minorsquabbles-blog · 12 years
Kisaragi Station
A 2ch story from 2004, posted in the middle of a thread called “Post About Strange Occurrences Around You: Thread 26.” The poster was anonymous at first, but started attaching their name later. #??? This may just be my imagination… Can I post it anyway? #2ch Go ahead. #2ch What’s going on? #??? I’ve been riding a certain train for a while, but something seems off.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 12 years
I Was A Stalker For Nearly A Decade
A tale from 2ch. Yes, it’s about a self-professed stalker… But I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 12 years
So, there’s still a gazillion Vocaloid songs I want to “highlight.” That hasn’t changed. So I think I’ll try something a little different this time.
========== Stand-Outs ========== Trickery⇔Casino Lying and Lying Japanese Bridge Overhang Project R Waiting for the Wind, Hello World A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night
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minorsquabbles-blog · 12 years
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Ini diambil pas wiken, parkiran Galeria lagi penuh-penuhnya. Eh si bangsat parkirnya begini.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 12 years
lmao, epic thread
[Help!] The Girl I Like Won't Respond to My Emails (´・ω・`)
A tale from 2ch of girls, emails, and hamsters. (Posts from the thread-starter are labeled #OP, the people replying to him are labeled #2ch.) #OP There’s this girl I’ve had feelings for since high school, and now we’re in college together. We’ll call her Denko. Once we hit second year, we went out drinking, and I worked up the courage to exchange numbers. We started out talking often, but she hasn’t answered me in three days now. I’m getting depressed just thinking that Denko might be sick, or that something happened to her… (´・ω・`) Please, somebody give me some advice. #2ch SHE DOESN’T LIKE YOU. GIVE IT UP.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
fuck watermarking
especially when this happens:
Newsflash you dick, that's not even original content. Fuck off watermarks.
fuck9gag.com's auto-watermark removal feature should be a default on the site itself.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
Anime fans: Every season is the worst season ever.
Get the fuck over it. 
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
Masturbating in admiration for seasonal charts
This blog has been way overdue for a funeral, but here's a worthwhile update from me to the world in a while, not that these charts are even mine in the first place, but word of mouth is good. Thanks a lot to atxpieces.wordpress.com (ATX pieces? At x pieces? How do you read it) for all these beautiful, gut-healing and endearing charts. Deserves a good pat.
Please notice how fucking detailed this shit is. Sadly it's not in .pdf form because at that point I'd have masturbated myself to the point of castration.
And more salutes to you for even compiling the upcoming confirmed and rumoured Spring shows
That's enough coming for now.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
Asking "me" ANYTHING?
'sup negrito
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
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(via MerryChristmas / クー さんのイラスト - ニコニコ静画 (イラスト))
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
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(via ギロチン銀座: 新作「東方携帯ストラップ(神霊廟)」)
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
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(via 東方雑貨グッズスレ - 東方@ふたば)
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
I support SOPA
I support the Great Firewall of China
I support the shutting down DNSSEC
I support Mubarak
I support Gaddafi
I support people who were the main 'villains' (read: dashingly handsome heroes) of the Arab Spring
I support dictatorships
I support racism in all manner of form
I support oppression of public descent
I support the notion that anyone who uploads copyrighted material is to be considered a felon
I support the politicians who introduced the bill and invited a bunch of well-to-do people who know absolutely dick about DNS, the technical issues involved and even what DNS itself stands for. Because as we all know DNS is OVERRATED, what is important is America's creativity.
I support the battered politicians performing vigorous felatio on the chair executives from MPAA and RIAA because the minority will always win and felatio is cool. Look at Moses, the whole world was laughing at him when he built an ark in the middle of nowhere, but look who's laughing now (Moses). 
I support screwing over Silicon Valley, nothing good ever comes from there.
I support the consequent trend of web-hosting services moving to either Europe or Asia because at the moment Europe's economy is in deep shit and I live in Asia so I will become richer. It's like North America is telling his good friend Europe,"Since NBA is on strike, let's see what your football can do if we pump in some money." and we'd be all very happy with this chain of events and our favourite football (not NFL) teams will start getting richer and throw up more money on transfers and wages.
