A Fond Farewell
Hi Everyone.
Happy Holidays! I will no longer be actively RPing on Tumblr. Thank you so much to everyone who ever partnered with me on all of these accounts. It has been absolutely wonderful writing with you. 
I’ve finally decided to focus my energy on becoming a published romance author. It’s been a lifelong dream for me to do this and I discovered early on in RP and RPG that I can’t multitask. 
So, for now, I’m going to launch myself into this effort and see how it goes.
Wishing all of you a wonderful season! 
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“Careful the wish you make… wishes come true, not free.”
–Stephen Sondheim (Into the Woods: Children Will Listen/Finale)
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if i missed you and you want to continue, please send me a link and accept my heartfelt aplogies! I am now going to try to coax my other muses out of their respective caves.
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Married Young
At Baddock’s obvious attempts at flustering and humiliating her, there weren’t even the subtle hints of a blush on Pansy’s cheeks, and she neither shied away from his gaze nor did she further present herself to him.
Instead, she crinkled her nose.
“How vulgar,” she finally remarked, effectively summarizing what she thought of his suggestive taunts, his inappropriate way of assessing her, and his accusations that couldn’t have been more far-fetched.
While she, too, took relationships and vows seriously and had secretly dreamed of marrying a wizard who would always remain loyal to her, who would cherish her and allow her to be vulnerable and sincere from her childhood, Pansy wouldn’t lower herself by chasing after a wizard who clearly couldn’t recognize a true flower among the weeds surrounding her.  
“I don’t need your Galleons, Baddock. You can keep hoarding them for all I care and take them to your grave. In addition to that, I don’t associate with the kind of vermin that’d go after married witches. I don’t think I’ll have to go into detail about what I’ll do to you if I catch you cheating, but there’s a reason I haven’t exactly got the reputation of being ‘kind’ and ‘merciful’. Pity you’ll have to bear the brunt of that, too. It’s not like my father to overestimate someone that badly.”
Malcolm settled more easily into his chair and smiled, nodding at her reaction. “Ahh, a true lady, then,” he said. “I wonder how much fun you’ll actually be as a wife if you can’t volley even that. It was rife with opportunity to knock me. I suppose I should be thankful. And further, thankful you won’t willy nilly visit my Gringotts vault and claim it all as your own.”
He sighed and stared over her shoulder, listening to her sharp tone along with her words, chosen to keep distance between them, he supposed.
“I am one who makes a vow and keeps it.” He stared at her pointedly. “Kind and merciful,” he rolled the words around in his mouth as he contemplated the witch in front of him. “No, you have not cultivated that sort of reputation. But reputation is one thing.” Malcolm cleared his throat, reserving judgement of her ability to show humanity. 
“Is that all you expect from me? A means to assist your family? Or do you expect me to participate in fulfilling spousal duties in the marital bed as well?” he asked drily.
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The Wounded Swan
Cho’s heart was hammering inside her rib-cage, to the point it was threatening to burst, and with every heartbeat, every shallow breath that she took, the excruciating pain wracking her battered form spread further. It was in that moment, when she glimpsed at the young hunter towering over her, that she developed an acute awareness of how it hadn’t merely been her instincts that had urged her to fight for her own survival, of how despite her curse – devastatingly unjust and nigh-impossible for her to endure – she did not want to die.
Were she not gazing through a blur of tears, she would be realizing that the young hunter had discarded his weapons, that he appeared to be genuinely shocked rather than triumphant and ready to finish his work.
Despite the futility of such efforts, despite the immense risk that came with them, Cho thus took the only course of action she believed to be available to her and took a surprisingly firm hold of the arrow protruding from her petite form, bracing herself for yanking it out and brandishing it as a makeshift weapon; despite the tears now trickling down her cheeks, her dark eyes were brimming with the fierce resolve of a woman prepared to fight tooth and nail for any slightest increase to her chances of survival.
Malcolm shook his head, trying to rid himself of the vision in front of him, the blood and then the fierce look of wounded prey ready to lash out at him. When he opened his eyes to find she was not indeed a nightmare, he threw out his hands, showing them empty of weapon.
“Easy,” he murmured, his voice deep, attempting to be soothing. His eyes latched to the steady stream of red flowing from her wound. “You’ll need bandages.” He took a tentative forward, hands still extended. Suddenly realizing she was naked, he took a step back and relieved himself of his cloak and held it out. “Take it.” He gently shook the heavy wool encouraging to cover herself. “Let me help you.”
