In case anyone needs this
Hey pal…
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Seems I stumbled into something of importance here?
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Same water, different kettle. The issue isn’t the dog, it’s the owners. But do people want to see that? No, no they don’t. Instead you go after the dog because whatever reasoning(and shame on you if your agree with these brainless idiots) like for the love of god, people, there is a brain in your head for a reason, use the goddamn thing once in a while and use some simple common sense and realize that hey, if you hit a dog, it’s gonna come back and snap at ya, and the big ones are typically stronger than you so maybe think before you act. And a dog that came from an abused home? Rescue it, earn their trust because yeah, that’s possible. Dogs can be rehabilitated just the same as people can.
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Apparently people have been adopting dogs and either killing them themselves or dropping them to a kill shelter (and one even said they were flying them to poor Asian areas to be eaten) under the Twitter hashtag #pitbulldropoff
This is completely cruel and evil and word needs to get around about these demons so everyone knows what these demons are planning to do to dogs once they get ahold of them.
If you know someone or if you yourself is planning to give away a pitty by craigslist soon, DONT and wait for awhile!!!! They act like they’re going to adopt them and act all nice then they get rid of them, don’t be fooled!!
DM me for uncensored names!!!!!!!!
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Anybody else low key struggle with the whole “where are you from” thing? Like, do you mean where I was born, where I’ve lived the longest, ore where I currently live? Lest be a little more specific. Because those can be different answers depending on who you ask, for example, if you meant where I was born, then I’m from Utah County, Utah. Where I’ve lived longest? Then it’s Iron County, Utah. Current residence? That’ll be Harris County, Texas. If you ask me which one I identify more with, it’s Iron County. So there’s that too I guess. I’ll stop now lol.
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So funny little story that I randomly remembered, is this one day I’m rambling at work about LoTR, and then as a chatty rambler does I ended up switching topics because “oh that reminds me [insert new topic here for next half an hour]” anyway, at some point i mentioned I was gay and my coworker just basically makes this “finally” gesture and says that she couldt tell if I was gay or not because of how much I was rambling about LoTR earlier because apparently, in her experience nobody loves LoTR more than the gays, to which I responded that the Mormons might. And she laughed, and said that it was funny because she’s both(okay technically I think she’s an ex-mo, but that’s not the point) and then I laughed because guess what? I am too!
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@Marvel Fans on TikTok, I’m putting this here because like let’s be honest, marvels been doing a bit more than defending kids dreams. At least in the beginning, idk about some of their newer stuff.
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All I’m hearing is campfire culture exsists because of physics, and I’m here for it. Who wants to camping?
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I'm so tired of always being "the Mormon" or "the queer" in every space that I'm in I'm tired of being the representative of entire diverse communities I'm tired of being patronized I'm tired of being a freak I'm tired of stressing about every word I say I'm tired of explaining and justifying myself I'm tired of supposedly accepting and loving people on both sides hating me I'm tired of the anxiety I get every time I come out as a queer mormon I'm just so tired.
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Ah but you forget one eensy weensy, teeny tiny, forgettable but ever so important detail. The pines have been roaring on the height
Touching grass is not enough; I need to travel far over the misty mountains cold.
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This man is something else I swear 🤣🤣
Candle salad - 1959
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Just randomly remembered when I was applying for a job, and they had me do this little survey thing, and one of the questions was “how would a friend describe you in three words” and I’m like, fetch, I dunno, lemme ask some of em, and so I go and ask like hey, this is random but describe me in three words, and one goes: intelligent, talkative, and protective. The first two definitely, the third one, I mean, I like to think of myself as protective, and I think my sisters and parents, especially my parents actually lol, would say I am for sure, but like, what have I done around this friend that would make them think I’m protective? So that was fun, anyhow, now for the funny one, the other friend I asked, right, she goes, and with zero hesitation mind you, Mormon gay panic. I probably stared at that for a solid five minutes while my brain buffered and like… I’m sorry, lemme give you the context here because you seem to have misunderstood the assignment, this is for a job application. So yeah I kinda used the first friends words.
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Okay so this randomly reminds me of this one time I was sitting and talking with people, and I didn’t realize that Blorbo was like… tumblr specific, or like really prominent here, anyhow, I talking and taking and at some point I bring up blorbos and someone just goes “someone’s on tumblr” and I’m just like, yeah but it sounds like you are too so don’t even. And also there’s site specific words for stuff like that??? That’s pretty fascinating.
Had to explain what blorbos are to my therapist today
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reblolgos for bigger sample size :))
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Okay but why is it so hard to actually write the relevant information? Like… I can write all effing day about the lore or the characters or whatever else, but will any of that he actually relevant to the story I’m trying to make? Will people need that information to understand the plot? Hahahaha absolutely NOT! Why is it easier to Infodump all the metadata of the realm you’ve built instead of the plot relevant information?
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it's a lot of stuff...
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