me, what would it be?”
 Morgana pauses, folding her arms across her chest. What would she want to see in this mirror?
 “...I'd see myself free of this worm.”
“You se-ek to surv-ive.” The voice in the mirror seems pleased with her answer, and without much more to say, it dissipates, allowing the pair access to what appears to be a lab.
 Morgana lifts her chin in wonder, eyeing the large aquatic-looking skeleton hanging from the ceiling and glancing over the various apparatus and discarded, long rotten body parts, now mere bones, littered about the space.
 “What is all th-”
 She squawks indignantly, suddenly jerked back and flails her arms to keep balance. The warlock whirls on the vampire, incredulous, only for him to level her with an unimpressed stare.
“Traps.” He deadpans, pointing, without looking, right where Morgana was about to step. Her face burns briefly with a flash of embarrassment, but she clears her throat, regains her footing and mutters a thanks.
 She can feel his smug eyes on her as she carefully steps around the room, minding her footing this time, and approaches a locked gate.
 Her brows lower into a frown. There’s something magic in there; very old, and very powerful. Grasping at the bars, she tugs.
 It doesn’t budge.
 She clicks her tongue in annoyance. Turning, she reaches into her pockets, fishing out a lockpick and pin. A huff sounds over her shoulder.
 “You can’t pick a lock.”
 Morgana just rolls her eyes, carefully poking around in the lock with the tools. Unblinking, she mutters back “I can pick a pocket, can’t I?”
 “Yes, and you didn’t notice your own pocket getting picked by yours truly.” Astarion counters. “Just move over and let me do it before-”
 The tool snaps, a loud click echoing through the room.
 Morgana sheepishly turns her head up to him, Astarion glaring firmly at her. Relenting, she shuffles over without a word and he swoops down, peering into the lock and then immediately scoffs.
 “You’ve jammed the lock, darling.”
“You… can’t unjam it?” She asks meekly.
 He rises back to his feet, hands on his hips, exasperated. “No. I can’t. It's one thing to break a tool, it's another to break the damn lock in such a distinctly unhelpful manner.” He flaps his arms. “Now we can’t get in there and find what treasure they might have been hiding.”
“You’re incredibly petulant, you know that?” She says dryly, earning another glare. If he were a cat, his tail would be lashing in silent fury. “Look, maybe i can just blast the door,”
 “No. It’s trapped. You really are no good at spotting these things, are you?” 
 She throws her head back at his mocking tone, swallowing her own irritation, when she spots something.
 The vampire ignores her, skulking away already.
 He stops with a stomp. “What?”
“Did you read that book? The one I gave you?”
She can feel his intense gaze on her, puzzling over her. In her peripheral, he follows her gaze and looks up. The bars reach almost to the high ceilings, but there, near the top, there is a gap.
 “What are you thinking?” He asks, releasing a long sigh.
 “Can you spider climb?”
 “Ugh, this again-”
“Astarion have you even tried?” She levels him with a firm stare and he falters.
“Well, no-”
“Are you hungry?”
He freezes. Slowly meeting her eyes with some lingering trepidation.
He really is like a cat.
“Do you think you could do it if you feed?”
 His eyes dart to the barely-healed marks on her neck and she ignores the zip that his heated look sends up her spine.
 The vampire pauses, considering. “I would be willing to try it.” He says slowly, a silent question in his words.
 Oh. She had expected this, of course. But somehow, it still makes her flush.
She swallows.
 “You… You can feed on me, if you like.”
 His gaze darkens. He steps closer.
 “If you’re sure, darling.” His voice is low and rough.
She nods, resisting the urge to bite her lip. He taps a finger under her chin, tilting her face and leaning down.
“Use your words.” His breath ghosts over her skin.
 “Yes.” she whispers, and then his lips brush against her throat, hesitating for a heartbeat, allowing her this moment to change her mind. She holds still, only tipping her head to give him easier access.
 He hums his approval, gentle hands brushing her hair away, and then she gasps as his fangs sink into her neck, arms gripping her tight.
 Like the first time, it’s like ice, chilling and then numbing. Then it feels like she's floating. Her hands wind into his embroidered doublet, holding tight in an attempt to keep herself grounded while his arms snake around and hold her tightly, pressing her body against his and winding his fist into her violet locks.
 It feels… nice. Intimate, maybe. 
 She hears a soft groaning noise from her companion. Then a small moan. Heat sparks through her, even as her fingers start to grow cold.
 He’s been starving for years, she reminds herself, firmly, Of course he’ll enjoy a fresh meal. Although the thought of being meal did nothing for the heat rising to her cheeks.
 He drinks deeply, pulling her lifeblood into himself, savouring each mouthful, and right as her knees begin to go weak, he draws himself back.
 Those intense rubies bore into her, his face still so close. He drags his tongue over the wound, chasing the last drops of her blood, a final pleased groan escaping him, and a soft breathy whine leaves her lips unbidden.
 He looks more alive; there is a faint colour to his cheeks and the tips of his ears are tinted pink. He almost looks like he could be blushing.
 They stay that way for perhaps a moment too long, his arms slow as they release her, moving to her shoulders in an attempt to steady her. The whole time his eyes don't leave hers.
 He must be able to hear the erratic beat of her heart, she’s sure, and maybe she’s a little mortified. It is Morgana who looks away first, mumbling under her breath about the trail of red from the corner of his mouth.
 The vampire suddenly recoils back, as though uncomfortable with her proximity. His tongue darts out to lick up the stray line of blood and the tips of his ears flush a deeper pink.
 “I-” He clears his throat, regaining his composure, “thank you.”
 His attention pointedly turns to the wall, doubt still etched on his features.
 She watches him, wryly, trying to calm her racing pulse and quickly knocks back a healing potion, and gestures with the same hand towards the wall.
He pouts - actually pouts at her - his mouth twisting into a grimace. “Are we sure spawn can just - walk on walls?”
 “Oh for the love of-” Morgana sighs deeply, one hand now cupping her neck and again waves the bottle as she speaks. “If it fails, I promise to catch you, ok?”
 One silver brow quirks up, and while he clearly still has his doubts, he resigns himself and tentatively places one foot on the wall.
 Then the other.
 She watches his face morph with surprise, and notes just how round his eyes are when he’s not frowning or flirting. It doesn’t take him long to get the hang of it, some excitement lighting his features as he scurries up the surface, over the bars and deftly snatches something from a pedestal on the other side.
 He returns moments later, hopping down in front of her and brandishing an aged ugly book. She cocks her head.
 “Can I see that?”
 Reluctantly, he hands it over.
 Malevolent magic oozes from the book, two large amethyst eyes on the cover boring into her soul, the wide gaping mouth with its uneven teeth appearing like a trapped scream. The book does not open. But the magic from it resonates in the air. She can feel its putrid pull, back out of the basement and not too far away.
 “There’s some sort of key nearby…” She mumbles, tracing her fingers over the leathery cover. 
 Astarion straightens beside her.
 “Well. We better go find it then.”
“There’s something down there?” Wyll peers over the edge of the well, eyeing the depths quizzically. “Are you sure?”
 Honestly, no, she wants to answer, but she can feel that chill touch of magic, the traces luring her down into the well.
 Her lips purse in thought.
 “Try throwing a gold piece down, we'll soon know what's at the bottom then.” She reasons. Astarion makes a disgruntled noise behind her.
 “A copper piece.” She amends. Karlach snickers.
 Wyll, good-natured as always, acquiesces in her request.
 The coin clinks down the well and makes a distinct thump shortly after.
 “It’s empty.” Wyll exclaims, “and not deep either.”
 They all look to her, and Morgana peers over the edge, noting iron rungs in the stone bricks. Steeling herself, she tugs her sleeves over her hands, swings her legs over the edge, and begins the climb down.
 It is dank and dark in the bottom of the well, the sounds of skittering in the distance make her skin crawl, but the magic pull is stronger here. Once again, she is grateful for her darkvision.
 And quickly remembers that at least one of her companions may not be able to see in the dark.
“Wyll,” she keeps her voice low, quiet, wary of the sounds echoing around them, “can you see alright?”
 By the tentative steps he takes to crouch beside her, she would wager that, no, he can't.
“Not as far as the rest of you, but I shall manage.” He responds.
 Karlach and Astarion come to crouch beside them, opposite in their countenance, Astarion’s stealth barely undermined by the soft glow of Karlachs engine.
“Stay close” Morgana tells him, the group steadily working their way into the cave as she follows the tug of necromancy and insatiable curiosity.
 She’s so absorbed in tracing the magic, not taking note of her surroundings, barring the chittering noises sending shivers up her spine, that she stumbles and her foot catches in a strange cocoon.
It’s only then, Wyll diving to help her, Astarion drawing his bow and Karlach brandishing her axe, that she notices the cobwebs surrounding them.
 Panic begins to swell in her chest, and she tugs her foot while Wyll slices through the cocoon. 
 Skittering sounds close in around them, the group staying tightly together. A shadow moves along the wall and Morgana swallows a shriek.
