mincamzfic · 4 years
as usual, i am sending all of my love out to those of you who need it today. you are so loved and so very important in this world, even if you have nobody who reminds you of that. some days can be lonely, but i promise they won’t always be
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mincamzfic · 4 years
Your impact on other people is bigger than you think. Someone still giggles when they think of that funny thing you said. Someone still smiles when they think of the compliment you gave them. Someone silently admires you. The advice you give has made a difference for people. The support and love you've offered others has made someone's day. Your input and opinions have made someone think twice. You're not insignificant and forgotten. Your existence makes a positive difference, whether you see it or not.
115K notes · View notes
mincamzfic · 4 years
choi jongbum was found INNOCENT for illegally filming late goo hara while they were intimate.
goo hara’s mother is taking All of her daughter money to herself while never being present in hara’s life instead leaving her to her grandmother alongside with her brother.
hara is no longer here with us meanwhile these people are continuing their lives to their fullest! this isn’t fair, the law isn’t fair, there is no justice after all has happened and there is no going back.
1K notes · View notes
mincamzfic · 4 years
In case someone needed to see this
You’re welcome
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kim hongjoong if you dONT
114 notes · View notes
mincamzfic · 4 years
to all the bloggers who reblog,
to all the bloggers who create,
to all the bloggers who write,
to all the bloggers who share,
to all the bloggers who appreciate,
to all the bloggers who read,
to all the bloggers who encourage,
12K notes · View notes
mincamzfic · 4 years
No, you know what sounds to me like a valid reason not to give money to the new Disney Mulan? The fact they filmed it in Xinjiang, working with the local authorities involved in the Uyghur concentration camps.
Not the lack of a talking dragon.
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62K notes · View notes
mincamzfic · 4 years
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297K notes · View notes
mincamzfic · 4 years
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Everything went still once again. Raven was watching you. He struggled against his brothers even more, he only had you on his mind.
“Let me see her.” He gruffed lowly. “Let me see her!”
A deep breath.
A slow expiration.
Everything stood still for a moment. Raven’s eyes were solely on you. You had stopped convulsing. They all watched you, waiting for you to take another breath. And you did, only, after a while. The Man motionned the others to let him go, seeing as the young Alpha had calmed down. Raven rushed to you, eyeing your pale and messy face. In comparison to Jimin, whom particularly despised you for unknown reasons, Raven had a singular interest in you. You intrigued him and he was quite fond of you, to say the least. Raven would watch through Jimin’s eyes how humanitarian you were, how strong-headed you would act towards Jimin. He noticed that you had this calming aura where you would break off any tension whenever you’d walk into a room and uplift everyone’s mood. You would put the people around you at ease, make them feel calm and Raven was almost certain you weren’t even aware of it. That being said, it proved you worthy as his mate, to calm him down when he gets too hot-headed, to reason with him and he was tired to not meet you properly or show his growing affection. This was all Jimin’s fault for not seeing the treasure that was just in front of him. This is why Raven tried to take control with all his might and he plans on being in control for as long as he can.
He sighed, disappointed that you were unconscious. The back of his hand brushed your cheek delicately. At least you were alive, that’s all that mattered for the wolf.
You laid on your bed ever since the Ceremony. The Man would watch over you once in a while, to make sure you were still breathing and whether you had gained consciousness or not. Raven was inseparable from you. The Man and Namjoon knew all too well, it would’ve happened sooner or later. Jimin may not have any attachement towards you but his wolf does and that was definitely betraying him.
Surfacing back to reality, your body felt like a load of cement. Judging by your confused and foggy mind, you first thought was that you’ve been out for quite some time or you were gravely hungover. Either way, you had no clue of the recent happenings or even what time and date it was. To your dismay, you were unpleasantly greeted by an unwanted arm spread loosely across your body. You rolled your eyes upon seeing the man you despised so close to yours. Asleep. You groaned, trying to push his arm away. You grumbled rubbish as you fought against his heavy limb, cursing him for whatever bubble bursted into his head. You were so annoyed and out of breath. Who knew a damned arm could be so heavy? Just as you gave up, Jimin’s grip on you got unbelievably tight. Your eyes enlarged and you gasped, squirming for your life.
“My mate.” You heard him say. You twisted your head to have good look at him. Was he honestly serious?
“Hey, wake up.” You said dryly, attempting to push his arm away from you. You swore you would tear it apart some day. “ I’m serious Jimin, what the fuck is wrong with you.”
You felt his lips kiss your neck and suck on it. “ Mine. No one else’s mate.” You saw his eyes watching you with an emotion you didn’t want to see. You refrained yourself from demonstrating your disgust. He moved to your jaw, holding your face in his hand,placing a kiss.
That last move seemed to bring you out of the daze you were in, your eyes widened in shock as you gasped, insulted. “Get away from me!” You whispered yell before literally pushing his face away from you. His grip on you loosened due to his surprise towards your actions. You kicked him off the bed, yelling this time. “Have you lost your god damn mind?” You took this opportunity to run off, at least tried to since you were still weak. You limbed as fast as you could, stumbling a few times as you did so, to your own room. You didn’t know which room that was and if it were to turn out to be his room, you thought you would literally burst out in flames. You never hated Jin more than you did now. You hated him for bringing you back, hated him for making you live with someone like Jimin, hated Jimin because he thought he was the shit and gave him the right to be rude to you and others.
Even when you arrived into your bedroom, the one you were given, the one you only could enter unless given the right to, felt foreign.You stopped your mind from raging and took in the air. The room had a strong rotting stench and an intoxicatingly lavender smell, it made the hair on your arms stand up. That was no good. You learned recently the different types of smell the supernatural could have and this one fit the one of a powerful being. You had to make sure for yourself. Despite the fact you extremely mad at the world and everyone in this house for treating you like a prisoner and taking advantage of you, you knew you had to protect them if this smell belonged to what you were suspecting.
Walking down the stairs was horrible, everything hurt. You faintly saw Jin talking with Jungkook and two other guys from the house. Your main focus was on the vibe, whether you had as much chills in other places of the house but your room, whether the distance smell was as strong in other places of the house but your room. At your sight, Jin panicked and started to spit non-sense words that came out more like sounds. He finally managed to squeak out a sentence that was understandable, which you flicked him off by saying you were fine.
“Y/N, you aren’t fine. Look at you! You’re limbing!” Jin argued, hands moving dramatically to support his words.
“I just need to be outside so I can heal myself. My powers work better in nature.” You half-lied. You liked to be outside to use your powers as nature sounds calmed your mind but it wasn’t true that your powers worked better in the outdoors. Jin looked at you suspiciously. He finally nodded and that was your cue to keep moving.
“But Jungkook will stay with you. For extra precautions.”
You tensed, not wanting to bring him into your mess, because yes you thought this was specifically a threat to you, and endanger him. You felt all of their eyes burning your back. “I don’t need a babysitter, Jin. I can take care of myself.”
“Nonsense.” He ignored you, batting his hand. He looked at the younger one. “Jungkook. Go.”
As Jungkook walked your way, you made him understand by a gesture of your hand no not move any further. Jin looked at you the way a parent would give the look to their misbehaving child.
“I told  you, Jin. I don’t need a babysitter. In fact, I’d rather be alone while I do this. I am the one that’s injured, no?”
