minniekerr · 11 years
I guess that I'll just have to try harder, then.
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Not really, but good try, anyway.
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minniekerr · 11 years
@nachebrah: @minnietho no way a talking mouse there's two
@minnietho: @nachebrah mickey jacked my swag i was the original mouse
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minniekerr · 11 years
Yep. Is it working?
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Are you trying to offend me?
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minniekerr · 11 years
You're disgusting.
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Oh, kinky. Smack me, then. I don’t care.
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minniekerr · 11 years
Right, well, welcome to Sacret Hart. The only place in the world where the teachers are stupider than the students, I'm Minnie.
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About a day, my name is Sparrow. 
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minniekerr · 11 years
The more you speak, the more I feel the urge to smack you.
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You’re just mad because I’m right and you know it.
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minniekerr · 11 years
Did I ask you for your opinion? No, I didn't. Go crawl back into your man cave and fuck off.
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That’s what you get when you piss off the janitors. They no longer want to clean up after us, so it starts smelling. Self inflicted wound, you’re not allowed to complain.
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minniekerr · 11 years
Thank you, I do try my best. Have you been here long?
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Perfect description from what I have seen so far.
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minniekerr · 11 years
Each hallway in this school has a different scent, and those scents consist of weed, fire crackers and shit. Welcome to Sacret Hart.
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minniekerr · 11 years
@nachebrah: i must be trippin so hard right now what was that
@minnietho: @nachebrah u ok
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minniekerr · 11 years
Being this bored isn't acceptable and should be changed immediately.
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minniekerr · 11 years
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minniekerr · 11 years
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minniekerr · 11 years
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minniekerr · 11 years
It was probably this Apollyon fucker. His biggest crime is throwing shit into the middle of the courtyard, ooh, scary.
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Don’t know why, or how, but my draws got thrown out in to the middle of the courtyard. Stay the fuck out of my room.
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minniekerr · 11 years
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minniekerr · 11 years
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{ 001 } -- How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like?
I think I was...like, fourteen. Yeah, fourteen, because I was in ninth grade. I went to my friend's party, and I think I was the youngest one there, so of course I was trying to impress all of the 18 year olds and shit. But basically, I passed out and threw up on the host's sink and had to be dragged outside by my friend. I was forever known as that ninth grader that passed out at Hummel's party. Not great, but at least I got to party.
{ 002 } What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any people should not do? Why or why not?
They're fine, I guess. I mean, I know Mickey is literally stoned 100% of the time, so it's not like it bothers me. Uh, I don't think you should do heroin, because that shit fucks you up. Don't do it.
{ 003 } Is it okay for you to cry? When was the last time you cried?
I hate crying, like, for real. I don't really cry that often, I usually just break shit when I'm upset, which is probably bad, but y'know. Haters gonna hate. The last time I cried was...hell, years ago.
{ 004 } Have you ever had a same-sex experience? Who with, what was it like, and how did it go?
If anyone answers "no" to this question, they are a fucking liar. Everyone has had at least one same sex experience. Mine was with this girl, Brooklyn Vanni. She was pretty, we were bored, and it happened. It was just a bit of kissing, y'know, it was cool. Not my thing, but I didn't hate it.
{ 005 } How private of a person are you? Why?
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty private about everything. I keep all of my feelings to myself, I don't even tell Mickey shit, because honestly, it's just...I dunno. I feel weird talking about my feelings, and I don't feel like anyone really cares about how I feel, y'know? So why would I waste their time?
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