 Her leg finally free, she scrambles to her feet, hands crackling with power, but Wyll grasps her wrist. “The light will attract them.” He whispers, raising his rapier, then turns his head, concentrating, relying on his hearing over his limited vision.
 “Let’s just find this key, and hurry up and get out of here.” Astarion hisses.
 Morgana nods vehemently, squashing her magic down and tempering her impulse.
 Karlach hangs back, axe at the ready, maintaining steady breaths in an attempt to keep her flames down. They inevitably have to squash a couple of ettercaps, Astarion and Morgana hanging back with arrows and suppressed Eldritch Blasts, Wyll fighting alongside Karlach in her flamed fury, cleaving through them, and the few larger spiders that inevitably draw near.
 It seems for a moment as though no more are coming. 
 Until skittering noises rush close and Morgana almost screams.
 If not for the cool hand clapped over her mouth, and yanking her back into the shadows, out of sight. Her heart hammers in her chest, the worm suddenly squirming and Astarion’s voice whispers into her mind at the time as her back is flattened against him.
 “Keep. Still.”
She does. She doesn’t dare to move. Fear spikes through her and she holds her breath.
 Slowly, slowly, the sounds fade, and Astarion releases her, and she gasps, her hands trembling. She whirls to face him, and his eyes drop down. Confused, her own eyes follow to the blade in her trembling hand.
 It’s the first time she’s unsheathed her dagger since waking up on the beach.
 She drops it as though it burns her.
 They both stare at the ornate dagger for a moment, before she snatches it up and quickly re-sheaths it.
 “Th… Thank you.” She says. She brushes herself off, avoiding looking at the vampire, even as his questioning eyes linger, instead scanning for their two horned companions, spotting them a little ways away, wiping off their weapons.
 She waves them over.
 “I don’t think it's far now. Let’s just get this over with.”
 They follow behind her as she follows the trail. Around a corner, she spots it; a pulsing purple gem, seeping with necromancy. 
 But then, just above it, her eyes land on the largest spider she’s ever seen in her life, and all of its many eyes land on her.
 “♐︎◆︎♍︎🙵♓︎■︎♑︎ ♒︎♏︎●︎●︎⬧︎!” She swears in sylvan, and unleashes an eldritch blast.
The arachnid matriarch is dead. It must be. Morgana has unloaded three more blasts to its foetid corpse, and when she’s finally certain the bug is definitely dead, she spins on her heels, trips, and unceremoniously heaves, emptying her stomach's contents.
 “Ugh, charming…” 
Without looking, she flips off the grimacing vampire.
 “You doing ok over there, soldier?”
 Morgana retches again, unable to answer Karlach right away, hands now braced on her knees. The warmth from Karlachs hands hovers just over back, offering what little comfort she can without burning her.
 Coughing and gagging, Morgana takes a deep breath, filling her lungs, and finally straightens herself up.
 “Thanks Karlach, I just -” She gulps down another deep breath, this time reaching for her water skin, “I just really hate spiders.”
Wyll guffaws a laugh and quickly covers it with a cough, though his expression still shines with thinly-veiled amusement. Karlach grins.
 “Well! Let’s get out of here and get you some fresh air, eh!”
 She nods her agreement, noting that the purple gem is no longer on the floor, but she can still sense its power looming from the pale elf innocuously dusting himself off and with a minute shake of her head, she trails after Karlach towards the exit.
The fresh air does wonders for Morgana’s lingering nausea. Not so much for the clammy uncomfortable feeling of her padded armour sticking to her skin. She wrinkles her nose in distaste.
 “Have we searched all the buildings here?” She asks aloud, turning her head to Karlach. 
 “There’s a few older houses over here, they had some new-looking chests in them.”
 They both turn their heads expectantly to Astarion. Morgana’s mouth twitches into a sly grin.
 “You did say that I can't pick a lock earlier.”
He scowls. “Fine! But if there’s anything valuable, I want the first pick.”
 She chuckles and nods, and so that's how Astarion ends up lockpicking several trunks and chests, making unimpressed quips about how a few had nothing of value, finally stalking off with a huff to find Wyll when he’s done.
 Morgana and Karlach rummage through the chests. She picks a plain looking trunk, and unceremoniously upturns it, emptying its contents, when a flash of violet catches her eye. The half-elf pauses. The trunk did seem new, and it had been sealed, and there’s no musty smell emanating from the garment when she picks it up and examines it.
 “... Hey, Karlach?”
 “Hm?” The tiefling’s head pops up.
 “The area is clear now, right? We can take a break?”
“We cleared out goblins yesterday and now with those beasties today, i don’t see why not -”
 “Good. Keep watch for me for a moment.” Morgana interrupts and quickly strips herself of her padded armour, yanking it over her head and discarding it, ignoring the fresh air on her clammy skin and squirms into the new item, tugging it down. 
 “Holy shit. Your tits look great in that!” Karlach exclaims and Morgana bursts out laughing, smoothing her hands over the corset-esque top and flushing at the sight of her rather ample cleavage.
 “Hells, they don't look too showy, do they?” She laughs nervously.
 Karlach beams at her. “If you've got it, may as well show it off! Though I have to wonder where you've been hiding them!”
Morgana flushes, laughing awkwardly. The garment really does emphasise her assets. She was already somewhat well-endowed, and now, 
 “I look like I’m displaying goods for sale…”
“You look great!” Karlach chortles, “Now come on, Wyll will have lunch ready!”
Their lunch should have been uneventful. Or at least, it would have been not for their unwelcome visitor.
 “A devil?! It's bad enough we have worms in our heads, and now there’s a devil after us?!” Astarion splutters.
 “You can’t trust a word he says -” Karlach starts, ferociously.
“There is no good to come of dealing with a devil!” Wyll asserts.
“Let’s just get back to the others,” Morgana reasons, gathering up their things, and ushering them back to camp.
 The whole way, both Wyll and Karlach urge caution with Raphael, the newly acquainted devil in question, each recounting their own less-than-stellar experiences with devils and fiends. 
She allows the pair to take charge in recounting the meeting when they reunite with the rest of their camp. Although first, Lae’zel assess Morgana’s new clothes with the exacting opinion she’s come to expect.
 “This outfit offers no protection. You may not wield a sword, but you still join us in battle.” The warrior assesses, “Although. It certainly adds to your charm. You look… nice.”
 Morgana is briefly taken aback. Regardless, she thanks the warrior, who merely nods her reply and briskly adds that she expects Morgana to join her in weapons training soon, to which Morgana insists she will practise in preparation.
 After today, having to temper her powers to minimise discovery, perhaps she does need to be able to use her weapon when magic is out of the question.
On that note, the warlock glances around, noting her companions in deep discussion regarding the devil. All barring one.
 She knows where to find him, because despite his stealth, he still has the gem on his person and she can follow the magic emanating from it.
 The vampire is sitting beside the river, just on the bank, away from the camp. She approaches him quietly, and when he briefly acknowledges her presence without asking her to leave, she sits beside him.
 They stay in silence for a while, and she wonders when he changed into his camp clothes, watching him observe the river flowing by.
 The half-elf speaks first.
 “So, you might be needing a creepy skin-bound book to go with that eerie jewel in your pocket.”
 His mouth quirks up, amused. “I don’t know what you mean, darling. This is a perfectly good eerie jewel all on its own, don’t you agree?” He produces the amethyst with a flourish, side-eyeing her, and with a flick of his dexterous wrist, it disappears again.
She shakes her head with a smile. “You seemed interested in it, so I left it in your tent on my way by. Just. Be careful. Necromancy is powerful stuff.”
 He scoffs, waving her off. “Oh please, darling, it might have something helpful for an undead like myself. I’d be a fool to pass up that kind of power.”
 She just shrugs, turning back to the river.
 After another beat, she asks him, “Will you spar with me?”
 “Teach you a few little tricks, you mean?” He says suggestively.
 “Honestly, you are such a flirt.”
 “Only with you, you sweet, generous thing.” His silken admission ignites a spark under her skin, and he smirks knowingly.
 In a blink, he rises with all the grace and skill of a practised performer, flicking a dagger free from his waist. Morgana rises to her own feet, inelegantly, and fidgets with her rings, blinking up at Astarion.
 Pointedly, he looks at her still-sheathed blade at her hip. 
“Nach tarraing thu d’airm?” [Will you not draw your weapon?]
She bites her lip. She swallows. Her eyes dart away.
 “Could I borrow one of yours? Mas e do thoil e?” [please?]
 Astarion hums, considering and tilting his chin. “Alright,” he concedes, “dèan gàire orm an uairsin. Carson nach cleachd thu am biodag?” [Humor me then. Why don't you use the dagger?]
 He tosses his blade to her, and she stumbles to catch it, having been mentally translating his Elvish question. He comes at her quickly, swinging a blade with careful precision, and she jerks backwards, thrusting the borrowed blade up with both hands to defend.
 The vampire clicks his tongue, effortlessly batting her away, and holding his own under her chin.
 Just how many times is he going to get a knife to my throat?
He’s watching her expectantly.
She swallows and her throat bobs against the tip of the blade as she does. She licks her lips, readying the words. She speaks slowly, disjointed.