“Yes, but you’re my responsibility-”
“Responsibility? Since when? So now I am a burden to you? Do I need to remind you that you are the one that forced me to come back here? And sell my house and quit my whole life because “I am one of your pack member’s mate now and I am a Healer and prevent Jimin’s and the world’s downfall blah blah. He might as well freaking fall this wolf of yours. Cut the crap,Jin. You already treat me like a stranger when we are far from that. It’s best for you, all of you for that matter, to leave me the hell alone.” You spat, staring them all down. Poor Jungkook, he stood there, confused on what he should do. Your gaze went met Jin’s. “You at least owe me that.”
There was this special place you set up near the patio where the sun and the wind would hit just right. You had placed pillows, candles, string lights, cushions to sit on, plants and flowers. This was your safe haven. You watched the flowers and the grass move to the rhythm of the wind, it blew softly. The sun was going down, it was already golden hour. You took out you manifestation candles and herbs, the salt, your little grimoire that you put together in the last few weeks. You felt on top of your game as a Healer. This was your precious, it had different techniques using energy to heal and you’ve even gotten into spells and potions recently.
You lit the candle. No, you weren’t about to heal yourself, you were about to manifest answers. You suspected a demon was around. It went into your room specifically and its smell wasn’t anywhere else in the house, however, you had a feeling it would come back. You had a feeling it was near. You hadn’t even started to manifest when wolves came running back to the Pack House, howls and yaps that seemed anxious, alerted. You blew on the candle and it everything under the blanket, rushing as well in the house.
As you walked in, you looked eyes with Jimin’s intense ones. Your gaze lingers on his for a little longer than you would’ve liked. You noticed Jungkook was also studying you when you looked away from Jimin. His eyes seemed intrigued.
“What seems to be the problem?” Namjoon asked, authority clear in his voice.
The three wolves shifted back. One of them stood in front of the two others. You supposed he was the Beta and the two were Omegas.
“Someone trespassed on our territory. It’s no wolf for sure, the smell is different. We tried tracking them down but we couldn’t find anything. No prints. Just an intoxicating smell.” A Beta named Taehyung informed.
At that, your face washout out. You knew exactly what they were talking about. Just as your mind was debating on what to do, Both Jimin and Jungkook looked at you. You stared at them, trying to keep a straight face on, but it was hard to hide things through your eyes. You knew that they knew you knew something.
After they’ve discussed between themselves about the issue, yes you just stood there listening, Namjoon decided to increase rounds of surveillance and watch out for clues. He decided not to hunt them down, considering it wasn’t a wolf we were being faced with. Perhaps, whatever that person was, maybe it wasn’t even on our territory anymore.
Once the impromptu meeting was over, people dissipated once after the other, some going on rounds, some going back to what hey we’re doing. You decided it would be less suspicious to go back outside and pretend to do whatever you were doing. You failed to notice the man following your tracks and grabbing your arm before you could open the patio door. You squeaked, taken aback, turning around with wide eyes and pouted lips, face distorted in interrogation.
“You have some explaining to do.” The dark-haired man told you.
“About?” You shot back, knowing what he was talking about but trying to play dumb.
“You became as white as as ghost. You know something.”
“Jungkook, stop being delusional. I got scared because there is a possible threat on us and we don’t know what we’re facing.” You shrugged. You forced your eyes to stay wide to make you look innocent. “And…” you looked at he floor. “I got flashbacks from the Ceremony…” You lied, purposely lowering your voice to make him think you were embarrassed.
He got closer to you, pulling you in with the grip he still had on your arm. You put your hand on his chest to stop him from coming any closer. “I’m going to let this slide, but don’t think I won’t keep an eye on you.” He muttered beside your ear. “I know that you know something.”
And with that he left, leaving you… perplexed. You went outside to fetch your things. You weren’t in the mood to summon demons anymore. You needed to be on top of your game so that nobody knows and so that nobody gets hurt. You felt it in your bones that this was an issue you had to take care of.
Reassembling your witchcraft items, there was a knock on your door. A look of disgust plastered your face at the view of Jimin. A look of hurt flashed on his but he quickly hid it.
“Y/N, we should talk about last night.” A pair of red eyes stared at you.
“What is there to talk about, JImin?” Your tone was annoyed.
“Raven.” He corrected you.
“Whatever. There’s nothing to talk about. There’s no reason why you should be talking to me right now.”
“Do you have to be such a bitch all the time?” Brown eyes looked at you this time.
You scoffed, insulted. “Yes. You deserve to be treated and talked to the same way you do to me.”
“Y/N, I apologize-” Raven’s red eyes flickered uncontrollably back and forth from his and Jimin’s eyes. You grew worried, this wasn’t supposed to happen. It was just usual bickering.
In the middle of that internal battle, you managed to ask if he was okay and out of a sudden he grabbed you by your throat. You hit his hands and chest to make him let go of you. You tried to scream for help but your voice wasn’t very audible as the only thing coming out was a pained gargle. You started banging on the wall, in hopes that someone would hear you. You had powers and all, you started doing witchcraft and all but Healer’s power didn’t do much against aggression and your spells weren’t on point yet. You were only good at summoning since it required a play with energies.
You fell to the ground, gasping for air, both hands covering your throat to soothe the pain. There was a vague vision of one figure on top of a struggling one. You couldn’t really tell who that was since your vision was blurry. JImin was a danger to others and to himself. He needed to be kept on check.
“Did you hear me?” A masculine voice said.
“Mh? Sorry what?”
“I asked you if you were okay.”
“I’m glad to heal quickly, to say the least. Please bring him to his room and refrain him from escaping.” You ordered. Jungkook looked at you questionably but complied anyway.
You grabbed the jar of mountain ash and met Jungkook in Jimin’s room. He was sitting on the floor, holding Jimin down. You made a circle around them and left an open spot so the younger male could free himself.
“Let go.” You ordered again.
He did, quickly escaping the circle so you could close it.
There was a silence. Jimin stopped struggling. He, in fact, looked at you with pure vain in his eyes. “You think you won?” He smirked at you.
You watched him, breathing heavily. “For now, yes.” You muttered a spell under your breath so that his hands would stay together, like they were attached by a rope. His eyes looked down in surprise, he gasped.
“What did you do?” Jungkook asked, looking at you? He was a little too close for your comfort.
“Just one of my tricks.” You answered quickly, avoiding his eyes.
You walked backwards, slowly. Jungkook followed track. You let him leave first. You stared at the alpha from the door frame, in both awe and wonder. He did the same, his chest heaving. You turned around and close the door.
A scream was heard from behind that door. You ignored it and walked away.
A/N:  Hello everyone! I hope you are all healthy and safe. I know in some places it is not easy. I am here to listen if you guys need to talk. Here’s part.4 that you were expecting for quite some time. Quarantine happened and transition from school to online school and my job requiring me to work full time WHILE being in school full time and writers block made it difficult for me to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to give me feedback. Love you all v much
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mincamzfic · 4 years
remember when teacher!au was a trend
kinda miss it tbh
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mincamzfic · 4 years
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Everything went still once again. Raven was watching you. He struggled against his brothers even more, he only had you on his mind.
“Let me see her.” He gruffed lowly. “Let me see her!”
A deep breath.
A slow expiration.
