#might fuck around and revamp my blog idk
chxna-cheeseycake · 6 months
Happy New Year Aphblr it's been a fucking while since I've crabwalked my way into here lol.
Anyways I'm still obsessed with Dante so it looks like my New Years resolution will be achieved (appreciate the blue block man forever and always).
Also I may or may not have made yet another story idea/AU that centers around Dante and Gene 👉👈 And it may or may not have been inspired by a healthy mix of both Undertale and Deltarune but doesn't follow the exact plot of either game 👉👈 Kinda unsure if I should post about it though because the main protagonist is actually an old Mystreet/MCD OC I made when I was 12 but have since given a heavy revamp. And like... I've always been insecure about posting about my OCs because people were huge assholes when I was 12 posting about my silly little Aphmau OCs on Google+ :/
Idk I might still do it anyway cuz I made this blog with the intent to post whatever the fuck I wanted and not to please other people. I also just really like the lore I came up with for the AU so I kinda do wanna share it cuz I am a little curious of how people would think about it. We'll just have to see I guess lmao.
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so i’d really like to finish my guardian takedown lore analysis, but honestly the game isn’t really fun to play at the moment anymore (even with the health debuffs they added) so I think im going to be taking a break for now because I’m just not having fun anymore.
this game has a lotta mechanical problems i think need to be addressed so im gonna summarize it as bullet points below. I’ll play the new dlc when it drops, but idk if i’ll be on more than that (grinding, end-game stuff) until they make some serious changes. I’ve been playing (near) daily since launch, followed the patch/hotfix notes every single week, and my patience has finally, FINALLY run dry, especially with that really disappointing Phase 1 Patch and then the hotfix this week not adding anything else. What is the balancing team doing??? 😩
anyway. That’s all I needed to get outta my system. I might log on to this blog every now and again to post some random shit that pops into my head (probably with regards to my AU), but I’m not going to be actively playing and posting for the time being. Goodbye (for now), and here’s hoping the new DLC is good!! 
guardian takedown only problems:
there’s a lot of waiting around, and sometimes it’s not explicitly stated that you’re waiting for something, so you’ll be lost on what to do next (not sure if that’s a dialogue glitch or not)
the crystal charge insta-death is bull. just. what the hell. at least make it so you just have to start over. killing ur players for failing a “puzzle” that they then have to fight all the way back to is so infuriating.
dying because you fell off a platforming puzzle is also bull. 
i remember playing the first DMC on my playstation in middle school and having a conniption over the part in the observatory(? it’s been a hot minute since I played DMC 1) with the disappearing/invisible platforms. I h a t e jumping puzzles. why are they in a section of the game where death is semi-permanent and a detriment to your teammates. i tried the takedown 2x with friends and both times one friend didn’t make the first big jump to the temple and had to wait for our inevitable deaths. that’s so unfair to them.
there’s absolutely no reason for a boss to have 12 fuckin immunity phases. 4 per health bar with 3 health bars? Who the fuck designed this? *pumps shotgun* i just wanna talk. 
i appreciate a tasteful immunity phase every now and again (the ones in the Valkyrie fight are actually p reasonable), but christ. that is overkill. I don’t mind the main boss fight, since u can end those early through certain actions, but jesus. the mid-boss fight is annoying as hell. you spend more time running from the immunity phases and finding the damn boss than u do actually shooting it.
drop rates are crap, which I guess should be expected given what happened with the Maliwan Takedown and the handful of months it took for them to fix that, but also you think they’d have learned.
in the maliwan takedown there’s a sense of progression thru the facility after you kill each area’s batch of enemies, but in this one it’s... dampened by the crystal charging sequences. you kill all the enemies in an area, press a button, and now you have to kill 3x that number of enemies in the same area, expect you’re just standing there motionless. It’s not fun.
the crystal charging stuff is just not fun in general. standing in a square is not entertaining. it’s worse that it was clearly designed for 3+ players when a majority of people play/grind solo
i gotta admit the boss fights just aren’t as fun as the Maliwan Takedown fights overall. I felt like a real badass fighting Wotan for the first time, but the main boss for this Takedown is kind of a bitch. Wotan’s fight is chaos, there’s so much shit happening at once and you don’t really have time to process everything and I love it. This one is p meh...
This would be fine and I’d 100% not care that much if there weren’t all these OTHER problems
General Issues with the Game
There’s no endgame stuff to play outside of the takedowns. 
I assume they’re working on the first raid given some stuff I found in the Guardian Takedown files, but I really wish they’d keep the seasonal events/areas. They give us the option to disable/enable them while they’re ‘active’, just give us the ability to do it whenever we want.
when i hop on i either run through Athenas (my favorite map), or farm a boss or two. I have all the loot i really need from the maliwan takedown/elsewhere, and the guardian takedown just... isn’t fun atm, so i have nothing to do.