 “B’ e a’ chiad mharbhadh a bh’ agam. Rinn mi na bha agam ri dhèanamh.” [It was my first kill. I did what I had to.]
 Keen red eyes blink with interest.
 “Your pronunciation is awful, darling.” He sighs dramatically, “and your form is simply terrible. A bheil fios agad eadhon mar a chumas tu lann?” [Do you even know how to hold a blade?]
Shame colours her cheeks. “No.” She mutters, momentarily deflating. Then she stands up straighter and squares her shoulders, determined.
“Sin as coireach gu bheil mi ag iarraidh ort teagasg dhomh.” [That’s why I’m asking you to teach me.]
“Better.” His fangs catch the light with his grin. He raises his hand, demonstrating. “Like this, darling.”
 He gives her a moment, watching how those silver eyes scrutinise his hold, his grip, and then she mimics him. She nods. He rushes her again, but this time, she manages to deflect. It’s sloppy, he notes, but with a bit more practice, she can parry effectively.
 “Tha thu nad neach-ionnsachaidh luath.” [You’re a fast learner.]
Her face lights up at his praise. She’s actually enjoying herself. Elvish is much easier to speak when she doesn’t have the time to think about it, she discovers. As for wielding a dagger, it takes concentration, and practice, and by the end of their little training session, she’s more capable of defending herself. And speaking more naturally in Elvish. A double lesson.
 Despite how much skin she has exposed, his blade has not touched her skin once, though, she supposes, Astarion is just that skilled with a blade. It was intentional that he didn't catch or nick her.
 She hands his dagger back to him, chest heaving as she catches her breath. He gives her that signature smirk, taking it back with a thanks.
“You never mentioned that you can speak silvan.”
“I didn’t.” She answers levelly.
“How is it that a little half-human like yourself is fully fluent in silvan, but not elvish?” He folds his arms, tilting his head with curiosity.
 Morgana laughs breathily. “Fae stuff.”
“Well darling, you shall simply have to tell me more next time we have one of these little… study sessions.” 
 She smiles filled with mirth and amusement. “It’s a date.”
15 notes ¡ View notes
mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
Trickery & Daggers - Chapter 9
In which we tackle arachnophobia. Also on AO3 Masterlist Word count: 4859 Warnings: Biting, arachnophobia, vomiting, knife play
“ ‘Vampire spawn, although weaker than the Lords that spawned them, have incredible strength and powers including spider climb. These combined with their affinity with shadows make them a dangerous adversary to face alone.’ Hm, well, fancy that, the little warlock was right.” Astarion reads aloud with a hum. “It would seem that Bastard kept us all starved for more reasons than we knew.”
 The bitterness lances through him, twisting with renewed fury and loathing for the one that turned him and tormented him all these years. So far, the book has been insightful. Not only in teaching him new things about himself, but about other undead also. He had been hoping to find something - anything - to use against Cazador, though so far it's only reiterated what he already knows. Sunlight, silver, a stake through the heart.
 He was amused to discover that lesser zombies will not be hostile if you smell like a corpse. It seems to be unknown if the same is true for greater zombies, being that they only seem to occur alongside necromancers.
 He leafs through the pages, skimming more text and paragraphs on vampires, until he turns another page and raises one brow, curiosity bubbling within him.
 “They’re real?” He murmurs to himself, half-believingly. 
 ‘Often referred to as half-vampires, these creatures are not always the result of a union between a Vampire and a Mortal. ‘
 Now there’s something interesting. He’s assumed dhampirs are such a rarity due to the nigh-impossibiltiy of their conception. But maybe they’re not such an impossibility after all. 
‘Documented instances of dhampiric existence are confirmed but not limited to macabre bargains, necromantic influences and encounters with abstruse immortals.’
 He reads further, torn between amusement and a grimace when he finds that parasites can trigger this transformation through the host indulging its hunger. Well, these tadpoles suddenly have a few more complications or potential consequences. That will make their removal certainly interesting.
 Surely, being a vampire, he’s the only one of the group who is guaranteed to be safe of dhampiric transformation. Although, according to the next page, most studies show that while still sensitive, and in most cases weakened, they can walk in the daylight. Most of the time. The text seems to suggest that it can vary on an individual basis, what traits or powers a dhampir will share with a vampire.
 ‘ Typically, dhampirs can integrate and blend in better than their shadow-sworn kin. ‘
 “Ugh, what an obnoxious way of putting it.” Astarion rolls his eyes and instead returns to reading on what makes such a creature. “... ‘Reincarnation of a vampiric lord ancestor ‘ ? Oh dear, Strahd himself may yet walk among us!” He laughs to himself and then he instantly becomes more sombre, the fun lost, when his eyes fall to the next known cause of transformation.
 ‘Tragedy interrupted the transformation into an immortal.’
He stares accusively at the words for a long moment. His jaw clenches. He snaps the book shut.
Astarion decides he can read more later.
 “The sign says Moonhaven.”
“Well, the goblins were calling it Bogrot.”
The jovial chatter between Wyll and Karlach drifts in through the broken doorway of the apothecary.
“There’s a hatch over here. Shall we go down?” Morgana calls, peering over the counter top to the elf flipping through what appears to be a ledger.
 “Hm? Ah. Yes, it sounds like the owner had something hidden in a basement.” He says thoughtfully. Her own curiosity piqued now, she nods, and opens the hatch, descending down the ladder into the dank and stale room below, thankful for her inherited darkvision as she scans around her.
 Astarions boots step noiselessly down the ladder behind her, signalling his arrival. He stalks into the room, wrinkling his nose in disgust.
 “Ugh. It reeks of undead down here.”
 Morgana only hums in agreement. They both search the room, examining books, rummaging through drawers, patting down shelves, until Astarion makes an excited noise and something clunks and drags across the floor behind the bookcase.
 “A secret door.”
 “How cliche.” Morgana says dryly, and he giggles.
 Through the doorway, they find themselves in a cavernous opening, with sunlight leaking through the ceiling, and the thick smell of decay lingering about the coffins.
They exchange a quick glance. Astarion flips his daggers in his hands and crouches low, Morgana’s magic hums to life in her palms, and she takes aim, and nods.
 It doesn't take them long, going one by one through each coffin and eliminating the hostile skeletons in each one. Morgana checks all the remains, looting any valuables, while Astarion brushes any remaining bone dust from his clothes with apparent disdain.
 She can hear him muttering under his breath and rolls her eyes, hiding her smile, and wanders deeper into the cavern, halting when she spots something catching the light.
 “Astarion! Over here.”
 When he joins her, she gestures to the shining surface. It takes them longer than either would like to admit to realise they’re looking into a mirror.
 “I keep forgetting your reflection just disappears.” He clicks his tongue.
 She shrugs, scanning the silvery surface. “Honestly it’s rather pleasant to not be the only individual without one.”
 Before he can retort, a presence surges to life within the glass surface, a featureless mask, its hollow voice echoing out.
 “Speak thy na-me.”
Morgana lifts her chin, thinking, and slowly answers “Morgana.”
“I do not kno-w this name. Tell me, are thee an ally of my ma-ster?”
She grimaces and purses her lips.
 How about this…
“I know your master, Ilyn Toth.” She’d found a journal in the other room and quickly skimmed it. He was a former Red Wizard, although he only spoke of ‘Bringing her back.’
 ���Ha. Clever little Warlock.” Astarion mutters his approval and she smirks to herself, pleased.
 “Fin-ally. If thee could see any-thing in me, what would it be?”
 Morgana pauses, folding her arms across her chest. What would she want to see in this mirror?
 “...I'd see myself free of this worm.”
“You se-ek to surv-ive.” The voice in the mirror seems pleased with her answer, and without much more to say, it dissipates, allowing the pair access to what appears to be a lab.
 Morgana lifts her chin in wonder, eyeing the large aquatic-looking skeleton hanging from the ceiling and glancing over the various apparatus and discarded, long rotten body parts, now mere bones, littered about the space.
 “What is all th-”
 She squawks indignantly, suddenly jerked back and flails her arms to keep balance. The warlock whirls on the vampire, incredulous, only for him to level her with an unimpressed stare.
“Traps.” He deadpans, pointing, without looking, right where Morgana was about to step. Her face burns briefly with a flash of embarrassment, but she clears her throat, regains her footing and mutters a thanks.
 She can feel his smug eyes on her as she carefully steps around the room, minding her footing this time, and approaches a locked gate.
 Her brows lower into a frown. There’s something magic in there; very old, and very powerful. Grasping at the bars, she tugs.
 It doesn’t budge.
 She clicks her tongue in annoyance. Turning, she reaches into her pockets, fishing out a lockpick and pin. A huff sounds over her shoulder.
 “You can’t pick a lock.”
 Morgana just rolls her eyes, carefully poking around in the lock with the tools. Unblinking, she mutters back “I can pick a pocket, can’t I?”
 “Yes, and you didn’t notice your own pocket getting picked by yours truly.” Astarion counters. “Just move over and let me do it before-”
 The tool snaps, a loud click echoing through the room.
 Morgana sheepishly turns her head up to him, Astarion glaring firmly at her. Relenting, she shuffles over without a word and he swoops down, peering into the lock and then immediately scoffs.