Everything stood still for a moment. Raven’s eyes were solely on you. You had stopped convulsing. They all watched you, waiting for you to take another breath. And you did, only, after a while. The Man motionned the others to let him go, seeing as the young Alpha had calmed down. Raven rushed to you, eyeing your pale and messy face. In comparison to Jimin, whom particularly despised you for unknown reasons, Raven had a singular interest in you. You intrigued him and he was quite fond of you, to say the least. Raven would watch through Jimin’s eyes how humanitarian you were, how strong-headed you would act towards Jimin. He noticed that you had this calming aura where you would break off any tension whenever you’d walk into a room and uplift everyone’s mood. You would put the people around you at ease, make them feel calm and Raven was almost certain you weren’t even aware of it. That being said, it proved you worthy as his mate, to calm him down when he gets too hot-headed, to reason with him and he was tired to not meet you properly or show his growing affection. This was all Jimin’s fault for not seeing the treasure that was just in front of him. This is why Raven tried to take control with all his might and he plans on being in control for as long as he can.
He sighed, disappointed that you were unconscious. The back of his hand brushed your cheek delicately. At least you were alive, that’s all that mattered for the wolf.
You laid on your bed ever since the Ceremony. The Man would watch over you once in a while, to make sure you were still breathing and whether you had gained consciousness or not. Raven was inseparable from you. The Man and Namjoon knew all too well, it would’ve happened sooner or later. Jimin may not have any attachement towards you but his wolf does and that was definitely betraying him.
Surfacing back to reality, your body felt like a load of cement. Judging by your confused and foggy mind, you first thought was that you’ve been out for quite some time or you were gravely hungover. Either way, you had no clue of the recent happenings or even what time and date it was. To your dismay, you were unpleasantly greeted by an unwanted arm spread loosely across your body. You rolled your eyes upon seeing the man you despised so close to yours. Asleep. You groaned, trying to push his arm away. You grumbled rubbish as you fought against his heavy limb, cursing him for whatever bubble bursted into his head. You were so annoyed and out of breath. Who knew a damned arm could be so heavy? Just as you gave up, Jimin’s grip on you got unbelievably tight. Your eyes enlarged and you gasped, squirming for your life.
“My mate.” You heard him say. You twisted your head to have good look at him. Was he honestly serious?
“Hey, wake up.” You said dryly, attempting to push his arm away from you. You swore you would tear it apart some day. “ I’m serious Jimin, what the fuck is wrong with you.”
You felt his lips kiss your neck and suck on it. “ Mine. No one else’s mate.” You saw his eyes watching you with an emotion you didn’t want to see. You refrained yourself from demonstrating your disgust. He moved to your jaw, holding your face in his hand,placing a kiss.
That last move seemed to bring you out of the daze you were in, your eyes widened in shock as you gasped, insulted. “Get away from me!” You whispered yell before literally pushing his face away from you. His grip on you loosened due to his surprise towards your actions. You kicked him off the bed, yelling this time. “Have you lost your god damn mind?” You took this opportunity to run off, at least tried to since you were still weak. You limbed as fast as you could, stumbling a few times as you did so, to your own room. You didn’t know which room that was and if it were to turn out to be his room, you thought you would literally burst out in flames. You never hated Jin more than you did now. You hated him for bringing you back, hated him for making you live with someone like Jimin, hated Jimin because he thought he was the shit and gave him the right to be rude to you and others.
Even when you arrived into your bedroom, the one you were given, the one you only could enter unless given the right to, felt foreign.You stopped your mind from raging and took in the air. The room had a strong rotting stench and an intoxicatingly lavender smell, it made the hair on your arms stand up. That was no good. You learned recently the different types of smell the supernatural could have and this one fit the one of a powerful being. You had to make sure for yourself. Despite the fact you extremely mad at the world and everyone in this house for treating you like a prisoner and taking advantage of you, you knew you had to protect them if this smell belonged to what you were suspecting.
Walking down the stairs was horrible, everything hurt. You faintly saw Jin talking with Jungkook and two other guys from the house. Your main focus was on the vibe, whether you had as much chills in other places of the house but your room, whether the distance smell was as strong in other places of the house but your room. At your sight, Jin panicked and started to spit non-sense words that came out more like sounds. He finally managed to squeak out a sentence that was understandable, which you flicked him off by saying you were fine.
“Y/N, you aren’t fine. Look at you! You’re limbing!” Jin argued, hands moving dramatically to support his words.
“I just need to be outside so I can heal myself. My powers work better in nature.” You half-lied. You liked to be outside to use your powers as nature sounds calmed your mind but it wasn’t true that your powers worked better in the outdoors. Jin looked at you suspiciously. He finally nodded and that was your cue to keep moving.
“But Jungkook will stay with you. For extra precautions.”
You tensed, not wanting to bring him into your mess, because yes you thought this was specifically a threat to you, and endanger him. You felt all of their eyes burning your back. “I don’t need a babysitter, Jin. I can take care of myself.”
“Nonsense.” He ignored you, batting his hand. He looked at the younger one. “Jungkook. Go.”
As Jungkook walked your way, you made him understand by a gesture of your hand no not move any further. Jin looked at you the way a parent would give the look to their misbehaving child.
“I told  you, Jin. I don’t need a babysitter. In fact, I’d rather be alone while I do this. I am the one that’s injured, no?”
“Yes, but you’re my responsibility-”
“Responsibility? Since when? So now I am a burden to you? Do I need to remind you that you are the one that forced me to come back here? And sell my house and quit my whole life because “I am one of your pack member’s mate now and I am a Healer and prevent Jimin’s and the world’s downfall blah blah. He might as well freaking fall this wolf of yours. Cut the crap,Jin. You already treat me like a stranger when we are far from that. It’s best for you, all of you for that matter, to leave me the hell alone.” You spat, staring them all down. Poor Jungkook, he stood there, confused on what he should do. Your gaze went met Jin’s. “You at least owe me that.”
There was this special place you set up near the patio where the sun and the wind would hit just right. You had placed pillows, candles, string lights, cushions to sit on, plants and flowers. This was your safe haven. You watched the flowers and the grass move to the rhythm of the wind, it blew softly. The sun was going down, it was already golden hour. You took out you manifestation candles and herbs, the salt, your little grimoire that you put together in the last few weeks. You felt on top of your game as a Healer. This was your precious, it had different techniques using energy to heal and you’ve even gotten into spells and potions recently.
You lit the candle. No, you weren’t about to heal yourself, you were about to manifest answers. You suspected a demon was around. It went into your room specifically and its smell wasn’t anywhere else in the house, however, you had a feeling it would come back. You had a feeling it was near. You hadn’t even started to manifest when wolves came running back to the Pack House, howls and yaps that seemed anxious, alerted. You blew on the candle and it everything under the blanket, rushing as well in the house.
As you walked in, you looked eyes with Jimin’s intense ones. Your gaze lingers on his for a little longer than you would’ve liked. You noticed Jungkook was also studying you when you looked away from Jimin. His eyes seemed intrigued.
“What seems to be the problem?” Namjoon asked, authority clear in his voice.
The three wolves shifted back. One of them stood in front of the two others. You supposed he was the Beta and the two were Omegas.
“Someone trespassed on our territory. It’s no wolf for sure, the smell is different. We tried tracking them down but we couldn’t find anything. No prints. Just an intoxicating smell.” A Beta named Taehyung informed.