I oppose e-commerce
I oppose venture capital 
I oppose the Arab Spring
I oppose the First Amendment immensely
I oppose internet-related jobs. That's like being a pirate!
I oppose GDP growth of any form because it reminds me of bubbles, and people tell me when bubbles burst, the whole economy suffers. This is why I don't take a bath, but do showers instead.
3 trillion dollars in e-commerce is bullshit. Movies like Shrek can do better. I oppose e-commerce, like I said.
I saw this just now. "I see SOPA as a stimulus package for Asia and Europe and their Internet economies," - Christian Dawson. I now realize that I have a great mind because great minds think alike. Stupid minds think really different things, like DNS this, freedom of speech that. Make up your mind already morons.
And I have a hundred more reasons to write, but right now I just want to print another picture of Lamar Smith before I go to bed early. That or I took an arrow in the knee.
Also, Lamar Smith is my hero. Every night before bed I hold his portrait in my left hand, and a penis in my right (obviously mine). I realize many have it the other way around, but I find it more comfortable doing it with my right.
You should realize that most of my sources was Wikipedia. Meaning you should realize that previous sentence was stupid.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
Procrastination the prime motivator
I just realized the incredible usefulness of tags. If I remember correctly the only posts that other people I have never met or known of in my life liked were the ones with good tags. The very random, jumbled up and admittedly shit piece of blogpost for considering what I think of zero-sum economics, wealth, arguments etc gained a measly total of one like -- but even then I was very happy for 2 reasons. One is that the post was total shit; I can't even bear reading it and it makes me happy that it was still useful for someone. The second is that I was feeling rather obscure about myself so it gave me a sorta boost to have someone practically give me a thumbs-up.
And then I wrote something about Devil May Cry vs God of War as action games and it garnered 3 or 4 likes. This shocked me to no ends as it was the first time I ever gained 3 rows of 'xxx user liked your post' that was around 3 or 4cm long.
So yeah, moral of the story: put tags, no matter how shit the post is.
Tuesday 14:45 (GMT + 7) is going to be the period at which I take my AS Chemistry P1. I am so overtly-overjoyed that I decided to do something to extend my idleness. I have just done 7 questions in a P1 paper overall and it feels electrifying or limb-numbing (痺れる).
Also, since around 10p.m. yesterday I have been watching Mawaru Penguindrum from episode 4 up 'till the latest 19 so that explains the three boxes up there unless you've already installed the Japanese language pack for your OS.
And it was really good the first times, then it got annoying when the shit became 'real'. My anticipation peaks within the human relationships and bonds the characters form, not the concept of death or the child broiler. I understand that metaphors run a large part of SHAFT's attractiveness, but even bakemonogatari was better in this regard. That or SHAFT's style of metaphors becomes really tiring after 19 episodes.
You probably don't understand what I am talking about if you don't know anime specifically, since this is an on-going anime series but at the same time this is my blog too so you'll find me hard-pressed to say anything sensible -- like now.
More or less, get on with it SHAFT. I can't care less. I want to see the progression of Shoma and Ringo's relationship into something much more solid and also want to know the resolution of the "The fruit of life I shared was with... he is my soulmate" problem and the consequent unasked questions that must follow at episode 20. The former case is a pretty obvious progression from the mid-get-go of the first arc to be had, while the latter is introduced at episode 19. No spoilers there hopefully.
Video of the whenever-I-feel-like-giving-a-video:
Click here for the most soothing, relaxing, jazziest, horniest but still elegant sound from Japan ever. It was so jazzy and relaxing it literally killed of my libido for the whole of yesterday.