I’ve reset my playthru multiple times to play the main story at m10, but u can only play it (and the dlc) so many times
Mayhem levels and modifiers are a hot m e s s
a majority of the modifiers just aren’t fun to play with
they incorporated like 2-3 fun modifiers (from the community), then added a bunch that straight-up aren’t. I’m fine with the game being more difficult, but at least give us modifiers that make it more entertaining to play at a higher level instead of more annoying. I like the ones that have trade-offs or add new ‘enemies’, but I hate the ones that just straight up reduce your damage output.
a majority of the weapons with the mayhem 10 anointment (scaling) do not work on mayhem 10 (we’ll go more in-depth with this later)
Player Characters (Vault Hunters!!!) are also a hot mess and a lot of problems plaguing them haven’t been fixed SINCE LAUNCH
theyre literally the basis of the game and its balance. why havent you guys fixed them yet. stop adding new content until they’re fixed. no new skill trees until the base 3 trees work ON EVERY CHARACTER.
seriously. Why is amara p much limited to using Phasegrasp. Why does Iron Bear not matter to Moze except to proc anointments. MAKE ALL ACTION SKILLS EQUAL AND HAVE HEFT.
i wrote an essay here about it bc i feel that strongly about this
Anointments were a mistake. Damage end-game is wayyyy too reliant on them
anoints should have a maximum of, like, a 20% damage bonus. the damage necessary to kill enemies *should be coming from the VHs themselves*. i don’t care if you have to revamp every single Vault Hunter’s skill trees and buff them all by 9000%. THEY DESERVE IT AT THIS POINT
at the moment in m10 there really isn’t much build diversity *even between Vault Hunters*. We’re all using the same 5 guns (OPQ System. Kaoson. idk. fuckin brainstormer? is that still a thing? jesus fuck) with the same 3 anointments (100% on ASE, cryo while SNTL, and 300% while 90%).
you want to diversify builds like you said during the gameplay reveal???? you want our choice in Vault Hunter to actually fuckin matter???? FIX THEM!!!! THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO DEAL DAMAGE WITHOUT STUPID POWERFUL LEGENDARIES AND ANOINTMENTS!!!
Anoints also shouldn’t be common. At all. They should be, like, Pearl rarity. To let that happen, their damage needs to be tuned way the fuck down (again, 20ish % bonus MAX) and ALL ANOINTS NEED TO BE USEFUL IN SOME WAY
obviously these changes can’t happen because they fucked up and buckled down with everything being anointed in m10, but still
imagine a world where the VHs actually did damage on their own without anointments and the damage buff from them was just an incentive to grind for the 100% perfect weapon and NOT A REQUIREMENT TO DEAL DAMAGE
A majority of gear is borderline worthless at M10
I’m fine with the difficulty of M10, i should let it be known. The enemy health isn’t really the problem IF ALL GUNS ACTED THE SAME AS THE OPQ SYSTEM
you know, if you fixed ur vault hunters so they all did damage with just purple weapons (abt the same damage as legendaries w/o special effects) and removed the anointment requirement from late-game play, balancing your guns would be sooo much easier. you know. just saying.
right now only 10% (im being generous) of guns in the game are viable. 90% are worthless. We need AT LEAST 60-70% viable at M10. WHERE IS MY BUILD DIVERSITY. WHY ARE ALL LEGENDARIES NOW JUST “HEY THIS GUN IS STRONGER THAN THE LAST 4 WE RELEASED. HAVE FUN”
then, at least the 10% already strong weapons would be stupid strong and OP as fuck, BUT AT LEAST WE COULD HAVE BUILD VARIETY!!! I don’t care if other people are dummy strong one-shotting everything in sight. I don’t! so long as they don’t play with me, I couldn’t care less!!! I want to be able to play with the unique, interesting legendaries. instead of the OPQ System. which, by the way, I dislike compared to the normal Q-System. let me use the frozen heart shield and the infiltrator mod. I don’t wanna be chained to the Seein’ Dead anymore :(
honestly at this point im starting to think removing slag was a mistake bc then at least we could use guns that aren’t solely damage-based guns. you know how fucked up you’ve got me that im thinking maybe slag wouldn’t be so bad this time around??? YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP B A D.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
Abandoned amusement part for spooky locale prompt
Oooh, thank you for sending this. I love this idea, by the way. One thing came to mind when I got this and that was that I wonder how this would play out in the Walking Dead universe . So, hope you don’t mind! I hope you like this. I also hope it’s actually worth a shit. The idea came to me like this so I went all in with it. And I really, really enjoyed doing it. FYI, I almost went with AHS:Freak Show, but yeah..
I enjoyed doing this, again. Thank you for sending it.
[ send a character name / spooky scenario and location and I’ll write a drabble about it ]
uhh.. An OC of mine, Evie Grimes has been revamped. And she may or may not be a little out there in some ways... Like.. Too much. Idk. Lots of swearing. Mentions of gunshots. Me, dicking around with my own alternate universes and what actually took place on the series.... Again, lol.
** off the top of my head, these are the only people I could think might even want a tag.. If you wanna be tagged in my writing on this blog pls see the tag doc link below. Or tell me.]
[ masterlist - about page - tag doc ] 
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My lungs burned but I didn’t dare stop. A chain link fence stood between me and my doom and without thinking, I scaled the fence right as a decayed hand raised and very nearly got hold of the heel of my biker boot. I kicked free and tumbled down onto the other side.