At that, your face washout out. You knew exactly what they were talking about. Just as your mind was debating on what to do, Both Jimin and Jungkook looked at you. You stared at them, trying to keep a straight face on, but it was hard to hide things through your eyes. You knew that they knew you knew something.
After they’ve discussed between themselves about the issue, yes you just stood there listening, Namjoon decided to increase rounds of surveillance and watch out for clues. He decided not to hunt them down, considering it wasn’t a wolf we were being faced with. Perhaps, whatever that person was, maybe it wasn’t even on our territory anymore.
Once the impromptu meeting was over, people dissipated once after the other, some going on rounds, some going back to what hey we’re doing. You decided it would be less suspicious to go back outside and pretend to do whatever you were doing. You failed to notice the man following your tracks and grabbing your arm before you could open the patio door. You squeaked, taken aback, turning around with wide eyes and pouted lips, face distorted in interrogation.
“You have some explaining to do.” The dark-haired man told you.
“About?” You shot back, knowing what he was talking about but trying to play dumb.
“You became as white as as ghost. You know something.”
“Jungkook, stop being delusional. I got scared because there is a possible threat on us and we don’t know what we’re facing.” You shrugged. You forced your eyes to stay wide to make you look innocent. “And…” you looked at he floor. “I got flashbacks from the Ceremony…” You lied, purposely lowering your voice to make him think you were embarrassed.
He got closer to you, pulling you in with the grip he still had on your arm. You put your hand on his chest to stop him from coming any closer. “I’m going to let this slide, but don’t think I won’t keep an eye on you.” He muttered beside your ear. “I know that you know something.”
And with that he left, leaving you… perplexed. You went outside to fetch your things. You weren’t in the mood to summon demons anymore. You needed to be on top of your game so that nobody knows and so that nobody gets hurt. You felt it in your bones that this was an issue you had to take care of.
Reassembling your witchcraft items, there was a knock on your door. A look of disgust plastered your face at the view of Jimin. A look of hurt flashed on his but he quickly hid it.
“Y/N, we should talk about last night.” A pair of red eyes stared at you.
“What is there to talk about, JImin?” Your tone was annoyed.
“Raven.” He corrected you.
“Whatever. There’s nothing to talk about. There’s no reason why you should be talking to me right now.”
“Do you have to be such a bitch all the time?” Brown eyes looked at you this time.
You scoffed, insulted. “Yes. You deserve to be treated and talked to the same way you do to me.”
“Y/N, I apologize-” Raven’s red eyes flickered uncontrollably back and forth from his and Jimin’s eyes. You grew worried, this wasn’t supposed to happen. It was just usual bickering.
In the middle of that internal battle, you managed to ask if he was okay and out of a sudden he grabbed you by your throat. You hit his hands and chest to make him let go of you. You tried to scream for help but your voice wasn’t very audible as the only thing coming out was a pained gargle. You started banging on the wall, in hopes that someone would hear you. You had powers and all, you started doing witchcraft and all but Healer’s power didn’t do much against aggression and your spells weren’t on point yet. You were only good at summoning since it required a play with energies.
You fell to the ground, gasping for air, both hands covering your throat to soothe the pain. There was a vague vision of one figure on top of a struggling one. You couldn’t really tell who that was since your vision was blurry. JImin was a danger to others and to himself. He needed to be kept on check.
“Did you hear me?” A masculine voice said.
“Mh? Sorry what?”
“I asked you if you were okay.”
“I’m glad to heal quickly, to say the least. Please bring him to his room and refrain him from escaping.” You ordered. Jungkook looked at you questionably but complied anyway.
You grabbed the jar of mountain ash and met Jungkook in Jimin’s room. He was sitting on the floor, holding Jimin down. You made a circle around them and left an open spot so the younger male could free himself.
“Let go.” You ordered again.
He did, quickly escaping the circle so you could close it.
There was a silence. Jimin stopped struggling. He, in fact, looked at you with pure vain in his eyes. “You think you won?” He smirked at you.
You watched him, breathing heavily. “For now, yes.” You muttered a spell under your breath so that his hands would stay together, like they were attached by a rope. His eyes looked down in surprise, he gasped.
“What did you do?” Jungkook asked, looking at you? He was a little too close for your comfort.
“Just one of my tricks.” You answered quickly, avoiding his eyes.
You walked backwards, slowly. Jungkook followed track. You let him leave first. You stared at the alpha from the door frame, in both awe and wonder. He did the same, his chest heaving. You turned around and close the door.
A scream was heard from behind that door. You ignored it and walked away.
A/N:  Hello everyone! I hope you are all healthy and safe. I know in some places it is not easy. I am here to listen if you guys need to talk. Here’s part.4 that you were expecting for quite some time. Quarantine happened and transition from school to online school and my job requiring me to work full time WHILE being in school full time and writers block made it difficult for me to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to give me feedback. Love you all v much
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mincamzfic · 4 years
There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
— John Green, Turtles All the Way Down
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mincamzfic · 4 years
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You’ve always loved the forest.You’ve been into many of them, but the one in your little village is the one you cherish the most. There was this vibe, whenever you would go , that could give you chills but not quite. The hope to find one of those creatures of the night… It’s thrilling. Yes, you know they exist. They are feared by every single person in your village but not you. The day you turned 12 years old, you’ve always felt as if you weren’t completely normal, there was a spark in you that wanted to ignite. Was it because you used crystals for many utilities? Because you were spiritual and open-minded to the supernatural? Whatever it was, that spark has not ignited to this day. The woods gave you peace. Its deafening silence, its soft breeze… There’s something so calming. It also reminded you of your parents. You often visit the spot where you buried them. They were killed by werewolves or whatever they were. You found them on your school’s football field covered in blood and bite marks and their neck were broken. You despise them all, they are no good. They’re killers, nothing more. Ever since their death, a year ago, you noticed a change in you. You felt different and it had nothing to do with grieving. When your friend sprained her ankle, you confirmed your suspicions. Literally, you just touched her arm in comfort and not long after she started to freak out because her ankle didn’t hurt anymore. Since then, she began to hurt herself intentionally to see if it was a coincidence but… It never was. She thought you were a witch and left you. So now, the woods were nothing but a flow of leaves brushing your body as you sped to see the Men. He was your last hope. 
The Men was known to cast spells and curses, to read the future but also for being familiar and in contact with the supernatural. You frantically knocked on the door of his creepy house. You didn’t care if he’s busy or asleep or with someone. You needed his help. And you needed it now.
“ I knew you would come.” He groggily says. “ But I can’t help you.” 
The Men is tall and well-built for someone in his mid-fifties. Half of his face is burned and full of claw marks. He was blind of his left eye, giving it a white color contrasting with the other one being black.
“ What do you mean you can’t help me? You know everything about the underworld, all the creatures, the good and the bad- “
You yelped as he pulled you inside. You follow him to the basement. Wow. It’s smells ashy down here,you thought.
“ Sit down.” He ordered.
You complied and he leaned on the table. 
“ Now listen closely, I won’t repeat myself.” He whispered.
“Why are we whispering?” You whispered back.
“ Because people would either kill you or kill others to have you!”
You eyes widened at his statement and you leaned back in disbelief. 
“ You’re what we call The Healer. And you’re a very powerful one at that. Usually, Healers jut take away the pain, but you… You are so much more. That’s why you need to shut your mouth unless you want to ask for a death wish.” His sharp eyes and stiff body told you that he was serious. 