 “You’ve jammed the lock, darling.”
“You… can’t unjam it?” She asks meekly.
 He rises back to his feet, hands on his hips, exasperated. “No. I can’t. It's one thing to break a tool, it's another to break the damn lock in such a distinctly unhelpful manner.” He flaps his arms. “Now we can’t get in there and find what treasure they might have been hiding.”
“You’re incredibly petulant, you know that?” She says dryly, earning another glare. If he were a cat, his tail would be lashing in silent fury. “Look, maybe i can just blast the door,”
 “No. It’s trapped. You really are no good at spotting these things, are you?” 
 She throws her head back at his mocking tone, swallowing her own irritation, when she spots something.
 The vampire ignores her, skulking away already.
 He stops with a stomp. “What?”
“Did you read that book? The one I gave you?”
She can feel his intense gaze on her, puzzling over her. In her peripheral, he follows her gaze and looks up. The bars reach almost to the high ceilings, but there, near the top, there is a gap.
 “What are you thinking?” He asks, releasing a long sigh.
 “Can you spider climb?”
 “Ugh, this again-”
“Astarion have you even tried?” She levels him with a firm stare and he falters.
“Well, no-”
“Are you hungry?”
He freezes. Slowly meeting her eyes with some lingering trepidation.
He really is like a cat.
“Do you think you could do it if you feed?”
 His eyes dart to the barely-healed marks on her neck and she ignores the zip that his heated look sends up her spine.
 The vampire pauses, considering. “I would be willing to try it.” He says slowly, a silent question in his words.
 Oh. She had expected this, of course. But somehow, it still makes her flush.
She swallows.
 “You… You can feed on me, if you like.”
 His gaze darkens. He steps closer.
 “If you’re sure, darling.” His voice is low and rough.
She nods, resisting the urge to bite her lip. He taps a finger under her chin, tilting her face and leaning down.
“Use your words.” His breath ghosts over her skin.
 “Yes.” she whispers, and then his lips brush against her throat, hesitating for a heartbeat, allowing her this moment to change her mind. She holds still, only tipping her head to give him easier access.
 He hums his approval, gentle hands brushing her hair away, and then she gasps as his fangs sink into her neck, arms gripping her tight.
 Like the first time, it’s like ice, chilling and then numbing. Then it feels like she's floating. Her hands wind into his embroidered doublet, holding tight in an attempt to keep herself grounded while his arms snake around and hold her tightly, pressing her body against his and winding his fist into her violet locks.
 It feels… nice. Intimate, maybe. 
 She hears a soft groaning noise from her companion. Then a small moan. Heat sparks through her, even as her fingers start to grow cold.
 He’s been starving for years, she reminds herself, firmly, Of course he’ll enjoy a fresh meal. Although the thought of being meal did nothing for the heat rising to her cheeks.
 He drinks deeply, pulling her lifeblood into himself, savouring each mouthful, and right as her knees begin to go weak, he draws himself back.
 Those intense rubies bore into her, his face still so close. He drags his tongue over the wound, chasing the last drops of her blood, a final pleased groan escaping him, and a soft breathy whine leaves her lips unbidden.
 He looks more alive; there is a faint colour to his cheeks and the tips of his ears are tinted pink. He almost looks like he could be blushing.
 They stay that way for perhaps a moment too long, his arms slow as they release her, moving to her shoulders in an attempt to steady her. The whole time his eyes don't leave hers.
 He must be able to hear the erratic beat of her heart, she’s sure, and maybe she’s a little mortified. It is Morgana who looks away first, mumbling under her breath about the trail of red from the corner of his mouth.
 The vampire suddenly recoils back, as though uncomfortable with her proximity. His tongue darts out to lick up the stray line of blood and the tips of his ears flush a deeper pink.
 “I-” He clears his throat, regaining his composure, “thank you.”
 His attention pointedly turns to the wall, doubt still etched on his features.
 She watches him, wryly, trying to calm her racing pulse and quickly knocks back a healing potion, and gestures with the same hand towards the wall.
He pouts - actually pouts at her - his mouth twisting into a grimace. “Are we sure spawn can just - walk on walls?”
 “Oh for the love of-” Morgana sighs deeply, one hand now cupping her neck and again waves the bottle as she speaks. “If it fails, I promise to catch you, ok?”
 One silver brow quirks up, and while he clearly still has his doubts, he resigns himself and tentatively places one foot on the wall.
 Then the other.
 She watches his face morph with surprise, and notes just how round his eyes are when he’s not frowning or flirting. It doesn’t take him long to get the hang of it, some excitement lighting his features as he scurries up the surface, over the bars and deftly snatches something from a pedestal on the other side.
 He returns moments later, hopping down in front of her and brandishing an aged ugly book. She cocks her head.
 “Can I see that?”
 Reluctantly, he hands it over.
 Malevolent magic oozes from the book, two large amethyst eyes on the cover boring into her soul, the wide gaping mouth with its uneven teeth appearing like a trapped scream. The book does not open. But the magic from it resonates in the air. She can feel its putrid pull, back out of the basement and not too far away.
 “There’s some sort of key nearby…” She mumbles, tracing her fingers over the leathery cover. 
 Astarion straightens beside her.
 “Well. We better go find it then.”
“There’s something down there?” Wyll peers over the edge of the well, eyeing the depths quizzically. “Are you sure?”
 Honestly, no, she wants to answer, but she can feel that chill touch of magic, the traces luring her down into the well.
 Her lips purse in thought.
 “Try throwing a gold piece down, we'll soon know what's at the bottom then.” She reasons. Astarion makes a disgruntled noise behind her.
 “A copper piece.” She amends. Karlach snickers.
 Wyll, good-natured as always, acquiesces in her request.
 The coin clinks down the well and makes a distinct thump shortly after.
 “It’s empty.” Wyll exclaims, “and not deep either.”
 They all look to her, and Morgana peers over the edge, noting iron rungs in the stone bricks. Steeling herself, she tugs her sleeves over her hands, swings her legs over the edge, and begins the climb down.
 It is dank and dark in the bottom of the well, the sounds of skittering in the distance make her skin crawl, but the magic pull is stronger here. Once again, she is grateful for her darkvision.
 And quickly remembers that at least one of her companions may not be able to see in the dark.
“Wyll,” she keeps her voice low, quiet, wary of the sounds echoing around them, “can you see alright?”
 By the tentative steps he takes to crouch beside her, she would wager that, no, he can't.
“Not as far as the rest of you, but I shall manage.” He responds.
 Karlach and Astarion come to crouch beside them, opposite in their countenance, Astarion’s stealth barely undermined by the soft glow of Karlachs engine.
“Stay close” Morgana tells him, the group steadily working their way into the cave as she follows the tug of necromancy and insatiable curiosity.
 She’s so absorbed in tracing the magic, not taking note of her surroundings, barring the chittering noises sending shivers up her spine, that she stumbles and her foot catches in a strange cocoon.
It’s only then, Wyll diving to help her, Astarion drawing his bow and Karlach brandishing her axe, that she notices the cobwebs surrounding them.
 Panic begins to swell in her chest, and she tugs her foot while Wyll slices through the cocoon. 
 Skittering sounds close in around them, the group staying tightly together. A shadow moves along the wall and Morgana swallows a shriek.
 Her leg finally free, she scrambles to her feet, hands crackling with power, but Wyll grasps her wrist. “The light will attract them.” He whispers, raising his rapier, then turns his head, concentrating, relying on his hearing over his limited vision.
 “Let’s just find this key, and hurry up and get out of here.” Astarion hisses.
 Morgana nods vehemently, squashing her magic down and tempering her impulse.
 Karlach hangs back, axe at the ready, maintaining steady breaths in an attempt to keep her flames down. They inevitably have to squash a couple of ettercaps, Astarion and Morgana hanging back with arrows and suppressed Eldritch Blasts, Wyll fighting alongside Karlach in her flamed fury, cleaving through them, and the few larger spiders that inevitably draw near.
 It seems for a moment as though no more are coming. 
 Until skittering noises rush close and Morgana almost screams.
 If not for the cool hand clapped over her mouth, and yanking her back into the shadows, out of sight. Her heart hammers in her chest, the worm suddenly squirming and Astarion’s voice whispers into her mind at the time as her back is flattened against him.
 “Keep. Still.”
She does. She doesn’t dare to move. Fear spikes through her and she holds her breath.
 Slowly, slowly, the sounds fade, and Astarion releases her, and she gasps, her hands trembling. She whirls to face him, and his eyes drop down. Confused, her own eyes follow to the blade in her trembling hand.
 It’s the first time she’s unsheathed her dagger since waking up on the beach.
 She drops it as though it burns her.
 They both stare at the ornate dagger for a moment, before she snatches it up and quickly re-sheaths it.
 “Th… Thank you.” She says. She brushes herself off, avoiding looking at the vampire, even as his questioning eyes linger, instead scanning for their two horned companions, spotting them a little ways away, wiping off their weapons.
 She waves them over.
 “I don’t think it's far now. Let’s just get this over with.”