Click here for child abuse from an American judge. Horrible and reminds me of how fortunate I am being a kid under much more liberal parents than these cunts. No matter what, child abuse is wrong and please do come debate to me about it if you feel otherwise. Also, the judge is now suspended from child-abuse cases in court for up to 2 weeks or more. Thanks to TorrentFreak for posting this on their site, really appreciate it even if it's not really all that connected to piracy.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
The fucked up DmC and the fucked up Ninja Theories
The first time I heard of DMC5, I was excited. Then I saw that the title became "DmC"... okay, I can live with emo sentiments of NO MORE CAPITALIZED LETTERS like using "i" instead of "I" when saying "I want you".
Then I watched the trailer, read the quotes and seen the people and now fuck you Capcom, fuck you Ninja Theory, you clueless pool of shit.
Here's to a royal trolling by a fucking game developer who thinks slashing demons with a broad-chested, magnificent, tall, red-coated, dual-gun-wielding cocky and confident man with piercing eyes is not cool. Apparently being confident and cocky is not cool, in very sharp contrast to suggestions that they are very attractive as attitudes in the evolutionary biology line of thinking.
Here's to a man fucked up enough to think kids who look like they're on crack and smoke and hate his life equates to utter coolness.
Here's to fucking Ninja Theory and the creative director, Tameem Antoniades:
“The essence of Devil May Cry is all about ‘cool. It’s about Dante being cool and making you feel cool when you’re playing it, and so the combat and the style system and everything is integral to that. But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago — I think that was when the first game came out — isn’t cool anymore. If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out. What Devil May Cry did when it launched was it brought everything that was great about action cinema like the fashion, music — it was like a cultural melting pot — and I feel like now, for Devil May Cry to have that same impact, it needs to draw on new things. New music, new ways of cinematography, new fashion.”
Here fucktard, the essence of Devil May Cry is not being cool. If I wanted to be fucking cool, I'll take a fucking kool-aid and inject it right into my veins. If I wanted cool, I'd go to God of War and brag to everyone LOOK AT HOW MY FUCKING BALD CHARACTER IS RIPPING EVERYONE TO SHREDS AND NOT CARING HOW SOCIETY LOOKS AT HIM.
Dante is, by definition, the epitome of bright, energetic and defiant cool. This has been the case for DMC1, 3 and 4. They were all considered good to great games. The only differing Dante was DMC2 where instead we got an old Dante who had a no-nonsense attitude. The result? Fan backlash. Apparently our good friend who needs some counselling Tameem doesn't think that'd be a problem.
I don't get how Dante is not cool anymore. To this day, since I was 9, I have always thought he was cool the same way I've always thought being really cocky, confident and always right is cool. I mean, how can those things be uncool? Apparently, Tameem is just too creative to take this shit lying down. He's now standing up and making himself look like a proper, fully-blooded retard with Down's Syndrome on the scale the world has never seen before.
Let's rebutt every fucking point the retard makes.
The essence of Devil May Cry is all about ‘cool. It’s about Dante being cool and making you feel cool when you’re playing it, and so the combat and the style system and everything is integral to that.
Just... no. The essence of Devil May Cry as an action game is its free-flowing unrestricted and high-octane pace and flexibility. There is no block button and there is even a turbo mode to quicken the already fast pace. Granted, playing Devil May Cry and achieving an SSS rank in a mission on DMD makes you feel proud, makes you feel nice, but makes you feel cool? Well if you consider being a nerd cool then okay.
When my friends watch me get fucked by DMD hordes and I fuck them back, they liked the free-flowing and aggressive nature of the game a lot more than anything. The combat system emphasizes the need for constant alert and fast reflexes. The style system is there to provide better fighting options for different sorts of players -- NOT STYLE by itself. You make yourself look like Chris Wallace from Fox News.
And then sometimes I add in an additional taunt or two. Cocky eh? That's what makes it cool.
But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago — I think that was when the first game came out — isn’t cool anymore. If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out.
Do you fucking believe no one will laugh at someone who dresses up as Kratos in broad daylight? As Blade? As Solid Snake? As Ninja Gaiden? Are you on fucking crack?
Did our way of thinking change drastically from 12 years back? Are we fucking kids? I used to think Simple Plan was cool. That was when I was 9. I started to think The Killers were awesome when I was 13. I still do until today.