“ What does a Healer do? I mean you say I’m different…”
“ There’s two types of your kind. First, they are rare. Second, there’s bad Healers. Them, they either have a bad soul to begin with or they turn bad over time. The bad ones, they are killers. Instead of taking the pain away with physical touch, they can cause it. While you can read people’s soul and sense pain, they can read people’s fear and insecurities. You are a creature similar to an angel, but you’re not sent from God nor created by Him. You don’t have superhuman strength or speed, you can’t fly, do telekinesis or whatever. You’re not an angel. You have to be careful. It’s easy to turn into a killer and it’s easy to get killed. What you can do, is much more than taking away the pain. You can bring someone back to life, at you’re own risks of course. But, there is something inside you that needs to ignite and make you have abilities that Healers can’t have.” 
“ And what would that be?”
“You need to find out on your own.” He stated.
Jimin was hunting when a different and odd smell hit his nose. He decided to follow it. He moved through the bushes, cautious enough to not put him in uncertain danger. His insides started to tingle the more he approached the silhouette. You were taking your time walking and admiring the scenery when he catches up to you. You noticed his presence beside you. The boy had black hair, dark eyes and also a lean but muscular body. Though, his behaviour was very cold. 
“ Can I help you?” Your voice trailed off. 
Jimin didn’t care about what you had to say, actually he didn’t know why he was there, beside you. No matter how loud he screamed in his head to go back home, his body had a mind its own. 
“ You’re acting so weird, are you even there?” You waved your hand in front of his eyes. 
Just like that, he grabbed your wrist, as if something had been triggered in him.
“ Ah! What have you done to me?!” You yelped, breaking free from his grip.
His absent gaze traveled from the palm of his hand to your face.
“ I’ve imprinted on you. Congratulations.” Jimin coldly stated. 
“ Imprinted? What do you even mean?” You argued. “ Hey! I’m talking to you, don’t walk away!” 
You were now following a stranger in the woods, trying to get him to stop and explain what had just happened. He can’t just grab your wrist and leave when he gave you a ridiculous amount of electricity. You have no idea how you are still alive at this very moment. Suddenly, the boy stopped and pushed you until your back hit a tree. His strong hands were on your shoulders, holding you down.
“ Listen, this means I am a werewolf. And it also means that you are my mate and I don’t want you has a mate!” He spat. “ In fact, I don’t need a damn mate and now I’m stuck with someone like you, who’s not even a werewolf or a shapeshifter of some sort. You’re just human!” He had so much venom in his voice, so much disgust. 
“ Well guess what, I don’t want to be your mate either, so get your hands off of me.” You spat back with just as much hate. 
“ Hyung, Jimin has been in his room ever since he came back. He didn’t spare us a place and all he’s been doing is grunting and throwing things. “ Hoseok worriedly said to Namjoon.
“ I have no idea why he would do such a thing…” He looked down, lost in his thoughts. ‘I’ll see if I can talk to him, but for now, I’ll let him calm down.” The leader decided. 
You were on your bed and for some reason you felt angry. You were far from being on your period and today you had done nothing that could have triggered such anger in you. You tossed around on your bed trying to find a position that could calm you down but nothing worked. Perhaps, you know what would: I walk in the forest. You tied up your boots and stormed out the door. As soon as you entered the woods, you sighed deeply. You ventured further into this tree kingdom and stopped a moment to close your eyes. You let yourself feel the chilly night breeze softly brush through your hair. You heard its sound when it caressed the leaves and you didn’t miss the distinctive call of the owl. Finally, you settled down on the ground among crispy leaves and dried grass and leaned on the only oak tree of this kingdom. 
From not too far away, Jimin was staring at you. He somehow found peace in your peace. Earlier that night, Namjoon came to talk to him, therefore, Jimin had no choice but to spill the beans. His leader tried to reason with him, saying it was his mate, his life companion but Jimin wasn’t having any of it. He didn’t need anyone. He didn’t need you. But why did he thrive to see you again? Here he was, in his wolf form, observing you from afar. Suddenly, he fels a rush climbing from his heart to his head. It blinded him. It tingled all around. “Shit” he thought. His wolf needed you, although he tried with all his might to fight it. There’s no going back and he knew he’s screwed. But little did he know, you also felt that rush. You thought you were having a heart attack, you began panicking. Luckily for you, or even for him, it ended a few minutes after it started. 
After stretching your limbs, you decided to wander around. You stopped abruptly in front of the clearance. You were just about to interrupt a heated chit-chat between two groups. The two groups were in fact the Bangtan Pack and the Eternal Pack. The latter is a big one, extremely powerful. They are all over the world in sub-packs, if reunited, they are unstoppable. They are every pack’s rivals. The Eternal Pack seeks blood, kills for their own pleasure and would do anything if in the end they gain power. They are very dangerous, in fact, it is the first pack of werewolves that’s ever been created and they are all like this by blood. There were not bitten. Namjoon should have been with them since he is a born werewolf, but he was didn’t quite fit in. He was and still is deeply against their doing. The moonlight shone so brightly you were able to see all their faces.You don’t really know why they are arguing, not gonna lie. Jimin sensed you nearby resulting his eyes to scan around the area for any signs of you. If anything were to happen to you… As you started to tiptoe backwards, you got dragged forward by a wolf. It smelled you. Its teeth sunk around your ankle as he brought you in front of everyone. Jimin visibly tensed at the sight of you and snarled at the opponent wolf and yanked you from its grip only to be shielded by Jimin’s back. Your hands shook in fear, you had absolutely no clue of what was going on. The rival’s leader scoffed. 
“ Good try bad boy, but I don’t have to see her to know that she’s your mate.”
“ I’m aware of that. I do it to protect her, not hide her.” the black-haired rolled his eyes.
“ She’s quite interesting, isn’t she? She has a different smell. I should have a bite ” the corner of his lips lifted up only to earn a low growl from Jimin at the marking reference. “ Well, this is not a goodbye. We’ll see each other soon.” He looked at you dead in the eyes before leaving. 
And Bangtan left too. Therefore, you were alone with him.
“ Why did you do that?” you hissed.
“ I have to protect you. My wolf wants to protect its mate.” he looked unfazed.
“ Again with the mate thing…” you rolled your eyes at him.
“ Why do you despise it so bad?” Jimin deadpanned.
You thought for a while before admitting “ You got me there. I guess it’s just because you guys are killers and I don’t want to be with one.”
“ Who told you that?” he frowned. “ Just for the record, most of us aren’t. We are not killers, but the pack you saw? Them, they are. They kill everything landing in their sight.” He stated while leading you to his house on your behalf. 
“ What are you doing?”
“I’m taking you with me.” He directed.
“ No you’re not.” You stopped walking, making him stop as well. 
“ Yes I am. You clearly need explanations and you are not safe on your own. They can retrace you and hurt you. I don’t want that to happen.” He turned towards your figure. “ I’m bot going anywhere near you. Let me go!” You struggled to set free from his grasp and eventually screamed. It startled him causing his grip to loosen and then you ran away as fast as you could. He is surprised at your sudden action and growled in annoyance. “ This girl…” he mumbled before running after you. 
