So, uh, this is the mun from both @puellamagimultimuse and @mindsofmonarch, comin’ in to say that I’ve decided to start fresh and merge those together into one blog - just to make my life a lil easier. Also gonna throw in some new muses that weren’t on either of those blogs. Setup’s gonna take awhile, especially for those new muses, but if you’re familiar with any of the ones from me old blogs, I’d be willing to do a bit of plotting involving them.
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So, uh, this is the mun from both @puellamagimultimuse and @mindsofmonarch, comin’ in to say that I’ve decided to start fresh and merge those together into one blog - just to make my life a lil easier. Also gonna throw in some new muses that weren’t on either of those blogs. Setup’s gonna take awhile, especially for those new muses, but if you’re familiar with any of the ones from me old blogs, I’d be willing to do a bit of plotting involving them.
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[*crawls out of a hole, blinking in the sunlight* Damn bitch it’s dusty as hell in here]
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content warning for themes of violence, gore, death,  horror and general dark themes as stated in title. obviously these can be used for any context but i figured i’d provide some content for spooky season. ♡
“  did you really think you could hide from me?  ”
“  no one is coming to save you.  ”
“  now,  i’m gonna have to kill you.  but i won’t let it hurt.  i promise you that much.  ”
“  what?  crying already?  ”
“  keep your goddamn mouth shut!  ”
“  oh,  don’t look at me like that.  surely you’re used to being hurt by now.  i always pick the damaged ones.  ”
“  damn—  you’re a really fucking fast runner you know that?  ”
“  it’s so cute that you think you’re going to survive.  ”
“  you can scream all you want.  no one will hear you.  ”
“  i’ve been planning this for so long.  ”
“  oh yes,  i remember now.  i had so much fun killing that one.  ”
“  i really wish you hadn’t said that...  ” 
“  well shit.  i didn’t want you to see this—  blood really isn’t my color.  ”
“  i’m warning you to walk away now.  forget you saw this.  ”
“  if i see you again,  i’ll take your eyes.  ”
“  don’t give up now,  i’m just getting started.  ”
“  i was hoping you’d put up a fight.  ”
“  stop squirming— it will hurt less.  ”
“  you’re not getting out of this.  ”
“  i’m afraid it has to be this way.  ”
“  it was always going to end like this.  just accept your fate.  ”
“  i really don’t like having to do this.  please don’t make it harder.  ”
“  just let go,  feel the life draining away. it’ll be peaceful.  ”
“  shh it’ll all be over soon.  ”
“  oh,  you’re going to be a fun one to take apart.  ”
[ INTIMIDATE ]  for one muse to use gentleness in a threatening manner  (  stroking their face or hair etc  ). 
[  CRUEL ]  for one muse to threaten the other by putting a hand around their throat without fully choking them. 
[ TRAPPED ]  for one muse to wake up bound to chair. 
[ GROUP ] for both our muses to wake up,  bound and about to be tortured. 
[ KNIFE ] for one muse to stab the other.
[ BULLET ] for one muse to shoot the other. 
[ CRACK ] for one muse to break the other’s bone  (  feel free to specify location  ). 
[ BRUISE ] for one muse to punch the other.  
[ CAUGHT ] for one muse to discover the other in the act of killing someone. 
[ LATE ] for one muse to discover the other after they just killed someone. 
[ QUIET ] for one muse to menacingly put a finger over their mouth to indicate the other to hush. 
[ WHISPER ] for one muse to put their finger over the others mouth while intimidating them.