I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t turn back. Give the finger to the horde of zombies I’d been outrunning. Probably wasn’t the smartest idea I’ve ever had, but... I did it. After turning away from the horde and moving quickly past a tattered and worn red and white striped tent close to me, I crouched down and started to work on reloading my gun. Once I got that reloaded, I reached behind me and produced my bow, making sure I still had a few arrows left in my quiver. Satisfied that I had my gun loaded and I hadn’t used all my arrows yet, I took a second or two to catch my breath.
The smell of smoke hung heavily in the air and I noticed it then... The flickering light over by an older model pop up camper. “What the hell?” the words came in a quiet gasp because I still hadn’t gotten my breath back completely yet, but curious as to who else might have taken cover in this empty amusement park, I made my way over to the source of light.
This was probably my first -and biggest, mistake. Before I even got halfway across the amusement park, I felt the cold metal of a gun barrel against the back of my skull.
“Where th’ hell you think yer goin, huh? You the reason them damn Walkers are lingerin outside the gate right now?” - that voice.. There was something so familiar about it. Take away the coldness and the anger in the tone and I’d almost swear on my life I’d heard the man currently speaking before. On numerous occasions.
“First of all, lower your fucking weapon.” I tried to stay calm as I said it. The man standing behind me chuckled. “You’re dumb if ya think I’m gon just put down my weapon. How do I know you ain’t with Rick’s group... Or that other sumbitch, Negan?”
And then, it clicked. Shane Walsh. My former childhood crush. My brother’s best friend and former partner at King County PD. ,, it can’t be. he died. Rick told you exactly what happened that night before you got separated...”
“I said... Lower your goddamn gun.” I repeated myself. “If you’d just let me turn around, you fucking idiot, you’d know exactly why I’m not the enemy. Now you on the other hand... You’re supposed to fucking be dead.”
I could hear him shuffle his feet. Clearing his throat. I didn’t have to be looking at him to know that my assessment shocked him. And yeah, parts of me were wondering if he’d put two and two together on his end of it all yet. Given what I remember about Shane, it’s highly doubtful. Man was kind of a meathead like that.
So it shocked me when he muttered in a quiet and shocked tone, “Evie? ‘At you?”
“Lower your gun and let me turn around and you’ll find out, meathead.” I retorted, tapping a heavy sole against the pavement and shivering at the chill in the air. He lowered the gun as I asked and I turned around, coming face to face with him.
Given what my brother told me before I went my seperate way from his little group, I had a lot of understandable concerns. So the first thing I did was to pull out my Bowie knife and hold it at his throat. He swallowed hard, eyeing me in confusion. “What th’ fuck?”
“Well, you’re alive when Rick saw you die with his own two eyes. Carl told me he shot you to make sure you didn’t come back. So... Until I know you’re not going batshit feral on me and attempting to eat my brains, I’m gonna have to keep this right here. You understand, yeah?”
“Evie, put the goddamn knife down. Carl didn’t finish me off, first of all. He tried but he couldn’t. I told ‘im to tell everybody that. Left and went my own way. Been stayin here, “ he swept his arm towards a particularly creepy clown mouth shaped entrance to a nearby funhouse and met my gaze to continue, “Since. Thangs were goin swell. Til you bought the fuckin Walkers right to my gate.”
He rolled his eyes in irritation and I fumed at him angrily. As I considered the story he presented, I held the knife exactly where I’d put it. A smirk formed as he suggested with a smug tone, “What, you want me to strip down and show ya I ain’t one of ‘em? Because darlin, I wouldn’t mind that one bit.”
“Oh I bet you wouldn’t, you colossal ass... But we have bigger problems right now. I wasn’t just running from those undead shitbags outside... I may or may not have pissed off that Negan guy you mentioned. I may or may not have set fire to some shit... Stolen some things. And he may or may not have been chasin me.”
“Woman, what the everlovin fuck?”
“Look. I went there, determined to get my goddamn revenge, okay? He... He killed someone I... I really cared about them. Then all that shit with my brother and his people and Negan.”
Headlights cut through the darkened night and I grumbled. I could hear Negan’s boys whooping and hollering and I gulped, taking a deep breath. “I’m gonna lower the knife. But if I even think you’re one of those zombies, Walsh, I swear to God. I’ll kill you in your sleep and I won’t think twice.”
“Fair enough... Guessin this ain’t because you’re feelin generous.”
“No. We’re about to be up to our asses in hillbilly dumb fucks. I can’t take ‘em alone.” I hated admitting I needed his help for anything, it left a sour taste in my mouth. 
And his smug smirk didn’t help at all, either.
“First ‘f all, let’s get to higher ground. There’s a control tower back around where you came crashin over the fence at. If we get higher, we can see ‘em. And all my guns and shit are up top.”
I nodded and I didn’t waste any time, crouching amongst the tents. I passed the battered bumper cars attraction and I froze in place when I heard the shuffle-groan-shuffle heading our way. My heart started to race and my stomach jumped clear into my throat. I couldn’t move, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself it was move or get my ass eaten alive. I could hear the trucks getting closer too and that didn’t help. Gunfire was starting to fill the night. This was not a good situation, not by any stretch.