You were going as fast as your short legs could go. You pushed the branches out of your face at a fast speed, constantly checking behind you if Jimin was following you. Seeing that the one you disliked wasn’t  anywhere in sight made you proud, who would have thought you could escape from a werewolf? But your small happiness and hope were vanished the second your body harshly hit the ground. “ Leave me alone!” you wiggled under him. You were now pinned into the humid ground of the forest. “ You’re asking for a death wish, Y/N!” he barked and you were fast to reply “ Stop chasing me! Don’t you see I don’t want to have anything to do with you?” followed but him saying “ Stop running away from me damn it, all I’m trying to do is to protect you and believe me I don’t like your presence either”. He paused. “ You’re not even a shape-shifter why do I have you as a mate? Plus, you smell weird.” 
“Are you saying that I stink?” You snapped.
“ Well I’m not the one that smells like a wet dog, you mutt.” You still struggled in his hold.
Something inside Jimin snapped at your insult and his stare became hard. He lifted you up over his shoulder despite you trying to get away and carried you to the pack’s house while ignoring your kicking and screaming. Arrived at the house, he threw you on what you assumed was his bed and he slammed the for shut on his way out.
You woke up confused the next day. You sat up quickly and you greeted it immediately. Your head was pounding and you started to get dizzy. 
“I don’t remember falling asleep and falling asleep in a bed.”  You spoke to yourself. 
“ Rise and shine!” A man sung while entering the foreign room you were in.
“ Where am I? Who are you?” You asked, your voice a little too harsh for your liking. 
“ You are currently in Jimin’s room, dear.” He responds. “ Oh, and I’m Jin by the way.” He finished off with a smile. He approached the bed, asking for permission in his eyes and you nodded yes. “ Now, I am well aware that everything is very confusing to you. Unfortunately, you kind of have to live here from now on. I don’t know what’s special about you, but powerful wolves are greedy to have you and we are here, mostly Jimin although he doesn’t want to admit it, to protect you. You are one of ours now!” He beamed. 
“ Wait, one of yours? Live here from now on? What if I don’t want to?”
“ We -or somebody else- won’t let you leave.” Jin laughed. 
While he did so, you started to notice how good looking he was. He had broad shoulders, a charm that nobody you had met before had and his black hair made him look taller. 
“ We will treat you well, don’t worry. Enough of that for now. I will introduce you to the rest of the pack and then I will explain more to you while eating breakfast. Sounds good to you?”
“Yeah, I guess…” You trailed off.
He left the room waiting for you outside while you freshened up a bit. You splashed water onto your face, brushed your teeth and took a quick shower. You met Jin, who was waiting outside the room as promised, dressed in a pair of sweatpants he left on the bed with an oversized shirt that you tied at your waist. The both of you walked down the stairs and he lead you to the living room where 3 young men where playing video games. Jin cleared his throat making them pause the game. “ Guys,this is Y/N.” Jin introduced you. A men with orange hair smiled brightly at you. You learned that his name was Hoseok. “ Y/N, huh? So your Jimin-hyung’s mate - don’t want to be mate-?” a guy barely older than you said. “ Ignore Jungkookie’s comment.” Another with blonde hair this time, told you after elbowing the one you assumed to be Jungkook’s side. “ I’m Taehyung.” “ Nice to meet you all.” You bowed with and awkward smile. Jin pulled you by the arm towards another room and explained that all of them were betas, including himself, and that Jungkook was the youngest. While Jin was talking you admired the big mansion and its various paints and vases. You then me the two remaining men in the kitchen. The tallest was blonde, named Namjoon. He is an alpha and the leader of the pack, since he is a born wolf. The other one’s name was Yoongi, also an alpha.His black hair covered his eyes so you could barely see his expression. The two men left and Jin began cooking breakfast. 
“ So…” Jin began “ With that being said, Jimin is an alpha too. Because we have three alphas, we are very respected and no one dares to mess with us. Except for the Eternal Pack, of course.” 
“ I’m still confused over the word ‘mate’…” You confessed to him sheepishly.You still don’t want any of that, but you have a feeling that you don’t really have a choice. You need to know everything.
“ A mate needs to be imprinted by a wolf before knowing that they are actually someone’s mate. An imprint can be smelled, the mark can be seen and a mate can be sensed when close by, whether you are their’s or not. when the imprint occurs, it’s because the wolf inside saw potential. So for example, Jimin’s wolf saw potential in you, something that caught his senses: you were his mate. His wolf found and chose you. When touched for the first time, the both feel a high charge of electricity. Am I correct?” He waited for you to respond and you nodded your head, allowing him to go on.”Usually, it takes years for a wolf to find his mate, starting at 18. Somehow, Jimin found you 3 years after his 18th birthday, so you must have something special.” he chuckled. “ Eventually, Jimin will have to mark you-”
“ Wait, mark me? How is that done? Can I skip this part?” You exclaimed. 
“ Well… this part cannot be skipped, it is actually crucial. If not marked, you can be by another wolf, thus, Jimin loses you and when a wolf loses its mate… I swear it’s horrible. The marking process is actually just a bite. It can be done out of the blue, but since it is a pretty bi deal, we do it in the bedroom if you know what I mean.” Jin winked at you.
“ No! No, no, no,no. There is NO way I am doing that with him.” You were ready to fight the mate in question just to have him mark you.
“ As I was saying, the mark is made by a bite. There is no specific area, but most do it at the juncture of the shoulder and the neck. To show who’s mate you belong to, venom is sent by hormones to the wolf’s fangs, which is totally harmless. This is the difference with the Bite. The Bite is used to turn a human into a werewolf. Mates can sense each other’s pain.” Jin went on, ignoring your comment.
Jin picked up the plates and placed them in the sink. You got up to help him with the dishes. 
“ Where’s Jimin anyway?” You asked.
“Oh, he’s right here.” 
353 notes · View notes
mincamzfic · 4 years
(f): fluff |  (a): angst| (s): smut| 
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   * messing around | (f) 
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* in moments like this (CEO!taehyung) | (f)
* not so like rapunzel | (f)
* trouble  (gang!au) | (f) + suggestive
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* bon voyage (bon voyage!au)
chapters: 1, 2, 3, (DISCONTINUED) | (f)
* bonvoyage! drabble | (f) (s)
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  * even if it takes forever | (a)
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* lonely | (f) (a)
* can’t handle this | (f)
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  *   her words mean nothing | (a)
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* when the moon rises (werewolf!au) | (f) (s) (a)
chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
255 notes · View notes
mincamzfic · 4 years
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Everything went still once again. Raven was watching you. He struggled against his brothers even more, he only had you on his mind.
“Let me see her.” He gruffed lowly. “Let me see her!”
A deep breath.
A slow expiration.
Everything stood still for a moment. Raven’s eyes were solely on you. You had stopped convulsing. They all watched you, waiting for you to take another breath. And you did, only, after a while. The Man motionned the others to let him go, seeing as the young Alpha had calmed down. Raven rushed to you, eyeing your pale and messy face. In comparison to Jimin, whom particularly despised you for unknown reasons, Raven had a singular interest in you. You intrigued him and he was quite fond of you, to say the least. Raven would watch through Jimin’s eyes how humanitarian you were, how strong-headed you would act towards Jimin. He noticed that you had this calming aura where you would break off any tension whenever you’d walk into a room and uplift everyone’s mood. You would put the people around you at ease, make them feel calm and Raven was almost certain you weren’t even aware of it. That being said, it proved you worthy as his mate, to calm him down when he gets too hot-headed, to reason with him and he was tired to not meet you properly or show his growing affection. This was all Jimin’s fault for not seeing the treasure that was just in front of him. This is why Raven tried to take control with all his might and he plans on being in control for as long as he can.
