Robot Nonsense
638 posts
They/It BIONICLE, Transformers, and a sprinkle of other stuff. Mostly a blog for my art.
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mimicry-works · 5 days ago
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Super Bionic Build Fighters: Hero of the furious wind Lewa
So the Tokusatsu Kopaka is no longer a one off. Maybe I'll do the other 4 Toa Nuva like this. I went with the adaptive armour colours because I don't have a great selection of greens.
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mimicry-works · 13 days ago
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mimicry-works · 14 days ago
Bionicle 2: Mysteries of Metru Nui
There are many, many parts of B2 that don't really stand up to scrutiny, but one of the most odd was Vakama's reaction to one of his earlier visions. Its at 14 minutes in if this video also at some point gets scrubbed from the internet in the ongoing censorship campaign.
Vakama says that "[He] saw it, Metru-Nui was destroyed!" but even as a child I was confused by this statement, as the images shown in the vison the city looked fine, just a bit....purple.
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There have long been rumors that this was a hasty, last minute edit, that originally the destruction was more explicitly depicted.
Someone that claims to have in their possession the movie contacted me recently about their experience trying to release it.
I don't know how I got my hands on the DVD, its just been something I had around all my childhood. I don't know if someone my family knew were affiliated with Bionicle, or Creative Capers, if I had known I would have bragged about it constantly LOL. So for my childhood this WAS Legends of Metru Nui for me, it wasn't until adulthood, and me getting back in to the Bionicle fan communities during COVID that I came across the version uploaded youtube and Biomedia Project. [...] So when I had the chance to go back to my parents a few months later I was able to dig out the old DVD I watched back then and ripped it. So as a joke, last BIO Day I thought I'd upload the movie in full to see if anyone would notice the change. [...] Then a few months ago I get an email from youtube that the video was copyright claimed by Lego and it had been taken down, I was really shocked.
He was kind enough to send me a copy of the email, and its genuine.
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His youtube account was heavily penalised, and as the account has a lot of important things uploaded to it he didn't wish to risk it by trying again.
He sent me a phone video of the scene in question as proof.
As you can see, instead of simply being covered in a purple fog, the coliseum itself is exploding and collapsing.
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The quality is poor, and the audio nearly impossible to make out, but if you compare it to the released version, the explosion might even still be in the final sound mix, just obfuscated to be the sound of a thunder clap.
Now, why was this hasty edit made? Most theories point to 9/11.
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The September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade center in 2001 was very shocking and traumatised much of the united states of america. Some things released closer to the time were hastily edited to remove any imagery that might call back to it, for one Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty had a whole sequence from the ending where the giant Arsenal Gear crashed though much of Manhattan stopping just short of the Twin Towers cut at the last moment.
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Now you may ask, "MGS2 came out in 2001, but B2 was 2004 why was it still censored" but that's simple, 9/11 left deep scars in the us psyche, even 2002's Lord of the Rings the Two Towers was heavily criticised in some circles for the sensational name trying to cash in on the tragedy, even though the book it was based on was nearly 60 years old. So its not outside of the realm of possibility that even in 2004 a piece of children's media featuring such a scene would be deemed in bad taste.
Even today, the long dead Bionicle fan site Bionicle Zone Power reactivates once a year to pay respects to the tragedy.
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Now as to why TLG or someone at least posing as them would be so fanatical and judicious about this version of the film being released to the public, that's anyone's guess.
So that is the story of the weird scene in Bionicle 2: The Legend of Metru Nui. If only all of the nonsensical scenes in that film could be so thoroughly explained.
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mimicry-works · 15 days ago
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Along came a spider
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mimicry-works · 16 days ago
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Saw Nosferatu with the girlfriend for Valentine's Day
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mimicry-works · 18 days ago
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beet war megatron
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mimicry-works · 18 days ago
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Wanted to try my hand at my own Rodimus design that had the smooth lines that I like about the G1 look.
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mimicry-works · 22 days ago
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Some Transmutate sketches because I think they need to be in something again
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mimicry-works · 29 days ago
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Trench has been on earth a while and had taken a few alternate modes to stay hidden in that time.
Here he is as Davinci's tank... which probably didn't exist physically but oh well.
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mimicry-works · 30 days ago
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Failure. Failure. Failure. Failure. Failure. Failure.
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mimicry-works · 30 days ago
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Trench has been on earth a while and had taken a few alternate modes to stay hidden in that time.
Here he is as Davinci's tank... which probably didn't exist physically but oh well.
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mimicry-works · 1 month ago
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Get it cause...cause he's a beetle...
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mimicry-works · 1 month ago
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Old drawing that I’m still proud. My lightning hare rahi!
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mimicry-works · 1 month ago
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NNNOOOOOOOO LET HIM GOOOO!!!! (I used Final Wars Goji cos he's cool)
(Original painting by William Strutt)
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mimicry-works · 1 month ago
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For no particular reason, Lego Indiana Jones punching a Stormtrooper.
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mimicry-works · 1 month ago
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Saw someone suggest Ultraman as Superman and also remembered someone arguing Kamen Rider being toku Batman so yeah here you go
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mimicry-works · 1 month ago
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