Out Of The Woodwork
227 posts
Diasomnia 2nd year, older brother to @nrcbookclub
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atlaswoodworker · 2 months ago
I don’t mind, I’m glad you think I’m talented.
So long as the projects aren’t too big, I don’t have the time, being a student, to dedicate all my time to my work yet.
*He nods, adjusting his glasses a bit*
We shouldn’t exceed around ten to fifteen people, I don’t plan on having this be a big thing. Overwhelming her would not be ideal.
Hey, I finished the thing you wanted.
*Atlas holds out the box*
Sorry it took so long to get it to you, I got distracted maybe 20 or so times at least.
Did you get the food set up? I think Trys and the others are coming back today.
-Atlas, @atlaswoodworker
(ooc: genuinely sorry i didnt do this sooner i was caught up in Life)
-he looks up from his laptop, sipping some coffee. He smiles almost charmingly as he takes the box and examines it-
It's fine, and well worth the wait! This is better than I imagined!
-he sets the box down and fills out a quick cheque-
And yes, I have everything set and ready to go..
Is 1,000 thau enough? Ah, I suppose material costs have gone up.. nope, 2,000 thau it is, a little extra as a tip
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atlaswoodworker · 2 months ago
*He sits down*
Thank you, and I plan to pursue carpentry in my hometown. It’s a big practice there due to the history behind it and it’s related to the story of the fearless boy and the heroic librarians. Although, I may go out of town occasionally. I’m not sure yet.
*It nods, drumming it’s fingers on the table*
Yes, they’ve been dating since last year. Trys texted me when they got back, said that she’s spending the night with Virgo at Royal Sword Academy.
Everyone I’ve reached out to so far she’s close with, the book club is like a second family to her. I’m going asking some of their friends outside of the book club to be there.
Hey, I finished the thing you wanted.
*Atlas holds out the box*
Sorry it took so long to get it to you, I got distracted maybe 20 or so times at least.
Did you get the food set up? I think Trys and the others are coming back today.
-Atlas, @atlaswoodworker
(ooc: genuinely sorry i didnt do this sooner i was caught up in Life)
-he looks up from his laptop, sipping some coffee. He smiles almost charmingly as he takes the box and examines it-
It's fine, and well worth the wait! This is better than I imagined!
-he sets the box down and fills out a quick cheque-
And yes, I have everything set and ready to go..
Is 1,000 thau enough? Ah, I suppose material costs have gone up.. nope, 2,000 thau it is, a little extra as a tip
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atlaswoodworker · 2 months ago
You really don’t have to do that, but thank you for the compliments. I’ll be sure not to, I’d prefer to not overwork myself.
*He nods*
I’ve reached out to a few, Virgo hasn’t responded yet. Freya and Alexander can’t make it. Klen and Azalea can, but Harvey is unsure. I haven’t reached out to anyone else yet.
Hey, I finished the thing you wanted.
*Atlas holds out the box*
Sorry it took so long to get it to you, I got distracted maybe 20 or so times at least.
Did you get the food set up? I think Trys and the others are coming back today.
-Atlas, @atlaswoodworker
(ooc: genuinely sorry i didnt do this sooner i was caught up in Life)
-he looks up from his laptop, sipping some coffee. He smiles almost charmingly as he takes the box and examines it-
It's fine, and well worth the wait! This is better than I imagined!
-he sets the box down and fills out a quick cheque-
And yes, I have everything set and ready to go..
Is 1,000 thau enough? Ah, I suppose material costs have gone up.. nope, 2,000 thau it is, a little extra as a tip
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atlaswoodworker · 2 months ago
*He seems a bit confused and shocked*
Ah, that’s more than enough. Thank you, Umbrance. I’m glad you like my work.
*It relaxes a bit*
Thank you for getting everything set up, I really appreciate it. I can get her to the spot easily.
Hey, I finished the thing you wanted.
*Atlas holds out the box*
Sorry it took so long to get it to you, I got distracted maybe 20 or so times at least.
Did you get the food set up? I think Trys and the others are coming back today.
-Atlas, @atlaswoodworker
(ooc: genuinely sorry i didnt do this sooner i was caught up in Life)
-he looks up from his laptop, sipping some coffee. He smiles almost charmingly as he takes the box and examines it-
It's fine, and well worth the wait! This is better than I imagined!
-he sets the box down and fills out a quick cheque-
And yes, I have everything set and ready to go..
Is 1,000 thau enough? Ah, I suppose material costs have gone up.. nope, 2,000 thau it is, a little extra as a tip
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
May I see the picture?