He sighed, disappointed that you were unconscious. The back of his hand brushed your cheek delicately. At least you were alive, that’s all that mattered for the wolf.
You laid on your bed ever since the Ceremony. The Man would watch over you once in a while, to make sure you were still breathing and whether you had gained consciousness or not. Raven was inseparable from you. The Man and Namjoon knew all too well, it would’ve happened sooner or later. Jimin may not have any attachement towards you but his wolf does and that was definitely betraying him.
Surfacing back to reality, your body felt like a load of cement. Judging by your confused and foggy mind, you first thought was that you’ve been out for quite some time or you were gravely hungover. Either way, you had no clue of the recent happenings or even what time and date it was. To your dismay, you were unpleasantly greeted by an unwanted arm spread loosely across your body. You rolled your eyes upon seeing the man you despised so close to yours. Asleep. You groaned, trying to push his arm away. You grumbled rubbish as you fought against his heavy limb, cursing him for whatever bubble bursted into his head. You were so annoyed and out of breath. Who knew a damned arm could be so heavy? Just as you gave up, Jimin’s grip on you got unbelievably tight. Your eyes enlarged and you gasped, squirming for your life.
“My mate.” You heard him say. You twisted your head to have good look at him. Was he honestly serious?
“Hey, wake up.” You said dryly, attempting to push his arm away from you. You swore you would tear it apart some day. “ I’m serious Jimin, what the fuck is wrong with you.”
You felt his lips kiss your neck and suck on it. “ Mine. No one else’s mate.” You saw his eyes watching you with an emotion you didn’t want to see. You refrained yourself from demonstrating your disgust. He moved to your jaw, holding your face in his hand,placing a kiss.
That last move seemed to bring you out of the daze you were in, your eyes widened in shock as you gasped, insulted. “Get away from me!” You whispered yell before literally pushing his face away from you. His grip on you loosened due to his surprise towards your actions. You kicked him off the bed, yelling this time. “Have you lost your god damn mind?” You took this opportunity to run off, at least tried to since you were still weak. You limbed as fast as you could, stumbling a few times as you did so, to your own room. You didn’t know which room that was and if it were to turn out to be his room, you thought you would literally burst out in flames. You never hated Jin more than you did now. You hated him for bringing you back, hated him for making you live with someone like Jimin, hated Jimin because he thought he was the shit and gave him the right to be rude to you and others.
Even when you arrived into your bedroom, the one you were given, the one you only could enter unless given the right to, felt foreign.You stopped your mind from raging and took in the air. The room had a strong rotting stench and an intoxicatingly lavender smell, it made the hair on your arms stand up. That was no good. You learned recently the different types of smell the supernatural could have and this one fit the one of a powerful being. You had to make sure for yourself. Despite the fact you extremely mad at the world and everyone in this house for treating you like a prisoner and taking advantage of you, you knew you had to protect them if this smell belonged to what you were suspecting.
Walking down the stairs was horrible, everything hurt. You faintly saw Jin talking with Jungkook and two other guys from the house. Your main focus was on the vibe, whether you had as much chills in other places of the house but your room, whether the distance smell was as strong in other places of the house but your room. At your sight, Jin panicked and started to spit non-sense words that came out more like sounds. He finally managed to squeak out a sentence that was understandable, which you flicked him off by saying you were fine.
“Y/N, you aren’t fine. Look at you! You’re limbing!” Jin argued, hands moving dramatically to support his words.
“I just need to be outside so I can heal myself. My powers work better in nature.” You half-lied. You liked to be outside to use your powers as nature sounds calmed your mind but it wasn’t true that your powers worked better in the outdoors. Jin looked at you suspiciously. He finally nodded and that was your cue to keep moving.
“But Jungkook will stay with you. For extra precautions.”
You tensed, not wanting to bring him into your mess, because yes you thought this was specifically a threat to you, and endanger him. You felt all of their eyes burning your back. “I don’t need a babysitter, Jin. I can take care of myself.”
“Nonsense.” He ignored you, batting his hand. He looked at the younger one. “Jungkook. Go.”
As Jungkook walked your way, you made him understand by a gesture of your hand no not move any further. Jin looked at you the way a parent would give the look to their misbehaving child.
“I told  you, Jin. I don’t need a babysitter. In fact, I’d rather be alone while I do this. I am the one that’s injured, no?”
“Yes, but you’re my responsibility-”
“Responsibility? Since when? So now I am a burden to you? Do I need to remind you that you are the one that forced me to come back here? And sell my house and quit my whole life because “I am one of your pack member’s mate now and I am a Healer and prevent Jimin’s and the world’s downfall blah blah. He might as well freaking fall this wolf of yours. Cut the crap,Jin. You already treat me like a stranger when we are far from that. It’s best for you, all of you for that matter, to leave me the hell alone.” You spat, staring them all down. Poor Jungkook, he stood there, confused on what he should do. Your gaze went met Jin’s. “You at least owe me that.”
There was this special place you set up near the patio where the sun and the wind would hit just right. You had placed pillows, candles, string lights, cushions to sit on, plants and flowers. This was your safe haven. You watched the flowers and the grass move to the rhythm of the wind, it blew softly. The sun was going down, it was already golden hour. You took out you manifestation candles and herbs, the salt, your little grimoire that you put together in the last few weeks. You felt on top of your game as a Healer. This was your precious, it had different techniques using energy to heal and you’ve even gotten into spells and potions recently.
You lit the candle. No, you weren’t about to heal yourself, you were about to manifest answers. You suspected a demon was around. It went into your room specifically and its smell wasn’t anywhere else in the house, however, you had a feeling it would come back. You had a feeling it was near. You hadn’t even started to manifest when wolves came running back to the Pack House, howls and yaps that seemed anxious, alerted. You blew on the candle and it everything under the blanket, rushing as well in the house.
As you walked in, you looked eyes with Jimin’s intense ones. Your gaze lingers on his for a little longer than you would’ve liked. You noticed Jungkook was also studying you when you looked away from Jimin. His eyes seemed intrigued.
“What seems to be the problem?” Namjoon asked, authority clear in his voice.
The three wolves shifted back. One of them stood in front of the two others. You supposed he was the Beta and the two were Omegas.
“Someone trespassed on our territory. It’s no wolf for sure, the smell is different. We tried tracking them down but we couldn’t find anything. No prints. Just an intoxicating smell.” A Beta named Taehyung informed.
At that, your face washout out. You knew exactly what they were talking about. Just as your mind was debating on what to do, Both Jimin and Jungkook looked at you. You stared at them, trying to keep a straight face on, but it was hard to hide things through your eyes. You knew that they knew you knew something.
After they’ve discussed between themselves about the issue, yes you just stood there listening, Namjoon decided to increase rounds of surveillance and watch out for clues. He decided not to hunt them down, considering it wasn’t a wolf we were being faced with. Perhaps, whatever that person was, maybe it wasn’t even on our territory anymore.
