«✨ Mi. 18. ✨» { Stardew Valley Modder. | Reblog Mods. }🌙
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Sorry for the double message -- same person from before, asking about CF conversions of your furniture packs. We'd also like to convert the Country Furniture you did with Magmatica, if that's okay!
Sure, go ahead.ヾ(´˘`*)♡
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Hello! A group I belong to would like to convert your Framed Insects and Elegant Victorian Furniture into Custom Furniture packs, but we'd like to get your permission first!
Hello~ thank you so much for reaching out to me first, I apologize for the late reply.
I haven't been active anymore to constantly update my mods, so I really appreciate your help.
If you could PM me the files that would be great, I'll make sure to add credit in the description. :^D
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Where do you get your hair mod for sdv? ❤️
I make them for my personal use only.
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Are you by any chance planning on making redesigned spouse rooms to match your interiors? I love your interiors and it would be super cool to have spouse rooms that match!
I'll Probably will soon..._(:3」∠)_Most likely I won't be making all 12 spouse rooms but maybe a reading nook of some sort.
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Mod has been updated to 1.3, Iv'e added new classy stuff.
お茶Mi’s Elegant Victorian Interior
Interior set
3 Master and kids / single beds colors
My textures / Reference uses
13 Instruments & 3 speakers
◆ If you use my mods to take photos please tag @mioudew ◆ Please do not re-upload, redistribute, re-edit, recolor without ask or claim as your own. ◆ Thanks to all the mod creators.
Download (nexusmods)
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Lovely farmers, I love the template.
meet my farmers! featuring my main save (west isle) + farmers i have planned for the future ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
i’ve provided a template under the cut for anyone interested!
Keep reading
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Is Eemie still alive?
Yes she's alive, She did in fact mention... "Aestheticvalley.tumblr.com is locked until after my graduation, thanks for your patience."That was the last message shown on her chucklefish forums profile, so I encourage everyone to wait patiently.
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Paths that look like stairs and platforms to give parts of your farm the illusion of elevation! Download them here
“Plain” for basic vertical stairs
“Style1″ and “Style2″ for those wanting to get creative with two step high platforms; use both together for objects and buildings that cannot be put on top of paths directly
Matches the wood floor, straw floor, and stairs found in vanilla maps
Can be configured to replace any of the floors and paths; it’s recommended you use paths unless you don’t mind having a shadow under the texture
All 3 styles may appear misaligned or broken if they are not placed as originally intended
No horizontal stairs
Texture does not change when they are in your inventory or when you’re holding them
REQUIREMENTS: - SMAPI - Content Patcher
INSTALL: - Install the latest version of SMAPI and Content Patcher - Download and unzip file - Place in your “\Stardew Valley\Mods” folder - Run game with SMAPI
UNINSTALL: - Simply remove from folder
CONFIG: - Default: “disabled” - Use the following options to change any of the vanilla paths: “stone plain”, “stone style1″, “stone style2″ “winter plain”, “winter style1″, “winter style2″ “wood plain”, “wood style1″, “wood style2″ “darkwood plain”, “darkwood style1″, “darkwood style2″
Personal edits ok Please do not reupload/redistribute
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more progress, it's almost done. i just need to add windows and plants.
just a little side note, I have to study for an exam next week , so I'm going to take a tiny break. ;u;
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Hi!!! I absolutely adore your mermaid mod and the hairs are so cute!!! It would be so cool if you made it into a hair mos the pkayer can use bc i cant really fins good mods for hairstyles yet!
Thank you, actually someone already gave me that idea.!!( ๑>ω•́ )۶
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Oh my gosh your mermaid mod is so beautiful! Just wondering, did you create the hair? If so, how? haha my hairstyles are so ugly and I'd love to improve!
Thank you so much, and yes I did make the hair myself.(´꒳`)Usually when I make my hairstyles I make a base first, as you can see I use gray and white values.The darker or lighter the value is determines on the hair color,but you can also use {different colors} as well.(which you will have to set the hair color to “0”, “0”, “99” in-game)I texture the outline with a lighter gray, add shading, then shine.(Optional) I take an extra step adding white and lowering the opacity on top of the darker shades to create a more natural look.Hope this was helpful to you~!
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Do you know if eemie’s mods still work? Particularly the house/barn/ext and overworld color pallet mods.
Currently some of her mods are outdated,files that have changed are “spring_objects”, “crops”, “Data folder”, “all season_town”, “furniture”, “craftables”
These files included in her mods will have to be updated with the current version.
{which can be edited to work with 1.3}
NOTE:A few files in her Map Recolor mod works like example: bushes, trees and grass. But the “spring_town”, “summer_town”, “fall_town”, “winter_town” files will have to be updated.
XNB Pack Farm Buildings and a few of her other mods seems to work fine.
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New clothing styles for Kisekae Download them here (Version 1.2.0)
Long sleeves, affects all shirts
2 new pairs of pants for female + re-sprite of default pants
2 new pairs of pants for male
2 new shoe styles for both farmers
Removes horse reins
[Optional] Swimsuits by Delt9T (replace “female_bottoms.png” and “male_bottoms.png” in main file)
INSTALL: - Install the latest version of SMAPI and Kisekae - Download and unzip files - Place “overrides” folder in “\Stardew Valley\Mods\Kisekae” - Let it replace files - Open Kisekae’s config.json and edit the following lines: “MaleBottomsTypes”: 8, “MaleShoeTypes”: 4, “FemaleBottomsTypes”: 15, “FemaleShoeTypes”: 6,
NOTES: - Kisekae’s original style options are available along with this mod’s new additions but make sure to edit the config for it to work properly - If you’ve downloaded a previous version of this mod and don’t have the original copies of “female_shoes0″ and “male_shoes0″ after replacing them, please re-download Kisekae as well
CREDIT: - GetDressed creators Jinxiewinxie and Advize - Kisekae by Kabigon - Delta’s Better Swimsuits by Delt9T
Please do not reupload/redistribute
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is there any way where i could get the default files?
Hmm I'm not sure, the only way I know is to"verify integrity" through steam.If you choose to do it that way,I highly recommend you make a backup of your (vanilla) content folder before modding, just in case.
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Uhhh you probably wont reply but i urgently need your help! you see i have gotten new retextures or whatever and would like to go back to the vanilla set up. will verifying the integrity delete my game data?
Hello, I'm sorry I'm not much of help, but if your not sure just make a backup of your save files.ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)You can locate you save files in your%AppData%/StardewValley/Saves folder.
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the hair on your mermaid mods is so cute... would u ever consider making it a hair mod?
Thanks, that's a really great idea! I'll see what I can do.
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Today's my Birthday!🍰
I almost forgot to announce it... due to my family being very impatient, well celebrated at 4:36 in the morning." (﹡ˆ﹀ˆ﹡)♡
#personal#happy birthday to me#we actually had cheesecake instead of birthday cake#I literally slept the whole day#I'm 18 and people still think im 15...(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
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