Here for the general love of the four brothers who protect New York.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
She's a Little Runaway
Raph x Reader (just squint)
Summary: Your life goes to hell in a handbasket so you call your cousin in New York and ask for a place to lay low for a bit. And she says yes... but her new friends might be more than you can handle.
A/n: *emerges from the void* hi guys
Aggravated, I pulled up my phone. The call went through.
“Hey, Y/n, everything okay?” April sounded concerned.
“Yeah,” My voice was clipped. I took a breath. “No,” my confession was defeated. “Can I come visit? For a bit?”
“Is everything okay?” She asked again.
“No,” I answered wistfully. “I need a break…a vacay—you still in New York?”
“Yeah,” I heard her smile. “Book a flight, I’ll be there,”
“You’re a godsend cuz,”
“Yeah yeah, see you soon cuz,”
The flight into JFK was six hours with a layover in Atlanta but soon I was there. Away from the hell the south had created for me. April found me outside amongst the other cars waiting for pickup. With a quick hug and throwing my stuff into the trunk we drove off.
“Whose car?” I asked skeptically, knowing a BMW was in neither of our tax brackets.
“Casey’s parents. They let me borrow it.” April explained.
“That’s nice of them,” I said pointedly. April rolled her eyes.
“Shut up,” she laughed.
With the traffic it was half an hour to Aprils apartment. My eyes lingered on the city skyscrapers. They still had me in awe. Part of me believed New York didn’t exist. It was a fictional place like Asgard, Wakanda, or Mordor. But here it was.
Here I was.
The sun set on the warm summer day around 9pm—something so odd for me but brought a smile to my face. It was the same country but an entirely different world.
April left to drop the car back off at Casey’s parents and it gave me a couple of hours to myself which was so needed. Her little apartment had a guest room/office where a daybed was made up for me. I sat on the bed and took a deep breath.
I was safe.
I was far away.
I was free.
I blocked a few numbers just to prove it to myself.
I wandered to the living room and found a home on the window seat, watching the city light up the nigh.
April came back into the apartment a pizza in her hands and a smile on her face.
“Guess who brought the best pizza in the city?” She teased.
Laughing at her antics and a bit skeptic, I stood, going over.
But there was a loud thud on the fire escape outside her window. I whipped around at the sound and froze. In the cover of darkness were massive shadows that loomed menacingly.
“Uh, April!?” My voice wavered. “April!” My eyes adjusted to make the outlines of four anthropomorphic turtles.
“Oh, shit!” April dashed in front of me. “It’s okay, these are my… friends,”
“Friends?” I rose my eyebrows, staring wide-eyed at the giant turtles standing on her fire escape. “What the hell?”
She opened the window and gave me a hesitant smile. “Yeah, this is Donnie, Mikey, Leo, and Raph,” Each of them gave a small wave.
“April, who is this?” Leo, the one with a blue mask, asked.
“This is Y/n, my cousin. She’s visiting for a few weeks,”
“Well, welcome to New York chickadee!” Mikey said. “You gotta try the pizza.”
I just stared still, trying to input the information to my brain.
“Y/n?” April came over to me. “Are you okay?”
“I… uh, yeah,” I gasped out. “I just need a minute to process,” I scrubbed my face taking deep breaths.
“We mean you no harm,” Donnie said, raising his hands. “We are friends of April’s,”
I nodded. “Sure, sure,” I sat down on her window seat.
“Maybe we should split,” Leo said.
“Y/n?” April left the choice to me.
“I… I just need a minute,” I repeated again. My eyes darted up and met curious green eyes—one of the brothers, the turtles. He was the only one who wasn’t on edge. He didn’t have a care in the world. “Okay,” I took a deep breath.
“Okay?” April approached me cautiously.
I nodded and came a small smile, my gaze darting back to green ones. “Are you sure?”
“I’m okay April,” I assured. “I’m an adult. I can handle this,”
“Okay, because most people freak out,”
“Well I am, but it’s cool,”
“April maybe it’s better if we go,” Donnie said softly. “Why don’t you watch her up?”
“I don’t want to ruin your night,” I interjected. “Or plans…”
“It’s nothing. I was usually hang with them on the roof.” April said. “But you’re here,”
“Go,” i chuckled. “I can handle down here. Ive got pizza and Netflix.”
“You’re sure?” April asked again.
“April,” I nearly snapped. “Just go,” I pushed her shoulder softly.
“You can join us!” Mikey said happily.
“Mikey!” The other three scolded.
“Thanks. I’m just gonna stay here,” I said, forcing steady breaths in and out. Green eyes still held mine. He tilted his head in curiosity.
“Okay,” April eyed me warily. “If you need anything we’ll be on the roof,”
“Cool,” I gave a tight smile.
They all disappeared up the fire escape except for Raph—those green eyes that wouldn’t leave me alone.
“You okay kid?” He asked, leaning against the window frame. Without the pressure of everyone staring at me, I shrugged.
“This is beyond weird,” I admitted, rubbing my face. “So… so weird.”
“Yeah we get that a lot,” a sad smile pulled at his lips. “You really freaking out? Cuz I can go,”
“This is kinda helping,” my gaze met his. He leaned against the fire escape railing and I moved to the bench next to the window. We were closer now than ever.
“You’re telling me you’ve never met a mutant before?” He seemed genuinely surprised. I shook my head.
“No, I… well, where I’m from we don’t exactly go looking for things in the woods at night and I’ve never lived in a city so…”
“Are there a lot of you?” I asked.
“Well, there’s the four of us brothers, but yeah a lot of mutants have come along now and again. Most of them are actually dangerous so… maybe be careful,” his lips pursed into a tight smile.
“You are safe Y/n, we look after the city, and April. And if you’re her family it means you too,” his voice was sincere.
“You just met me,”
“Family is family,” his tone was bolder. “Aprils like a sister to us. I know she won’t let just anyone stay with her. You’re family. We’ll keep you safe.”
“Thanks Red,”
“It’s Raph,”
“I know,” I smiled, standing. A smile quirked at his lips. “Go on up. I think I’m gonna turn in for the night,”
“You sure you don’t want to join us? My brothers aren’t that bad,”
“Not tonight,” I set the boundary. “But maybe soon,”
“Soon then,” and with one last smile and wave, he was gone.
I stared out the window for a good solid five minutes trying to rationalize what the hell had just happened. I knew New York was a different world from my own but this was not what I had in mind.
Mutant turtles.
Friends with my cousin?
I might have cursed a little bit. Or a lot.
Rationalization was an art.
When I calmed down enough I texted April that I was in fact better and no longer freaking out. I attempted eating a bit of the pizza and I had to admit it was really good—New York style pizza was always the best. My mom (April’s aunt) had raised me on it.
April came back down an hour later and I was just getting out of the shower.
“I think I owe you an explanation.” She said.
“That would be very nice,” I agreed.
We sat on her couch and she began to talk. The past few years unraveled in her tale. Meeting the brothers—the small family. Fighting the Shredder and the Foot Clan. The other mutants and mutagen lost by the Kraang. The more she spoke the more I realized maybe New York City did belong on that list of magical realms… except it was a bit more real than I’d ever thought.
“They’re some of my best friends,” She insisted. “They are really cool and nice. Once you get past…”
“The giant turtle part?” I mused with a smile.
“Yeah,” she sighed. “I’m so sorry about all of this. I know you came up here for a break and this is definitely not easy to cope with.”
“It’s not,” I admitted. “But it’s better than what I left so…”
“What the hell did you leave?” April was curious.
Now it was my turn. My story of the past few years and how it all went up in flames the past six months leaving me lost, confused, and without a home for the first time in my life. April sympathized with me but it was hard. It would always be hard because I had walked through the trail by fire alone and the pain my burned heart experienced could never be described. But, perhaps it was enough to have April on my side.
“You stay as long as you need,” she said firmly. “And if you need to stay a little longer and we turn that guest room into yours…” she offered.
“I’ll think about it,” I smiled. “Thank you.”
Moving to New York was not on my radar at all… but maybe it could work out. Maybe it would be good for me. Or maybe it would just be running away and I was a coward.
Or maybe it was both.
I tucked those thoughts away.
April took me around the city the next day. We did every touristy thing either of us could think of and fit into the day. It was great fun and New York was enchanting.
That night the brothers were back and I was a bit more—okay, I was less baffled this time. Still freaked out but it was better. I actually made it to the roof to hang out, wrapped up in one of Aprils sweaters at the unseasonal chill.
The turtles tried to make me feel welcome but my brain was fighting shutting down again so it didn’t go the best. The one I had talked to the first night—Raphael realized this and didn’t give me an onslaught of questions. He just leaned against the same outcrop as me. We existed.
Going to grab another drink I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me.
“Hey Red,” the voice startled me so I turned and swung, punching the intruder square in the nose. He fell to the ground, shocked.
“What the hell red!?”
“Casey!?” April ran over.
Raphael broke out into laughter and I turned pink offering my hand out. The guy was grumbling and holding his nose letting out a few curses.
“Casey this is Y/n, Y/n, Casey,” April introduced as I helped him up. “She’s my cousin,”
“Do you just randomly walk up on people or…” I mused.
“I thought you were April. Damn you can throw one,” he touched his nose gingerly. “Geez,”
“Sorry,” I said again, hiding behind my hands.
“You’re telling me you can’t handle a punch Jones?” Raph walked up, creating a barrier between me and Casey—I was grateful for it. “I know I’ve hit you harder,”
“Pfft. Whatever man,” Casey stalked off with little dignity.
“Don’t let him get under your skin,” Raph said in a low voice. “He’s always pissy,”
“Is there something between him and April?” I asked watching the two of them together and thought back to the kindness his parents showed April.
