misterscribbles · 16 hours
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[you may now ask The Alchemist, The Head Housemaiden and The Heretic]
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misterscribbles · 20 hours
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misterscribbles · 20 hours
why did no one tell me quantum computers looked like that
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misterscribbles · 1 day
objectively one of the funniest moments in the original series
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misterscribbles · 1 day
Posting this iconic piece of media that I just NEVER found online isolated except in an archived reddit thread
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misterscribbles · 1 day
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misterscribbles · 1 day
The problem w writing fiction is that you'll be like tee-hee I'm going to write a story about a fucked up little scenario that's got nothing to do with anything in real life, just some pure messed up nonsense, and then you finish it and take a step back and go aw rats I made a metaphor again
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misterscribbles · 1 day
Important News
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He's gone
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misterscribbles · 1 day
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misterscribbles · 2 days
You haven’t seen happiness until you’ve seen 7 rats in a box of (pet safe) packing peanuts
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misterscribbles · 2 days
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we're 150 plushies away from 2500, and there's one week left, so it's time for a reveal...
if we hit 2500, every Loop plushie owner will get a free Loop sticker!!! that's Loop!!! as a plushie AND a sticker!!!!
get your loopshie (loop plushie)
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misterscribbles · 2 days
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misterscribbles · 2 days
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no clue if im gonna Do Anything with this au so. tosses it into the void
general rambling under cut
In this AU, when Loop makes their new wish, feeling really guilty that the time loop was "their fault", they wish none of it had ever happened. Loop wakes up to the feeling of waves on their feet, and the scenery of an unknown beach. Not too far from them, a body lay unconscious on the sand, long white hair clinging to his soaked body. Now Loop is stuck by his side.
It takes Loop no more than a few hours to figure out that this person is the King before going off the rails. They consider (and on one occasion attempt) killing him, but can't bring themselves to do it (he hasn't done anything wrong yet, so he's innocent). They end up getting attached lol. They may end up meeting Bonnie & Nille later on, as Bambouche is nearby, but they can't bring themselves to actually go there and have to face the fact that Bonnie wouldn't recognize them.
The King (aka sunshine) sees Loop as a guiding star, an anchor point he can lean on while he relearns how to Be A Person again. The pain of forgetting is still fresh in his mind, so anything he can understand and know for certain is welcome. Loop calls him sunshine because "when he lays down, his hair sits around him like rays of light" (it was actually meant to be sarcastic at first, but it stuck). Named himself King because he wants to be a figure people can rely on.
uuuhhhhhgg if anyone wants to use this or just share au ideas my inbox is always open 👍
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misterscribbles · 2 days
It's really funny when people think Iran is a desert cause we literally have forests in the north?? The Caspian sea is right up there?? Buddy they're still shoveling snow in Sabalan lmaoo
Visual reference:
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Sabalan mountain, Ardabil
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Masal, Guilan
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Saravan forest park, Guilan
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Caspian sea
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misterscribbles · 2 days
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misterscribbles · 2 days
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@livesworthlivingau the silliesss
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misterscribbles · 2 days
Did something, have fun
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[you may now ask The Alchemist, The Head Housemaiden and The Heretic]
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