Fair fair. Makes sense.
Thank you, for helping me with this. You didn’t have to.
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
Yep, no use. I’ll see if she’ll tell me anything when they get back…
Ah, fair enough. I guess some things become irrelevant once you’ve been friends long enough.
Are we good on beginning the preparations then?
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
Maybe… but she had been pretty consistently texting when she had a minute up until a point. You’re probably right though, I’m just worried over nothing. I’ll do that, I’ll make sure Virgo knows what’s going on.
Yeah, makes sense. That’s a while, and why doesn’t it matter anymore?
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
I don’t particularly know or care what’s going on, although Trystia did stop responding for a few hours for some reason. Yes, I can. I may not be able to speak to trees like her, but I know my sister and I know where she’ll be comfortable.
I forgot about that for a second… and I didn’t know different types of fae live for different periods of time? Interesting… and the tattoos as well. How long were you on the ship?
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
Oh, yeah. I think Trystia went with Vern as well… so most likely. I can find a nice area for the meeting as well, if you’d like.
Hm, so you’re both old? That’s interesting, I didn’t know that. You learn something new every day, I suppose.
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
Hm, she’s on a trip with her friends right now for some celebration so I’ll choose a date when she’s back… probably a week after or so.
Damn, so is he old then? Also, sailor tattoos? Do they have a language or something with their tattoos?
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
Yes, especially in this situation.
Yes, that sounds good. Thank you, especially for making sure about the cross contamination. Again, any other questions I can answer if you need.
That’s a vague response, and I’m guessing you didn’t find out how long he’s been sailing?
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
Possibly… I’ll talk to them, see if she knows anything. I’m sure he does, not sure if it’ll be new information though…
She’s allergic to shellfish. She loves chicken though. If anything sandwich like is gonna be brought, she only likes white bread. I really don’t know why… she can be picky sometimes. She likes lettuce a lot for some reason? If you have any other questions, come and ask. I know some of the foods she always likes, but she won’t mind if other foods are brought. She just won’t eat them.
Maybe he was just used to it and didn’t get your struggles? How long has Archie been sailing his ship?
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
I’m fairly certain she’s been going too far for a bit now… I just don’t know how to help. I think that would be a good setting, she also feels safest in forests so… that would work.
Constantly rocking sounds a bit hellish. I’m glad you seemed to have had a good time though.
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
Sometimes. She brushes me off every time. She says it helps with her anxiety, and denies that it may have become an addiction at this point. She doesn’t come to me every time she’s drunk. Her partner Virgo has been considering having a talk with her, or another talk. It would be nice of you to do that, if you’re willing. Virgo’s scared she’ll get hurt… and I don’t like knowing she could be drinking herself halfway to death every other night and I wouldn’t know.
I’m glad he let you stay. And it’s good you got away. What was it like on the ship?
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
She says it’s specifically trees for her. If you’re ok with hearing about it, I can talk about it. I just didn’t know if I should because we just met, and I don’t want to dump something onto someone I just met. I’m glad she trusts me though… I’m just really worried about her. It happens too often for my liking…
I’m excited to carve it, I love making unique requests and designs! Although, I do just love carving in general.
Nice, how’d that happen though? I don’t think they’d be too pleased with a stowaway. Although, that’s just my thoughts. I don’t know your best friend.
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
She loves it out there, apparently she can hear the trees talk. Something about some sort of fae blood affecting her… I forgot. I worry about her, only reason I know is because she decides to find me and talk to me when drunk. Although.. I’m not sure I should talk about it, it’s a very… heavy subject.
If you don’t mind, then I’ll use it for reference. Maybe on the top of the jewelry box would work? Hm…
Makes sense. I’ve never been on a boat before actually. Liberstadt isn’t really anywhere near the water, never saw the ocean before I came here.
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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atlaswoodworker · 3 months ago
Oh absolutely, either there or the forest. I check the forest first when it’s warm out, and then the library second. If it’s cold, she’s nearly guaranteed to be at the library. I am… not really surprised. Beats her drinking alone in her room, I guess…
Are you sure? It would be useful, but if it’s something valuable I’m unsure about having it for a day or two while i work. That sounds like an interesting story though, why were you a stowaway if you don’t mind keeping asking?
What the hell is ever happening in Diasmonia?
From what I've gathered.. animal transformations, transformation into children... and that's about all the recent incidents I know of.
If anyone has any knowledge I would enjoy being told what's happening.
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