“He wishes,” Raphael snorted. “No they’re just friends.”
I nodded.
“You okay kid?” He kept asking me that question. I had the same response. A small shrug.
“I feel bad. What if it had been a kid or something?”
“I’m sure you’re too smart to deck some kid. An unfamiliar male voice coming from behind in New York?” His eyes met mine with a smirk. “You had the perfect reaction,”
A smile played at my lips and I felt better. “Thanks Red,” I nudged his shoulder.
“Anytime kid,” his smile turned warm, real. “So I heard April took you around the city,”
“Oh yeah!” My face lit up. “It was so cool. I—I love New York. I’ve always wanted to come, ever since I was little.”
“And now here you are,” he said.
“Here I am,” I nodded. “Not what I thought it was gonna be,” my eyes scanned the three other brothers joking with Casey and April.
“Yeah I bet we were a real curve ball.”
I nodded. “Not bad though. You guys are kinda cool and April just adores y’all.”
He gave me an amused you. “You’re totally still freaked out aren’t you?”
I laughed because he saw right through me. I didn’t admit it out loud but we both knew.
“So, why’d you run away?” He asked, glancing at me.
“What—how?” My eyes flashed to his.
“Takes one to know one,” He smiled. “So?”
“You a runaway?”
He shrugged. “April lets me hide out too when I need some space.”
“That’s nice of her,” I mused. “Guess she’s doin’ the same for me,”
“So, why’d you run?” He asked again. My expression clouded.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” I said truthfully. “I—“
Raphael’s demeanor changed entirely. He wasn’t aloof and nonchalant; he was concerned and calm. “Hey don’t worry about it,” he smiled at me. “Enjoy your quiet then,” There was a loud crash and some yelling among the others—Mikey had spilled an entire two liter of soda and marinara sauce. “Well, as quiet as this can be,” He laughed.
I offered a small smile and inhaled deeply, letting the ashes of my past be blown away with an exhale.
“Hey,” He called me from my sorrows. “If you ever want an escape and some quiet, no questions asked, you’ve got it,” Raphael said. “Just call. April’s got my number.”
“No questions asked?” I mused. His lips quirked up as he nodded. “Thanks,”
“Life is shitty sometimes, and an escape is nice,”
“Yeah,” I agreed.
My planned week visit turned into two weeks. Into three. Every time I thought about booking a flight back… I just didn’t. April was ready to give me her guest room, and to be honest I was ready to split the rent and call it.
But could I do it? Could I leave everything behind because I was a coward? Because I couldn’t go back? Because losing this would hurt so much worse than losing what I had?
I didn’t know and the thoughts were crippling. A thought came to me. I had gotten his number a week ago. And a promise the second night I was here.
I picked up my phone and pressed call.
“Y/n?” Raphael’s voice held worry.
“I need an escape. No questions asked,” I breathed out. “Please,”
“I’ll be there in five.” He said.
I paced the floor, waiting for him to show up. His shadow overtook the window. I opened it.
“Come on,” He grinned. “You ready?”
“Where are we going?” I climbed out onto the fire escape.
“No questions princess,” Raph smirked.
“That’s not what that means,” I protested as we climbed to the roof.
“Sure it is,” He grinned. “Come on,”
Raphael got your phone call and nearly fell off the couch. When your strained voiced asked for an escape—what he had offered to you all those nights ago—he couldn’t say anything but yes.
Here you were, on the roof with him, jittery, like you couldn’t sit still. He knew the rule was no questions asked, but he had so many. Instead, he led you through what he did when he needed an escape. He ran.
“Keep up princess,” He threw over his shoulder. A predatory smile curled onto your lips and you took off after him.
He kept pace so you could keep up with him but when he soared over an alley way you stopped, staring at him like he was crazy.
“Raph there’s no way!” You shouted to him from across the way. “I can’t jump that!”
“Yes you can! Trust yourself,”
“Raphael,” You almost scolded. “If I die it’s on your hands,”
“I can live with that,” He chuckled, fueling your fire. Shaking your head defiantly, you paced back before taking off and launching yourself off the roof, toward him.
Raphael stood on the ledge and caught you, pulling you to safety.
“Told ya,” He smirked, letting you go.
You grinned up at him, panting heavily. There was s shine in your eyes and he loved it. You bounced back and forth on the roof in front of him, your hands coming up in a familiar position he knew well.
“You ready to fight princess?” He mused, pulling his fists up.
You shifted, settling into a fighting stance. “Bring it Red,”
He laughed and the two of yo began to spar. He kept on defense, throwing a pulled punch now and again, letting you duck, dodge, and block. You two went back and forth, laughing and boxing—until he landed a hit and froze shocked.
“Shit!” You laughed, dabbing your nose with the back of your hand. You didn’t stop though, instead you used his panic to deck him back, landing one on his jaw.
“Time—time,” He called stepping back, not liking the blood dripping from your nose. You both relaxed. “Are you okay?”
“I can take a hit, Raph,” You said, smiling, cleaning the blood, tilting your head back for a minute until it stopped, completely unfazed. “Thought I definitely should have stretched before we started.” As if muscle memory, you began to stretch out your arms and shoulders. “Coulda let me know,”
“How was I supposed to know you could fight?” He chuckled, trying to not watch you stretch, and failing now and again.
“I don’t very often,” You admitted. “But it’s a great stress reliever,” Raphael did a double take at your words.
“Yeah—yeah it is,” He fumbled.
“Normally I stick to working out,” You said finding a wall to stretch your shins on. “But this was fun,” You threw a smile over your shoulder.
“You’re not scared?” Raph said, leaning against the wall. You shrugged and joined him.
“I used to box with a linebacker, so, not really. He was a good friend,” Your eyes were lost in a memory. “I think you two’d get along,”
Raph stared at you—you were oblivious, watching the city before you. Somehow, you showed up in his world, and you were everything he thought you weren’t. You weren’t soft and delicate—you had a sharp edge to you. You were a fighter—to blow off steam—to run and be free. You were like him.
He went and sat on the edge of the roof and you joined him, still panting softly.
“It’s so big,” you murmured in awe. “I’ve always dreamed of coming here,”
“I’m glad you came,” Raph smiled down at you.
“Ya know. Despite all the shit that brought me here—I am too,” you leaned against him, your head on his shoulder.
Raphael noticed you flexing your hands. They were raw from fighting. He called himself twenty types of stupid—his hands were always wrapped; he should have made sure yours were too before sparing.
“You okay?” He nodded to your hands.
“Didn’t break skin,” you assured. “Probably just bruised.”
“Don can fix you up in his lab,” Raphael said.
“Oh yes,” a smile curled on your lips. “His lab in the completely not evil lair,”
Raphael laughed. “It’s not that kinda lair—it’s home,”
“Okay,” you shot him through the heart with your smile.
“Okay?” He stammered.
“Yeah,” you got up, stretching. “Why not?”
As he came to the roof edge, going to cross you paused.
“I can’t,” you said, stepping back. Raphael frowned and looked at you. You had done it before. “I’m too tired—my senses are off. Adrenaline is gone.” Admitting defeat sounded painful to you.
“C’mere,”Raphael held his hand out. “I’ll carry you.”
You studied him, and he could see the energy leave your body. You took his hand, not having it in you to fight him. Raphael was grateful. He didn’t want you to purposefully fight him.
He jumped from rooftop to rooftop with you in his arms, carrying you down to the lair. He set you on your feet and led you to Donnie’s lab.
“Y/n! Oh my gosh,” Donnie nearly fell out of his chair and you managed a giggle. “Are you okay?” Judging the dried blood and bruised knuckles, Donnie didn’t miss a thing.
“I’m okay,” your lips quirked up. “Just sparred with Raph, no big,”
“Raph!” Donnie scolded. “Dude!”
“Oy!” You interjected. “It’s okay—I’m fine. It was…“ your eyes met his. “It was a lot of fun,”
“Oh god, you’re just as crazy as he is,” Donnie muttered, examining your knuckles. “They’re just bruised, nothing broken. I can get you some advil and some ice,”
“I’ll take the Advil—skip in the ice,” you said. “Thanks,” you took the meds and looked back at him. “I need a shower… take me home?” The way you asked him Mande Raphael lose his train of thought. He recovered, but not quick enough without your knowing look.
“Uh. Yeah. Of course,” he fumbled. You said your goodbyes to his brothers and he led you back to the rooftops. You both walked this time.
There was a nervous energy in my chest as we walked back to Aprils apartment. It was so easy to be with Raphael but right now it was so hard to form a coherent sentence.
“You’re a good fighter,” he finally said breaking the silence. I exhaled and managed a smile.
“Thanks. I… I don’t do it often—only when I’m really stressed.” I worried my lip, my mind wandering back to why I came to New York in the first place. “You’re fun to spar with,” I dared to look at him, begging to be brought back into reality.
“You don’t think I’m too rough?”
I shook my head. “You freaked out when you hit me. I think you know how to control your hits,” I chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “Or are you telling me you weren’t pulling your punches?”
“I was,” he assured quickly. “I’d—I’d never—no,” He was very stressed about the idea of actually hurting me. I reached out and placed my hand on his arm in an effort to calm him.
“I know Red, it’s okay,”
His eyes met mine and he smiled. Raphael stopped and gestured to the nearest fire escape—I was home. I climbed down back to Aprils apartment and he followed me.
“Thanks Red. For everything,” he was standing outside the window, so close but so far.
“Anytime.” He promised. “Just call.”
“I—yeah,” a smile touched my lips. “I’ll see you later Red,”
“Later princess,” he saluted then took off into the night. I watched the window for a while before I meandered to take a shower. When I closed my eyes in bed that night I was still flying through the air with him over those rooftops.