Mal was still trying to figure out how he mistook a woman as a bird. He hadn’t meant to become a murderer during his hunt for feathered game. He swallowed uncomfortably. “Please,” he said again, “Let me help you.”
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Her eyes widened as he mentioned that Critical thinking in a witch was a turn on for him. He so openly admitted to it, on a table, full of girls, who were all hanging on to his every word.
The smile on her lips grew a little more as he said Yes, to focussing only on her at the dance. She didn’t have a dress yet, she would definitely have to start looking, now that she had a date. A handsome date at that.
As Malcolm admitted to not having dated exclusively before, she rose a brow. She wondered why. Girls threw themselves at him. But then again, maybe that was why. Because he liked the attention, and liked that he could have any girl he wanted.
Either way, she smiled at him.
“I’ll go to the dance with you. We’ll see how that goes first shall we?” She said with a hint of a teasing tone in her voice. 
“Maybe even a date, that isn’t the dance…” She added, her eyes on his as she rolled her eyes at the girls sitting around her.
She lent forwards a little, her hand still in his “Will you actually dance with me at the dance?” She then asked a little quieter, so that they at least had some conversation that the others weren’t listening to.
When Cho cast them a glance, the twittering girls quickly turned away, pretending to be in deep conversation with the person next to them. Mal quirked a smile and returned his attention to her.
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“I quite enjoy dancing,” he replied in a low voice, to match hers. Her earlier tease had had him smiling. “I also like going out on a non-dance date. What do you like to do when your head isn’t in your books?” 
He cocked his head. “Shopping? Do you enjoy shopping? I need some dress robes and would fancy shopping for one with you.”
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Tears and Tirades
Cho couldn’t prevent herself from instinctively leaning into Baddock’s hold, couldn’t prevent herself from releasing a soft sigh that betrayed how much she needed the reassurance and comfort he offered – he, who did not strike her as a wizard easily moved by fleeting pity, as a wizard preying on her moment of weakness because he desired her.
She couldn’t help but think of spring when he smiled at her, of the first snowdrops that marked the end of a long harsh winter.
“He would have wanted me to be happy and live,” she said softly, and the words were like a confession that had been buried within her for too long. “But I still don’t want to forget him and replace him with someone else, just so it becomes easier for me.”
Meeting Baddock’s gaze, she inquired, “Who would possibly accept the fact that I’ll always love and remember him? That there’s a part of me that will always belong to him and remain frozen in time? And wouldn’t that be cruel to anyone still caring for me in spite of all this?”
And even though her eyes were not shimmering with fresh tears, their gaze betrayed the full extent of Cho’s vulnerability.
Her dark eyes caught his ocean blues and he waded into the confused sorrow he found there. He heard her words and wondered what it must be like to be so loved — to have someone so devoted to him that she would honor his memory post death. This boyfriend of hers must’ve been some sort of living saint, Mal silently surmised.
Mal cupped her shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “I’d think any bloke secure in his manhood would accept that fact. Why would you forget someone you apparently loved so deeply?” He tilted his head at her, examining her expression. “I gather this love thing is rather rare. Why would anyone wish you to forget it? Selfishness. Insecurity.” Malcolm shrugged as he named a few reasons why someone would demand a lover forget what it was like to be loved. 
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“Are you here for me to tell you what I didn’t tell you when we were still together?” she asked, unable to hide her confusion, actually because she was sure he was there to annoy her for no other reason.
Then Caitlyn almost felt sorry for Malcolm. Almost. She knew that it was almost impossible that he was not playing with her, that is, he always did so it was not possible that he was there, making her have compassion for him “I wouldn’t thrown you back, it was my last option but you kept running away from me, maybe not literally but your soul did”
“I could never ignore you” she said with a shrug “And actually, I don’t think I should ignore you” she looked around briefly “I’m not going to just have sex with you because we both know it won’t end in just sex” She bit her lower lip Of course she wanted sex with him but it was likely that would lead them down a roller coaster of feelings.
“So, you’re going to have sex with me for an altogether different reason, then?” Mal replied, sending her a wolfish grin. He tilted his head invitingly before answering her earlier inquiry.
