minitean · 2 years
crazy how this was a year ago lmao hey y’all
I might watch Voltron again for the 80th time 💀
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minitean · 3 years
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minitean · 3 years
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If Shiro had his standard hair color and haircut
From @/bravepaladins on Instagram
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minitean · 3 years
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minitean · 3 years
hi! can i request hcs for keith having an artistic s/o who paints and draws? thank u :)
yo im back and of course anon!
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would be very interested in your art, would be the type to ask you which are form you do
either painting, digital, or traditional you name it
sometimes he’ll just sit next to you while you’re drawing and just relax there he thinks it’s calming
show off your art! he’ll be glad to see it and he’ll think it’s amazing
if you do those realistic drawings he’ll think it’s cool how it actually ends up looking like the thing you were drawing
he’ll try to help you out and buy some supplies
if y’all are in space there’s not really an art store you can stop by so he’ll find away for y’all to make paint yourselfs
or maybe y’all go on a quick trip to the space mall, if y’all could convince coran to take you tho
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minitean · 3 years
Hunk deserves more love I mean he would be the biggest cuddle bug cause he always gets nervous
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minitean · 3 years
Yo! I’m back and requests are open
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minitean · 3 years
Ight so I’m back back like fr and I’m ready to talk about Voltron
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minitean · 3 years
I LOVED the Keith bf headcannons. Have you done him getting jealous yet? If not.... will you 🥺
Whew chile
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He is prone to jealousy I wouldn’t say easily cause he trusts you but he can’t help but feel like someone would steal you away from him
When he’s jealous it could go either two ways
He could keep it on the low or if he’s to his limit and extremely jealous he’ll step in himself
If he’s keepin it lowkey he’s just throwing glares at the person from behind you silently telling them to back off
If it’s someone who is persistent or if he probably doesn’t like them in general *cough cough James*
He will get a lil handsy
He’ll wrap this arm around your shoulder slightly pulling you into his side while glaring and the person letting you know you’re taken
If they still don’t get the hint he’s like “stop flirting with my s/o” quick and simple
If you call him out on it he’ll either get embarrassed or just say he didn’t like the person flirting with you with a slight tinge of pink on his cheeks ✨
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minitean · 3 years
hi ily 💖
love you too anon ✨
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minitean · 3 years
I say I’m gonna do sumn but I keep forgetting 💔
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minitean · 3 years
Everyday I think about how happy I was when I saw Allura on screen cause she was y’a know ✨black✨
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minitean · 3 years
Okay I swear I’m back fr now
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minitean · 3 years
Maybe I do have horrible management 💀
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minitean · 3 years
Man I gotta update more huh
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minitean · 3 years
I will say it, in season 8 they all deserved better
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minitean · 3 years
I might watch Voltron again for the 80th time 💀
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