Once the impromptu meeting was over, people dissipated once after the other, some going on rounds, some going back to what hey we’re doing. You decided it would be less suspicious to go back outside and pretend to do whatever you were doing. You failed to notice the man following your tracks and grabbing your arm before you could open the patio door. You squeaked, taken aback, turning around with wide eyes and pouted lips, face distorted in interrogation.
“You have some explaining to do.” The dark-haired man told you.
“About?” You shot back, knowing what he was talking about but trying to play dumb.
“You became as white as as ghost. You know something.”
“Jungkook, stop being delusional. I got scared because there is a possible threat on us and we don’t know what we’re facing.” You shrugged. You forced your eyes to stay wide to make you look innocent. “And…” you looked at he floor. “I got flashbacks from the Ceremony…” You lied, purposely lowering your voice to make him think you were embarrassed.
He got closer to you, pulling you in with the grip he still had on your arm. You put your hand on his chest to stop him from coming any closer. “I’m going to let this slide, but don’t think I won’t keep an eye on you.” He muttered beside your ear. “I know that you know something.”
And with that he left, leaving you… perplexed. You went outside to fetch your things. You weren’t in the mood to summon demons anymore. You needed to be on top of your game so that nobody knows and so that nobody gets hurt. You felt it in your bones that this was an issue you had to take care of.
Reassembling your witchcraft items, there was a knock on your door. A look of disgust plastered your face at the view of Jimin. A look of hurt flashed on his but he quickly hid it.
“Y/N, we should talk about last night.” A pair of red eyes stared at you.
“What is there to talk about, JImin?” Your tone was annoyed.
“Raven.” He corrected you.
“Whatever. There’s nothing to talk about. There’s no reason why you should be talking to me right now.”
“Do you have to be such a bitch all the time?” Brown eyes looked at you this time.
You scoffed, insulted. “Yes. You deserve to be treated and talked to the same way you do to me.”
“Y/N, I apologize-” Raven’s red eyes flickered uncontrollably back and forth from his and Jimin’s eyes. You grew worried, this wasn’t supposed to happen. It was just usual bickering.
In the middle of that internal battle, you managed to ask if he was okay and out of a sudden he grabbed you by your throat. You hit his hands and chest to make him let go of you. You tried to scream for help but your voice wasn’t very audible as the only thing coming out was a pained gargle. You started banging on the wall, in hopes that someone would hear you. You had powers and all, you started doing witchcraft and all but Healer’s power didn’t do much against aggression and your spells weren’t on point yet. You were only good at summoning since it required a play with energies.
You fell to the ground, gasping for air, both hands covering your throat to soothe the pain. There was a vague vision of one figure on top of a struggling one. You couldn’t really tell who that was since your vision was blurry. JImin was a danger to others and to himself. He needed to be kept on check.
“Did you hear me?” A masculine voice said.
“Mh? Sorry what?”
“I asked you if you were okay.”
“I’m glad to heal quickly, to say the least. Please bring him to his room and refrain him from escaping.” You ordered. Jungkook looked at you questionably but complied anyway.
You grabbed the jar of mountain ash and met Jungkook in Jimin’s room. He was sitting on the floor, holding Jimin down. You made a circle around them and left an open spot so the younger male could free himself.
“Let go.” You ordered again.
He did, quickly escaping the circle so you could close it.
There was a silence. Jimin stopped struggling. He, in fact, looked at you with pure vain in his eyes. “You think you won?” He smirked at you.
You watched him, breathing heavily. “For now, yes.” You muttered a spell under your breath so that his hands would stay together, like they were attached by a rope. His eyes looked down in surprise, he gasped.
“What did you do?” Jungkook asked, looking at you? He was a little too close for your comfort.
“Just one of my tricks.” You answered quickly, avoiding his eyes.
You walked backwards, slowly. Jungkook followed track. You let him leave first. You stared at the alpha from the door frame, in both awe and wonder. He did the same, his chest heaving. You turned around and close the door.
A scream was heard from behind that door. You ignored it and walked away.
A/N:  Hello everyone! I hope you are all healthy and safe. I know in some places it is not easy. I am here to listen if you guys need to talk. Here’s part.4 that you were expecting for quite some time. Quarantine happened and transition from school to online school and my job requiring me to work full time WHILE being in school full time and writers block made it difficult for me to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to give me feedback. Love you all v much
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mincamzfic · 4 years
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found this pic taken by @/sabrinacarpenter on instagram and blurred out the faces just to share it without putting anyone’s life at risk!
all credit goes to herfor taking the pic and the brave guy holding the sign and speaking up.
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mincamzfic · 4 years
here’s a small list of videos you can watch and passively donate to different funds that are a part of the black lives matter movement. if you are interested in donating as well, i’ve linked most of the funds and organizations the youtubers are donating too. please do not skip the ads!!
80p makeup... but what’s the catch? TESTING SHOP MISS A! First impressions and WEAR TEST!: to the George Floyd memorial fund (x)
In-N-Out Mukbang: to the Minnesota Freedom Fund (x)
how to help BLM with NO MONEY/leaving your house: to protestor bail funds of different states
I Got Drunk And Gave Relationship Advice! The ULTIMATE guide to BOYS & GIRLS!!: to the George Floyd fund and other racial equality charities (x)
Baby Products I Regret Buying: to the George Floyd memorial fund (x) and National Bail Out (x)
MY #1 PRODUCT FROM 10 DRUGSTORE BRANDS: the Black Visions Collective (x)
BIG LOUIS VUITTON HAUL | SS 2020 ESCALE + MORE | hollyannaeree: to the George Floyd memorial fund (x) and Campaign Zero (x)
Watch To Donate For FREE: Black Lives Matter: to Campaign Zero (x), NAACP (x), Black Lives Matter (x), Unicorn Riot (x), Comminuties United Against Police Brutality (x), ACLU (x), Color of Change (x), Equal Justice Initiative (x), Reclaim the Block (x), National Bail Out Fund (x)
Huge Prettylittlething & Missguided TRY ON Haul NEW IN... MAJOR Retail Therapy!!: to the George Floyd fund (x) and others
MAY FAVORITES & BOOKS I’VE READ THIS MONTH | I Covet Thee: to The Bail Project (x)
Quarantine Graduation Cap Cake for Class of 2020 | How to Cake It with Yolanda Gampp: to an unspecified organization dedicated towards the education for black students
AMSR Putting Fenty Makeup on Rihanna (Paper Makeover): to the Black Visions Collective (x) and Support the Cities (x)
DECLUTTER, DIY & DECORATE #WITHME Little Girl’s Boho Room Transformation UNDER $100!!!: to the George Floyd memorial fund (x)
TikTokers SPEAKING OUT About RACISM & BLACK LIVES MATTER (Ft. Charli D’amelio, Dixie D’amelio): to the Black Lives Matter foundation (x)
Let’s Talk About It: Racism & Social Injustice: to the Black Lives Matter foundation (x)
“but i’m not racist?”: to the Minnesota Freedom Fund (x)
regarding everything that’s happening: to the George Floyd memorial fund (x), Minnesota Freedom Fund (x), Los Angeles bail relief fund (x), Atlanta bail relief fund (x), Chicago Freedom School (x), People’s Breakfast Oakland (x), Black Queer/Trans operated fund in MN (x)
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mincamzfic · 4 years
i just hope all of my black followers, mutuals, etc know that your voice matters and that your voice needs to be heard. you matter and should always matter. im so sorry people are gross. and im so sorry this is still happening in 2020.
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