“Do I want you to tell me what you failed to ask of me before? I don’t know about that. You could.”
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Mal watched her expression change and his grin faltered a small smirk quirked the corner of his lips. Lifting a hand, he brushed his thumb against her lower lip and nudged her lower lip from the imprisonment of her teeth. “If you want me, I’m yours. Just say the word, Cait.”
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“What should I have said? ‘Hey Mal, I would like security and stability in our relationship that is like a whirlwind’ I didn’t know I could tell you something like that” She shrugged. In reality, her relationship with him had always been a Russian mountain but she had to admit that she had never felt so alive in her entire life.
“You’re basically here in case I want to have sex with you? What if I told you that’s not enough?” Caitlyn was walking a fine line but she really wouldn’t care. If she was going to walk with him, she wanted to know exactly what to expect because that was another of their relationship problems, it was always unpredictable.
“Neither are you but here you are, at my engagement party and assuming my fiance is disappointing" She rolled her eyes. 
“Yes, you should have just said you needed more. And yes that’s why I’m here.”
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“’Not enough?’ So, in asking the question, does that mean you’re at least thinking about letting me have my wicked way with you?”
Mal’s gaze fell to the ring she’d earlier flashed. “I’m obviously not much of a catch if I keep getting thrown back into the water,” he said with a half shrug. “The fact you’re thinking about whether I approve of your fiance is ...” he turned his gaze back to meet hers, “... interesting.” 
“You do realize, you could’ve ignored me, Caitlyn? Even could have walked away after giving me a polite hello. Or, better yet, you could’ve simply kicked me out.” 
Malcolm raised a brow, took a step forward and reached out to take her left hand, lifting her slender fingers to eye level, taking his time to examine the rock as it glinted brilliantly in the sunlight. 
“So,” he began slowly, a flirtatious half-smile played on his lips, “do you want to have sex with me?” 
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“Admiring the garden? Are you really going to use that pathetic excuse?” she asked rolling her eyes “Are you so desperate to have sex with me?" If it weren’t because they were in public, Caitlyn would have made some attempt to flirt with him, in fact her boyfriend gave her a feeling of security and calm that she liked but heck, after a few minutes watching him she had remembered how good it was in him. it was actually sex with Malcolm. 
"Good in bed? If I had wanted him to be good in bed I would have stayed with you but no, he is at least kind” Caitlyn commented scathingly with a shrug. Actually she just openly admitted that her boyfriend was a complete mess in bed but in reality she didn’t care “He gives me security and stability, I think you never gave me that" Caitlyn believed it was important to highlight to him what her fiancé had that Malcolm did not "I don’t literally mean but have you seen her? She’s not a crown jewel either” Actually she had nothing against Cho but she couldn’t help but be scathing about it. 
“It’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”
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“You never indicated you wanted that from me. You should’ve stayed,” he replied. “Anyway, security and stability won’t make you hot and sweaty, aching with need.” He grinned and raised a brow, “Not too late to have a last minute fling,” he added indicating with his chin the handy gazebo. “Obviously, it’s not me who’s the desperate one, Cait. you know I’m always available and at your service if you need an itch scratched,” he paused and gave her an obvious once over, pausing to admire her cleavage. “You must be thinking about it since you’re still standing here talking to me, trying to piss me off.”
Mal knew Caitlyn was fully aware of how much he hated it when she brought up Cho. 
In another life, one right after the fallout of the divorce, he’d have doggedly protested Caitlyn’s claims and protected his ex-wife from the harsh words. But that was a lifetime ago. Cho had left him well and good, hadn’t she? 
Mal sent Caitlyn a half-shrug, “No, she’s not and you’ve joined her ranks as well, being someone who left me. Based on that fact alone, neither of you are crown jewel material as far as I’m concerned.”
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Elena swallowed thickly. Her eyes focused on his broad chest. She hid the nerves that threatened to unravel her as she slowly began to unbutton his shirt. Her teeth bruised her lip as she paused between each button. Elena began humming her favorite tune to herself, trying to calm herself.
Her hands steady on Mal’s chest as she chanced a look at him slowly, a blush reddening her cheeks. Before she looks away, she takes a breath and begins the melody as she let her fingertips graze his.
You give your hand to me
Then you say hello
And I can hardly speak
My heart is beating so
And anyone can tell
You think you know me well
But you don’t know me
Her voice a warm tone as she finishes the phrase of the song.
