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Garcia, Reid, JJ
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62 notes · View notes
Hotch: we’ve profiled the unsub as a woman in her late twenties who is killing men who have cheated on their significant others.
Prentiss: good for her, bitches ain’t shit
Prentiss: except you JJ *aggressive wink*
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Hotch: Spencer give us the profile
Spencer: the unsub is a highly intelligent, white male, in his late twenties, who may have an IQ of 187, and is definitely not me
Prentiss: Damn it Reid is this wanted me to tell you how to hide a body..
Derick: My Man!
Hotch: Not again..
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Rossi: Today was the wrong day to wear my new Prada Suit
Reid: Stop stalling and get in the ditch, David
Rossi: Kid, do you know how expensive this is?
Reid: this is payback. Get. In. The. Ditch.
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And listen, I'm headcannoning the "Jon and Martin going to another dimension and both living is a valid possibility" ending because I want it, but don't think I'm not also okay with the larger possibility that they both just fucking died.
That they died together in each other's arms, taking a chance however slim and doomed for something better. Both compromising when they had so few options to begin with.
Martin dying knowing the people he's seen suffering will be freed, that the others will be all right, and that the option he'd believed would be better for everyone (not just them) would be taken. Doing the one thing that above all else he didn't want to do - killing Jon - but doing it to give them both a chance. Knowing that Jon would rather compromise what he believes to be right than lose him, that whatever happened, they would be together.
Jon dying unsure of his decision but sure that he will be with Martin for the rest of his life, whether it's only another moment or far longer. Dying in hope that maybe things can be better, maybe something will work out, maybe there is something to wish for beyond complete and total destruction. Playing into the Web's plan, yes, but this time with his eyes open (no pun intended.) Not tricked or forced into it, but doing it as much of his own will as he can.
I am extremely okay with that actually, its sad and bittersweet and very good too.
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Me after Mag 200 today
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Me waiting on today’s TMA episode:
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let me know if you see any good cows
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a collection of yearning (thought these looked nice in a photoset; images are arranged in chronological order of statements given!)
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i fucking hate thinking of jonathan sims and how his ending is completely foreshadowed to be a tragic one because i can't think of him without remembering just how big his stupid idiot heart is.
the man who befriended gerry keay and granted him his last wish despite how useful he could have been, who jumped into the buried to save daisy KNOWING he could very easily die despite the fact that she had tried to kill him already, the man who ran to martin to propose a way to leave the institute, who trekked through the awful quiet of the lonely to reach martin, who must have been so scared the whole time but kept moving forward day by day, traveling the world and risking his life and trying to make everything better.
more than anything i want a narratively satisfying ending, and i have no doubt that jonny is going to give us that. however, it really fucking hurts that at the end of the day, the magnus archives is a tragedy. it hurts that despite all he's been put through, there is most likely not going to be a happy ending for jon.
he really fucking deserves it, but he's not going to get it.
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please dont kill my gays
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21K notes · View notes
God, Jonny not understanding why people like A Guest for Mr Spider has me tearing my hair out because like. It’s not about Mr Spider! It’s not about the horror story you’re telling within the episode it’s about the horror story that’s Jon’s entire life! We care about him!
It’s not people’s favourite episode because it’s a creepy children’s book and we like that (Even though it’s still Pretty Damn Cool), it’s a favourite because “No-one ever believes me when I tell them my age. I don’t know if it’s the already greying hair or something in my demeanour, but they always act surprised when I mention being a child in the Nineties.” and “ My parents had passed away when I was too young to really remember them;“ and “the resentment she felt at having to raise another was never something she completely managed to hide from me.” and “And I was hardly an easy child to deal with. While I may not have shared the inclinations of my peers towards active mischief, I was precocious and impatient, quick to talk back, and even quicker to wander off whenever I grew bored.” and “I have since come to the conclusion that I was a deeply annoying child” and “Did you… clean the kitchen?” and “Ooh… I think I’m alright. I was going to make a cup of tea if you want one?” and “Oh, it’s fine. Though I don’t know what sort of “employment dispute” leaves you without a change of clothes.”
It’s not about the horror, it’s about the humanity!!
Episode 81 is one of the first episodes that, to me at least, really made Jon feel like a person and not just a vehicle for plot. On a relisten now I can point at little bits and go “Ah, he does that because of that” or certain details being cute when I’m going through the episode with a fine tooth comb but nothing hits quite like 81. Firstly there’s the statement itself and holy shit is this a backstory episode? It’s a backstory episode! We’ve spent 80 episodes with Jon so far and we finally get to know Why He’s Like That. But it does so much more than provide context, too, it’s just… So well written. We get to learn that he’s fairly young but looks older, and he’s an orphan, and he was raised by someone emotionally distant and these little details just build up a picture of him that makes everything we’ve seen so far slot into place. You learn he’s always been a bit of an old man, never chaotic just restless and curious, and that tracks too. And then it hits you with “Deeply annoying child” and you want to hug him because oh my god you were a kid! The self esteem on this man is skimming the ground and you want to reassure him and yet at the same time, a large portion of the fans being neurodivergent means we go “Oh, yeah, this is all incredibly relatable, big same” 
And then there’s the post statement. And Georgie Barker. First off there’s the Very Good Energy of the scene but you realise that that’s just an out-of-world thing from having two married actors get to do a scene together. But within the world it’s like. Holy shit. Who is this?? Jon has friends? Because Georgie is the first person we hear him even mention in 80 whole episodes who he knows that isn’t related to the institute and suddenly he’s living in her house. And we know her too!! We call Jon a little shit because this is Georgie from Melanie’s statement and he was so committed to the perfectly professional head archivist bit that he pretended not to know her and ugh. It’s just wonderful to know that he has someone.
And the banter! He cleaned her kitchen…. The fondness when he talks about The Admiral because you’re realising mr super serious head archivist has a soft spot for cats and then he offers her tea which is something he so clearly picked up from Martin as a love language and…. and not to mention we now for the first time have a mental image of what he’s wearing, and it’s ghost podcast merch
It’s just a wonderful wonderful episode because it’s so rewarding when you’ve been through 80 episodes beforehand. It felt like a payoff for the time you’ve committed, something that just makes you adore the protagonist because you realise what a good character he is, through seeing him being nervous and vulnerable but not scared. He’s awkward around Georgie because he’s trying not to get in her way and he’s acting in a way we saw him dismiss Martin for in S1 and it’s just this beautiful peeling away of layers and the pretence he put up when he was trying to be good at his job. You realise the Jon you’ve seen so far has been, in part, a lie and it’s so good
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