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Actually yes. And now I have about half a story, but no way to make that segmented story connect haha
Do y’all ever just…start a wip based on a vibe? Like you visualize the characters and the scenery and decide that’s enough to start a whole story?
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I do t think readers understand how ESSENTIAL the right playlist can be at times

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Curious also, and this needs more attention
I'm so curious
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Alright, this has been on my mind for a while, given how things are going stateside, and I’m not really sure I could get it all concise enough to really put into a short form video format so here we are. I would not call myself a serious individual so take this all with a grain of salt. But, in the long run, things work themselves out, because the natural state of things, as a whole, is balanced. When good things outweigh the bad things, good things become corrupt. When bad things outweigh the good, they tear themselves apart. It’s a relatively predictable cycle, and it’s been happening throughout human history. Things don’t look great in the states, and it’s not hard to see why. The bad has outweighed the good for a good long while, people just seem to be more aware of it now. At this point it’s obvious that good is at the disadvantage, but, bad things tear themselves apart, eventually. Corrupt and evil people will only work with each other so long as they share a common interest. When there is no common interest, the system becomes unstable, and those in power will try to take as much power and control from those around them until, inevitably, the scales have been tipped more towards a balanced state, usually though, it will fall towards good. And the cycle repeats as good once again, slowly becomes corrupt.
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Going through my reblogs, and this still feels very relevant.

today's entire emotion
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Human: it’s called sleep. If we don’t get enough of it our brain essentially eats itself.
Alien 1: *shocked and a lil traumatized*
Human 2: Don’t tell them that!
Human 1: it’s TECHNICALLY what happens!
Human 2: it’s oversimplified. *to alien* what actually happens is our brain releases hormones and whatnot to clean itself when we sleep. Severe enough sleep deprivation affects the ones that prune the synapses and clear out old or damaged neural pathways.
Alien 1: that… is less horrifying.
Human 1: just wait till she tells you why our eyes are quarantined from the rest of our immune system.
Things I think aliens would find cute/endearing about humans Part 1
Alien 1: Dude look at it
Alien 2: Leave me alone
Alien 1: But look it what it's doing
Human: *asleep in break room*
Alien 2:
Alien 2: Is it dead?
Alien 1: I thought it was but no. I checked and... it just...does that. It bundles itself up and then plays dead. Sometimes it makes noises, ugh I can't take it.
Alien 2: How long is it gonna do that for?
Alien 1: A while. My theory is that since their brains have almost as much processing power as ours, their fragile bodies can't handle all of the stress, so they have to do that. Isn't it the cutest?
Alien 2: All I'm thinking is that I'm glad we don't have to waste our time doing whatever that is. Imagine how far behind we'd be.
Alien 1: But it's so cute. Sometimes they even change their clothes for it. They put on soft things, then lay on a bigger, softer thing--
Alien 2: Oh my god shut up
Alien 1: And when they start to wanna do it they open their mouths super wide and--
Human, woken up: Hey, what the fuck are you two doing
Alien 2: *walks away*
Alien 1: *bombards human with questions*
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There’s no other way to watch Lord of the Rings. Now, cocoa or tea? I’ll make some while you get the movie started.
Me trying to flirt: would you like to watch The Lord of the Rings (extended editions)
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*Sighs in DM* surprisingly, yes. Though you receive a several third degree burns.
I feel cheated. no one on Reddit told me that tumblr is a serotonin factory. Keep liking and reblogging my posts please thanks
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Roll for charisma.
I feel cheated. no one on Reddit told me that tumblr is a serotonin factory. Keep liking and reblogging my posts please thanks
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See the thing is, people are always trying to take that ring into the big old volcano, which, honestly fair, but guys, the man who it belongs to has been looking for it for a good long while, he doesn’t really feel all that whole without it, so can we please just give an old man his jewelry back? It’s in the big pronged tower near the mountain of fire.
engraved jewellery really is peak romance to me
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MOFF! 🤩🤩🤩
vivian-void requested i draw moth cats so here are moth cats
or are they cat moths?
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lotr but nobody knows anything about the other races
Pippin thinks Legolas is a woman
Boromir is convinced that the hobbits are all 15 max
Everyone thinks that Merry and Pippin are twins, except for Legolas, who is convinced the hobbits are quadruplets
Sam thinks that Aragorn, Boromir and Legolas don't have to eat to survive
Legolas doesn't mention things he sees or hears because he thinks the others have noticed them too and just assumes they have a plan
Pippin complains that he is hungry and Legolas just gives him a handful of grass. Pippin is so confused that he just takes it, and now Legolas tries to figure out what hobbits can eat by just giving them random shit, like
Things the hobbits have accepted and likely eaten later (a list by legolas)
-Grass - Leaves
-Stones - a hair tie
-A feather - one of Gimli's shoes
The hobbits and Gimli just assume that this is what elves eat
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Anyone else have that experience where you wipe your glasses off and it’s just like “ah! Everything’s so crisp!” And you kinda realize just how much dust and whatnot you collect just by walking around for an hour?
#hello and welcome to rambles on the mountain#and today we’re talking about#glasses#vision#dust#I’ve had glasses since the third grade and this still amazes me
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