He’d expected her fingers to tremble, but her fingers were nimble as she followed direction. His skin tingled beneath her slow and deliberate, though somewhat tentative touch. He tilted his head when she began her soft rendition of her song.
“What’s the title of the song?” Mal asked, his shirtwhites hanging open at his sides. The buttons at his cuffs, still buttoned. He lifted his arms, showing her.
“You’re not done with the dare,” he replied with an amused grin.
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“I approached you cause I thought that at least you were going to have the dignity of not coming to make a fool of yourself" Caitlyn could not help biting his lower lip however, Malcolm had always been a piece of art compared to the promised men, he was definitely much more attractive than her fiance, more troublesome but more attractive and when he saw him he could not help thinking In all the times she had been on top of him for the exact same reason, because he was so handsome that she couldn’t control herself "What happened Malcolm? Do you miss me and you needed to see me?" 
Damn, she couldn’t stop looking into his eyes, those seductive eyes that he had and those lips that invited us to sin. Hell, she loved her fiancé but the affair she always had with Malcolm didn’t compare to the relationship she had now. "Disappointed? With me? Have you seen your ex-wife?” She had nothing against his ex-wife but she couldn’t let him just freely insult her fiance.
“I’m hardly doing anything undignified. I’m just enjoying a bit of this delicious spread and simply admiring the garden,” he pointed out, sending her a seductive look, “there’s a secluded gazebo just around the corner from the festivities. Did you know that?” 
Malcolm took a sip of his wine, thinking about all the deliciously devilish things he’d do with her if he could get her to come with him to said gazebo. 
“Miss you? Why, yes. I have, as a matter of fact. And no, I’m not disappointed in you. I’m just disappointed you didn’t find someone...” he tossed another look at Mr. Vanilla. “.. better. I reckon he must be rather good in bed. Otherwise, I’d ask you to run away with me and save you from a mundane life.” 
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At her mention of his ex-wife, Mal stilled and took a quiet breath before turning to look at her.
“Cho, you mean?” he asked, nodding with a half smile. “Last week, as a matter of fact. Parent teacher conference.” He chuckled a little. “Why?”
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She wondered how he would take her comments, but when he said she was rather suspicious, she laughed a little.
“Perhaps it’s a Ravenclaw attribute, after all, we think things through.” She told him. “But glad you don’t mind that about me.” She smirked a little.
As he took her hand, she looked at their hands together, raising a brow. It felt warm, it felt nice, and comfortable, and comforting.
She lift her eyes again, and watched him, smiling as he spoke, her hand tingling where he held it. It was strange, no one had ever made her skin tingle this way. Not even Cedric. And she had cared deeply about Cedric. Or at least, thats what she tells herself. Part of her worried she blew up what they really had, because of his death. 
She had cared about him, and even enjoyed dating him, but there perhaps wasn’t that heat that she yearned for in a relationship, that spark. That tingle.
Cho took a breath, her eyes flicked to his lips, watching the way his lips moved as he spoke, the way the corners curved into a smile.
“So you promise to only be focussed on me at the dance?” She asked him quietly.
“Wait… dating…? Is that something you are…. aiming for?” She questioned as she looked into his eyes once again.
But his last words made her head cock to the side. “You have chosen me?” She asked, and chuckled lightly, a smile on her lips. “What have you chosen me for? Just the dance? Or something more?” 
“Critical thinking in a witch is attractive,” he replied smoothly. “A big turn on for me, really.” His gaze moved to view her slender hand in his, not bothering to let her go. She was petite and his broader hand engulfed hers. He quite liked the feel of her fingers curling around his. He didn’t generally like prolonged touch in which he was not in full control.
When he caught her gaze falling to his mouth, Mal deliberately gave his lower lip a slow stroke with the tip of his tongue, his gaze turning inquiringly at her. Her question about his focus on her during the dance, had him nodding. “Yes.”
Her question about dating, had the wheels in his head stalling, though his thumb softly caressed hers before his response. “Dating exclusively,” he began carefully, but with an interested tone, “would be an adventure I’ve not yet had the pleasure of trying.” His blue-eyed gaze held hers as she examined him. Her next question had him smiling genuinely. “I’ve chosen you for the dance, of course...” he began, “the something more,” he paused and passed a glance over at the other girls who were gazing at him and Cho with baited breath. He turned back to look at her. “The something more is entirely optional.”