Shane ran up, grabbing me up by my hips, hauling me over his shoulders just as Negan’s vehicle came crashing through the back gate.
“Woman, you brought more trouble than y’ might be worth, y’ know that?”
“Less bitching, Walsh.. More getting us to higher ground.” I muttered as Shane stood me on my own feet and I scrambled up the stairs leading to a control tower. Once we were inside, Shane threw a heavy machine in front of the door and knelt down, loading up his Mossberg.
And outside, the shuffling and groaning got closer. The sounds of revving engines and the sound of bullets echoed through the night.
All I know is I’m not getting a good feeling about tonight, not even slightly.....
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nightstreamarts · 5 years
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i decided to revamp my barley design.
idk felt cute might fuck around and make an ask blog ;)
but ye!! if you use this design be sure to credit me <3 ty!
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akalegos · 5 years
Could you tell us a little about your characters?
Y E S !
but due to me having at least over a thousand characters I’ll just give a quick summary of the 25 I manage to dig up over 3 sketchbooks.
Y’all can pick and choose which of them interest yall or who you wanna hear more about!
Also because I’m extra, I made sketch icons for the 25 characters, info under the cut
I’ll talk a bit more about my actual Original Characters first, starting with
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Aiko! Otherwise known as Echo
- A marked individual in a steampunk world that gets mixed with magic, because I like both of those things
- Echo runs an underground lab that does helps the underground world with replacing body parts, illegal surgeries etc etc
- Even though she marked, which puts a bounty on her head already, she is well respected by the community for not cheating for your money, stealing your cash, or shanking/killing you mid-surgery
- however, Echo does long for adventure and sometimes do get bored in the lab
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oh yeah,, Echo like stealing eyeballs, so if you’re low on cash and wouldn’t mind losing an eye, you know who to call!!
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Here’s Echo’s boring, undeveloped sidekick!! I don’t like her and I don’t know how to make her better. Yes, she doesn’t have a name.
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here’s my god playboy that left “heaven” due to having an early mid-life crisis, I call him God boi cause;
- He goes by many names! 
tbh, he’s probably the closest character I have to being genderfluid/-neutral? I’m not sure,,
- The god has many powers, from lightning to shapeshifting
- The shapeshifting part allows him to change every part of himself, allowing him to change depending on his situation.
- God boyo, or originally Aristide, is obsessed with the idea of perfection. A god should be perfect, if a god is out of line, he is no god. 
- Same goes for him, which means whenever something is wrong with him, it affects him, extremely
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However, leaving the land of gods to live among humans aren’t all perks
- Aris isn’t immune to diseases or injuries. In fact, he actually fell down and died on impact when he came to earth, being reborn into another child immediately.
- He doesn’t gain his memories back automatically tho!! He has to have a major shock to the brain in order for him to remember his previous lives
- Sometimes the shock isn’t enough either, when you have a thousand over lives, you won’t remember every single one of them. So forgotten lovers coming back to haunt because your brain hates you? That’s everyday for him!
i just,, i like playing with the concepts of god,,
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Up next we got Ayeka Himura! A japanese student going to a neighborhood, but still a pretty good, school living close to poverty due to her father’s constant spending habits and obsession with art supplies. With the household lacking a mother due to wacky shenanigans, Ayeka takes care of her two younger siblings and the house, all while maintaining a very well-paid job and slowly loosing interest in actually studying for a good, honest job.
also she likes birds!!
Yes her design is heavily “based” off Toga but I love her current design too much to change it, h e l p
So like,, I suck at chinese and I made ocs that exclusively spoke in chinese to help with that but I’m still stuck at 40~marks
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I forgot his scar but remembered his earring i hate myself
my og chinese kiddo! he was was first to come and I love his design ever since
he radiates fuck you energy except the girl below. He’s neighbors with her and they acknowledge each other existence ever since. he has a dumb cliche crush on her and is a bit protective of her because nothing says having issues than latching onto someone that makes you happy
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Only this girl got named!! even tho she was the second character.
Li Shen, yes she doesnt have a surname, is apparently main ho now, according to my old oc chart of my “main” ocs
She’s the group’s resident sweetheart and really does not want you to do stupid shit, stop doing stupid shit. She tutors my son up there ^^ even though he’s actually smart and just refuses to do his work properly. But she still deeply cares for him.
As well as the girl below shdifhd
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the last girl of the ching chong trio and the reason I had to switch up my son’s design is this girly over here! Her design was too business-y and formal so I enrolled all of them into college. A rich girl who doesn’t know how to deal with her g a y thoughts. Tried sending Li Shen some flowers once. She didn’t realize attaching her name would be a good idea and son got a good laugh.
i like paranormal stuff so they apparently look into that shit in their spare time. They’re all actually really fun characters to do prompts with I swear!! send some in and I’ll write them
I had a previous concept for son and Li Shen before last girl came and if yall want me to talk about it,,, i found my sketchbook with the old ideas,,
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Elora herself used to be a fan character but I pulled her out and wow\
cant fucking believe she used to be straight for Vylad
shes the outgoing, fun adventure type! bit of mommy issues here and there tho,, I don’t want to say too much since I have an entire for her +
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her now upgraded bro, Vincent
i really like the name vincent,,
also now he has mommy issues
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Ead, the knight who used to have armor
I hate drawing armor 
he also have issues
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she doesnt have that much issues tho
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basically I made elora and her bro have mommy issues, I’m sorry in advance if that spoils anything
I, sometimes, post about these 4 over on @eloradiesismydocsname​ and its a gay ol’ time
not that gay tho because uhh,, medieval times,, but I need prompts for a modern au of them and I am happy to talk about their personalities and even go semi in-depth for any of them!!