Raphael headed home, and Leo was waiting for him. Even his snotty brother couldn’t dampen his mood—Raphael was on cloud nine because of you—not only the time he spent with you but also all of the new things he learned about you were valuable.
“What happened?” Leo asked, rather calmly. “You just took off and you bring her back here after fighting?”
Raph paused. “I don’t know all of it. But she’s running from something and—I told her any time it was too much, we could escape, no questions asked.”
“So you two just fought? That’s your idea of an escape?”
Raphael chuckled and shook his head. “It was hers. We were just running rooftops and all of a sudden she’s bouncing on her toes ready to fight—you should have seen her Leo, she’s incredible,”
“You need to be more careful Raph!” Leo scolded.
“She can handle herself Leo. And I’m not gonna hurt her. We were sparring—I pulled every punch,” Raph leaned against a wall. “You saw her put Casey on his ass on accident. She’s incredible Leo,”
Leo was silent a moment but Raph didn’t care. He headed for the dojo—his adrenaline was long from being gone.
“You like her,” Leo called after him.
Raphael chuckled to himself, knowing his brother was right.
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Hello! How are you doing? I just wanted to ask, are you still active and able to do Match-Ups? If so, here’s everything about me!
My name is Aylin (It means moon halo! 🌙) I’m 19 years old. (Yet, I have the mind of a thirteen year old.) My zodiac sign is Capricorn but I’m also a cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius according to Google. I’m not a Harry Potter fan but my house would probably be RavenClaw or Slytherin or possibly even both. I’m straight and polyamorous. I’m an Ambivert! My favorite movie genres are Action and Comedy. Bonus if the movie/show includes both lol. My favorite music genres are 2000’s Pop, 2000’s Electric Pop, Rock, and jazz!! My aesthetics are Y2K and Girly Girl!
So, um, I’m pretty stubborn lol. I’m also very crazy and chaotic. I’m VERY creative. (I’ve written hella crazy stories on Wattpad. My friends are now questioning whether or not I actually need a therapist from how unhinged I am or not because what I write is considered “Iconic” to them XD.) My friends say that I’m funny and to be honest, I sometimes even laugh at my own jokes and/or stories.
I’m a hopeless romantic. (I’m lonely and just need the bf of my dreams. 😭🙏) I’m an absolute crybaby when I’m feeling very stressed out and overwhelmed. I just snap. (In fact, when I was a kid, I would get yelled at and grounded for it. Thank you so much, dad!! 😃)
I also LOVEE animals!!!!! 😍💕💗✨ I would literally die protecting an animal, that’s how much I love them. They give me hope, they make me happy, I basically consider them my siblings. (I’m an only child :’).)
I can be pretty mean sometimes, but it’s not my fault that some people can be just TOTALLY unbearable. 🙄🤦♀️ I’m also pretty bratty at times, either because I feel like it or that person just really pisses me off. I’m really, REALLY sassy. My middle school friends could confirm that. I’m also brutally honest, at least that’s what my friends said back in middle school.
I’m VERY caring and overprotective and loyal to those that I REALLY care about and love. Seriously, I would DIE protecting them.
I KINDA have trust issues, there’s just a lot of toxic and bad people in the world, it’s almost impossible to let your guard down. Being naive got me nowhere but just sad days of crying my heart out.
I used to like drawing but I barley have any motivation at all now. I don’t know if I’ll ever go back at it. It’s just a lot of hard work and it gets pretty frustrating at times when you make a small or big mistake.
As I mentioned about my crazy stories on Wattpad, I LOVEE writing!! When I was a kid, my parents used to say that I would make a really good writer because of my creativity in English assignments lol.
I love shopping! Especially with my friends, it just makes it a lot more fun and exciting. I really enjoy hanging out with my friends and talking to them instead of through a screen.
I really enjoy listening to music! 2000’s Pop music just makes me feel really good and happy. Music nowadays is just kinda…- No.
For some reason, I just really love waking up early and taking a walk outside. I just really admire how beautiful and stunning the early mornings look like.
Like the turtles, I LOVEE pizza! It just tastes so good!! It’s my most favorite food ever!
Mint ice cream is UNDERRATED. I don’t care about what people say about it tasting like toothpaste, they’re being over dramatic, it tastes SOO good!!
I just HATE it when people wear clothes that don’t even match at all!! Like, what confidence of yours made you wear THAT bizarre mess in public?!?! It just annoys me so much. Not only get a new brain but get a new and better fashion style.
I absolutely hate and cringe at rap music. The only rapper that I make an exception of is Eminem. But other than that, it’s just- NO, NO, NO. I swear, all they ever say in those cringey songs is the N word and then they start talking about butts and stupid stuff like that. Maybe, you lowlife’s can actually learn to start making some REAL music instead.
Another thing that I dislike is when people blame me for something that I DIDN’T DO or I DIDN’T START. Do they not know that there are always two sides to a story? I remember back in Kindergarten when these two little roach girls used to bully me and mock me, following me wherever I go in the playground. They were SO ANNOYING. So, I started attacking one of them because of how sick and tired I was of them and guess what? I GOT DRAGGED BY MY WRIST BY MY TEACHER TO THE STUPID PRINCIPALS OFFICE. That memory still angers me ‘till this day.
As I mentioned about me loving animals with my life, I HATE, HATE, HATE animal @buse or any type of @buse for that matter really. @buse in general is just disgusting and unnecessary. People seriously have sick and twisted minds to think that @buse is “Okay”. ITS NOT!!! It seriously needs to stop.
My father. 🤓
I really dislike pickles, ketchup, mustard, papaya, steak/beef, bacon, any cheese other than mozzarella, poptarts (They tastes SOOO fake, I’m really sorry, Donnie.😭✋) and many other things that I can’t seem to remember lol. They just gross me out SOO much, I don’t understand how people like them.
My Body (If you don’t feel comfortable doing this section, just ignore it.):
I have VERY dark brown hair that can look black depending on the lighting and dark brown eyes (They look better and prettier when the sun hits them. 😩) I think I have a heart-shaped facial structure. I have the almond eye-type. I have a cupids bow lip. (I was actually kinda insecure about my lip when I was a teen, but now knowing that only 5% of people have my lip type made that insecurity go away!) I have fair skin as my skin color. I have “strong” nails that break, making them look ugly and unpleasant. Always annoys me so much. I do pretty simple makeup, multi-color eyeshadow makes me look ugly for some reason and I absolutely hate it.
I’m an hourglass (Yet, I hate my body with a passion.) I have stretch marks on my hips and thighs that I’m really insecure about. I also have cellulite but basically everyone has that since it’s just how your skin looks like when you squeeze it. (At least that’s what I think lol.) I also have a butterfly tattoo on the hip of my lower back.
Anyways, that’s all about me! Thank you so much for taking the time of your day to read this and give me my match-up!! (If you did.) I hope everyone reading this has an amazing and wonderful day!!! ❤️❤️❤️
*stumbles in late*
*uncovers laptop from moving boxes*
*sets up and takes a breath*
Apparently I am still doing match-ups because here we are. BUT BEFORE THAT REALLY QUICK IT'S BEEN A WHILE HI GUYS
so... I moved across the country... from Florida to a place where NYC is at my fingertips... so that REALLY hyped my hyperfixation for my boys. Lemme tell you when I started this blog I NEVER thought I'd be this close to the city.
Anyway, hey babes that was a TON of information but kudos to writing it all down bc I could never
But Honestly, I'm gonna go with you and Mikey here!
Hear me all the way out:
Pick any version of Mikey and you guys would vibe
You've both got a creative streak and a general overall tender heart that I think would work really well together
You know this dude has seen the end of Wattpad trying to find his favorite ships (and maybe even a few about him and his true love, hoping one day it might come true)
I really think he would be someone who could understand your trust issues, and even help you through it (and while I'm on the subject on a real note: there's a difference from naive and kind. you can still be kind and open, but know there are boundaries that you should have to keep yourself safe and in a place mentally and emotionally and away from toxic people bc girl TRUST ME I'VE BEEN THERE)
Okay, so Mikey is one of those guys who would try gross foods because it's there, so you'd never have to worry about not liking something because he would eat it without a second thought
(I think it would be SO FUNNY if the one thing he didn't like was mint chocolate chip ice cream and that's the ONE thing you two can't agree on)
("I've seen you eat ten day old pizza from the floor" "And I'd do it again if I never had to eat that monstrosity of cold toothpaste")
Of course he's protective of you and your heart and doesn't want to break it, and he has some of the highest emotional maturity of the brothers and I think it would really help you guys as a couple, but also just help over all with growing up as a young adult (BECAUSE IT'S ROUGH OUT HERE SHAWTY)
You guys would do so well together
#tmnt#tmnt mikey x#tmnt 2012#tmnt 2014#tmnt 2018#tmnt 2016#tmnt michelangelo#michelangelo hamato#tmnt mikey#mikey#michelangelo#tmnt raphael#tmnt leo#leonardo hamato#donatello#tmnt donatello#tmnt match-ups
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Ways to My Heart
Donatello X Reader
Summary: Request: Originally based on “Ways to Break My Heart” by Ed Sheeran but it got healthier
A/n: Apparently I appear every Christmas and rewrite an old prompt. And now that I'm older and healthier, it's kinda fun. And y'all were right, we're not about to be a rebound. So, for my dear @witchancunin, I hope you don't mind that it's been four years.
Autumn was settling in. With the wave after wave of rain that we had, there were little colors to the dying trees. Some scientific reason about fungi and decay. Donnie had explained it, but I barely payed attention.
Not that I wasn’t paying attention to him: I was too focused. We were working on a new lego set and I had one to many to drink to pit the small plastic pieces together so he took over and his fingers though larger than mine, were so nimble and they pursued the legos with ease as he assembled a BD-1 droid: my present to him after we finished The Fallen Order together.