“  why are you doing this to me?  ”
“  what the fuck do you want from me?!  ”
“  i swear to god i’ll shoot!  ”
“  what the fuck is wrong with you?  ”
“  i’ll do whatever you want,  it doesn’t have to be like this.  ”
“  why are you like this?  what happened to you?  ”
“  please—  help me—  ”
“  i think i’m dying—  fuck i’m gonna die…  ”
“  i can’t keep running.  ”
“  please, stop—  ”  
“  go to hell you fucking bastard!  ”
“  i won’t cry for you.  ”
“  hurt me all you want,  i won’t let you break me.  ”
“  go fuck yourself.  ”
“  oh,  i don’t think you’re misunderstood.  i just think you’re a little bitch who only gets off when they’re hurting people.  ”
“  newsflash asshole,  we’re all fucked up.  you don’t see me going around killing anyone over it.  ”
“  what did you do? what the hell did you just do?  ”
“  you said you wouldn’t do this anymore.  ”
“  enough! just.  stop.  ”
“  okay,  you’re really starting to freak me out this isn’t funny anymore.  ”
“  just leave me alone! ” 
“  we have to keep running—  ”
“  get the fuck outta here,  it’s not safe!  ”
“  we can’t hide here forever.  ”
“  who’s after you?  ”
“  don’t leave me here!  ”
[ DEFEND ] for one muse to fight back against the other. 
[ LOGIC ] for one muse to try and reason with an antagonist. 
[ FLEE ] for one muse to witness the other do something violent and immediately run away. 
[ LIVE ] for one muse to be injured by an antagonist and barely survive. 
[ HELP ] for one muse to stumble upon the other after getting attacked. 
[ SURVIVE ] for one muse to have to leave the other behind to run from an antagonist. 
[ GRIEF ] for one muse to watch the other get hurt/killed. 
[ PURSUIT ] for one muse to chase the other. 
[ SURPRISE ] for one muse to grab the other from behind,  hand over their mouth but with the intent to help them hide. 
[ COLLIDE ] for one muse to run into the other’s arms after fleeing from an attacker. 
[ AID ] for one muse to find the other in shock,  hiding from something or someone. 
[ RESCUE ] for one muse to just narrowly get saved by the other. 
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Friendly reminder that if we’re mutuals, I’m interested in interacting with you!! I may not always have time to message you immediately or write you a starter but I appreciate you on my dash and I am always open to inbox shenanigans, tagging me in stuff, sending me memes, etc! I’ll try to send you stuff back too! Thank you for following me ♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡
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[Me, at the end of the spring semester: I’m gonna do so much RPing this summer! It’s gonna be great!]
[Me, on the first day of the fall semester, realizing I’ve done approximately fuck all: Well shit.]
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Questions for the mun!
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse?
⌛ - How long have you been rping?
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
🎂 - When’s your birthday?
🎊 - What’s your zodiac sign?
💞 - How old are you?
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
🌅 - What’s your favorite season/weather?
🎥 - What’s your favorite tv show/movie?
🎼 - What’s your favorite song?
🎶 - Who’s your favorite singer/band/music producer?
🎲 - Do you have a favorite board game?
🎮 - What’s your favorite video game?
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breaking the ice prompts.
have you ever been too afraid to approach a mutual for plots and conversation? ever been intimidated by the idea of making that first step? then YOU need to know that ur valid and wonderful and it's natural but unnecessary to be afraid bc mutuals obviously wanna write with you if they followed you back. but u also need these prompts. ily. have some water. and some of these prompts--
" lovely/weird/terrible weather, huh? "
" hey! need some help? "
" sorry, i'm lost, could... could you help me? "
" i like your shirt! "
" woah, take it easy... you feeling okay? "
" oh my god, i'm so sorry! did i hurt you?! "
" you need to watch where you're going. "
" your shoelace is untied. "
" okay, don't panic, but i saw someone was following you for the last block. i thought i'd keep you company a while until they're gone? "
" walking home alone in the middle of the night is stupidly dangerous. come on. i'll keep you company a while. "
" hey! you left your wallet at the coffee shop. "
" see, normally people run AWAY from danger... who are you, again? other than the craziest person i've ever met. "
" engine trouble? "
" is this your dog? "
" don't i know you from somewhere...? "
" say, aren't you that one who was in the news this week? "
" i thought you looked familiar! "
" oh, man, i'm sorry! i'm so clumsy... "
" sorry, i've, uh... i've never eaten here before. what do you recommend? "
" excuse me? i could use a little help, if you don't mind... "
" oh! that was one nasty fall... are you alright? "
" come on. you'll catch your death, and my umbrella's big enough for two. "
" you know the host/hostess/couple/deceased? "
" not much of a party person, huh? "
" don't panic. i saw everything... you okay? "
" hey, uh... i just moved in next door. i thought i'd introduce myself. never know when you need a cup of sugar, right? "
" you're not from around here, huh? "
" help! help me! "
" was that person bothering you? "
" need some help with those? "
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Send in 📜 to get a random fun fact about my muse.
