miraclesurgeon · 4 years
“Well, I don’t fault y’ for tha’.” he understand what they mean, the things around them, the city they’re in. They weren’t even supposed to be here in the first place; to be sent to this realm of reality while everything taken away from them. Family, friends, and tools of trade. What they’re left was emptiness, yet, they’re together. Finding new meaning. 
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Bones only let out a small chuckle at the comment, “Well, ‘m too much in the future, three hundred too early.” 
— ...this man was from three hundred years in the future? well, that was certainly something he needed a moment to take in. thinking about it, black jack realized he should probably expect it, but it was still a bit jarring. but if this man could deal with such a drastic change, he supposed he certainly could learn to live with it.
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still, he had to take a moment and clear his throat before he continued. “ and, erm, how is that working out for you? it definitely sounds like that must be...difficult to adjust to. ”
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
The voice catches his attention and was rather surprising to say the least. 
While he is a doctor, yes, but his clothes doesn’t indicate for one, seeing how he is clinging on wearing his Starfleet uniform most of the time in this city. Yet, this gothic looking strange does, much like a detective might or even a doctor? He won’t be shock if that was the case, he had his share of strangers who had unbelievable jobs. 
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“It’s different from wha’ ‘m used t’.” He admits, seeing how he was from the future, “Folks are different, equipment are different. But tha’ would be somewha’ of same for y’too, hu?” 
—black jack contemplated his question. different, huh? yeah, that was one way to say it... another way to put it would be completely and totally incomprehensible to him. the technology differed way too much than what he was used to for him to be any sort of comfortable with it.
but he nodded. ultimately, this man was correct.
“ ‘different’ doesn't quite do it justice. for one, everything made a bit more sense where i come from. ” he frowned. “ and the technology is hard to understand as well... ” 
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he paused, then shook his head. “ ah, that makes me sound ancient, doesn't it? ” 
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
Headcanon meme - send me a symbol and I'll describe my muse's...
❣ - hands
❤ - voice
۵ - feet
❦ - lips
ø - eyes
ღ - nose
♮ - body type
♫ - singing voice
✮ - sleeping habits
✉ - texting habits
✿ - laugh
✍ - writing style
⌨ - time-wasting habits
❅ - keeping warm/keeping cool techniques
✎ - taste in music/literature
☤ - self care/first aid habits
✪ - favourite food/eating habits
☁ - ideal holiday
✄ - nervous habits
☂ - sadness
❈ - ideal birthday
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
@miraclesurgeon // Where There’s a Fight There’s a Standby 
Cheering rises above the lanterns and lamps of the Golden Ward, with the deep tones of grunts and bodies making impact. A wide circle given for two, people joyously backing up when the fighters got a bit too close.
Necklace pounding on Bob’s chest, a round house kick comes blazing fast. Barely dodged by the opponent, he throws a low punch. Caught in his heavy hand, in a dancing twist and sweep of a foot, the other is on the floor. Two martial artists are focused against each other–but the fight is full of obvious good will.
The real spectacle has quickly become Bob–a fantastically skilled newcomer to the people of Spirale, and easily showing off how well he knows his own body’s advantages. His partner rolls back onto their feet to avoid a stomp. And the two are again caught in a rhythm of punches and kicks. A headbutt to the face sends blood dripping down Bob’s nose–but the pace barely stops.
In a rotating blitz of punches and kicks, suddenly the opponent can’t keep up with the hard impacts. A downward flip kick finishes it. And the crowd’s roar is like a howl in the sun. Offering a hand, Bob helps the other up, reassuring them and catching their  breath together.
And as things calm down, the two are left with their injuries and bruises. Someone approaches them; and of course, Bob has a dirty handkerchief under his bleeding nose that does nothing to hide his somewhat guilty smile. 
— black jack is no stranger to injury - and a lot of it, at that. he arrived at this ring expecting and hoping someone would at least find them injured enough to need a doctor. perhaps not *gravely* injured and in need of surgery, as he was at a bit of a loss as to how he was supposed to use these toys to cut anyone open.