The thought of us playing made me smile. I played through most of the game, getting my Star Wars fix, but when it became too difficult, I’d get so frustrated and Donnie would laugh and take the controller from me and defeat whatever stood in my way. I loved and hated him for it.
But that didn’t change the fact that New York was wet and colorless.
I took the hidden alley, now slick with today’s chilled rain, and followed the path down to his home and the warmth it offered. And when winter came and I missed the heat of my hometown—which was safe and sound in the middle of Georgia—four brothers did their best to keep me temperate: Mikey was all hugs; Raphael actually knitted me a sweater last winter (yes it was purple, no I don’t want to talk about it); Leo let me invade his space now and again if he was meditating; and Donnie… well there was no place warmer than his lab. Between the tech and the constant blush he knew how to get on my face and down my neck… it was where I spent most of my time.
“Still no color,” I sighed, shrugging off my coat and hanging it in my usual spot by his door.
“I told you there wouldn’t bet be,” His eyes flashed to mine before returning to his project.
“A girl can dream,” A smile touched my lips as I wandered over to see what he was working on.
In front of him was a circuit board and he was soldering wires to the metal with such precision. I left him to it, having no idea the plans in his head of creation, and I found my book on one of his other work stations. Picking it up, I resumed reading—a romance novel I let myself indulge in now and again when I was over stressed. This one was about chess and it was set in Jersey, which I found hysterical.
I must have made a sound, or a face, or some sort of tell because I heard his voice pulling me from the fictional world.
“What did Nolan do now?” Donnie asked, pushing back from his desk and over to where I was curled up.
“Not Nolan,” the story’s main guy. “It’s Oz. He’s definitely telling off Mallory right now,”
“Oooo what did she do?” I had his full attention. And it wasn’t the first time. He insisted that every time I read a book I tell him about it, despite the many insistings that he read them himself.
“I like your perspective,” He told me once. “Books are dull, dry, but you bring them alive,”
So, I launched into the tale, weaving the complexities of the plot with my words and gestures, the poor book being waved around. And all the while his eyes stayed on mine, and he gave the softest smile that belonged to only me.
He always kept me warm.
When it go late enough, and we had joined his family in having pizza and watching tv (we were currently going through the newer She-Ra on Netflix), I had to trek back out into the cold.
“Let me take you home,” Donnie piped up, seeing me get my coat and boots.
“I’m a big girl, I can handle it,” I rolled my eyes.
“I know,” He said with such certainty. “Let me do it anyway.” There was that warmth again.
Raph gave me a knowing look but I ignored him.
And like greeting an old friend, we had our routine. Donnie would stay, and we’d curl up on my couch and watch old reruns of Doctor Who until we were both asleep in the comfort of my apartment.
And it was warm.
Then April came.
And God it was so nice to have a friend who was in on the secret. We explored New York together, had movie nights, and so many girl talks that may have involved some alcohol.
But it meant I had to watch Donnie fall head over heels for her—from my usual spot in his lab, as he showed her all of his projects, chattering happily.
I told myself it didn’t bother me. And it didn’t.
Shut up.
Hiding it from Donnie was easy. Hiding it from the rest of his family? Not so much.
“You okay kid?” Raph asked, standing beside me as Donnie explained the entire Shell-Razer to April.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” My voice was low.
“Because my brother’s an ass,”
I laughed humorlessly. “We weren’t together Raph.” A shrug fell from my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to fight off the lingering chill. “It’s fine. I’m—fine.”
It was a few weeks later that I came to the lair; always having an excuse to not accompany April. I could see it in her eyes that she knew something was up, but she didn’t call me out on it—yet.
“Miss Y/n,” Splinter stopped me as I entered.
“Master Splinter,” I gave a small head nod.
“Let’s talk child,” His words caught me off guard.
“Um. Okay,” I followed him to the meditation room that was lit softly with sparse candles.
“You have not been coming around as often.” It was a statement. Not a question.
“Yeah,” I knew no excuse would work on the old master, and the father of four boys.
“Is everything alright?” He rose an eyebrow and I gave a feeble lie:
He nodded. “Let’s try that again. Everything is not alright.”
Tears glossed my vision and the familiar pain flooded my chest like ice. I tilted my chin back, holding my head high.
“Master, there’s nothing I can do.” I opened my mouth to continue trying to find the courage. “I care deeply for him,” My eyes trained on a candle flame. “But I never told him and… that’s my consequence to live with,”
“I see,” His wise voice held so much understanding that it washed over me. “And because of that choice, you do not come around as often?”
“It hurts less,” That was the simple fact. “I don’t have to watch him…”
“Chase after April?” Splinter filled in knowing.
He nodded. “Perhaps you and April should talk,”
“Look, I don’t—“
“Y/n,” He cut me off and I pursed my lips. “April is your best friend, and I have a feeling she wants to help you,”
“I know,” He was right, and maybe hearing git gave me the courage to say something after all. A smile touched my lips. “Thanks Sensei.”
“I care about my family,” He said. “And that includes my daughters,”
Tears stung my eyes again as he gave me a hug.
“Thank you,”
“Of course, child,”
April and I did sit down and talk. More of she called me out on moping and avoiding the subject. So, we sat on our fire escape and talked. About everything.
She knew when she first got there that there was something going on between Donnie and me. And though she loved the brothers, she didn’t like Donnie that way. She also knew that was the reason I was avoiding going to the lair.
“I’m sorry,” She said.
“For what?” I almost laughed.
“Because, before I came, there would have been no doubt that you and Donnie would be together by now,”
“Hey I wouldn’t trade you for anything,” I smiled. “And if… if Donnie wants to be… whatever the heck this is, I can handle it.”
“But you shouldn’t have to,” April said. “I want you to be happy Y/n. And I want you back at the lair. I… I just want you to have your life back,”
“It wouldn’t be as fun without you.”
“I know,” She laughed. “But I am going to talk to Donnie,” She must have seen the horror on my face. “Not about you! God no! But I’m gonna tell him that I don’t feel that way about him, and hopefully he gets the message,”
I nodded. “Thanks April,”
When April had told me that Donnie took their talk semi-well, I still gave it a few weeks before I headed to the lair, not wanting to have to pick up the aftermath of his shattered fantasy.
With end of Spring, I had my family back.
There was a cool distance between Donnie and I that was slowly thawing until I was back in his lab reading and he was fidgeting with his tools. It took another week for him to ask me about my book. And another week for him to take me home. And a few more days for his smile to be back. And a couple more for mine to stay. I wrestled with what had happened in the winter and spring, trying to look for the other shoe to drop.
But when the six of us played a board game, or watched movies or even had dinner, all that was felt was camaraderie. Donnie didn’t notice April anymore and he backed down. Raph kept a careful eye just like I did. When he caught my stare, Raph rose an eyebrow at me, glancing to Donnie. I shrugged and smiled.
I didn’t know.
And I think that was okay.
I think I was okay.
With summer, meant my birthday. June 14th. The boys and April insisted on throwing a big party for me in the lair with cake and presents and music and dancing. I hadn’t laughed so much in months.
Donnie offered to walk me home, like always. Like old times. Like now.
We were standing on my roof, all I had to do was climb down the fire escape to the apartment April and I shared.
“Happy birthday,” His smile was back, and God I had missed it. All of the careful walls I had built around myself came crashing down at the simple gesture.
“Thanks Donnie,”
And in the starlight of the roof, alone with the city alive beneath us, he leaned in and his lips were on mine. A stolen kiss that had me wrecked.
Donnie pulled away, wonder in my eyes, and confusion in his.
“I—I’m sorry,” He stammered out, his brows pulling together.
“It’s… it’s okay,” I managed a smile.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, backing away. “That… I didn’t mean—it was a mistake,” He choked out.
My body jerked back with the rejection that crashed over it.
“What?” My voice was as cold as ice.
“I—I don’t know why I did that.”
“Oh, okay,” I managed.
He was gone like a shadow in the night and I stood there frozen.
I must have been up there for too long, because April came up to find me.
“Hey are you okay?” Her voice was concerned.
“Um,” Was all I could manage.
“What happened? Donnie came back and he’s not talking. He’s barricaded himself in his lab.”
“Um.” I said again. “He… he kissed me.”
“Oh my God that’s amazing!” April celebrated, but paused when she saw the dread in my eyes. “Then what happened?”
“He. Um. Said it was a mistake.” I choked out.
“I—I’m—I’m actually going to kill him,” April said. “He said that? To you!? After kissing you!?” She was outraged, and maybe I should have been too, but it was like my entire body had gone into a comatose. She took my hands into hers. I met her eyes. Tears finally thawed and started to fall.
“Oh, honey come here,” She pulled me into a hug and I started crying. Every tear I had denied finally rushed forward, and soon I was sobbing on that roof.
“Did I do something wrong?” I asked her, miserable. We had made it back to the flat, and we were curled up on my bed.
“No, honey, you didn’t.” April soothed, petting my hair.
The next morning he was standing in my living room. The two of us. Standing like we had not twenty four hours ago. But the morning was different. Now I couldn’t bare to be near him. It was only because April said I should at least get closure this time that I was even out here.
I stared at him, my lips pursed, waiting for him to say something.
“I’m sorry,” He blurted out. “That—what I said, it wasn’t what I meant.” He started pacing anxiously. “Look, I know that I hurt you with that whole April thing, and I haven’t apologized for that and I really should and I want to!” His words began tumbling together in his nervousness. “And I wanted to do that before I ever did anything else, and God definitely before kissing you, but you were there so close on that roof and you were just beautiful, and I—I’m so sorry,”
I blinked. My face when through a series of expressions before settling on shocked confusion.
