misinformedhuman · 1 day
(i have barely anything to back this one up so im extremely unconfident abt it 🥲)
(I've had this theory for a WHILE now but i was waiting for something to pop up so i could support it, however since i haven't found much I'm just gonna say it now)
So we all know how when Sun and moon went to D.Sun's dimension Sun kept falling into a trace when he saw the dragon wither storm, right?
and we also know that when Moon touched/was near the wither shard that he got from that one dimension with monty having the star, he felt nauseous and his head was hurting, but Sun felt completely fine around it
Considering all of those things, what if Sun is a wither storm? or at least has the potential to become one? (ik that sounds like absolute nonsense but lemmie pull my matpat card rn-)
Maybe Sun feels a connection to the wither shards and the wither dragon cuz he's meant to absorb said shards to reach his full power/potential, and the dragon is like his "brother in wither" or something of that sort
Regarding what D.Sun said about how his entire plan revolving around Sun to Ruin, i doubt that was a lie because D.Sun kept mumbling "all for you" to himself as he was leaving to go feed the dragon (this theory also kinda connects to my D.Sun theory i made a while ago)
I think D.Sun's plan with Sun is to get him to reach his full potential that he was unable to reach when he was our Sun's place beforehand
(sense i have basically nothing to back this up I don't think i can say much more abt this until more stuff pops up)
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misinformedhuman · 1 day
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misinformedhuman · 3 days
(i have barely anything to back this one up so im extremely unconfident abt it 🥲)
(I've had this theory for a WHILE now but i was waiting for something to pop up so i could support it, however since i haven't found much I'm just gonna say it now)
So we all know how when Sun and moon went to D.Sun's dimension Sun kept falling into a trace when he saw the dragon wither storm, right?
and we also know that when Moon touched/was near the wither shard that he got from that one dimension with monty having the star, he felt nauseous and his head was hurting, but Sun felt completely fine around it
Considering all of those things, what if Sun is a wither storm? or at least has the potential to become one? (ik that sounds like absolute nonsense but lemmie pull my matpat card rn-)
Maybe Sun feels a connection to the wither shards and the wither dragon cuz he's meant to absorb said shards to reach his full power/potential, and the dragon is like his "brother in wither" or something of that sort
Regarding what D.Sun said about how his entire plan revolving around Sun to Ruin, i doubt that was a lie because D.Sun kept mumbling "all for you" to himself as he was leaving to go feed the dragon (this theory also kinda connects to my D.Sun theory i made a while ago)
I think D.Sun's plan with Sun is to get him to reach his full potential that he was unable to reach when he was our Sun's place beforehand
(sense i have basically nothing to back this up I don't think i can say much more abt this until more stuff pops up)
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misinformedhuman · 3 days
So you're telling me Eclipse opened up to Sunpea? After he went on about how he didn't want to come in here with hate, that he just wanted a genuine answer, but that he wont force one out of Eclipse it is ultimately his choice? Yeah I'll just go cry then
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misinformedhuman · 4 days
My heart hurts :(
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God, yesterday's episode really hurt, man... wanna give Moon a hug ;n;
Without text version below the cut
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misinformedhuman · 4 days
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God, yesterday's episode really hurt, man... wanna give Moon a hug ;n;
Without text version below the cut
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misinformedhuman · 9 days
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I almost forgot that I also had digitalized This Comic way back when! I think it's a big obvious that I hadn't drawn these guys enough to be able to do it well. I think I'm a bit better now at least slkfndlksdnf
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misinformedhuman · 18 days
Since my Solstice/Dark Sun theory did pretty well on Tiktok I might as well just copy and paste what I said on there onto here too lol
In yesterday's episode of TSAMS ("UNFORSEEN consequences In VRChat") D. Sun lashes out at Ruin a little about how he didn't want to be called things like "Dark Sun"/"Solstice", ect. In this lash out D. Sun had implied that he didn't like this because people were trying to differentiate between him and the actual Sun. And because of that I believe that D. Sun might be our Sun from the future.
D. Sun said that everything he's done/has been doing was for Sun, This could mean that he could be trying to prevent something from happening to our Sun in the future
(I'm not that good at theories so I could definitely just be overthinking lol 🥲)
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misinformedhuman · 19 days
I almost NEVER see anyone talking about this, like yes the AU is cool n stuff but if all that stuff DID happen then Nexus would've continued to unintentionally push Sun away to the sidelines in favor of Solar and that makes me feel bad for Sun 10x more since this was already starting to happen before Solar's death
I'm hoping that Moon doesn't end up doing the same thing, though I'm a bit skeptical of him and I have been for a while. This is probably just me being worried that Moon is gonna do something to break Sun's trust but I've noticed that the lore episodes have been starting to mainly include/focus on Solar and Moon, meanwhile the joke/happy episodes r the only episodes with Sun aside from the gaming vids and that kinda makes me think that something is possibly up like before when Sun had slowly stopped being in the loop of everything that was happening cuz of Nexus and Solar growing closer
Good job on today's thumbnail!
Shoutout to the person in the SBS discord who immediately got the symbolism in Sun, Nexus, and Solar's hug 👍
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misinformedhuman · 21 days
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misinformedhuman · 22 days
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They're goin on strike 💪🦌🎃
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misinformedhuman · 23 days
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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misinformedhuman · 24 days
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Sun is a good dad and uncle.
Inspired by this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_0-bpiIrqs&t=981s
Dazzle's character design was made by: @ayyy-imma-ninja
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misinformedhuman · 24 days
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misinformedhuman · 24 days
You know, I kind of want to see Old Moon and Nexus butt heads over the family issue.
- Nexus tries to verbally threaten Solar, and Old Moon immediately snaps, "Don't you dare touch MY family!" (Solar: "Family?" Old Moon: "Yeah, right. Sun considers you family, so by default you're my family too. We'll figure out the titles later.")
- Old Moon lashes out at Sun in emotion, and Nexus immediately reflexively reacts: “Don’t you dare FUCKING yell at him! He’s sensitive!”
And then they just roll around on the floor, screaming, kicking and slapping each other like a pair of angry kittens in a basket.
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misinformedhuman · 24 days
Shoutout to all of the DCAs. All the Suns, all the Moons, all the Eclipses, all of the entities that represent or make up part of the character in one shape or form. I don't care. I don't discriminate. I love them all. I'll cherish them all.
All the ones paired with a Y/N, a self insert, or an OC. All the ones with one, or both sides corrupted, experiencing the Afton virus or some other curse representing it. All the mythical ones, from the mers to the fairies to the ancient ghoulish beings roaming around. The cowboy ones. The apocalyptic ones. The android ones. The human ones. The satire ones based off someone saying something as a joke in a reblog or discord server. I see a fanart or read a fic, and I start going absolutely feral over the content. I'm not normal about this robot jester nor the different alternative versions there are of them. Whatever the DCA fandom is eating here on Tumblr, they're eating GOOD.
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misinformedhuman · 28 days
Poor guys, they need a human’s touch
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