 They follow behind her as she follows the trail. Around a corner, she spots it; a pulsing purple gem, seeping with necromancy. 
 But then, just above it, her eyes land on the largest spider she’s ever seen in her life, and all of its many eyes land on her.
 “♐︎◆︎♍︎🙵♓︎■︎♑︎ ♒︎♏︎●︎●︎⬧︎!” She swears in sylvan, and unleashes an eldritch blast.
The arachnid matriarch is dead. It must be. Morgana has unloaded three more blasts to its foetid corpse, and when she’s finally certain the bug is definitely dead, she spins on her heels, trips, and unceremoniously heaves, emptying her stomach's contents.
 “Ugh, charming…” 
Without looking, she flips off the grimacing vampire.
 “You doing ok over there, soldier?”
 Morgana retches again, unable to answer Karlach right away, hands now braced on her knees. The warmth from Karlachs hands hovers just over back, offering what little comfort she can without burning her.
 Coughing and gagging, Morgana takes a deep breath, filling her lungs, and finally straightens herself up.
 “Thanks Karlach, I just -” She gulps down another deep breath, this time reaching for her water skin, “I just really hate spiders.”
Wyll guffaws a laugh and quickly covers it with a cough, though his expression still shines with thinly-veiled amusement. Karlach grins.
 “Well! Let’s get out of here and get you some fresh air, eh!”
 She nods her agreement, noting that the purple gem is no longer on the floor, but she can still sense its power looming from the pale elf innocuously dusting himself off and with a minute shake of her head, she trails after Karlach towards the exit.
The fresh air does wonders for Morgana’s lingering nausea. Not so much for the clammy uncomfortable feeling of her padded armour sticking to her skin. She wrinkles her nose in distaste.
 “Have we searched all the buildings here?” She asks aloud, turning her head to Karlach. 
 “There’s a few older houses over here, they had some new-looking chests in them.”
 They both turn their heads expectantly to Astarion. Morgana’s mouth twitches into a sly grin.
 “You did say that I can't pick a lock earlier.”
He scowls. “Fine! But if there’s anything valuable, I want the first pick.”
 She chuckles and nods, and so that's how Astarion ends up lockpicking several trunks and chests, making unimpressed quips about how a few had nothing of value, finally stalking off with a huff to find Wyll when he’s done.
 Morgana and Karlach rummage through the chests. She picks a plain looking trunk, and unceremoniously upturns it, emptying its contents, when a flash of violet catches her eye. The half-elf pauses. The trunk did seem new, and it had been sealed, and there’s no musty smell emanating from the garment when she picks it up and examines it.
 “... Hey, Karlach?”
 “Hm?” The tiefling’s head pops up.
 “The area is clear now, right? We can take a break?”
“We cleared out goblins yesterday and now with those beasties today, i don’t see why not -”
 “Good. Keep watch for me for a moment.” Morgana interrupts and quickly strips herself of her padded armour, yanking it over her head and discarding it, ignoring the fresh air on her clammy skin and squirms into the new item, tugging it down. 
 “Holy shit. Your tits look great in that!” Karlach exclaims and Morgana bursts out laughing, smoothing her hands over the corset-esque top and flushing at the sight of her rather ample cleavage.
 “Hells, they don't look too showy, do they?” She laughs nervously.
 Karlach beams at her. “If you've got it, may as well show it off! Though I have to wonder where you've been hiding them!”
Morgana flushes, laughing awkwardly. The garment really does emphasise her assets. She was already somewhat well-endowed, and now, 
 “I look like I’m displaying goods for sale…”
“You look great!” Karlach chortles, “Now come on, Wyll will have lunch ready!”
Their lunch should have been uneventful. Or at least, it would have been not for their unwelcome visitor.
 “A devil?! It's bad enough we have worms in our heads, and now there’s a devil after us?!” Astarion splutters.
 “You can’t trust a word he says -” Karlach starts, ferociously.
“There is no good to come of dealing with a devil!” Wyll asserts.
“Let’s just get back to the others,” Morgana reasons, gathering up their things, and ushering them back to camp.
 The whole way, both Wyll and Karlach urge caution with Raphael, the newly acquainted devil in question, each recounting their own less-than-stellar experiences with devils and fiends. 
She allows the pair to take charge in recounting the meeting when they reunite with the rest of their camp. Although first, Lae’zel assess Morgana’s new clothes with the exacting opinion she’s come to expect.
 “This outfit offers no protection. You may not wield a sword, but you still join us in battle.” The warrior assesses, “Although. It certainly adds to your charm. You look… nice.”
 Morgana is briefly taken aback. Regardless, she thanks the warrior, who merely nods her reply and briskly adds that she expects Morgana to join her in weapons training soon, to which Morgana insists she will practise in preparation.
 After today, having to temper her powers to minimise discovery, perhaps she does need to be able to use her weapon when magic is out of the question.
On that note, the warlock glances around, noting her companions in deep discussion regarding the devil. All barring one.
 She knows where to find him, because despite his stealth, he still has the gem on his person and she can follow the magic emanating from it.
 The vampire is sitting beside the river, just on the bank, away from the camp. She approaches him quietly, and when he briefly acknowledges her presence without asking her to leave, she sits beside him.
 They stay in silence for a while, and she wonders when he changed into his camp clothes, watching him observe the river flowing by.
 The half-elf speaks first.
 “So, you might be needing a creepy skin-bound book to go with that eerie jewel in your pocket.”
 His mouth quirks up, amused. “I don’t know what you mean, darling. This is a perfectly good eerie jewel all on its own, don’t you agree?” He produces the amethyst with a flourish, side-eyeing her, and with a flick of his dexterous wrist, it disappears again.
She shakes her head with a smile. “You seemed interested in it, so I left it in your tent on my way by. Just. Be careful. Necromancy is powerful stuff.”
 He scoffs, waving her off. “Oh please, darling, it might have something helpful for an undead like myself. I’d be a fool to pass up that kind of power.”
 She just shrugs, turning back to the river.
 After another beat, she asks him, “Will you spar with me?”
 “Teach you a few little tricks, you mean?” He says suggestively.
 “Honestly, you are such a flirt.”
 “Only with you, you sweet, generous thing.” His silken admission ignites a spark under her skin, and he smirks knowingly.
 In a blink, he rises with all the grace and skill of a practised performer, flicking a dagger free from his waist. Morgana rises to her own feet, inelegantly, and fidgets with her rings, blinking up at Astarion.
 Pointedly, he looks at her still-sheathed blade at her hip. 
“Nach tarraing thu d’airm?” [Will you not draw your weapon?]
She bites her lip. She swallows. Her eyes dart away.
 “Could I borrow one of yours? Mas e do thoil e?” [please?]
 Astarion hums, considering and tilting his chin. “Alright,” he concedes, “dèan gàire orm an uairsin. Carson nach cleachd thu am biodag?” [Humor me then. Why don't you use the dagger?]
 He tosses his blade to her, and she stumbles to catch it, having been mentally translating his Elvish question. He comes at her quickly, swinging a blade with careful precision, and she jerks backwards, thrusting the borrowed blade up with both hands to defend.
 The vampire clicks his tongue, effortlessly batting her away, and holding his own under her chin.
 Just how many times is he going to get a knife to my throat?
He’s watching her expectantly.
She swallows and her throat bobs against the tip of the blade as she does. She licks her lips, readying the words. She speaks slowly, disjointed.
 “B’ e a’ chiad mharbhadh a bh’ agam. Rinn mi na bha agam ri dhèanamh.” [It was my first kill. I did what I had to.]
 Keen red eyes blink with interest.
 “Your pronunciation is awful, darling.” He sighs dramatically, “and your form is simply terrible. A bheil fios agad eadhon mar a chumas tu lann?” [Do you even know how to hold a blade?]
Shame colours her cheeks. “No.” She mutters, momentarily deflating. Then she stands up straighter and squares her shoulders, determined.
“Sin as coireach gu bheil mi ag iarraidh ort teagasg dhomh.” [That’s why I’m asking you to teach me.]
“Better.” His fangs catch the light with his grin. He raises his hand, demonstrating. “Like this, darling.”
 He gives her a moment, watching how those silver eyes scrutinise his hold, his grip, and then she mimics him. She nods. He rushes her again, but this time, she manages to deflect. It’s sloppy, he notes, but with a bit more practice, she can parry effectively.
 “Tha thu nad neach-ionnsachaidh luath.” [You’re a fast learner.]
Her face lights up at his praise. She’s actually enjoying herself. Elvish is much easier to speak when she doesn’t have the time to think about it, she discovers. As for wielding a dagger, it takes concentration, and practice, and by the end of their little training session, she’s more capable of defending herself. And speaking more naturally in Elvish. A double lesson.
 Despite how much skin she has exposed, his blade has not touched her skin once, though, she supposes, Astarion is just that skilled with a blade. It was intentional that he didn't catch or nick her.
 She hands his dagger back to him, chest heaving as she catches her breath. He gives her that signature smirk, taking it back with a thanks.
“You never mentioned that you can speak silvan.”
“I didn’t.” She answers levelly.
