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Hello!! i'm Jesus!! Spanish boy, living in Barcelona with latino origins, 25 years, i usualy reblog useless things i like... or interesting facts.. maybe boys too... idk, just being me, if you like it you're welcome to my site! :D everybody is welcome here!! enjoy ~
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mist-soel · 2 years ago
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An interesting thing about how they handled revealing this... They only revealed it to us, the audience.
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When Ballister apologized to Nimona and realized he was wrong for not trusting her, it's based on the time they spent together and he had genuinely grown to care for her. Like...
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When confronting Nimona, he knew by that point that she hated being called a monster. Instead of waiting for her to try explaining herself, he gave in to Ambrosius' own conclusion that she was a monster even while he kept telling him "No, she's not" at the time. So, when he apologized to Nimona, he focused on the wrong thing he did. He didn't need to know the backstory to realize he was wrong.
With or without the backstory, he already cared a lot about her. And that's enough reason for him to apologize for hurting someone he loves.
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mist-soel · 2 years ago
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mist-soel · 2 years ago
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To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995)
Dir. Beeban Kidron
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mist-soel · 2 years ago
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Duomo Portal, Milan, Italy by dionisioemidio
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mist-soel · 5 years ago
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¡cheesus! cumple 8 años hoy!
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mist-soel · 5 years ago
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For instance, Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) gets to go on an actual mission with Finn, C-3PO and R2-D2 to the key Star Wars location of Coruscant and Palpatine wasn’t brought back to life.
Instead, the Sith Lord appears only as a hologram on Mustafar to Kylo Ren and hasn’t been scheming away for decades building his own fleet of planet-destroying ships..
Duel of the Fates certainly sounds as though it would have been more faithful to The Last Jedi’s reveals. Most notably, Rey’s parents remained nobodies and it was Kylo Ren who killed them, on the orders of Snoke.
The death of Kylo Ren in The Rise of Skywalker has angered fans and he dies in Duel of the Fates too, only this version of Episode IX wouldn’t have redeemed him.
Instead, his whole storyline involves him seeking out that Sith Holocron on Mustafar (much like The Rise of Skywalker). The Holocron then explodes burning up Kylo Ren whose face infuses with his mask. The Holocron leads him to Tor Valum, a secret Sith master who trained Palpatine. Kylo is been haunted by Luke’s Skywalker force ghost.
Kylo Ren trains under Tor Valum, broods a lot and then goes off to one final battle with Rey. Various Force ghosts try to redeem him and fail, so Kylo Ren dies as Kylo Ren and not Ben Solo.
The final battle would have seen the Force ghosts of Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda help Rey to defeat Kylo Ren, and the concept art shows Leia with BB-8 in a direct echo of Leia with R2-D2 in A New Hope, as well as Rey copying Luke’s Return of the Jedi look.
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mist-soel · 5 years ago
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mist-soel · 5 years ago
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The X-Men by Lukas Werneck
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mist-soel · 5 years ago
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mist-soel · 5 years ago
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Parks & Rec, Pretty Little Liars and the Fast & Furious films all exist in the same universe
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mist-soel · 5 years ago
Psychoanalyzing Patty Bladell (Insatiable) aka I just have a lot of feelings about people hating Insatiable based off the trailer and two episodes.
Everyone (or at least like 72% of people) think that Insatiable is all about how the fat girl gets skinny and everything falls into her lap even though that’s LITERALLY the opposite of what happens.
The series makes it VERY apparent that just because Patty has lost weight that doesn’t mean all of her problems are suddenly gone. She’s not suddenly a god amongst mortals. She still has to deal with a mom who is self-absorbed at the beginning, still has to deal with low self-confidence/self-worth, she’s constantly battling to keep from binge eating, and sometimes she slips up like any normal person would do when trying to better themselves.
The series shows that sometimes, people are terrible for no reason; but also, sometimes people are terrible because they’ve become products of their situations.
When I watch Patty, I see a girl who is so desperate for people to take notice of her in a positive manner that she would do anything for it. Her almost obsession with Bob A is because no one has ever truly prioritized her in her life (outside of Nonnie) and so she gains an inappropriate crush on him when he starts to coach her. When people are used to not being prioritized and suddenly someone starts to focus on you, there’s this feeling that makes you think, “finally. Someone cares about me,” and then when they’re suddenly distracted from you it makes you feel even more unappreciated and you crave their attention which drives some people to terrifying lengths to get that attention back.
Does this make it any less wrong for the shit she’s pulled? No! Absolutely not! But the show doesn’t feel like it’s giving that narrative. Instead, it shows that when she does good things for selfish reasons, things won’t truly work out and that’s to teach her a lesson– to teach her to genuinely want to be a better person (which we catch glimpses of). The Baptism episode helps drive that plot point out.
Maybe I’m projecting my own thoughts and feelings onto Patty, but I actually really liked this show and I really like her (I don’t like her character’s actions but I understand where she’s coming from 9 times out of 10). Also, the portrayals of characters was realistic. It showed a girl who’s selfish because she’s never been able to truly be selfish with her mom. It’s hard to not be selfish when you’ve gained a sliver of happiness that’s focused on you and since it’s her first time having that, Patty lashes out in anxiety from the thought of people abandoning her.
Something my therapist told me that kept playing over in my head whenever Patty kept doing horrible things after the baptism/miss Jesus pageant was, “the anger comes out to protect you when you feel hurt or weak” and that’s what I see in Patty. I think it’s a feeling that people who have been marginalized/bullied/abused can truly feel and empathize with while watching this show whenever Patty’s thoughts go to revenge. This thought of, “this person has hurt me so much and I WISH I could make them feel like that”.
Patty is deeply flawed and this show portrays it and it makes it a more human experience to watch. It’s a show where literally nothing and no one is perfect– not even the “perfect” characters are perfect and that’s what makes it an amazing show.
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mist-soel · 5 years ago
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mist-soel · 6 years ago
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See? What’d I tell you? 
There’s more to life than stupid boys!
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mist-soel · 6 years ago
ANYWAY as a lesbian Robin is super important to me as a character and the scene where she comes out to Steve is PARTICULARLY important because myself and literally every lesbian I know has had an experience like that. Where one of our good male friends says he likes us or loves us or needs us or something. About how we’re perfect for him. And we have to sit there and go through this mental process of are we safe and does he love us enough to accept us? And you know what? Sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes he’s vindictive and mean or sometimes he’s sad and makes us feel guilty and bad about ourselves. So when Robin is pulling her hair and kicking her feet? Yeah, I feel that. And when Steve just fucking accepts her? When he makes her laugh and feel safe and feel okay? Yeah. 
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mist-soel · 6 years ago
why is concept art always 300% better than the final product especially in western animation
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mist-soel · 6 years ago
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Denver Zoo and its gay lorikeets said fuck homophobes happy Pride
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mist-soel · 6 years ago
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no cops at pride just tessa thompson and her massive guns
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