For multi-muses, specify the muse.
suggested by @musevarietate
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rules: repost, do not reblog. tag 5 people. take the test and post your results (take the test here).
Featured Muse: Birdie
Openness: 62.5%
Openness describes a person’s tendency to think in abstract, complex ways. High scorers tend to be creative, adventurous, and intellectual. They enjoy playing with ideas and discovering novel experiences. Low scorers tend to be practical, conventional, and focused on the concrete. They tend to avoid the unknown and follow traditional ways.
Conscientiousness: 46%
Conscientiousness describes a person’s ability to exercise self-discipline and control in order to pursue their goals. High scorers are organized and determined, and are able to forego immediate gratification for the sake of long-term achievement. Low scorers are impulsive and easily sidetracked.
Extraversion: 73%
Extraversion describes a person’s inclination to seek stimulation from the outside world, especially in the form of attention from other people. Extraverts engage actively with others to earn friendship, admiration, power, status, excitement, and romance. Introverts, on the other hand, conserve their energy, and do not work as hard to earn these social rewards.
Agreeableness: 50%
Agreeableness describes a person’s tendency to put others’ needs ahead of their own, and to cooperate rather than compete with others. People who are high in Agreeableness experience a great deal of empathy and tend to get pleasure out of serving and taking care of others. They are usually trusting and forgiving.
Neuroticism: 87.5%
Neuroticism describes a person’s tendency to experience negative emotions, including fear, sadness, anxiety, guilt, and shame. While everyone experiences these emotions from time to time, some people are more prone to them than others.
tagged by: I stole it
tagging: @goddess-mothra, @savior-of-humanity for Ghidorah, @kaminokeshin, @raitoningu, @rodanish, and anyone I forgot/who wants to do this!
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send in a ♧ + your muse(s) names ❨ specifically for multi blogs ❩  and i’ll fill out the form below to help make interaction easier for the both of us. ❨ this is meant to be long, but helpful. ❩
𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐔𝐏 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝚨𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. make things easier by pairing off muses if it helps. ❨ skip this option if you’re a single blog ❩
yes / no / depends
𝐖𝚮𝚨𝐓 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝚨𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝚮𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝚨𝐍𝐓? brainstorm ideas! don’t be shy on explaining details. don’t limit yourself to just one type of relationship. feel free to strike out anything you don’t want. use italic for things you could see but you want confirmation from your partner.
𝐏𝐋𝚨𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 — specify in detail ❨ ex. childhood friends, best friends, co-workers, someone works for the other, enemies to friends ❩
𝐅𝚨𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝚨𝐋 — specify in detail ❨ ex. like family, siblings, parents, grew up together in an orphanage or foster home. ❩
𝐑𝐎𝐌𝚨𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂 — specify in detail ❨ ex. slow burn, one-sided that might eventually become something, recently dating, on and off again, one night stand that became something else, soulmates, enemies that become lovers  ❩
𝚨𝐍𝐓𝚨𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 — specify in detail ❨ ex. working for different families / organizations that hate each other, partners forced to be together, one killed the others family, friends to enemies, lovers to enemies  ❩
𝐎𝐓𝚮𝐄𝐑 — specify in detail ❨ ex. friends with benefits,  partners in some sort of affair, both framed from a murder, after the same bounty, one rescued the other from something, servant to royalty ❩
𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 ❨ list the verses you have that you would be interested in writing in. also let your partner know whether or not you will be willing to make a verse for their muse or if you want them to write a verse for your muses ❩
𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝚮 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐃? ❨ dialogue, para, etc. ❩
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝚨𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎. preferred method of communication.
discord / tumblr ims / other ❨ specify ❩
𝚨𝐍𝐘𝐓𝚮𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐄? if this form missed anything then please type it here and let your partner know.