“How is it that a little half-human like yourself is fully fluent in silvan, but not elvish?” He folds his arms, tilting his head with curiosity.
 Morgana laughs breathily. “Fae stuff.”
“Well darling, you shall simply have to tell me more next time we have one of these little… study sessions.” 
 She smiles filled with mirth and amusement. “It’s a date.”
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
Trickery & Daggers Masterlist ✦
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An Archfey warlock meets a runaway Vampire Spawn. What could possibly go wrong? They and their newly found allies each seek to rid themselves of the unwanted worms in their skull and stave off impending doom for at least another day together.
Also available on AO3
Rated M. Eventual smut
Warnings: (to be added)
Centres on my Tav, Morgana, an Archfae Warlock. I might be a bit obsessed with her.
Entirely self indulgent.
Game retelling, with my own flair added. Tavstarion. Found family trope and camp shenanigans.
Chapter List:
Chapter 1 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we meet (almost) everyone.
Chapter 2 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we encounter the emerald grove and greet some residents.
Chapter 3 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a snake is dealt with, and a nice night around the bonfire is had.
Chapter 4 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a hot tiefling is collected, and some campmates spar.
Chapter 5 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we get to know everyone a little more.
Chapter 6 - Tumblr / AO3
In which a hungry vampire comes calling.
Chapter 7 - Tumblr / AO3
In which we play a questions game.
Chapter 8 - Tumblr / AO3
In which studying happens, and we voice a reflection.
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
In which Morgana considers the origins of strange dreams she keeps having. (One-shot) wordcount: 579 warnings: mentions of character death Also on AO3 (and including some context!) Trickery & Daggers Masterlist
 There were some days when Withers looked at her expectantly. As though he knew something she didn't.
 But perhaps he did.
 Morgana has dreams, sometimes. Impossible dreams.
 Slaughtering beasts on the night of the hunt, living in blood and returning to a workshop.
 Hollow undead and a dying flame of great significance. Demons and skeletons and a dragon without scales.
 Speaking the words of dragons and chanting walls.
 Creatures in capsules, capable of great power, fighting alongside her.
 A dying world, only salvageable by slaying demigods and uniting their power, by the grace of gold.
 Impossible things.
 Things she recognises without having seen them before. After all, Morgana has never left FaerÝn. She was born here, grew up here and now faces a hideous and disfiguring transformation if she doesn't remove the parasite from her behind her eye.
 How could she have seen these things?
 She is no true elf, she has no reverie, surely. These dreams feel real. They feel like an altogether other lifetime, so very very long ago.
 A lifetime belonging to her?
 Withers’ skeletal features seem to uplift, as though he knows something she doesn't. Perhaps he does.
 Perhaps he knew the one in her dreams. The one who crossed planes and travelled through impossible realities.
 The one who died, and awoke again, and continued to fight.
 Until she was finally slain, that is.
 Morgana dreams about it, waking up in a sweat, as though the death was her own, it was her own head cleaved from her shoulders, her own eyes staring at her headless body as she is speared through the heart by an unfathomable blade.
 And thus, the Planeswalkers’ light was finally snuffed out.
 There are no records of any such individual, Morgana has searched, she has asked questions, and she has only ever been met with blank stares.
 Maybe she just hasn't asked the right person yet.
 She approaches Withers on unsteady feet, legs that do not feel like her own. He watches her in silence, waiting for her to ask her questions.
 He waits, expectantly.
 Morgana swallows. And again. Her mouth feels dry.
 In a voice that does not feel like her own, she finally asks “who is she?”
 He smiles. And he waits.
 She tries again.
 “Who is she?”
 “There are some souls that are simply not content with rest, once cleaved from body.” Withers begins, “this was one such soul, restless and willful.”
 “But she - I saw her. I saw her die to fatal blows before, only to rise and return to finish what she started.”
 “Yes. That is true. However, when one is slain by such an accursed blade, the process is interrupted.” He intones.
 Her head shakes.
 “Why… Why do I dream of her?” Her voice almost breaks.
 “Is it not within thine heritage to experience reverie of past lives?”
 Past lives?
 That's not possible. She tells him so, half elves don't have past lives.
 “As thee are now, perhaps not. Reincarnation is seldom a simple thing.” He finishes sagely.
 Morgana stares.
 He must be joking.
 She steps back once. Then again. His expression holds endless patience. She turns away, retreats into her tent and does nothing.
 She stares at the canvas wall, faintly illuminated by her jar of faerie fire. She watches the shadows and shapes and silhouettes as they dance and ebb and flow.
 She stares until her eyes grow heavy and she succumbs to slumber once more and falls back into impossible dreams.
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
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Still obsessed 💜
Ref 👇
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
Smutty Mondays
Fuck it, i wanted to share some spicy wips. 😆
"The sunny venture in voyeurism"
This doesnt even have the smut in it but i wanted to share more wips
 She blushes deeper. “People might hear us.” “Then you’ll just have to keep those pretty lips sealed.” Silver iris’ peek up at him, almost swallowed by her lust-blown pupils. “You’ll tell me if it’s too much?” He nods, opening his mouth to reassure her but she cuts him off, “It’s ok if we need to stop.” Affection floods him, planting his lips on her forehead. “My sweet, I’ve been unable to stop thinking about how much I want to take you under the sunlight, its rays on your skin while we enjoy a little death together.”  A bark of laughter on the wind catches their attention and he grins wickedly at her. “...And if you don't want us to be caught, well then, you just need to stay quiet.”
I would tag people but im weird and awkward. Consider yourself tagged if you have some smut in the works.
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
Snippet Sunday Monday
I got tagged by @tragedybunny <3
So, i humbly offer a preview for the next chapter of Trickery & Daggers.
 He returns moments later, hopping down in front of her and brandishing an aged ugly book. She cocks her head.  “Can I see that?”  Reluctantly, he hands it over.  Malevolent magic oozes from the book, two large amethyst eyes on the cover boring into her soul, the wide gaping mouth with its uneven teeth appearing like a trapped scream. The book does not open. But the magic from it resonates in the air. She can feel its putrid pull, back out of the basement and not too far away.  “There’s some sort of key nearby…” She mumbles, tracing her fingers over the leathery cover.   Astarion straightens beside her.  “Well. We better go find it then.”
No pressure tags: @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate @tallymonster @brain-rot-central @pickel182
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
I think Cazador woke up from his 2 minute “healing slumber” the same way you wake up from a 3 hour nap absolutely bamboozled with no idea who you are or what time it is. Astarion pushes him out of the coffin and Cazador is just squinting up at him like
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
Surprise smut Sunday Tuesday evening (before bed)
I got tagged 5 days ago by @pickel182 🙈
My head is an absolute shed lately, but have something I started cooking up a good few weeks (or a couple months really) ago.
So, uh, nsfw sneak peek 🫣
“I think you can give me one more…” He purrs by ear, rolling his hips into hers. She makes a strangled cry, her limbs already trembling and fingers desperately clutching at his flesh.
“S-star…” She whines, her pretty red face peeking at him. “I… I can’t”
“Oh please, darling.” he nips at her sensitive pointed ears and she whimpers, clenching around him. “I want to feel you come apart on my cock.”
Dude I think I took too long to tag anyone lol.
If you read this on Sunday, consider yourself tagged 😅👍
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 7 months ago
Surprise smut Sunday Tuesday evening (before bed)
I got tagged 5 days ago by @pickel182 🙈
My head is an absolute shed lately, but have something I started cooking up a good few weeks (or a couple months really) ago.
So, uh, nsfw sneak peek 🫣
“I think you can give me one more…” He purrs by ear, rolling his hips into hers. She makes a strangled cry, her limbs already trembling and fingers desperately clutching at his flesh.
“S-star…” She whines, her pretty red face peeking at him. “I… I can’t”
“Oh please, darling.” he nips at her sensitive pointed ears and she whimpers, clenching around him. “I want to feel you come apart on my cock.”
Dude I think I took too long to tag anyone lol.
If you read this on Sunday, consider yourself tagged 😅👍
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mjwiththefangs ¡ 8 months ago
Trickery & Daggers - Chapter 8
In which studying happens, and we voice a reflection. Also on AO3 Masterlist Word count: 3805
Morgana finds herself watching Astarion go and standing by his tent for a few more moments as his silhouette disappears with the others.
 She almost jumps out her skin when she hears a chuckle behind her.
 “You seem quite fond of him.”
 “Wyll!” She yelps, “I, um, he’s a good ally.” She flounders, her words sounding flimsy even to her own ears. Wyll’s eyes crinkle in a good-natured smile. “That he is.” He agrees.
 She fumbles, an embarrassed flush crawling up her neck and clears her throat awkwardly. “Do… Do you know much about vampires, Wyll?”
 His expression lights up. “Well, there's always the basics; they're vulnerable to sunlight and a stake to the heart certainly won't do them any good. Then they're also weak to silver, running water can burn like acid - as can holy water!” He exclaims, and then hums thoughtfully. “Now, what else… they don't need to breathe, you know, although somehow they still have a heartbeat. An undead heartbeat, granted, but it's still present. It's why their skin is typically cool to the touch.”