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here we have ghoster.png,, which is her file name cause I didn’t name her,,
A horror enthusiast + film student that goes to a supposedly haunted shack to film her upcoming project with the boys. wacky shenanigans occur and the boys left leaving ghoster here to starve and eventually fall to her death. But because it’s my oc i get to bring her back from the dead, now hungry as ever and will fucking eat you, its not a kink thing, shes just that hungry and angry
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tax fraud.png
a robo girl that i created during social studies cause they were talking about taxes and i just went, “what if,, a robo runs on taxes,,, and like,, she haunts you down for not paying your taxes,,” thus she was born! I don’t know what to name her but she is set in the future so-
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Time to go future-apocalypse style because I love that setting too and was upset that I didn’t have any ocs in that style. So I created Alex A. ! A cybrog filled with memories of the previous generations as a sad attempt to preserve human life.
He’s accompanied by his sister/cousin idr i didn’t draw an icon for her, didnt like her design. they go on a hunt for food and to return with nothing. She gets to meet this other dude who has a plant arm im pretty sure i based him off someone’s elses oc but i cant remember. The 3 are forgotten. Kinda want to bring them back tho.
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Neon! A character set in the future utopia of lazy people, where gamers rise up. its the best I can describe her story without getting too deep. She the new hacker on the block, joining the underground gang of elite hackers. She’s another one of those wacky characters that just has fun. I mean, when you know your way around codes and the world you live in is full of it, would you not take advantage of that?
as for fan characters,, uhh,, i have em
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Alexzandra Zara oh my god i forgot to draw her necklace and shirt
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anyways,, Alexzandra is one of the more older ocs I have that didnt get a big revamp. Only an au I develop to the point I forgot the actual shows and the original cast are a little different from the source haha what? She’s the emotionally unstable german war veteran, yes the wife thing isn’t mutual, and haha shes only 27~. I cling onto her so much?? She’s hits a lot of “edgy” points but I still love her cause idk,, the story I made for her is something I hold dear cause Alexzandra was one of my first ACTUALLY DEVELOPED CHARACTER. Is it wrong to say I hold her really close to my heart? Is that weird? probably a little cringy sorry haha. I probably project a little into her which might have strengthened my love for her ack. Her story delves more into the depression very unstable needs to talk to someone side and i get scared talking about my wife’s story online so uhh, idk ask me specific questions about her, I’ll be more inclined to talk.
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Dr Watts! The spoiled ass dick that stole dst Wilson’s house and yes this is a dst oc, yes im slightly sorry.
He’s just fun?? almost ran a blog with him and a friend’s oc. He’s your typical uptight old science gramps that took advantage of the fact that no one knows his real name that he calls himself a doc. He’s not. I put everything about him up to a 9-10? He’s one of those wacky characters and I love him for it! His story is really wonky tho so might need help solidifying that part 
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and from the angry old man to my sweet man that will adopt you even if you’re noisy or call him ginger. Pilot here is a TF2 OC I made to interact with other tf2 OCs cause some of them are fun and i wanna join in :((
He’s the Canadian stereotype, and yes, he adopted scout, that was one of my character notes. 
Like the actual cast of tf2, there’s barely any real story to him. I only gave him a vague I don’t know my past but hey, i fly really really well. He participated in war unlike certain men but he’s still really nice and will only kill you if you hurt his family. Which he doesn’t know so he just considers the cast his family. He keeps mentioning a wife though, pretty sure he doesn’t have one but you do what makes you happy son.
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Ai! an oc I HEAVILY revamped oh my god i hate her old vers. So if yall remember my random shouting of missing my og son, Aru. Here’s his bff. cause he barely has any actual friends that give a shit. And I just cant have that. but here’s your yandere revamped into a last minute addition. I actually feel like I did Ai a lot of justice. I don’t want to delve too deep cause I will start making charts. I’ll do that in a separate post if yall are keen
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Isamu Aena! a mp100 oc I made by accident cause idk,, I was thinking about lolita fashion and all of a sudden, the actual oc I was going to make turned into a mob psycho oc. She’s one of my few ocs where her sexuality matters (she’s gay yeah) cause it plays a role in her storyline. She went from being “manipulated”/used to Mob’s wingwomen. She spots out things that can help him in the romantic department cause she’s into romance. A student of the school Mob infiltrated and a fantastic tailor, not to mention a pretty decent pyschic. wait where do models get their lolita stuff from,,
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im gonna ignore that and move onto Lillian Yi! Who, i swear i did not meant for it, is very close to lloyd. I mean,, none of the ninjas were with him after s3, who you think he’d meet. Lillian is a survivor from the Great Devourour and yes I’m still pissed LEGO stole my backstory for Lillian to use for Harumi. FUCK YOU LEGO, i still love both of em tho,, The event did leave a big scar and it made Lillian job jumping for a bit, ending at Chen’s Noodles in S6~, where ya know,, stuff got better. She was a medalist for gymnastics and continue the activity, even after her parents’ death, to please others. She was already lost at the time so staying in the sport would help, right? Needless to say, after being rejected at a cop academy for youths, or something similar, she gave up for a while but got back into the idea of saving people by using her skills she already had. It helped with the weight and feelings and meeting the green ninja was a very big bonus. Also Lloyd dubbed her the “mysterious stranger” when she refused to speak in fear of her identity, slight shame, and maybe a bit of being star struck. It helped Lloyd too in a sense where he had something to distract him from Zane’s passing.