( knowing him, he’d figure it out in the end, though. )
his arms were invisible as usual from under his jacket that he never put his arms through the sleeves of as he eyed both of the fighters, taking a moment to assess what he could from such a surface level. his eyes lingered on bob for just a bit longer, until he nodded at him to make sure he had his attention.
“ i take it you’ve likely had a broken nose before, considering your… profession, correct?” he asked, though he was sure the answer would be a yes. “ nevertheless, i’d assume you’d know it’s probably best to use something… cleaner to deal with the blood. ”
now, if he was going to be entirely honest, he was not completely and utterly sure and therefore wasn’t going to label it as a diagnosis just yet, but it was the suspicion that was tugging at him the most.
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
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// wow. ok. i just want to preface this with saying i’m really sorry for just vanishing off of the face of the earth for two weeks but i PROMISE i had good reason. ( school caught up to me real bad ). finals are over for this semester though which means i’ll have more time ! i hope that wasn’t an inconvenience for anyone and i look forward to getting back into everything today. thank you for bearing with me !
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
— he had been having trouble distinguishing between what was and wasn’t a costume recently - it was just his luck that he found himself here at a time like this. 
black jack was sure, though, that this was a costume. a very, very good costume, but a costume nonetheless. he wasn’t.. dead set in the belief, per se, but would really prefer not to be proven wrong. the concept of this person, like, actually being that one scarecrow character from a movie he remembered like a passing fever dream.
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“ say, that costume of yours, ” he started, “ it’s extremely well crafted - did you make it yourself? ”
@throughdifferenteyes //  event starter call
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
‘Trick or Treat! 🎃
Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat!
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
‘Trick or Treat! 🎃’
Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat!
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
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“ ... heh. ”
( x ) 
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
Ask Box Trick-or-Treat
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Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat! This could be: a promo graphic, icons, an aesthetic graphic of your muse, a drabble, a photoset of our muses together, a moodboard based on one of our threads, or some other goodie! Happy Halloween!  Let’s celebrate!
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
Some drawing prompts for the roleplayer
Draw the muse with…
👩‍👧‍👦- mun with the muse 👔- in formal clothes 👗- with an outfit for a date 👚- in an everyday/casual outfit 🎒- as a student 👘- in a kimono/traditional outfit 👑- as royalty 🕶- with sunglasses 🦊- an animal 🦅- with wings 🐬- as a mermaid/man 🐉- as a dragon 💐- with a flower crown 🎖- as a character/species from another fandom 🎭- in cosplay/Halloween costume/disguise 🏝- in a vacation outfit ⚔️- as a class from a JRPG 🔑- in modern times 🏺- as a god/goddess 🎀- as a super hero/super heroine/magical girl 💖- with another muse they have interacted with and like 💔- with another muse they have interacted with and dislike ❤️- With an NPC they like 🖤- with an NPC they dislike
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
“ ah, so you’re a doctor? ” 
— black jack knew he really, really didn’t look the part of a typical doctor - not on a normal day, of course, but especially not now that he’d  gone full, well, gothic vampire. 
still, it was nice to hear about someone a profession so... grounded, compared to most everyone else he’d met so far. ( and a profession he knew so well, too! ) perhaps this would give them something to talk about - he didn’t know much about things that weren’t medical. it’d be nice to know what the hell he was getting at for once.
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“ tell me, do you find many opportunities for work, here? ” 
@leftaremybcnes // event starter call
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
“ If you stand out enough, sure. You don’t look like a businessman that got here from the fancier parts either. This isn’t the most crowded part of this ward“, he replies. Of course it’s partially a guess but sometimes you hit the nail right on the head.
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“ Haha. Phenomenon… Guess you could say that. You thought you were the only one kidnapped here? “
Ogata stares, without a blink observing stranger’s reactions. If he doesn’t even know that much then he really has to be new one, the guy even admitted as much himself. They don’t exactly spoil you with information.