A lot of people older than me like The Beatles. I think they're cool. They agree with me. What the fuck is your problem? If The Beatles, a group of 4 boys with funny haircuts are cool 50 fucking years down the road, what did Dante do to become uncool in 12 fucking years? 12 years ago, I thought things like mafia attires were cool -- I still think so now.
You saying Dante isn't a timeless classic? Yes? Where's your proof? Of course, you're just spouting shit from whatever comes off the top of your head because you're so fucking creative it hurts to think.
What Devil May Cry did when it launched was it brought everything that was great about action cinema like the fashion, music — it was like a cultural melting pot
Ahahahahahaha are you retarded?
Fashion? You seriously go around town and expect people to model themselves after Dante what with his expensive coats and boots? You expect women to go around wearing no bras at malls? Are you fucking insane?
Music? You seriously think DMC1 rock is an ingredient for this cultural meeting pot? Might as well say fucking Dynasty Warriors was the heaven of cultural clashes what with its incredible score and epic fashion.
Besides, what in fuck's name is a cultural meeting pot? A pot where cultures meet? What? Do you even understand the concept of culture?
Good God sometimes I want to cry when I see people getting well-paid jobs open their blubbering vaginas they call their mouths and consistently show the world they are too stupid to understand opinions.
and I feel like now, for Devil May Cry to have that same impact, it needs to draw on new things. New music, new ways of cinematography, new fashion.
Yeah, I feel the world would be a better place if I became the king of the world, but the problem is what I feel will not always be correct, dickhead.
I am completely at fault for just feeling and not researching or studying and getting things wrong in real life, and now you think you can just feel about things and get away with it? It's not even a sentiment shared by the fanbase itself. You're going to serve a fanbase with shit they don't want? Genius. Just because what? You're creative? Even Leonardo Da Vinci could fucking do research.
Nobody thought the DMC series needed a serious reboot, unlike the Batman movies. Why did the Batman movies get a reboot? Because there was no consistency. There was the awful Batman and Robin, and then there was Batman with the Penguin, the Joker, the Question guy. What the fuck? A reboot was appropriate because the thing was practically scattered all over the place.
DMC was getting a steady foothold of consistency. From DMC3 to 4. DMC2 was a truly one-off what with a new team working on the project. The same team crafted the great DMC3, and then DMC4. Consistency does wonders. In the same vein of form, the same can be said about football. Sir Alex Ferguson was very close to the sack in the 1980's or the 1990's (can't remember which) but now that he's stayed on, he's become one of the most decorated managers in history.
You can say the same thing about Ninja Theory, but they didn't need to make him a fucking emo punk who smokes and does drugs all day.
A canonical fact is that Dante has never smoked, and he was born with white hair. DmC contradicts all this.
Bottom line
All in all, this post's sole mission was to show clearly that the creative director at Ninja Theory doesn't have the mental capability to understand and internalize people's opinion. It's great that society can accept autistic individuals into daily jobs, but we can't really have such liabilities (let's be honest here) deciding on very important things such as the creative aspects of a game.
This post also shows how fucking disconnected and out of touch this creative director is with the whole universe and also shows his stunning flow of logic is so stunningly retarded it's hard to claim he's not autistic.
Notice that I do not, at all, criticize the gameplay of the game itself for I have yet to witness it fully.
Take heed that DmC will not be a part of the Devil May Cry canon, ever and Ninja Theory will live long as the biggest trolls of Capcom. Devil May Cry 2 was bad, sure, but it's quite obvious that the developers had actually put some effort in reliving the same DMC experience DMC1 had, unlike the retards that is Ninja Theory. 
Unless they redo everything, expect a massive boycotting from long-time fans.
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
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minorsquabbles-blog · 13 years
Sepp Blatter is my wet dream
I have fallen too deep in love with this man. His balls are like that of a million suns while his gradually balding head deeply resembles a penis with its foreskin slightly pulled back.
He is a full-time tool and I admire this.
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