“I know!” Donnie insisted. “God, I know and I’m so sorry Y/n. Especially for not explaining last night. But I was panicking and—“ He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for chasing after April like I did. I genuinely thought that you’d never want me like that. And that was a dick thing for me to do. And I’m sorry for hurting you for so long.” He smiled a bit. “And I’m sorry for crossing your boundaries last night. And for not sticking around and explaining. Also a dick move on my part. So… yeah,” He nodded, not daring to meet my eyes.
“Um. Okay,” I managed. “Uh… wow.”
“I know it’s a lot. I’m sorry,” He said.
“You can stop apologizing Donnie,” I gave a small laugh. “That’s um… alright. Thanks? I think?”
“Are you mad?” His eyes met mine. “I don’t know…” I confessed. “Um I think I need a minute. Or two,”
“Right! Yeah! Of course! Take as much time as you need!” He said backing away. “Um—I’m gonna go and give you space, but you can come over or call or anything anytime—we are still having game night tonight, so if you want to come—not that you have to!” He was an anxious mess again.
I placed my hand on his arm to stop him. “Thank you,” I smiled pointedly.
“Right, um… I’ll just be off then,” He nodded, backing away. “Bye.”
“Bye?” I laughed. And like that he was gone again. “Hey April?” I called, knowing she heard all of that.
She emerged from her room.
“You heard all of that right?” I clarified.
“Every word,” She was grinning.
“Why does it all feel so weird?” I asked. “Like really weird.”
“Because that my dear,” April said. “Was emotional maturity.”
“Is that what that looks like?”
“For the most part,” April nodded. “So, what are you feeling?”
“That, it all makes sense? And I want to believe him? And that its still really weird,”
“All fair feelings,” April said.
The hours ticked by until game night at the lair. April and I had gone back and forth about going or not. And when it came time to it… I was putting on my sneakers and grabbing my bag.
I walked into the lair and I felt every stare on me. I was only looking for one gaze though.
“Hey,” He said, getting up, looking genuinely surprised that I was there.
“Hey.” I smiled. “Can we talk?”
Tags: @brightlotusmoon@boatloadsofheart@legandarybeauty@crazywritingbug@bitch-kms@ravn-87@just-a-casual-fangirl-011@unicornjoos @stuckoutsideofthebox@ilikestuffproductions@whygz@coffee-addicti@sugarspooks15@leslieebee@serperiorkb@blossom-skies@fantastical-67impala-fangirl@coresan@big-banging-red@iceprincess2019@raphaeladdict@thirstyforvenom @merindagriese@depressedemo-152@bengewatch@corabmarie@bitemebro522@tmnt-queen@muleka-loka@violet-sky-96 @curadopordeus@artemismohr18 @thewhisperpen @xjupitermoonsx@bisexualbumblebeesstuf f @merindagriese @oceans-daughter-3 @dixonreedusfangirlforever@shanidenise@thegayestfish441@lovelyyroseee@yourlieberhoe@dolphincommander@molzies-fanfics@fuzzy-panda@msmcsmutt @zombiesnips-blog
#donnie x y/n#tmnt donnie x reader#donatello#tmnt donatello#donnie x reader#tmnt donatello x reader#donatello x reader#donatello hamato#tmnt leo#tmnt leonardo#leonardo hamato#leo tmnt#leo#tmnt raphael#raphael hamato#tmnt#tmnt raph#tmnt mikey#raphael#tmnt michelangelo#michelangelo hamato#mikey#michelangelo#master splinter#teenage mutant ninja turtle imagine#teenage mutant ninja turtles 2016#teenage mutant ninja turtles
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A Second Chance (draft II)
Raphael x Reader
Summary: One night you’ve finally had enough of Raphael’s anger fits, so you do something about it--much to Leo’s chagrin.
a/n: I have no explanation other than I reread the first time I wrote this and realized over three years has past since this and well... I’ve grown, emotionally and in my writing.
Merry Christmas
Raph roared in frustration heading out of the dojo in a rage. My eyes met his and I frowned.
“Everything alright?” I asked.
Raphael scoffed and punched the wall leaving a dent in the bricks. My skin crawled and my mouth went dry. Normally when Raphael lost his temper I never saw the brunt end of it.
“Raph!” I almost scolded. He whipped around turning to me and sneered. I swallowed my panic.
“You wouldn’t understand a damn thing, princess,” he jeered.
“That’s convenient.” I muttered to myself but he heard it. Raphael stalked over to me and we faced off—though it wasn’t much of a face off since he was a foot and a half taller than I was.
“Raphael!” Leo shouted. “Back away from her!”
Annoyance rippled through my blood as Raph growled and took off out of the lair.
“Leo!” I lamented. “I had it under control!”
“I’ll be back,” I muttered grabbing my coat and digging my grave as I headed out after the turtle in red.
I emerged in a dark alley, barely lit by the sad street lamp.
“Raphael!” I shouted. “Come on!”
“What!?” He snapped from the shadows behind me, causing me to jump away. “You think you can calm me down? You not afraid of the monster in the shadows?” His tone was ice cold.
My eyes searched for him in the darkness.
“No,” I breathed out.
He stepped into the little light there was and my eyes finally adjusted. With each exhale he released a soft growl and he appeared down right menacing.
“What was that, princess?” He taunted. “Are you afraid?”
“No.” I said more defiantly. “Actually, I am so done with you throwing tantrums all the time and thinking it’s okay!” I gritted my teeth. “You treat your brothers like shit, Raphael.” Crossing my arms I glared up at him. “And I’m so over it.”
“What did you just say to me?” A growl rumbled in his chest.
“You heard me.” I snapped.
“Those are some pretty bold words, princess.” Raph stood up taller. “They’re going to get you into trouble.”
“Try me.” I hissed. “I’ve seen it all.”
Raphael didn’t back down but the anger in his eyes faltered. I had caught him off guard.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” His curiosity leaked into his icy tone.
“You never asked about me. You never cared enough.” I said. “I grew up with an abusive asshole of a brother. You. Don’t. Scare. Me.” I squared my shoulders. “And you won’t tear apart your family trying to be something you’re not. I won’t let you.”
“You won’t let me?” He almost laughed.
“And how are you going to stop me?”
I took a deep breath and exhaled my panic and anxiety.
“I can’t physically, but this facade? I’m not going to entertain it.”
“You think it’s all a facade?” He laughed. “I’m mean, princess. And scary. And deadly,” he prowled toward me, and I back up into the wall.
“You wouldn’t hurt me,” I said, tears betraying my fear.
“That so?” He raised an eyebrow.
I nodded, not trusting my voice. The first tear streamed down my cheek and recognition and regret flickered into his features. He seemed to realize our positions. Raphael backed down.
“I won’t. Ever,” he admitted sheepishly.
I quickly wiped away my tears and took another cleansing breath. Reaching out for him, my hand met his forearm.
“Now, do you wanna talk about it, Red?” I offered.
Silence claimed a few moment.
“Why are you out here?” He asked, and I barely heard him. “Why? You never batted an eyelash at me ever and now you suddenly care?” I could hear the anger rising in his voice: anger that masked confusion. His green eyes pierced mine.
“I always cared,” my voice was soft, confusion furrowing my brows. “Red?”
He didn’t say another word. He stared to walk away.
“Where are you going!?” I shouted.
“Out. Away from you.” His words slapped me.
“Sure,” I snapped. “Run away! Like you always do! One day you’re going to miss what’s right in front of you!”
“And what’s that?” He turned, stalking back up to me.
“For one: your family. But right now: me.”
“Oh wonderful, all my problems are solved,” he rolled his eyes and went to walk away again. I stared shocked.
“Wh—why are you so cruel?” I whispered. “What—what did we—what did I ever do?” My tears were back and quicker than last time. “What did I ever do?” My face crumpled into my tears, my own facade of strength drowning—melting away like wet paper. I struggled to get my emotions under control as Raphael reeled, all of his walls falling as he desperately tried to help with no clue how to.
“Hey, sweetheart, come on,” his expression softened. “You didn’t do anything. I’m just an asshole.” The mutant neared me, unsure of how to show comfort.
I desperately tried to wipe away the tears that wouldn’t stop now that they had started.
“No,” my voice shook. “I should know by now—I—I just—I bring anger and hurt everywhere I go,” I sniffled. “I’m—I—“
“Hey, princess no.” He crouched down so we were face to face. He pried my hands from my face and wiped away stray tears. “Sure bad things might happen around you but it’s never because of you,” Raph reassured.
“No.” He left no room for argument. “Come on,” he picked me up easily. “Let’s get some air.” He carried me up until we were seated side by side on the top of an apartment building, staring out at the city below.
“I’m really sorry.” Raph voiced after a while. “I never meant to hurt you or make you think you cause problems,”
“I do cause problems,” I muttered, hugging my knees. The chill of the air settled heavily on my shoulders as the city below is was set out to prove that it never slept.
“No, I cause problems sweetheart. It’s my thing. It’s what I do.” I could hear the smirk in his voice. “And you most definitely do not cause problems. If anything you help. My brothers need you. I... I need you.”
I looked over at him and smiled. “I need you too, Red.”
Quiet settled between us as the lights of the city glowed. I picked at a loose thread on my coat and leaned against Raphael for warmth—not unlike times before, except this time not under the watchful eye of Leonardo that caused Raph to storm off after some time. It was peace. It was quiet.
“Can I ask you something?” I mused.
“Sure,” He sounded lost in thought. I sat up and faced him.
“Why are you always so at odds with Leo? Is it just the rivalry or…?”
Raph looked away and laughed sheepishly. I raised my eyebrows, amused.
“It was that for a while,” He confessed. “Then it kinda started to be about you,”
“Me?” My brow furrowed. “How…?” I felt very unsure of myself.
