So Here's the Thing...
So Here’s the Thing…
So here’s the thing about my opinions on the minimum wage: I’m not 100% sure they are right. I don’t think $7.25/hour is reasonable at all. In fact, even though I live in Idaho, I commute to Washington (Ok, it’s like a 15 minute drive, I live right on the border… I commute to the next town over) specifically because Washington minimum wage is $9.19/hour.
  I’m also not an economist. I…
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[G]iven its current low level (compared both to U.S. history and international standards), the minimum wage should be increased. This would help raise incomes for millions of working poor and … ensure a meaningful increase in after-tax earnings for the nation’s poorest households.
The IMF in its annual review of the American economy (via policymic)
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The Joys of Moving
The Joys of Moving
Moving is such a drag. I don’t think anyone disagrees with me on this, but who knows? With the internet, there is always a dissenting opinion. Right now, I’m actually in between apartments. I moved out of the place I lived all through my final year of college May 31. It was weird to see what had been home for almost a year empty and echo-y. All of my furniture and belongings are currently…
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Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed an amendment, introduced by the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), to penalize contractors that have previously committed wage theft.
Similar to the Houston wage theft ordinance but on a larger scale, the amendment makes federal contracts unobtainable for entities that have committed wage theft or violated the Fair Labor Standards Act.
In a statement the CPC said:
“The House of Representatives stood up for federal contract workers today, protecting them from wage theft and ensuring the federal government will lead the way to fairer labor standards for all Americans. No working American should ever worry that her employer might steal a part of her paycheck, especially if she works for a contractor paid by the federal government.”
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I played dumb and asked him, ‘How would you vote?’” McAllister said during the talk. “He told me, ‘Vote no and you will get a $1,200 check from the Heritage Foundation. If you vote yes, you will get a $1,000 check from some environmental impact group.’
Rep. Vance McAllister (R-La.) just admitted money may sway his Congressional votes (via policymic)
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BuyMart http://wp.me/s4HeA5-buymart
So, I promise that I don’t work at Wal-Mart. Trust me, if I did, I would be letting the world know. And whining a lot, because I’m not a fan. I do actually really like the place I work, which is kind of why I want to keep it anonymous. It’s a general department store, with an apparel section, electronics, toys, housewares, bagged candy, the works. There’s not really a whole lot else to it.
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Sammi the Specialist
So here’s something exciting–I just got promoted! When I told my manager that I was going to be staying on with BuyMart for the next two years or so, she was super excited. Partially because in such a high turnover business like retail, it’s hard to get people to stick around for that long, and partially because she had just lost all of her experienced workers except for myself and two other…
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For the first time in a very long time, Americans aren’t so sure their kids will have better lives than they do.
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Classist: You didn’t go to college? It’s your own fault you’re poor! Why should you be paid more if you have no education?
Classist: You went to college? It’s your own fault you’re poor! You shouldn’t have spent so much money on college if you couldn’t afford it!
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Have you heard about Senator Warren’s new bill yet? Find out more and support it here.
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This is important
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In store action at paramount store 2110 #walmartstrikers
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Walmart families stand together and fight for each other to live better!
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On Strike for Respect!
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Domino’s CEO Should Save Some Dough for the Pizzas: Punching In
They fought for 15…and won.
Seattle City Council gives final passage to raising the city minimum wage to $15.
Here’s a helpful Q&A about the historic Seattle increase.
The sharing economy is a caring economy
The growth of cooperative startups.
Why Walmart moms (and daughters) are on strike
Walmart shareholders should listen very closely to striking workers, says Robert Reich.
Key Quote: “While low-wage industries such as retail and restaurant accounted for 22 percent of the jobs lost in the Great Recession, they’ve generated 44 percent of the jobs added since then, according to a recent report from the National Employment Law Project.”
Low retail wages disproportionately hurt women.
Women in sales work 103 extra days to make as much as men.
John “I hope you forget SB 5” Kasich update
Ed Fitzgerald highlights Gov. Kasich’s Koch Bro. connections.
Even though there’s no presidential race this year, voter suppression is alive and well in Ohio.
Finally: The Gucci-clad hissy fit
Steelworkers President Gerard on why CEOs don’t want to disclose CEO-to-worker pay ratio.
Key Quote: “The [Domino’s Pizza] corporate board delivered $43 million to CEO J. Patrick Doyle over the past three years. That prompted the Post to lead its story with this: “Hey, J. Patrick Doyle, save some dough for the pizzas.”
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