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 Their relationship was eventually formed, strong and almost unbreakable, except for harumi but uhh thats a different story. Throughout the seasons, they stayed close and lloyd was always comforted by Lillian went times get ruff.
Also Lillian is my most light-hearted characters and I think that says a lot
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Then there’s Nite “I don’t want to be your dad”. A character that is supposed to be in the ninjago world but barely interacts with the main story and only stays in his self contained plot. He was supposed to get a bf but uhhh idk. He’s the master of shifting and streams that online, taking out small crimes, and is actually really shy and doesn’t like interacting with people.
also haha fortnite
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Nora Akino, the sin of despair! its an ad thing, I think. She speaks only in a foreign language that only Odin understands and is either big gay for Ava or Maggi, she can’t pick. And yes she did drink the vial, when TITAN attacks your planet and you accidentally die, how else can you meet your family again? also my grandpa walked in and said she looks like royalty. cool-
she wouldn’t leave my hand for like,, 3 days or something
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Petri, a fellow troublemaker at camp campbell’s music camp. She managed to pick the camp because apparently a parent who doesn’t acknowledge your hard work don’t read the fine print! Please let David adopt her,,
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LASTLY! Yukimaru Atsuko, hero name; Gummie. She goes by Yuki and is a big dick. She’s a studious student but gets more thrills on the actual battlefield. Living with her uptight grandma and her big bottom energy bro, she has the dom energy thing going. and apparently folks on G+, or the people who comment about her, thinks she’s really pretty, which was oddly a thing back before UA. She’s the dick you can like, not like Bakugou but she will definitely want to fight Bakugou. 
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A gum-related quirk is not full of perks when its only your hands. I’d dive more into her like her insecurities and stuff but I’ve been here for probably 3hrs. Sorry anon.
Also I’m so sorry to anyone who reads this all the way through.
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Things I’m Currently Working on/Going To Work on Eventually and Post
1. The Four Sisters
           Currently stuck with a working title that may or may not stick, The Four Sisters is what I’m primarily working on. It’s a story with characters that spawned out of a RWBY rp between me and my best friend, Nat (@delightfulmercy), who is graciously letting me use their characters as our characters are so intertwined at this point it’s not even funny. It’s a project I’m hoping to one day make into a cartoon.
            The focus of this story is on the Sumner-McCrae family, of four girls - Daphne, Indigo (”Indi”), Amaranth and Lila -- who were raised by their widowed father, Cullen, and their mothers sisters -- Skye, Crimson (”Crim”) and Viridian -- who showed up out of the blue after the death of their mother. The girls grew up having fairly average lives...that is, until, mysterious happenings set abound. Things started levitating around them out of the corner of their eyes, natures forces acting up around them, oh, and, not to mention, when Amaranth set her math textbook on fire with her bare hands her cat turned into a 17 year old boy named Blair trying to help her put the fire out. Turns out they come from a family of witches, and they each have an elemental power given to them by their magic. Now life and trying to find a balance with everything going on just got way more complicated, as they try to navigate learning to control their powers and figuring out what they want to do with them, while also trying to keep it all a secret and still live their everyday lives. Not to mention stranger, more darker things begin to happen in their lives that they have to try and figure out and put a stop to or it may spell out into disaster for everyone. But, hey, that’s life, right?
2. Grey-ish
              So this is a project that’s been in the works for over a year now. It’s going to be a webcomic, published by my brother, Jonathan (@holypegasus), and it’s still massively in the works.
              The general plot revolves around a fantasy world in which the Gods have disappeared, and taken with them color, leaving the world in black and white, save for very few things. Magical items and animals, and the children of the God have retained their color. The people, in anger and fear, refer to them as the Stained. 19 year old Leeloo has been on the run since she was just a child, going from place to place trying to hide her nature, not understanding why she herself is a Stained. A dysfunctional encounter at a tavern with a mercenary named Damien and his companion, a Stained Beast named Tem, leads her into a whirlwind of adventures, trying to survive in this crazy world, all while meeting new people and perhaps finding something she lost so long ago; a family. But shadows of her past, as well as Damien's, will come to challenge, and there are those that want to eradicate this world and start anew. Do they have what it takes to set things back to the way it once was?