“Nothin. You didn’t do anything sweetheart. Leo... he told me to stay away from you. That I would scare you too much. He never bothered to tell me why. I had no idea...” he trailed off lost in thought.
“And that bothered you?”
“It doesn’t bother you?” He countered. I teetered my head. He had a fair point—Leo could get on my nerves sometimes when it came to interacting with the terrapin beside me. He continued: “So some pretty girl comes stumbling into my life and I’m not allowed to be around her, let alone get to know her because I would ‘scare her’” He used air quotes. “Then every interaction is micromanaged and held over me,” He inhaled sharply. “Pisses me off,”
I nodded sympathetically, combing through our interactions together, piecing what he said to what I saw. He was right.
He smiled and looked down at me. “Only to find out that this same pretty girl has some grit to her and isn’t afraid at all—that she’s got her own shit to deal with and has no problem telling me to fuck off.”
“I don’t think I said that exactly,” I drawled, trying to hide a smile. “Although I might go tell Leo to,”
“Oh, please make sure I’m in the room,” He grinned, causing me to laugh.
“Sure, sure.”
Quiet fell again, a smile resting on my lips.
“Can I ask you something?” Raph asked. I nodded. “Your brother.” I waited for him to elaborate but he didn’t.
“That’s not a question,”
He rolled his eyes. “Can you tell me about it? Or no? You don’t have to—I understand,” He rushed out.
I hugged my knees, looking up at the stars with a smile.
“I—I don’t really know what to say,” I confessed. “A lot of it I can’t remember, but for a really long time I had to cover up my skin, I’d have to stay at friends houses—one time I went to live with my aunt for the summer. I’d jump at any loud sounds and get panic attacks. Put on a mask like everything was fine, never knowing it wasn’t normal.” I paused in thought. “It…it’s not so bad anymore but,” I shrugged. “It taught me a lot.”
“Are you safe now?” He asked.
“Yeah,” I smiled. “We both went to therapy. We’re sorta friends now. It’s not the best but it’s been getting better as the years go on,”
“Good,” He said and I hummed in agreement. “And all of that means you can see through me?”
I laughed. “So there’s the real question,” I teased. “Yes and no,” He gave me a flat look. “Well, let me explain. Anger is a secondary emotion, a protective bubble,” I mimicked a dome with my hands. “It always hides something else—hurt, fear, sadness, things people don’t want to admit to or work through so they’d rather be angry.” A shrug fell from my shoulders. “That’s why I can see through you Red. I don’t know what’s underneath, but I know it’s something.”
“So you want to fix me?” His voice was clipped and guarded.
I chuckled. “Lord no,” I shook my head. “I—I know I can’t do that—I’ve learned that. I can stand beside you while you work on yourself but I am so under qualified to put a person back together.”
Raph stared at me in wonder. I looked at him, expectantly, waiting for him to say something. He never did, rather something clicked in his eyes and he just smiled and we went back to staring at the city.
“Can I ask you another thing?” He said, his eyes still trained on the skyline.
“Sure,” I chuckled.
“Why do you call me Red? You—you don’t do it with my brothers… just me.” I turned studying his face in wonder that he had even picked up on that—I had never meant to do it purposely, but it was a habit that I had.
“I—I don’t know,” I confessed. “It suits you—I can stop?”
“Don’t even think about it.” He grinned down at me and I mirrored his expression.
“You got it, Red. Any other pressing questions?”
“Nah,” He chuckled. “But I’ll let you know if I think of any,”
“Good,” I closed my eyes and leaned against the giant turtle, feeling safe and at peace for the first time in a while. Minutes passed by and the city lulled and the early morning hours dawned. My yawns must have become too frequent for Raphael’s liking.
“Let’s get you back home,” Raph chuckled, again picking me up, but rather than heading back to the lair, he went west, toward my apartment.
“What?” I asked, as he set me on my feet at my fire escape, pulling out a small knife to jimmy my window unlocked. “Okay, you know I have keys right?” I asked as he slid the window open. “You don’t have to break in,” I ducked through the window and he followed me.
“Are your roommates home?” He asked, his eyes darting around my living room.
“No, they’re home for break,” I said, closing the window and locking it, before drawing the curtains and double checking all of the locks. He watched me curiously as I shut down my apartment for the night. I headed to my room, but paused when he didn’t follow.
“Stay?” I asked softly.
“I—“ He glanced at the window.
“Stay,” I said again, more firmly.
tags: Tags: @brightlotusmoon @boatloadsofheart @legandarybeauty @crazywritingbug @bitch-kms @ravn-87 @just-a-casual-fangirl-011@unicornjoos @stuckoutsideofthebox @ilikestuffproductions @whygz @coffee-addicti@sugarspooks15 @leslieebee @serperiorkb @blossom-skies @fantastical-67impala-fangirl @coresan @big-banging-red@iceprincess2019 @raphaeladdict-blog @thirstyforvenom @merindagriese @depressedemo-152 @bengewatch @corabmarie @bitemebro522 @tmnt-queen @muleka-loka@violet-sky-96 @curadopordeus @artemismohr18 @thewhisperpen @xjupitermoonsx @bisexualbumblebeesstuf f @merindagriese @oceans-daughter-3 @dixonreedusfangirlforever @shanidenise@thegayestfish441 @lovelyyroseee @yourlieberhoe @dolphincommander@molzies-fanfics @fuzzy-pandas @msmcsmutt @zombiesnips-blog
#tmnt#tmnt raphael#tmnt raph x reader#tmnt raph#tmnt raph 2012#tmnt raphael x reader#raphael hamato#raphael x reader#raph x reader#teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt fandom#tmnt fanfiction#raphael#donatello#tmnt michelangelo#tmnt leonardo#tmnt leo#leonardo hamato#TMNT x reader#tmnt x oc#tmnt x you#tmnt x#tmnt x y/n
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Before you read and request, there are a couple of rules that I would love all of you to follow! HERE you can find them. I will try to update this regularly.

Free-time -what does Leo loves to do with his s/o during his free time? Headcanons (2012!verse) gn!reader
Playfully-flirty -What happens when Leo’s crush starts to playfully flirt with him? Headcanons (2012!verse) gn!reader
Shell painting (2007!verse) gn!reader
Emergency call - Leo’s s/o calls him for an “emergency” when he arrives to their place, said emergency was… they need cuddles! Turns out that he needed them too. (2007!verse) gn!reader
It will be okay - Leo comforting the reader when they have an existential crisis (2003!verse) gn!reader
Are you okay? you look kind of… pale -Leo is sick, reader takes care of him (2007!verse) fem!reader
First time sleeping together -Leo invites you to stay over at the lair (2014/16!verse) gn!reader
The kidnap Victim - Boys are changing a tire when they come across with this girl who’s escaping from her abusers. (2016!verse) fem!reader
Smut / NSFW
Sex Meditation - Leo Jerks off while watching the reader trying to meditate. (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
Booty call -Reader calls the leader to dirty talk to him but it doesn’t go as she planed. (2012!verse) fem!reader
Leo - NSFW Headcanons (2014/16!verse) gn!reader
How to blow Leo, a guide - What does he like when you go down on him? (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
The samurai and the Geisha -You decide it could be fun to role-play in bed, and Leo is loving it. (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
Hard crush! - What are the differences when Raph and Leo crush on you? (2007!verse) fem!reader
A cozy feeling -Cuddle-fucking with Leo (2007!verse) fem!reader
Romance kind of?
First time meeting his crush! -Leo meets you at a rooftop! (2007!verse) fem!reader

Scare you away- Nightwatcher!Raph reveals he is a turtle to the reader. (2007) gn!reader
Shell painting -Reader wants to paint in his shell, will he say yes? (2007) gn!reader
Romantic relationship Headcanons -What’s like to date Raph? (2007 and 2003!verse) gn!reader
Best friends! - Raph dealing with Mikey being best friends with his s/o (2003!verse) gn!reader
To make a living - Raph also worked in 2007 movie! headcanon
First time sleeping together! -Raph invites you to spend the night and Splinter makes a statement: not fucking at the lair! (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
When sex is a problem -Reader is ace, and Raph finds out in the worst possible way. (2012!verse) gn!reader
The kidnap Victim - Boys are changing a tire when they come across with this girl who’s escaping from her abusers. (2016!verse) fem!reader
Missing -Raph’s s/o gets injured during a fight and then goes missing. He is going crazy to find her!! (2007!verse) fem!reader
Safe haven -Raph goes to you after fighting with Leo (2003!verse) gn!reader
Smut / NSFW
Training Sex -Raph Jerks off while watching the reader training - (2014/16!verse) gn!reader
Halloween party - Raph and Mikey sneak out to go to a party, there, Raph meets a girl in a cat costume and she makes it very clear that she’d love to fuck him, would he accept? (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
First time with Red - Raph and the reader losing their v card to each other. (2007!verse) fem!reader
How to blow Raph, a guide -What does he likes when you go down on him? (2014/16) fem!reader
Hard crush! - What are the differences when Raph and Leo crush on you? (2007!verse) fem!reader
Squirting Headcanons! (2014/16!verse) fem!reader

A gift to win your heart -Donnie tries to impress the reader to impress the reader by giving him gifts. (2012!verse) male!reader
Tiny Doll -Reader uses Donnie’s hoodies and he finds it really cute how big they look on her (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
Cuddles with Donnie (2012!verse) gn!reader
Relationship Headcanons (2003!verse) gn!reader
First time sleeping together -Donnie invites you to spend the night and Splinter makes a statement: not fucking at the lair! (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
Romance kind of?