 Morgana blinks. “You… you know a lot.”
 He laughs once. “Well, when you're a monster hunter, it pays to know these things.”
 “Have you killed many vampires?” She asks warily, her voice low and hesitant. Wyll regards her, eyeing her curiously and weighing her up.
 “I won't harm Astarion. I already had my hunches about his condition.”
 Her brows jump up and her lips part in surprise. “Then- then what about this morning? With everyone at his tent!”
 “I thought it best to be present in case things got out of hand.” He explains and swiftly returns to her earlier question, “I haven't killed any vampires, as a matter of fact. Only the regular undead. What information were you after, my friend?”
 “Ah.” She straightens and turns her head, looking at nothing in particular. “I just, I was curious. I wondered what he- vampires are capable of.”
 He doesn't comment on her quick amendment but makes a thoughtful noise and rubs his chin, considering. Then he snaps his fingers and points, beaming at her.
 “We should go see Gale, if you’re curious. He’s educated about almost everything and has plenty of books you could peruse, I'm sure.”
 “Oh!” She blinks in surprise and nods, following after him, “Sure.”
 Wyll raises his arm, waving and calling to Gale as they approach. The wizard raises his head from the ration store, in the middle of picking out the nights’ dinner, smiling and waving a hand in return before quickly casting a mage hand to begin chopping vegetables. He turns his full attention to them both, greeting them warmly.
 “If it isn’t our two resident Warlocks. To what do I owe the pleasure? Something tells me you’re not here to help with dinner preparations.” He gives them a wry smile, and Wyll chuckles.
 “Actually, Morgana here had been asking me about vampires,” he gestures to her, “I told her we should ask you, since my own knowledge is rather lacking.”
 Morgana silently lifts a brow at Wyll. Gale lights up, humming and rubbing his beard in thought. “I suppose that makes sense, in light of recent revelations.” He glances at her neck, and Wyll leans forward, peering around to study her too, and she shuffles uncomfortably. “He’s left quite a nasty bruise there. Does it hurt? I have plenty of scrolls of lesser restoration, if you would like one.”
 Swiftly, he plucks one from his pack and offers it to her. He says nothing about her evident hesitation, as though sensing her reluctance to condemn Astarion. She mutters a ‘thank you’ as she unfurls the scroll, those eyes carefully and slowly scanning the script before she utters the incantation, briefly glowing with a soothing blue light and the scroll disintegrates.
Those eyes flick up to meet his, shining with a nervous uncertainty.
 He tips his head, ever-so-slightly, the faintest realisation dawning upon him, but he chooses to make no comment.
 “Now. How can I help in your pursuit of knowledge?”
Her hands twist the rings around her fingers and she inquires “Do you have any books on vampires?”
“An excellent question! I have a few tomes on monsters; I have an entire volume dedicated to Count Strahd. Or would you prefer something specialised in the undead?” He punctuates with raised index finger, Wyll covertly covering his amused smile behind his hand.
 Morgana thinks for a moment, twisting her lips as she considers. “Do you have them with you? Could I look at them first?”
 “By all means! If you would allow me a moment, I shall procure them for you.” The wizard nods, and excuses himself, ducking into his tent.
 Wyll nudges Morgana.
 “It seems you’re in capable hands, my friend. I have some chores to take care of around camp, if you would excuse me.” He bows at the waist and flashes her a debonair smile. “Should you find yourself restless, I'd be more than happy to spar with you again. But, be sure to rest and recover your strength.”
 Morgana smiles appreciatively, and thanks him, telling him she'll think about it. In truth, more sparring would certainly be beneficial and she doesn’t dislike the training by any means, however she can’t shake the sluggish feeling deep in her bones, nor the persistent ache still in her leg. A day at camp might be just what she needs to recuperate.
 A thump noise draws her attention to Gale, dropping a pile of books onto his small desk outside his tent and she trots over, brimming with interest.
 “Now, some of these are perhaps much more academic, and less to the point. They may still be of some interest to you though.” He nods, gesturing and stepping back.
 Morgana takes a deep breath, and flicks her fingers by her side, breathing the syllables for a comprehend languages spell. Although unlikely, she very much hopes Gale doesn't notice. Or at the very least doesn't point it out.
 Indeed, as he'd said, a couple of the books present ostentatious prose, philosophising about the nature of a vampire and studies into what harms such a creature, rather than their capabilities. A bit too wordy for her liking, and not what she’s looking for.
 Those ever observant brown eyes watch her, studying, saying nothing and coming to a conclusion. Gale clears his throat.
 “If I may,” he moves a book aside and plucks up a red tome, offering it to her. “This one may have what you're looking for, in much more concise terms, and much less grandiloquent prose.”
 A pause passes.
 “Gale, I have no idea what that word means.”
 He snorts with laughter and waves her off. “It's a straightforward read.” He tells her warmly and understanding passes between them.
 Slightly humbled, a little embarrassed, and mostly grateful, Morgana tips her head. “Ah. Right. Thank you Gale. I can return it to you l-”
 “Consider it a gift.” He interrupts. The mage hand has finished chopping vegetables. “Now, you must be keen to start studying, and naturally, dinner will not take care of itself. I'll see you tonight, and don't be afraid to seek me out and ask questions if anything doesn't make sense.” He adds.
 Once again, she nods her thanks to the kind wizard and hurries back to her own tent.
 Hours pass, and Morgana is hunched over the tome, faerie fire twinkling above her and reflecting shadows on the canvas walls. Her journal is spayed out beside her, open to a new page and filled with notes.
 Reading through the book, she can't help but wonder if Astarion has been holding out on her. Although, there is the concerning possibility that he is genuinely unaware of what he can do. If that is so, she thinks, could it be that starvation has weakened him?
 The thought twists through her guts like a knife and she decides to carefully approach the subject with him later in the evening.
 Malnutrition could very well be restricting the vampiric powers he should have.
 As for Vampire Lords, she has discovered that yes, they are typically cruel and power hungry beings, just as Astarion had said and has written down what to expect and how best to combat one.
 She wants to be prepared, after all.
 Apart from all that, and her theorising and jotted notes, she's stumbled upon some helpful information about other undead whilst trying to find the vampire section. For example, a zombie will be non-hostile if you smell like them. It amused her at least.
Begrudgingly relenting that she can't keep rereading the same pages over and over again and hoping to glean new information from the same paragraphs, she turns the page and discovers a new subject of discussion. Her mouth tugs down into a frown.
“Duh… ham… pears?” What's that?
 Her tongue clicks and she flicks her wrist, but nothing happens. She scowls at her hand, as though it is to blame, and it is not that she already used her spells for the day.
 So much for another comprehend languages.
 Unable to cast any more spells, and with dwindling interest, Morgana skims over the page, noting that … this is a creature not dissimilar to a vampire, and a rather rare occurrence. 
 Convincing herself that she's unlikely to ever come across any, she rationalises that it is not worth trying to understand more. So she flicks back to the previous pages yet again and dives back in, deciding that actually, maybe, she can find more in the text, slowly but enthusiastically reading over the powers and abilities vampiric spawn should have, drinking it in and committing it to memory.
 There is still the mixture of excitement and confusion as she pours through the text, unsure whether or not Astarion is aware of any of this. He told her himself, he was turned two hundred years ago, of course he should know what comes with being a vampire. But what if he doesn't? Maybe she could teach him a thing or two.
 Either way, she can't wait to share her findings with him.
“Ugh, gods, could the pair of you just shut up for five minutes, I can't hear myself think.”
 Morgana startles awake at the shrill voice.
 “oh please, Astarion-” she can practically hear Shadowheart rolling her eyes, at the same time as Lae'Zel hisses “quiet, Astarion,” but before either can bite out a scathing remark, Karlach’s booming laughter fills the air, clearly delighted and the bickering dies down.
 Morgana pushes herself up from being sprawled over the books and rubs sleep from her eyes. The sounds of Gale and Wyll greeting their companions and general chatter fills the air outside, and the fragrant scent of cooking wafts through the gap in the door, causing her stomach to rumble.
 When did I fall asleep? she wonders.
 Regardless, she can hear someone outside asking after her, and excited shouts and barking - wait, barking?
 She throws the tent flap open, stepping out and quizzically searching for the source of the noise and landing firmly on a fluffy white dog.
 “You found a dog?” 
 “Morgana!” Karlach cries joyfully, jogging over with the pooch. “Isn't he sweet! Astarion found him, his name's scratch!”
 “... Astarion found a dog?” The warlock asks dubiously. She bends down to the canines level, invoking speak with animals as she does. Karlach laughs again.
 “Well, I think he was just hungry; caught the scent of blood and followed his nose.”
 “But he's certainly had his fill today, Fangs killed more goblins than Lae'zel, ripped their throats right out!” She adds enthusiastically. Morgana nods, only half listening, offering her palm to the dog with a soft “hello.”
 Scratch happily woofs a “hello” back, tail wagging and licks her palm, the other petting him on the head.
 Animals always were easier than people.
