mizzyizzyiz · 4 days
Reblogging an old post from my Hannibal themed account but this is one of the protagonists from the thesis I’m writing.
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Obviously not my normal content but this is an original character of mine called Dianna and she is HEAVILY inspired by Abigail Hobbs (serial killer daddy issues and all). I felt like drawing for the first time in a long time so here she is after getting caught up in the rain…and possibly something violent and sinister. Lemme know what you guys think. Maybe I’ll post some of the work from the story she’s in if anyone is interested.
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mizzyizzyiz · 5 days
what kinda senior thesis requires you to write a sick ass fiction book?
Specialized creative writing program! Thanks for asking!!
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mizzyizzyiz · 6 days
Alright guys. I know I never post and I know no one’s gonna see this but I’m tryna get some writing done and to do that, I need to yap and brain storm and have people to bounce ideas off of and this hellscape echo chamber seems like a cesspit I’m unlikely to damage or traumatize by shouting into so without further ado, introducing a book that I sorta kinda have to write for my senior thesis and which I am not making any progress on currently:
Where the Fire Never Goes Out
A murder mystery following four dysfunctional siblings whose parents were recently murdered in their childhood home and the numerous people, dead and alive, who haunt these siblings as they try to hold onto any scrap of normalcy they’ve ever managed to grip at any means necessary.
The book will include
Explorations of childhood trauma, how it impacts teens and young adults, and what the true meaning of “guilty” really is
Abusive family dynamics including children
A serial killer or two
A shit ton of religious symbolism
The American coastal south (yes this means the religion is Christianity; I know I know, we’re all very sad it isn’t Greek mythology)
Gay people
Graphic violence
Stupid twists
Terrible people
Tortured Poets Lesbians
Ghosts (the sad psychological kind; not the fun kind)
Characters I am still in the process of developing
Romcom elements (yes I’m serious)
Implied sexual violence and emotional incest (no one is ever raped or assaulted sexually; this is a hard rule)
Dogs (they do not die)
Fish (some of them might die idk)
Other animals (there’s a character named Noah if you can’t tell)
A lot of pathetic men
Possible gender fuckery, as of yet undecided
Mental illness
Present tense
Except in flashbacks of which I’m sure there’ll be many
Dark comedy
Discussion of abortion, infanticide, and medical abuse
Other stuff I’m as of yet unaware of because I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I’M DOING
If anyone is at all interested in knowing more, helping, or brainstorming with me, feel free and relentlessly encouraged to comment, or use my asks. I am struggling.
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mizzyizzyiz · 1 month
hot take but i actively miss when tv shows were like 20 episodes a season. slow down. let me get to know the characters. let them do something dumb and not consequential to the plot for one fucking second i'm begging you.
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mizzyizzyiz · 1 month
Bro just add the word private. Or name them Veronica Mars.
fucking sucks ass that detective is a subtype of cop or always some type of law enforcement. a detective should be someone who is a master of disguise, a weirdo, socially maligned, and hated by the police. he should solve the cases using his ultra specific knowledge about geography, linguistics, human biology, and cigar ashes
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mizzyizzyiz · 1 month
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mizzyizzyiz · 1 month
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I've seen this before, but it's been years and it just came across my Twitter in its dying days. The words are from a favorite author of mine, Maggie Stiefvater, and they are the words I most need to hear when it comes to dealing with chronic pain and illness. I didn't need this the first time I saw it, six years ago. I need it now. Maybe you do, too.
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
in fucking Tears thinking about how disgusting a baby griffin would look
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
As a wheelchair user I'm trying to reframe my language for "being in the way."
"I'm in the way," "I can't fit," and "I can't go there," is becoming "there's not enough space," "the walkway is too narrow," and "that place isn't accessible."
It's a small change, but to me it feels as if I'm redirecting blame from myself to the people that made these places inaccessible in the first place. I don't want people to just think that they're helping me, I want them to think that they're making up for someone else's wrongdoing. I want them to remember every time I've needed help as something someone else caused.
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
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Mary Oliver, from “Hum Hum”, A Thousand Mornings
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
grabs your hand. you've had enough plot and exposition and character development lately im taking you to the beach episode
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
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lets frollick like the chernobyl radioactive dogs Okay?
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
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If you're having trouble keeping up with what's going on in Palestine because of US news coverage of university protests, here are some articles you can read and a video you can watch:
While CNN & all the other mainstream media try to paint the university protests as "pro terrorism" (which they're not, they're literally anti-war protests.) Palestinians are being slaughtered by the minute.
Please don't stop speaking about Palestine.
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mizzyizzyiz · 2 months
men will tell you "i experimented in college" and then you don't know whether they smoked weed, kissed men, or built an 8 foot tall monster in the comfort of their dorm
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