He heard the collective sigh release around them and sent her a cocky grin. “It’s really up to you.”
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Originally posted by camgigandet-blog
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When she looked at him, Caitlyn could almost forget why they had ended years ago. Almost because actually she remembered why, no matter how handsome he was, they had ended because she was tired of the unstable relationship they had. Malcolm was in a tough place after his divorce and in her opinion they had both rushed into a relationship for which he was not ready yet. On the other hand, Caitlyn with her rough character did nothing but fan the flames of the fire until everything blew into the air and one day she simply decided that she had had enough.
“I am exactly where I belong” She answered raising her hand slightly to point at the engagement ring knowing that it would bother him “You, on the other hand are far from home, Malcolm”
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“Are you home, though?” he asked, moving his gaze from the glittering rock on her finger with a deliberately slow head turn toward her perfectly boring fiance. A bit pudgy, somewhat balding, fairly good-looking...banker? Mal tilted his head trying to discern what her fiance might do for a living. Whatever it was, it provided her the security she craved - of this he was sure.
“If you were home, you’d be over there with Mr. Boring Vanilla,” he sent her a cheeky grin. “Yet, you’re here with me and you let an errant invitation come find me. Not quite like you. You always seemed more fastidious about things like that.
“I admit I was curious as to who you’d chose after our torrid affair.” Malcolm tapped his chin, staring thoughtfully at her groom-to-be. “I have to say, Caitlyn, I’m a bit... disappointed.”
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closed starter @mistermalcolmbaddock based on this
She had tried to ignore his presence, she had really tried to but every time she looked sideways she could see him there, watching her and every time she was on her back it was as if she could feel his eyes fixed on her back. Caitlyn had promised herself when she finally left him that she would never take that road again, that she would never make the same mistake again. Her fiancé was the complete opposite of Malcolm to say the least, he had given Caitlyn a bit of peace who was always running. He was calm, kind, caring and supportive and she felt that he could proceed exactly what would happen in their relationship, he was predictable and she liked that. Apologizing with the people she was talking to, with a sigh she went out to the garden where she had seen Malcolm disappear.“Are you lost?” Caitlyn asked raising her eyebrows and glancing at him briefly drinking from her glass of champagne. 
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He heard her approach. 
Mal tossed a glance at her from over his shoulder, noticing that she seemed... happier. With a scoff and a swig of his drink, he turned away from the achingly beautiful sight of her to instead look out onto the sea of flowers before him. His jaw worked and he stood in stony silence until she spoke.
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Malcolm didn’t know why he’d shown up. Him, of all people, receiving an invitation to her engagement party was obviously an oversight, but he’d been curious. And Mal was never one to ignore his curiosity.
She’d left him after a torrid affair he’d started with her just months after his divorce. That had been years ago. But even with the passage of time, he hadn’t really quite gotten over the sting of her leaving. He hadn’t been whole when they’d met. To say he’d been in a toxic headspace would be an understatement and, then, she’d come waltzing into his life. When she left, Mal was even more wrecked than he’d been before.
Her question had his lips quirking and he dipped his gaze to the ground. Sighing, he lifted his gaze to meet hers.
“Lost?” Malcolm nodded, a smirk forming. “Yeah, I suppose I am.” He lifted a brow. “And I think you are, too.”
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Elena arched a brow as she tilted her head gently. “Is that so?” She shifted slight as she contemplated his words. Her heart ached for him. “I would like to know what you like if it’s any consolation. I know it might not mean much coming from a goodie-goodie Gryffindor.” Ellie chuckled under her breath. 
Once she heard his dare, her breath hitching as her mouth seemed to fall open in shock. She didn’t know how to react. Her heart raced as she tried to work through this. How was she going to work through this? she didn’t know if she should chicken out or not. “A-are you s-sure?”
Her hands shaking. She carefully and gingerly got up from the couch. biting her lip, she held her hand out to him. Shivers running through her as she looked him. “Malcolm?”
He nodded at her and watched her stand. At her question, his lips quirked and he slowly nodded. When she called his name and held out her hand, Malcolm grasped her fingers, anchoring him enough so he stood in front of her. He took her hand and placed it on his chest. He raised a brow.
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written May 2011
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