 “It's nice to meet you, Scratch, I'm Morgana.” She speaks softly, oblivious to Karlach chuckling and shaking her head, turning back to the others. Morgana asks the dog about himself and tells her she hopes he wasn't lost.
 Scratch whines softly. “My friend was injured. I stayed with him until I knew he was gone.”
 “Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry.” She soothes, rubbing his ears and telling him he has a home with them as long as he wants, and moving on to chatter about what he likes, nodding enthusiastically when he barks joyfully about how he loves to play fetch. She's so caught up in the sweet canine’s company that she doesn't hear the vampire sauntering over.
 “I'm sorry; are those supposed to be words coming out your mouth, or have you finally gone batty?”
 She can't help but laugh, giving Scratch a final pat on his head, rising to her feet and facing Astarion. Her eyebrows jump up and she laughs once, disbelievingly, any prior retort dying on her tongue.
 “You're covered in blood.”
 And he well and truly is, too. Red splatters across his handsome face, crimson stains are stark against the silver of his hair, and scarlet is draped all down his front. There are smears around his mouth, as though hastily wiped away.
 His mouth lifts into a near manic grin and he cackles with glee. “Well, you all know what I am now. Why not fight with all my weapons. I get to ruthlessly kill goblins and sate my hunger, win win!”
 Morgana snorts. “No wonder Wyll already had you figured out.”
 “Oh? He did, did he?” Astarions smile falters slightly and he mutters, “I suppose I'm lucky to have woken up without a stake between my ribs.”
 She shrugs. “I don't know, he seems amicable enough.” She points at the vampire and he jerks back, “anyway, you reek of blood, go rinse off or change or something.”
 His eyes briefly flick to the puncture wound on her neck, and smoothly he switches back into a sultry smirk.
 “My dear, I'm a vampire, I live in blood.”
 She rolls her eyes and gestures, again, to the stream, forgetting her earlier excitement to tell him about what she'd discovered in the book. She'd remember later, of course. For now, the warlock leaves him be, assuring she'll catch up with him later, and spends most of her evening by the campfire with her companions, catching up and enjoying a hot meal as the sky grows dark.
 As she tells Shadowheart about her day spent reading and journaling, the cleric nodding along and checking her wound while she talks, Morgana suddenly breaks off mid sentence, remembering Astarion and excusing herself.
 Quickly, she grabs the book from her tent, and then she finds the elf brooding, back turned to her.
 He's cleaned up, she notices, the perfumed scent of bergamot, rosemary and brandy coming from the stainless linen of his shirt.
 “Need something?”
 His voice startles her out of her thoughts, and she notices an ornately carved mirror in his hand. 
 “You… you can see me?” She inquires.
 The vampire quirks one brow. His mouth opens, ready to snark at her that his kind don't have reflections, but then her mouth twists into an unnaturally large smile, her head tilts and then contorts to the side and she scurries away, staring unnervingly back at him.
 “Suit yourself-” but as he turns around with a huff, she's still here, regarding him with those curious silver orbs.
 “...what brand of trickery is this?” He asks flatly, unimpressed.
 “Oh. It wandered off again then.” She says it so nonchalantly, as though discussing the weather or something equally mundane, that for once he's lost for words, confusion writ upon his face.
 “Come again, darling?”
 She looks sheepish this time, clearing her throat. “Fey stuff.” She flicks her hand, dismissively, and he nods, understanding dawning.
 Fey always were fickle creatures, so naturally, inheriting their boons came with a few catches. A wandering reflection, a weakness to iron and an inability to lie or break promises. Yet the little half-human has all the strengths of an Archfey's power and as well as their charms.
 She points to his hand mirror.
 “What were you doing?”
  Always with the questions, this one. How closed off she had been, that first day. Assessing everyone silently.
 “The tadpole changed many things. I… had hoped it might have changed at least one more,” he takes a long look at the silver mirror and scowls, “but, apparently not. I've never even seen this face- not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red.”
 Anger roils through him, visceral and unpleasant, and for a moment they're silent. Her soft question brings him back to his senses.
 “What colour were they before, Astarion?”
 He blanches, realising with horror that he has no idea. He's forgotten.
 “I… I don't know. I can't remember. My face is just some dark shape in my past - another thing I've lost.” the mirror shatters, hitting the ground with all his frustration and hurt and bitterness.
 Another silence.
 His glare snaps to her and his anger evaporates. She scans his features, as though committing them to memory.
 “What?” He breaths, almost afraid to break the moment.
 Her throat bobs.
 “I see you.” She whispers. “What do you want to know?”
 I’ll be your mirror.
 He doesn't expect this. To actually feel open with her, the gentle sincerity in her voice, the softness in his own as he replies.
 “I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me. What you see.”
 She sucks in a deep breath. Studying him contemplatively.
“Those piercing eyes…” she starts, hesitantly. He preens, smirking, “go on.”
 “Your hair curls around your ears… it sweeps back in a way that is far too perfect for a man without a reflection.”  He barks a laugh.
Her teeth worry on her lip, her eyes dipping to his and snapping back up, her cheeks turning rosy.
“Then you have that dangerous smile.”
 “Oh! Oh, I like that. Very good.” And he does. He will always take even the most shallow praise with glee, relish in it. His chin lifts with that sharp grin. “Now just tell me I'm beautiful, and we can call it a day.”
 Her shoulders relax, a small laugh bubbling from her and she smiles, tipping her head to the side and folding her arms.
“It's a very nice face, Astarion. You're beautiful.”
 But his attention now snaps to the object in her hand, seemingly forgotten. Her curiosity must be rubbing off on him as he gestures to the book.
 “What's that? Some late night reading? Sorry darling, I'm a bit too old for bedtime stories.” he teases lightly and she rolls her eyes.
 “I'd actually forgotten. That's why I came to you.” She clicks her tongue, grasping the tome with both hands and staring at its cover, debating her next words. “have… have you been honest with me? About your condition and what you can do?”
Hah. Honesty.
He scoffs. “Well I glossed over the two hundred years of torture and starvation.”
 She ignores his leering, instead searching for a page.
 “Can you spider climb?”
 “...excuse me?”
 “Vampire spawn are supposed to have their own powers and strengths.” She points at a paragraph and he resists the need to snatch the book away and read this poppycock himself. She finally meets his eyes and he remains cautious. She'll want something for the information, surely.
 “I have a theory. If you're able to feed regularly now, these powers should be available to you.”
 To his utter surprise, she extends her arms, handing him the book. She must see his suspicion or his hesitation.
 “You ought to have this. I've read and re-read it several times in the last few hours, I even made notes.” She adds with a nervous chuckle and he eases some, reaching and carefully taking the book, still waiting for some sort of catch.
 When none becomes apparent however, he slides the mask back into place, playful teasing at the ready.
 “You made notes? I've seen in that little journal of yours, I would not call that chicken scratch legible enough to be ‘notes’ .”
 Morgana's jaw drops indignantly and something like a squawk of protest leaves her. Her arms flop gracelessly and she drawls out “Well, excuse me, we didn't all get the benefit of an education!”
“You taught yourself to read?”
 Like prey caught in torchlights, she freezes. Momentarily. A long ragged sigh makes her deflate in front of him.
 “Don't tell the others.” She groans. “Nerifyra lends me their power, I taught myself using comprehend languages, courtesy of The Lady of Whispered Promise.”
 The name rings a bell, faintly, somewhere in Astarions mind. He has heard of her, this Archfey who lends her power to Morgana.
 “It's unlike you to be forthcoming about your patron.”
 She just shrugs. “She likes you. I have more liberties in what I can discuss with you.”
 “She does, does she?” He purrs with a sly look, “And what about you?”
 He’s realising that he adores catching her off guard. The way she jolts, mouth opening wordlessly, the blush that creeps along her cheeks, and the indignant noises she makes. It's so amusing he finds himself laughing, even more so when she pouts at him.
He waves his hand flippantly.
 “Anyway, darling, an labhair thu ar cainnt mhàthaireil ?” [do you speak our mother tongue?]
She blinks owlishly. Then again, mouthing the words to herself. She cocks her head, brows furrowing in confusion.
 “I… That’s elvish?” Her nose scrunches up. “Yeah, I can speak a little.”
 “An urrainn dhut a leughadh?” [can you read it?]
 Her scowl deepens, and again she mouths the words to herself and then huffs a sigh. “tha leughadh nas duilghe.” [reading is more difficult]
 “I could teach you.” He says in a low tone. “Think of it as… a trade. For the book.”
 Morgana eyes him sceptically. He’s been careful not to make fun of her. He needs her trust and this could help with an idea that he’s been slowly cultivating. After a pause, she nods. 
 “Excellent. We can start tomorrow night. For now, it seems I have some reading to do.” And so he bids her a good night, and retires within his tent, making himself comfortable among the pillows, his small lantern flickering firelight on the canvas, and he opens the book and begins to read.
While she returns to her own tent, an idea swims and gains purchase in her mind and guides her to rummaging in her pack, grasping the journal and flicking to a new page. She picks up a pencil and smiles, her heart jumping ever so slightly in her chest, and allows her hand to dance across the page.
 Those piercing eyes. The silver curls. The dangerous smile.
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