minjostens · 4 years
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nicky: i just want andrew to be happy and to have someone he can trust and rely on and love
neil: yeah okay but i’m also bringing a mob war
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minjostens · 4 years
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Make Me Choose
↳ @bisoras asked: Xion or Roxas
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minjostens · 4 years
B2 Renee and A4 Allison perhaps?
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thanks for the suggestion !! 
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minjostens · 4 years
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Sora❤ 2020.4.4 fan art doodle (Kingdom Hearts─Sora)
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minjostens · 4 years
andrew is the most dramatic character in AFTG. you can argue otherwise (neil on the bus, kevin’s dramatic french monologues) but absolutely NOTHING compares to this:
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minjostens · 4 years
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my journey begins here and now.
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minjostens · 4 years
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this will forever be iconic
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minjostens · 4 years
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Incase you ever wondered what an angry cinnamon roll looked like ^
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minjostens · 4 years
okay so andrew KNOWS he thought neil was pretty, so WHAT possessed him to put neil in nice clothes. like? did he think the fact that the attractive clothes and the attractive neil would cancel each other out? this isn't algebra, andrew, you're just making him PRETTIER, like
andrew, staring down attractive clothes and knowing neil is attractive: two wrongs make a right, isn't that how the saying goes
nicky: i don't think-
andrew: no no, i'm pretty sure i'm right
nicky: andrew-
andrew, knowing full well what he's doing: no. no. i am 100% positive i'm right
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minjostens · 4 years
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Soriku Week 2019 Day 6: Parallels 
Sora and Riku as Belle and Beast; my favorite parallel 
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minjostens · 4 years
i love that you are always fully Aware of when andrew is in a scene because he’s the first thing neil always mentions like get a Grip josten
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minjostens · 4 years
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“Hey, i can travel to different times too, you know.”
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minjostens · 4 years
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I just wanted this boy to dress up nice 😔
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minjostens · 4 years
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   ᴀɴ unbreakable ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ.
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minjostens · 4 years
andrew minyard physically resisting the impulse to fall for neil josten throughout the majority of the books because he always told himself love didn’t exist:
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minjostens · 4 years
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roxas has thoughts
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minjostens · 4 years
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