How is it like to be in a relationship with Donnie? (2003!verse) gn!reader
Killer-stalker - yandere!donnie obsessing over the reader (2012!verse) gn!reader
The kidnap Victim (2014/16!verse) female!reader
Smut / NSFW
Intimacy headcanons (general)
How to blow Donnie, a guide - what does he likes when you go down on him? (2014/2016) fem!reader
Hard crush part2- What are the differences between Donnie and Mikey when crushing on you? (2007!verse) fem!reader
Purple Led Lights- Donnie went to your house to surprise you with a whole terabyte of new movies that he downloaded in hopes to spend the night with you and finally kiss you. Too bad it all ended in a nightmare of arousal and voyeurism. (2016!verse) fem!reader

First time sleeping together -Mikey invites you to spend the night and Splinter makes a statement: not fucking at the lair! (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
Cuddles with Mikey! (2012!verse) gn!reader
A gift to win your heart (2012!verse) male!reader
The kidnap Victim (2014/16!verse) female!reader
Smut / NSFW
Sensual Painting - Reader asks Mikey for his artistic hand. He has to paint on her naked back. When he goes back home he can’t help but jerk off thinking about her her (2k14/16) fem!reader
How to blow Mikey a guide -What does he likes when you go down on him? (2014/16!verse) fem!reader
Would Mikey be into…? -Some kinky questions about pegging (2014/16)
Baking love (2012) fem!reader
Orange mood

I ordered this part by verses, so here we go:
First kiss reaction (2003)
The boys befriending a waterbender (2003)
S/O goes to college in another state! (2003)
Bonding thru cooking (2003)
Jealousy headcanons (2003)
saying you love them reaction (2003)
Realizing they’re in love with their s/o (fluff / 2003 / gn!reader)
How would the boys show PDA? (fluff / 2003)
Sleeping with s/o (fluff / 2003)
S/O gets injured in battle! (gn!reader / 2003)
Realizing they’re in love (gn!reader / 2003)
How they show affection / PDA? (gn!reader / 2003)
Boys s/o is very good at improvising kevin mccallister style (2003) gn!reader
What type of nicknames do the (2003) guys use for their s/o
The boys with a s/o who is really good at surfing (2003) gn!reader
Bed-time Headcanons (2007!verse)
Hugs and Friendly kisses (2007!verse)
Friend falling asleep next to them (2007!verse)
Their crush falling asleep next to them (2007!verse)
First time they had a crush on someone (2007!verse)
Boys reaction to you wearing their color (2007/Gn!reader)
Boys s/o has a big scar from childhood injury (gn!reader / 2007)
Secret revealed S/O tells them that they are a mythical creature (2007 / fem!reader)
More boys x stoner-punk s/o (2007) gn!reader
Bed-time Headcanons (2012!verse)
Reaction to have their shell scratched (2012!verse)
What TV shows they like to see? (2012)
Shell scratched (2012 / fluff)
The boys as tik-tokers (2012)
Black, fem!reader shows them her afro!! (2012 / fluff)
How would they take care of their sick s/o (2012 / gn!reader)
Boys help their crush who got out of an abusive relationship (gn!reader)
Dancing headcanons! (2012)
Halloween Headcanons (2012)
More Halloween Headcanons (mostly splinter) (2012)
2014/16 (Bayverse)
stoner-punk type s/o!
Boys reaction to s/o selling adult videos! (2014 / gn!reader)
Boys finding out their s/o is with the purple dragons! (angst? / 2016)
Afraid Headcanons
Reaction to you wearing his brother color
The boys in 3 words
Other type of content
Incorrect quotes
My art
Meta and thoughts about the boys
There may be somethings that are not here so feel free to wander the blog!
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*the abyss waves back*
Pride and Prejudice
Hufflepuff!Reader X George Weasley (slow burn)
Summary: You, Fred, and George were always together. The best friends that anyone could have. But everything seems to change when you three start Hogwarts and you’re sorted into a different house than your best friends. How will your years at Hogwarts affect your relationships with them?
A/N: Okay so this was requested by the lovely @tulippings as a mini series, so here’s part one! I’m probably only going to do until their sixth-year (The Goblet of Fire) because, well I’m lazy. But anyway this is so soft and I love George so much and it was so much fun to take a break from Draco blasphemy I know and write for a Weasley that I adore. Let me know what you guys think and please don’t be afraid to read it even though it’s not Draco, it’s still my writing
“Fred! George!” I screamed, drenched from head to toe. “You guys so dead!”
I could hear their laughter from somewhere beyond the house. It gave their hiding place behind the shed away.
“What’s the matter?” Fred asked.
“Can’t handle a little water?” George finished.
“I thought you wanted to go swimming,”
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#youre too sweet#i love you so much#you specifically#fred and george#george weasley#george wealsey imagine#george wealsey x reader#george x reader#gryffindor#hufflepuff#slytherin#ravenclaw#harry potter
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Leonardo 100%
I need you!
Alright people, here’s the deal. I am only two, maybe three chapters away from finishing the Dreamers series. I know, I know, you can find tissues and chocolates under your seats. But the good news is, I want to do another soulmate au with one of the other brothers. I just don’t know who, so I’m gonna let you all have a say. So, here’s how this is gonna work, I need you to reblog this post and comment with the name of the turtle brother you want featured in the next fic! Easy as pie huh?
Looking foreward to what you all have to say!
Tags: @missbeautyandherbeast @akari180 @ @bluesakurablossom @raphlife @marimo-punk @msmcsmutt @gruffle1 @sweetkitty1966 @dolphincommander @trtlpwr @ilikestuffproductions @jessicarosequinzelfleck @missdawnandherdusk
If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list please message me.
#tmnt 2k12#tmnt donatello#tmnt raphael#tmnt raph#tmnt#tmnt mikey#teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt au#tmnt leonardo#tmnt leo
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Hufflepuff!Reader x Draco
I’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife Offer me that deathless death Good God, let me give you my life
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Summary: Is Umbridge the worst thing you have to face? Is there a silver lining or something much darker lurking underneath?
A/n: Y’all are going to love me, then hate me. I’m serious. You guys love my fluff writing, but for those who have been with me for a while know I’m the goddess of angst writing. But it’s also +15k words so… Also this gets slightly PG-13 but nothing too risque. So, there’s that. Let me know what you think! I love seeing all the messages/comments from you guys!
Draco quickly found you in the halls, your silvery cloak setting you apart from the masses of black. If his aunt Bellatrix was out from Azkaban, so were a lot of other Death Eaters and he had gone about frantic the past few days not knowing if you were alright.
Paranoia wouldn’t leave him alone. Someone had to know what you meant to him. Maybe his father found out. Maybe someone told from the school. Maybe his aunt had seen you that day on winter holiday. There were too many variables.
But you were there smiling beside your friends waving at him. He pulled you into a quick hug and quickly slung his arm around your shoulders, his eyes darting around the halls as if he were expecting a Death Eater to jump out and take you away.
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#draco#draco malfoy#draco x reader#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x oc#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy x#hufflepuff#draco x hufflepuff!reader
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Rita Skeeter’s Scoop
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Part 13 Part 14
Summary: All is fair in love and war, but why did it have to be a war? And when did you say that you wanted to fight?
Archive of Our Own Link
A/n: Hello my darlings! Welcome to the next part and honestly it took me a while to figure out where I wanted to take this, so please enjoy the angsty fluff of this chapter and I’m happy to introduce Susan! (you’ll understand later). I love you guys so much you have no idea, please don’t stop commenting, reblogging and liking, you have no idea how much it excites me and motivates me to keep writing. ALSO GUYS TOM FELTON IS GOING TO BE AT THE COMICON NEAR ME AND YOU BET YOUR GALLEONS THAT I AM DROPPING COLLEGE MONEY TO GO AND MEET THAT MAN
By Rita Skeeter
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#draco malfoy#draco x reader#draco x gryffindor!reader#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x oc#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy x#harry potter#ron weasley
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A Letter From The Author
Hello to all of my lovely readers, supporters, lurkers, and glimspers. It’s yours truly, writer for @missdawnandherdusk, @missmarrinette, and @missbeautyandherbeast.
As I am writing for the Harry Potter fandom right now, I thought I’d explain something about how I feel and the “sorting” that occurs in the book/movies.
Firstly: I don’t like the idea of sorting at all. I have gone through deep depression and anxiety and have spent my whole life until recently being what someone told me to be because I was terrified to let someone down. And I think that anxiety is placed on every Hogwarts student when they’re sorted. Being put in one house or another allows the person to cling to what makes their house and forget parts of themselves that should be loved and nurtured too. I am allowed to be brave and ambitious and kind and intelligent all at the same time. One is not stronger than the other because I need them all. They are woven together in the tapestry that is me. Some threads are dark and some are bright and shining. I am not just one thing. I can’t. It’ll drive a person mad trying to focus on one part of their life and not others. All of you is important. Every part. Don’t be restricted by what a house says about you. If you want to be brave, take that first step. If you want to be kind and stand for fair play, well you’re just as brave and ambitious to me in today’s day. If you love books and certain topics and spend countless hours learning to be the best, well, you’re going to adore college because it’s what I get to do all year. Yet, I am still kind, I still value fair play, I am still bold and I still strive to be the best of me. And so can you. I am a Gryffindor, sure, for all intents and purposes but can’t I be more than that?
