Is it supposed to be like a pun or something?
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I'm a dysautonomiac who makes things and fangirls over things other people make. It's pretty exciting. 
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miniatureglittersoul · 5 years ago
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miniatureglittersoul · 5 years ago
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The Orion Bullets : Why are bullets of gas shooting out of the Orion Nebula? Nobody is yet sure. First discovered in 1983, each bullet is actually about the size of our Solar System, and moving at about 400 km/sec from a central source dubbed IRc2. The age of the bullets, which can be found from their speed and distance from IRc2, is very young – typically less than 1,000 years. As the bullets expand out the top of the Kleinmann-Low section of the Orion Nebula, a small percentage of iron gas causes the tip of each bullet to glow blue, while each bullet leaves a tubular pillar that glows by the light of heated hydrogen gas. The detailed image was created using the 8.1 meter Gemini South telescope in Chile with an adaptive optics system (GeMS). GeMS uses five laser generated guide stars to help compensate for the blurring effects of planet Earth’s atmosphere. via NASA
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miniatureglittersoul · 5 years ago
Rockin and a rollin. 
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miniatureglittersoul · 5 years ago
but you see her on instagram and it was never really said that you guys aren’t friends but one day she stopped answering and you stopped texting and it’s not like the wound is a cavern but it is a diagram of what if in red letters. you want to tell her nice lipstick that’s a good color but the last time you spoke it was stilted and awkward 
how do you say goodbye, you know? it’s not an unfriend and block kind of situation. but you watch the people you once loved go on and have a life and you’re outside of it. and it’s bittersweet because of course it’s okay that you’re both thriving. but she used to be who you’d call if you needed to cry. she used to be who’d you’d be binge watching the new series with. you used to be hers, in a way, even if that way wasn’t permanent. and now she’s someone else and so are you and your friendship is clicking heart shapes next to pictures where she smiles next to people you’ve never met. you know where her birthmark is. she knows where you’ve buried your dead.
the poets and the singers and the authors write about romantic love when it ends. but nobody tells you how to get over a friend.
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miniatureglittersoul · 5 years ago
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(one last) breath of the wild
or a tale of three friends, 10000 years ago
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
no one:
chris evans on set:
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
For those struggling financially.
I thought I’d post some helpful links to sites I use for extra cash. These sites have saved my bacon more than a few times in the past couple of years. I can vouch that they do work and are not scams. I’ll post info with each site and how they work.
1.) Swagbucks This one is my go to website because it has the most to do. You can watch videos on your tablet, iphone, or desktop. There’s surveys you can fill out and special offers that are free(though if you do those special offers I’d use a junk email, but keep in mind that you do need to register for Swagbucks with the email associated with your paypal so you can get paid). Since I’m a stay at home mom I am mostly doing this all day long while doing my art commissions or running this blog. I earn about $100-$200 a month from this site alone. They also have giftcards to other stores, and if you redeem some of the $25 giftcards they are 300 sb(equivalent to $3) once a month. So I suggest redeeming one wal mart giftcard a month to take advantage of that and save the 300 sb(sb are points btw). Use this to get yourself groceries or necessities. The rest of the month you can redeem paypal and you can get that cash transferred to your bank to help pay for bills.
3.) Inbox Dollars This one is very slow to pay out for me but that’s only because I JUST do the emails. It does offer special offers, surveys, and videos like swagbucks but I only concentrate my efforts on clicking the links in the emails they send me. By clicking the links in the emails you earn 2 cents. This adds up with time and its easy to do when you check your email like you normally do. It takes very little effort so it’s worth adding to your daily routine. If you want to do more on this site then you’ll earn faster. They mostly just send you a check, but they do offer a debit card and giftcards now.
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
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no talk with me im angy
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
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i stan grunkle stan
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
why does it feel so good when people like food that was my idea lmao
like whether i cooked it, or i just suggested a restaurant for us to go to, or i picked some up from a takeaway place while i was getting something for myself, or like my brothers hungry at 11pm and im like here have this tub of pringles
just like. whenever im like “here eat this” and the person is gently content and enjoys it. that feels really fucking good
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
Raccoons are the worst. You expect them to go through your stuff and steal your food while you’re camping, but they don’t stop there - half the time, they’ll be curious enough to come over and touch you. They prod your sleeping body with their horrible little people hands, run their claws through your hair, hold your fingers with their own. I’ve never been aggressively menaced by one, but they’ve slapped my ass through hammock fabric on multiple occasions and stroked my face or hands on others. I’ve played tug-of-war with large raccoons through my window when they grabbed the string to the yarn-and-cup telephone I’d set up with my neighbor.
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
last night my father said “good night mario” because i had been driving him around today and apparently going too fast, like the car racer mario andretti
but i didn’t know what he was talking about so i just sleepily replied “good night luigi”
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
Have I told y’all about my husband’s Fork Theory?  If I did already, pretend I didn’t, I’m an old.
So the Spoon Theory is a fundamental metaphor used often in the chronic pain/chronic illness communities to explain to non-spoonies why life is harder for them. It’s super useful and we use that all the time. But it has a corollary.  You know the phrase, “Stick a fork in me, I’m done,” right? Well, Fork Theory is that one has a Fork Limit, that is, you can probably cope okay with one fork stuck in you, maybe two or three, but at some point you will lose your shit if one more fork happens.  A fork could range from being hungry or having to pee to getting a new bill or a new diagnosis of illness. There are lots of different sizes of forks, and volume vs. quantity means that the fork limit is not absolute. I might be able to deal with 20 tiny little escargot fork annoyances, such as a hangnail or slightly suboptimal pants, but not even one “you poked my trigger on purpose because you think it’s fun to see me melt down” pitchfork.
This is super relevant for neurodivergent folk. Like, you might be able to deal with your feet being cold or a tag, but not both. Hubby describes the situation as “It may seem weird that I just get up and leave the conversation to go to the bathroom, but you just dumped a new financial burden on me and I already had to pee, and going to the bathroom is the fork I can get rid of the fastest.”
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miniatureglittersoul · 6 years ago
every holocaust memorial day, i always ask people to keep romani people in their thoughts, but this year i’d like to clear up some misconceptions that i see every year w/ a psa
romani people are not white. we’re south asian (from northern india), and each subgroup has a unique racial makeup of asian/white/etc, in different amounts. this is also why we vary wildly in physical appearance/skintone
we still face oppression. what we face, especially in europe, can still be constituted as attempted genocide, as we’re forced to live in hazardous conditions or to give away our children, be sterilized, etc just for the crime of being roma
the ‘g slur’ isn’t just an american issue. the reason some european roma prefer the slur is because, in many countries, there is no term for roma that isn’t a slur, and it’s either the g slur or the literal translation of the n word. i’m romanian, and if you used the slur in my hometown, you’d get slapped, since we just use ‘roma’.
we live in every continent across the world. some of the largest romani populations exist in south america, predominantly in brazil. they are no more and no less roma than their european counterparts, and they, like romani in asia, africa, etc all face unique challenges and oppression.
we’re the largest ethnic minority in europe, and yet have almost no political power, no land ownership power (in some places, we’re forbidden from owning land entirely), etc. with very few reputable charities- a lot of us reject charity by principle, as well as there being a general lack of education about us- the best thing you can do to help romani people is to just spread information, and help individuals when you can.
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