Started a new WIP and I can’t decide whether to make the two main characters siblings or give them a slow-burn hate-to-love relationship🤦‍♀️
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Some trans science fiction and fantasy books. You can find my earlier recs for f/f science fiction and fantasy here and my new recs for bi and pan books here. And ace book recs are here. 
Also I somehow totally blanked on this while making the powerpoint, but Charlie Jane Anders’ stuff should be in the last slide. Her two books are CITY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT and ALL THE BIRDS IN THE SKY. I’ll link to some of her short stories below the cut.
The queer SFF database’s tag for trans books is here. There’s more than I included in the rec post, so go knock yourself out!
I included the author identities because I figured people would want to know if the book was own voices. Disclaimer that gender is a weird nebulous thing and life isn’t easy or straightforward, so depending on when you’re reading this post (I’m writing 8/2/19), some of the authors I listed as cis might have had gender realizations. I literally saw this on Twitter this morning with one of the “more trans SFF” books, so figured it was worth saying. 
Below the text cut you’ll find the titles and authors, links to my queer SFF database (which includes links to trans reviewers and content warnings), and some of my favorite SFF short stories by trans people.
Keep reading
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There should be a movie about Robert Downey Jr
Okay look at how much shit he’s gone through. Look where he is now. That man is a fucking inspiration. I would watch a movie about him, I would read a book about his life.
This may sound stalkerish and creepy but come on! That man is legendary.
RDJ deserves better. He was at rock bottom and he worked his way up. He is a true super hero.
I just-
I have a lot of feelings about this. He’s my hero and I just think that not a lot people understand what he’s gone through.
I also think that it would do a lot of people good to know that things do get better. There is always a light in the darkest of times and you will make it.
RDJ’s life is proof of that but he doesn’t always get that recognition. And I know it’d be hard for him to look back but he mightn’t see himself as a hero either. He probably looks back with shame when he should be proud of how he went through so much bad and came out a better person.
I just- RDJ everybody. A movie or a book about RDJ. He’s genuinely my hero and people need to see this more.
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You know there are some things that I tend to realize in media as a fat person.
All fat characters in media are either comedic sidekicks that are constantly eating or villains. Rarely are they heroes of the story and even then it’s used to poke fun of their weight and/or have it be a plot point. Do you know how damaging it was for me and other fat people to not see ourselves represented in a positive light in almost every piece of media produced? There are different sizes of fat people, you know, not just the ones with an hourglass shape. And if they aren’t that hourglass shape and have a larger belly, it’s usually gawked at and used for cheap laughs or to accentuate how “disgusting” a character is for having it.
Every movie I see with a fat person in it has their weight put into question, either someone comments on it or the character goes on some diet to help them “look better”. Its almost like some sick fantasy for skinny people to see a fat person transforming and ~magically becoming beautiful~ once they lose “all of that weight”. Adding onto that, I almost never see fat lgb people being represented. Moreover I NEVER see fat trans people being represented either! What’s up with that!
Even if it isn’t in some bigname movie or video game, you still get people laughing at fat people for doing basic things. Dancing, eating, having fun, wearing CLOTHES even. When will you stop treating fat people like shit? Why do you continue this harsh criticism of fat people? Will you decide to finally represent fat people like normal people instead of some lump of flesh to be gawked at?
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So. Whenever I think of Mila Kunis I think: wow gorgeous queen omg beautiful hilarious incredible amazing...
When I tried to think of Ashton Kutcher right now.. all I came up with was: Mila Kunis’ husband...
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My mother just said to me “if u can’t be nice be nothing at all” guess I’ll test myself into non-existence🥰
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Call me basic but I like darling (when and only when it is said by a British person), orchid (I like the word AND the flower cos aw) and fuck.
Do you have a favorite word?? Mine is pebble. It just sounds nice. 😂
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Yeah and it’s not naive to trust someone. If they screw you over, learn from it. But people CAN change and that’s the point.
you know, if an adult is a nice person that’s not “innocence.” they learned how to actively be a good person. they’re not some eternal child
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Wise Sage
Wise. Sage.
Here’s my problem. Sage legit means “wise” in French so if you’re calling someone a wise sage you are calling them a wise wise.
So next time you read a book or watch a movie, I hope you remember this.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk
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Do me!
sometimes i wonder how a writer would describe me if i were a character in a book
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What I have against gays
I love gays. Please do not start reading this thinking I am against gays. Gays are fucking awesome.
My issue is.
Like you get straight people are out here being assholes or homophobic or just thinkin they’re hot when they’re not. And then. You get gays. And they’re. Just. Gorgeous. And so nice!
So basically what I have against gays is that they’re absolutely perfect and the world does not deserve them❤️
(When I say attractive I mean in every way, not just physically)
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“Age is just a number” means senior citizens can still find love.
“Age is just a number” means middle-aged people can still find love.
“Age is just a number” means 30+ people can still find love.
“Age is just a number” is not an excuse to be a pedophile.
Nothing is an excuse to be a pedophile.
So don’t.
Just don’t.
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I feel so so lucky that the weirdest names I’ve heard are my sisters. Alyssa, Willow and Elora. (Elora being the weirdest). My name is Katie and then you get my siblings out here soundin like mythical freakin fairy princesses😂😂
*white parent voice* i cant believe kanye and kim named their baby North West!! thats ridiculous!! oh no, its almost 4:30, i need to pick up my kids Mackaylikiah and Ashleighyie from their water polo practice!
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I was scrolling through Tumblr and came across a post of KNOWN PEDOPHILES ON TUMBLR (many of which have or want to rape actual children/minors)
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Me and now I have to read this book.
“She has so many sides to herself; sometimes she’s so nervous and sometimes so outspoken that you wouldn’t know what to reply and sometimes she’s funny and sometimes she acts like a dude and sometimes she’s too shy. God! She’s unpredictable like a magic trick, you never know what’s gonna happen next!”
— excerpt from Hopeless Romantic, a novel by Mansi Jikadara B
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Anyone can help!
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(Real pen the last picture)
It is important for EVERYONE to know how to help ANYONE. Not everyone can give them selves their medicine under every circumstance. Be educated, help out.
In the last year, i have gotten about five new violent allergies from foods i used to be able to eat. Next time i eat a fruit, my throat could close. I may not be able to inject myself. My boyfriend and i played with my trainer pen for like 30 minutes. He knows how to inject it. I know how. This is important.
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Hang on a fudging minute...
oKaY bUt dId (1) SteVe RoGerS drop (1) PlAnE onto (1) PETER PARKER?!?!?! Mkay I was i was rewatching Civil War and realized.. HOW DID STEVE KNOW PETER COULD CATCH IT? Hmmm? The answer is he most fucking likely didn’t! Spidey baby coulda been CrUSheD if he didn’t have super strength and Steve didn’t know he had SuPer StReNgtH
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