Secondly: JK Rowling has rigged the house system against everyone but a Gryffindor. She wrote an entire house to be the villains and I can’t stand beside that. I believe everyone deserves a chance and making anyone an “unredeemable slytherin” is an awful thing to do. Sure, it is from Harry’s perspective and he has the attention span of a goldfish, but she made that choice. As a writer I know what goes into writing and she lost respect very quickly from me the moment I met a slytherin character. It’s lazy writing, to just default a character to a villain and I won’t stand behind it. Before I even knew what Harry Potter was, all of my friends happen to be Slytherin, heck, my best friend who’s going to be my maid of honor is a slytherin. And not for a minute can you tell me that she is an villain. Not for a minute can you tell me that she wouldn’t fight back against someone like Voldemort. I will fight the first person who tried to tell me that. So I won’t feed into a system that is rigged against perfectly good people and I think it adds to what I said above, if a person is told definitively who they are, they’ll forget the rest of who they are and conform. And these kids are ELEVEN when they’re told who they must be, in and spend all of their developing years in a system that is detrimental to psychological growth.
I’m sure there’s more I’d like to say, but at the moment those are my two main thoughts about the matter. So now we come to why I’m explaining this:
My writing. Yes I’ve done Gryffindor and Hufflepuff and evening muggle Readz, but the truth is, I wrote it the way I normally would, as myself and what the story needs and put a label on the Readz. I put myself into these situations and work to redeem Draco—a boy who was never a villain, just forced into a detrimental destructive system and trapped there by an author who got lazy. It is SO important to me that he gets redemption, because it was the same redemption that I got in my life and I’ll be damned if I let someone else slip through the cracks. So I’ll be whoever the hell he needs me to be to save him. It’s not a house that will save him, or a muggle or wizard. It’s heart and love and courage and ambition and knowledge and kindness and fairness and stubbornness and forgiveness and that can’t be one house or one type of person. It will take every part of me and every part of you. Please don’t believe that you’re just a Ravenclaw or just a Hufflepuff, or just a Slytherin or just a Gryffindor. Grow up and learn to love all of you. Break free of the mold you’ve been set in, even though it’s a mold that looks appetizing and pretty and nice and loveable, but aren’t all the best traps?
I love you all and believe in you all and I want you to know that whatever House you’re in, I don’t care. You are a person, not a house, not a label. You are lovely and there is so much more to you. So when you read what I write, don’t pay mind to what house I write for— it will still be me, it will still be you, get lost in the words and find comfort in them. It’s why I write, to share my heart and my stories. Never would I limit myself to a certain set of rules, I’ve spent too long trying to do that. So read, fall in love, watch Draco be saved, and above all else remember there is more to you.
#draco malfoy x y/n#draco x you#draco series#draco malfoy x#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy x oc#draco malfoy x you#draco x reader#draco lucius malfoy#draco deserved better
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Dandelion, Dandelion
Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
When I was a little girl, my mama said to me
“What’s your favorite flower, darling? I’ll get you the seed”
I said “Dandelion, Dandelion, ” that one’s so pretty
She said, “Child, that one’s not a flower, that one’s just a weed”
Summary: Draco has always tormented you for anything and everything. One summer you cut your hair off and get a bit better at spells and Draco has no idea what to do with you now and you have no idea what to do with all this new attention.
A/N: Hello my darlings! This is a request from @darcypottah and now that it’s fleshed out a bit more, it will be a series, each part is going to be a school year (starting in the Goblet of Fire) or a summer between (the summer chapters will be shorter obviously) following the thread: A Hufflepuff!reader dating Draco and they get split up because Draco has to do something for Voldemort and doesn’t want the Hufflepuff!reader getting in the way. But eventually, they will get back together. Welcome to over 8,000 words because I have no self-control and this is the best thing ever not lying. It’s got everything and anything under the sun. Love you guys and as always let me know what you think!!
“Go ahead, run back to your friends,” He sneered. “I don’t see why they even let you into this school if you’re not going to do a spell,”
I hung my head, my long hair covering the hurt on my face as I rushed down the hall away from him.
Draco Malfoy. The most malicious kid in my year and a Slytherin no less. So, he thought it was acceptable for his taunts against me and my house. Not like I chose to be Hufflepuff. Not that I hated it either, I loved my house and my friends and everything we stood for… but why did it have to be me that he singled out?
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#draco malfoy#draco x reader#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x oc#draco x hufflepuff!reader#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy x#draco deserved better#draco speaks
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So I’ve finally started what I’ve always wanted to do and I am now painting an entire deck of cards. These are the course I’ve done today and I’m obsessed ngl.
#artists on tumblr#frozen 2#frozen#elsa fanart#elsa of arendelle#disney elsa#belle#beauty and the beast#beauty#emma watson
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The Point of No Return
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight
Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve
Summary: Will you let Draco fix what happened? Will you listen long enough? Will you two finally confess your true feelings? What did you do that unfroze the winter ground?
Archive of Our Own Link
A/N: Hello my lovelies! I’d like to formally apologize for the angst of the last chapter (though it needed to happen) and I now give you the resolve of that chapter as well as some new thrilling plot lines! I love you guys so so much. Please don’t be afraid to come talk to me or comment or reblog! Always keep fighting.
“The ground?” He repeated. “I didn’t do that, Y/n”
I flinched as he said my name, clenching my fists.
“Okay, look, I know what you saw,” He held his hands up in surrender, backing away slightly. “But please, listen.”
“To what? You… you kissed her Draco! You were… and God I trusted you!”
“My father—” He tried.
“Oh, I have a few choice words for you and your father!” I snapped standing up. “How could you!?”
“Y/n, please,”
“Say please one more time and I swear to Merlin I am going to punch you in the face.” I threatened.
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#draco malfoy#draco x reader#draco x gryffindor!reader#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x oc#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy x#draco speaks#draco lucius malfoy
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I’m Haunted
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight
Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven
Summary: Your world was perfect for a shining moment. Then that moment ended. You and Draco are tested against the true evils of the world and unforgivable curses.
A/N: To all of you who thought that last chapter was cute and fluffy had me cackling because I knew this was coming and I would say I’m sorry but that would be a lie. This is heavy angst and oh my goodness it feels good to write angst again. And this isn’t the entirety of the angst I have planned for these two. Anyway, I love you all so so much! This is also live on AO3! Also if you want a song to listen with this please enjoy Haunted by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Since this chapter is angsty I do want to warn against those of you who might trigger with depression or have self esteem battles. There is also sexual harassment but though it is terrible, it’s not the main focus. There will be resolve though, I promise. You battle is not over. Always keep fighting.
“You’re creating a draft dear,” Narcissa spoke softly, not looking up from The Daily Prophet.
“He hasn’t responded to my letter. And I still hear word that he is with this… this Lupine, the daughter of Jezebel herself!” Lucius sneered. “This is why I didn’t want to send him to that school. The fool Dumbledore doesn’t know how to run it properly.” Venom dripped from his words.
“Dumbledore has nothing to do with your son’s affair,” Narcissa noted.
“He’s making a fool of the family name Narcissa!” Lucius roared. “After everything that I have done for that boy!”
“Then why are you sitting here scolding me and not scolding at him?” She looked up from the newspaper with a stern cold glare.
“I’m going to put an end to this. This girl will rue the day she ever decided to talk to my son,” Lucius stormed upstairs, planning for the trip ahead.
“Just another Christmas,” She sighed and picked up the letter from Draco that she had received earlier and tucked it away before her husband could see it.
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#draco malfoy#draco x reader#draco x gryffindor!reader#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x oc#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy x#draco m#draco speaks
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Darling That One’s Not A Flower
Hello my lovies! As promised I have uploaded my Draco series onto Archive of Our Own, for those of you who prefer to use that platform, or would rather read it without the qualms of Tumblr, or perhaps it’s easier to send to friends without looking like you spend all your time on Tumblr…. whatever the reason I have uploaded it!!
Darling That One’s Not A Flower
I’ll update it about the same time as I do on Tumblr (or perhaps I’ll post here nightly and there the next day depending on how tired I am). Even if you’d rather just read it here, go and give it some love over there too not like I need validation or anything. okay yes I do please love me
I cannot express enough how much you all mean to me and all of your love an support, I know I haven’t been here long but it means the world that you all are still out there and willing to feed into my insanity. Please never stop being you and doing what you do. I love seeing all of your comments and reblogs. So thank you truly.
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @littlethingsinmymindla @xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper
#draco malfoy#draco x reader#draco x gryffindor!reader#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x oc#draco#draco speaks#draco series#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy x y/n
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Tale As Old As Time
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight
Part Nine Part Ten
Summary: The Yule Ball is finally here and maybe just once you get to be the princess in a fairy tale.
A/N: Guys, guys, this chapter IS SO SWEET AND SOFT AND I’M ASDKJDADGAD anyway. Hello to those of you who are new! I love you all so much (and if anyone would like context or a visual for this chapter see Cinderella or ya know your favorite Disney princess dance sequence… there are so many) I love you all! Please let me know what you think! Also catch this on AO3 soon!!
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @littlethingsinmymindla
Christmas Eve and it seemed like the week had passed faster than the week before. Between finding a last-minute present—and a letter to Mrs. Weasley to see if a miracle could really happen—and wrapping the ones I already had, I was exhausted come Christmas Eve, so I did what I did every year: I read a book.
“So, do you have a dress for the Ball?” Hermione asked as we lounged in the Common Room watching the boys play chess.
“Yeah, my mother sent me one, it was the parcel I got the other morning,” I noted, my eyes not leaving my book—A Christmas Carol.
It was the evening before the Ball as well, and we were enjoying the buzz of the common room as Christmas approaching in the morning had everyone in a stupor. I had seen Draco at dinner, but Hermione stole me back for the evening, well, she tried.
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#draco malfoy#draco x reader#draco x gryffindor!reader#draco x y/n#draco malfoy x oc#draco malfoy x reader#draco malfoy x y/n#draco malfoy x#slytherin x gryffindor#slytherin
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Heyy, I know your on hiatus but would it be alright if I tag you on my side blog that’s for writing? I wrote a Raphael x reader and would really like for you to read it!
Of course! I love reading what you guys write!!
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