3. Raney Days
              This story is still nothing more than a concept, and is something I plan to work more on once I find a bit more time. Basically I wanted to write a show based on my experiences working at my college’s dining hall and throw in some whacky adventures. Just something fun to do, y’know.
4. Songs of My Friends
              This has been something I’ve been trying to work on since mid 2015. It’s a Yu-Gi-Oh next gen fanfic, focusing around the kids of the gang who, while they grew up together, have somewhat grown apart, and when Tea and Yugi’s daughter moves to Domino to attend school for a year there, weird shit a la the typical YGO schemes begin to happen. It’s going to be going through some revamping, maybe changing up some character names and fully plotting out what all I want to happen as I had like 8 different ides hit me all at once when I originally tried writing this.
5. Charlie’s Story
                So I’ve been on this website since I was 13, and around that time I made a character named Charlie Logan. He was from an RP blog and he was the son of Jean Grey and Wolverine, and he was this powerful telepath/telekinetic mutant with a healing factor. He’s still to this day one of my favorite characters that I’ve ever created and holds a special place in my heart. So naturally I want to write a story about him. No plot is set in stone yet and I haven’t even begun to figure out all the details, but keep a look out for it.
6. Untitled Pokemon...thing idk
                Look I like Pokemon. And I really like seeing all these fan regions, and fakemon, so I figured, what the fuck, why not do my own? I got like one design done that I like for a Starter, one for like a Flying type that I might go back and re-do but it’s literally just something to do for shits and giggles because why not? I need something fun to work on outside of the main projects.
This list will be updated as more ideas come to mind.
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citadelofswords · 7 years
So, because of your excellent blogging, I have slowly been falling in love with podcasts. The two I loved right off the bat and just devoured were Wolf 359 and The Black Tapes and I've started listening to the bridge. Any recommendations for what should come next?
NICE this is so exciting!!! join us in podcast hell!!! (i’m so glad you’re listening to the bridge next!!!)
the penumbra podcast - a series of stories all taking place somehow inexplicably in rooms of the penumbra hotel. you will fall in love with the concierge, trust me. stories range from SUPER spooky ones (that i haven’t listened to yet bc i’m terrified of them) to a story about a rad af non-binary bandit in the ol’ west (of some sort) to everyone’s favorite trash son, juno steel, aka the bisexual film noir protagonist you never knew you needed! AND NO QUEERBAITING WHATSOEVER!!!! (they’re dropping a revamped first juno steel episode next week, i don’t know if it would be better to wait until then to start listening or not?)
ars paradoxica - a scientist from 20-something does experiments with time travel and accidentally gets permanently zapped back to 1943 (if you know anything about the philadelphia experiment, that’s actually the event connected to her appearance in 1943!) it’s pretty confusing at times but it’s time travel AND coldwar stuff AND NO UNNECESSARY ROMANCE SUBPLOTS!!!
tanis - idk if you’ve tried this one yet but alex reagan’s friend nic silver gets his own time to shine investigating tanis, a mysterious place(?) that might also be a god(?) and like. nic is a dumbass and the continuity is ehhh but i think it’s still worth a listen if you haven’t already tried it.
eos 10 - bangs fists on table LISTEN TO EOS 10 i listened to the whole thing in one day, that’s how incredible it is! doctor goes to giant space station to aid head doctor on space station, stumbles into interplanetary conspiracy that he only discovers because he has an erection that lasted more than four hours. also the fandom has collectively decided that he has pink hair! i love this podcast so much it needs SO MUCH LOVE
the strange case of starship iris - this podcast only has one episode but there are so many good things about it including: lady scientists! i won’t say much more about it bc spoilers but it’s good if you like wolf 359 trust me
the adventure zone - three brothers and their dad (the mcelroys if you know my brother my brother and me) play d&d and have a FUCKING BLAST fucking around with the rules-- i’m currently catching up on this one and it’s been a wild ride
inkwyrm - i haven’t actually gotten a chance to listen to this one yet but @stormybisexual wrote/created it so i’m recommending it anyway
qwerpline - “scriptovised” radio-show style podcast about a wacky town and its wacky residents. worth it for getting to listen to the actors break down laughing at a particularly good bit of improv and this exchange: “there’s a pattern, they just wouldn’t tell me what it was.” “who’s THEY?!” (they do a live show where it becomes really obvious how much editing goes into the show proper, it’s about half incoherent from trying to stifle laughter)
welcome to night vale - have you listened to this? i usually just assume people have because it’s the usual gateway into audio drama #hell, but i just realized you might not have. it’s a radio show in a spooky lil town hosted by someone with the best voice you will have ever heard in your entire life. and this is from someone who could listen to zach valenti read the phonebook. cecil baldwin could read the instructions for doing your taxes and i’d hang off his every word.
holy shit this got long but i love giving podcast recs!!! feel free to ask me for more!!!
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jimmynames · 6 years
So here we find ourselves again 
1 year later, still in London and still at Ruin Studio. The past years been quite a head fuck.. 