“ Lost then, are you? “
— well - he was right. about... pretty much everything. black jack began to wonder whether this man had been perhaps watching him for longer than he had noticed. or maybe his reactions were more common than he realized.
( he wasn’t sure he was a big fan of either of those options. )
“ well, i feel like it isn’t the most uncommon thing to be... kidnapped here, but it still felt like i was uncharacteristically uncomfortable with the situation compared to everyone else - if that makes sense. ” 
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“ lost...? not exactly. simply trying to familiarize myself with the... ah, district? ” 
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
Black Jack, huh? He’d be lying if that wasn’t a little familiar, in a ‘yes that’s obviously a very normal name’ way. More carapaces have been showing up in this city than he thought there’d be, so if this guy’s just wearing a costume, then maybe? Hopefully…?
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“A pleasure, Black Jack! And there sure is! Your prize is…” His hands duck under his chin, head tilted and eyes big, all cute. “Talking to little old Clover! That’s me.” Wink. “Because I don’t have anything else. But making new pals is fun, right? Everybody likes that!” Clover doesn’t hop off his branch just yet, but he does lean way in, holding onto it. “You been here long? Or just passing through, hehe.”
— he continues simply looking up at the little guy - he sure has the cat mannerisms down pat, huh? almost makes him want to... no, black jack wasn’t quite at the level of wanting to scratch him behind the ears or anything.
“ consider me satisfied with first place, then. ” he didn’t ‘ make new pals ’ often, but  perhaps it was about time to rethink his approach to everything. 
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“ is... is just ‘ passing through’ an option? ” the question, though likely just small talk, made him take a little bit of a double take - but he had a daughter ( and a profession, of course ) to get back to. if there was a chance at leaving, well... he wasn’t not going to take it.
“ i-i mean, i haven’t. been here long, i mean. i really only just got here, ” he backtracked, trying not to sound like he wanted to leave right this second. 
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
 “Oh , its alright!” his voice is young and youthful, though there is some pain to it. He is a bright star in the sunless sky. “I’m used to people not knowing what a ronso are, rare as we are. And rarer now in this city, as far as I know I am the only Ronso.” it was… rather sad because he couldn’t connect with anyone. Not like this, not when there was little to connect to. 
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 “I am Runar, A pleasure to meet you.”
— black jack is slightly taken aback by his voice - it’s a bit different than he was expecting, though he’s not sure what or even why he was expecting anything in the first place. perhaps something more gruff? 
( he really had to start rethinking having assumptions in the first place as to not risk misconceptions. )
“ a ‘ronso’, eh? ” he paused for a moment. “ yes, i think i can safely say i’m not familiar with the term. my apologies. ” 
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“ black jack - and likewise... say, you say you are the only one of your... kind? here; do you find yourself surrounded by strangers as well? ” 
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
“Those stitches look cool,” Himiko began, intruding upon the man’s personal space with no warning. “I have a friend who’s got stitches, too, but his look different.”
Socializing was clearly the meaning behind the party at hand, and Himiko was no stranger to making friends. Or, that’s what she thought, anyway. She didn’t mind breaking the ice and talking to whomever she pleased (as well as ignoring those that did not pique her interest).
“Are they part of your costume?”
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“Or is your face like… just like that?”
— her approach caught him completely off guard. black jack had been doing what he did in most social situations - standing off to the side and looking particularly unsociable - and had actually been planning to leave before she’d gotten here.
he was impressed by how bluntly she’d referred to his appearance, though. most people seemed either uncomfortably appalled or overly flattering about it ( though it was more like telling him ‘you look fine even with it!’, which felt a lot more demeaning than just coming out and saying he looked like shit ). 
( or they just didn’t say anything about it - which he preferred. )
nonetheless, why not allow her to strike up a conversation? it wasn’t often at all he’d get a ‘ cool ’ reaction. 
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“ ah... no, ” he said, clearing his throat quickly. “ they’re not... part of my costume. my face is, in fact, just like that. all the time. ” 
“ what happened with that friend of yours? did he have some kind of accident? ” 
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