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[*crawls out of my hole* Hhhhhello everyone! The semester is over, which means I now have five seconds to actually look at this blog, and maybe, even, crazy as it sounds, write something. So like, PM me or something if you have plot ideas. And if not that’s fine, bc I’ll be reblogging a couple starter memes here real soon.]
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Take it here!
Featured Muse: Coral
Warmth ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||| 46% Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||| 46% Liveliness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Dutifulness ||||||||||||||| 46% Social Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Sensitivity |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78% Paranoia ||| 10% Abstractness ||||||||||||||| 46% Introversion ||||||||| 30% Anxiety |||||||||||||||||| 58% Openmindedness |||||||||||| 34% Independence |||||||||||| 34% Perfectionism ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Tension ||||||||| 30%
Tumblr media
Tagged by: Stole it
Tagging: @goddess-mothra, @kaminokeshin​, @raitoningu​, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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[got back from seeing Godzilla vs. Kong at my brother’s and affdgregklkdnvfgv what a MOVIE. Not perfect but it was a good time, no regrets watching it. That’s all I’m gonna say.]
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[Happy Godzilla vs. Kong Day. Also sorry for not doing anything here, school consumes all of my brainpower. Anyway if anyone has any ideas for plotting or anything feel free to DM me, I’ll try to respond ASAP.]
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y’all probably know the drill by now.  bold what applies to your muse, italicize what sometimes or sort-of applies, strike through what’s antithetical to your muse.  repost, don’t reblog, and have fun!  tw: mentions of alcohol.
Featured Muse: Azucena
major arcana:  a long journey - a feeling of raw energy - putting a name to something unknown - an elaborate patchwork  - unexpected catastrophes -  unexpected blessings  - vivid dreams -  sudden awakenings -  the feeling of shedding your skin  - the echoes in holy places  -  bright lights  - deep shadows -   feeling the earth move beneath your feet  - wandering in museums - the strange clarity of moonlight -  thunder and lightning - an unfamiliar road  - coming back to the place you started as an entirely different person
cups:  being overwhelmed by emotion - finding something to celebrate every day - finding something to mourn every day -  connecting with others  -  the scent of ocean air -  making food for your friends when they’re stressed - the remembrance of something lost -  sublime confusion  -  cool colors -  a cozy cafe -  a bustling bar  - calm waters, hidden depths  - getting tipsy in the afternoon -  summer rain - comfy sweaters - flowing skirts  -  a house by the sea  -  deep conversations after midnight
wands:  the scent of spices and dark wood  -  making something just for the sake of creation  - dry heat - crackling fire - a bolt of inspiration  - refusing to apologize for your passion  - stubborn optimism  - taking on more than you can handle  - hot tea - warm colors  - getting up early  - staying up late -  bright fire, fast burnout -  tacky thrift store finds worn with the utmost confidence  -  the thrill of starting a new project -  spring storms -  hotel rooms  - perpetual restlessness
pentacles:  the scent of rich soil after a rain -  hard and diligent work -  solid ground, strong foundations -  the satisfaction of a long-awaited payoff -  generosity that comes with a catch -  work boots and heavy jeans  -  silk and jewels -  resting on your laurels -  seeing your work through to the end -  harvest time  -  fresh bread and rich soup  -  earth tones - jewel tones  - a lush garden - sunlight through the trees -  dark chocolate  - a home in the farmlands  -  a sprawling house in the old part of the city
swords:  the scent of fresh air -  focusing on the intellectual at the expense of the emotional -  freshly fallen snow  -  burying yourself in action - tending to your own wounds - a foreseeable disaster -  crisply tailored suits  -  starkly elegant dresses - refusing to admit defeat -  cold air, clear thoughts  - old hurts - fresh starts  -  overthinking your overthinking -  the harsh glow of street lamps  -  black coffee  -  a cabin in the mountains  -  an apartment downtown  -  the quiet before the dawn
Tagged By: Stole it
Tagging: @savior-of-humanity for Rodan, @goddess-mothra
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tag dump pt. 2
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