Firstly I believe in the true nature of streaming my consciousness whilst I should probably divide this into two blogs one for dev etc one for self I’m going to just carry on typing regardless because I believe the two - self and dev - are intertwined into a larger picture which is of course, me. fuck. So without further a due lol I find myself sat on the floor, straight back typing away eating a pop tart and drinking a protein shake alone whilst Romi is out partying with her co workers. I’ve placed a mirror in front of me and meditated with my eyes open, peering into my self but also all sorts. It was a beautiful experience which led me wanting to call home and speak to my Mother but she didn’t answer - I hope she’s out or having fun right now. 
Secondly, and importantly, in light of my last reflection it feels apt to acknowledge my most recent discovery of grief which is one of a life time sentence. Unfortunately and sadly, this awareness that no matter how far we, my family and I, move from the death date that was that horrible fucking night and no matter how much I grow you’re not going to come back. It’s haunting and I hate it but it’s a `const` now in my life.js and I guess whilst I’m still coming to terms with your passing when you inspect the unminified memories of our shared past it’s so beautiful that I do feel blessed. Ying and Yang. Black and White. These ideas have never rang mroe true in my sense of self than before and I guess I just must of picked the hardest difficulty when starting this simulation. ideet. So still dealign with grief, still missing my father but not coming home and crying most nights instead actually I find myself presently the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life. In the pursuit of a healthy mind and reasons to live I found my body. A beautiful vehicle to which I find great enjoyment currently in stretching, pushing and pulling apart. I’m going to the gym with Tim , who deseveres his own write up if I’m honest, cycling and playing squahs with Laz another great man in my life atm. Which both intertwine equally within this loose tapersty of a ‘tech’ blog post in that both are my colleagues. The borders between work and life and professionalism and being are so `background:linear-gradient(black,white,black,.666);` it’s unreal as I find myself genuinely and generally becoming bros/friends/ganged up with the poeple around me who I work with. 
So code - something clicked in me and my code increased. I’m loving and taking great pride in writing beautifully archietured and structered codebases with compotetional methodology both in the skeletons of the comps as well as the styling what with a recent lvoe of BEM. My Javascript is improving, I’m not Thill yet but I can feel and sense it’s growth in who I’m engagign with browser,s tasks and challenges. I built a site for a band and a portofilo for Sean my brother both using gatsby.js and react - super super fun and I took great pride in their codebases and build. Using netfliy is a dream andwould recommend. Wathcing the build tasks run will forever been a dreamy experience. I also revamped my portoflio getting evrr closer to my final idea of two website sin one. Oh Dad I wish you could see it. I applied for a job at NTS radio and got into the final 3 candidates which was really exciting but I my technical interview was to blase and i stupidly uploaded my repo with node_modules in the git cache d’oh and git history ppppppeak.. since then my commit messages have deff grown up and recently even my console.log’s as well. I guess I’m maturing in many ways as a Developer with a greater conceptual understanding of servers and dev ops I do feel more tehcnical in my self but still feel a disconnect with the lieks of Tim and other Dev’s such as YOLO gang for they just seem to be developer built idk.. I’m facing imposter syndrome with great confidence as a result of what I believe is just increased testororone since lifting metal around tbh.. would deff recommend.. 
Since deciding not to go to Scotland with my beautiful omg what the fuck are you doing girl Romi I have decided to dedicate the next 6 months/1 year entierly to my self with focus on learning, growing and health. I wasn’t ready nor felt equipped to travel freely and explore the world. I’m still young. I’m old as well. I feel it. but yeh in my hearts of hearts when you reflect and consider you’re life I’ve only been in London - “livign away from home” for a year and a half, dealing with so much fucking pain it hurts, trying to manage those around me who are alive god bless my mother and i wish her suffering would end as well fucking universe you absolute piece of shit stealing the greatest man from us all fuckinng hell. SORRY. anyway. I do believe in the next year I’ll grow far beyond what I see infront of me and even tho i am proud of the boy/man i gaze upon in my own reflection I do see potential. This potential and in the pursuit of it wil hopefully take me inherently on quite a introverted journey but eventually a more global one later down the line.. I do hope Romi hasn’t been snagged as I’d hate to lose such a love to my own insceurities but like my mother _always_ says, if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be..
I recently smashed a project or two at work and I’ve really gotten my head around how React works as a framework. Recognising that as I’m learning native, more app based things and higher (to me) prolly basic but still Javascirpt I need to acknowledge how i felt when I couldn’t even code and here I am doing things naturally that I couldn’t even imagine or would get so frustrated at. God Dad I wish you could see some of my work since, it’s actually so beautiful.. So to not give myself such a hard time, im no computer sci grad and I’m trying to learn potentially advanced shit so it’s ok.. 
Acutally I got the mutha fuckign title of Web Developer this year as well!!!!! so like yeh 3 years did it. legit goal achieved and I’m still running with it.. Might take me a bit left which I’d like tbf but still going upwards
So yeh, this year’s been immensly intense but beauituflly beautifull. My goals are as follows
- learn to dive
- get back into swimming 
- gym
- react native project
- redux 
- javascript
- treehouse boy again 
- continue to cook and eat healthy 
- sober for autumn 2018
- ux study
-design some websites
- sketch
- write short story
tl;dr idgaf about typos spelling etc this is as much scribbling in a notebook as it can get excet i can read this i cant read my handwriting 
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