milkyway-myosotis · 10 days
What's the Gym Challenge like? Sounds like it'd be fun.
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milkyway-myosotis · 11 days
Huh! No bingo for me...I think.
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The ROTUMBLR FUNNYMAN BINGO card has been completed!
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Fill it out to see if you’re a real ROTUMBLR FUNNYMAN!
Plus my bingos :]
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milkyway-myosotis · 19 days
I see! Getting to work closely with legendary Pokemon...how fascinating! It sounds plenty intruiging :D and Noble Pokemon! That's interesting as well...
Regardless, thank you very much! That was very informative.
Ooh, hello! Fellow Ranger! :D Well. Kind of fellow ranger. I think our jobs are a little different...but still.
What's it like, being a Warden? ...And what exactly does being a Warden entail, may I ask? :0
My duties are similar to that of a modern-day ranger, just with more encounters with legendary pokémon.
I have no one specific "noble" to tend to, but normally, wardens tend to one of Hisui's ten noble pokemon, ensuring their health and the health of their offspring.
This duty also extends to natural stewardship and is what some often refer to as the "beginning" of the pokemon Ranger.
As for me, I ensure the legendary pokemon of this world are cared for, and that nobody attempts to use their power for ill.
:-) hope this answers your question
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milkyway-myosotis · 19 days
They love me for my imposter syndrome and also inexplicable knowledge about League affairs
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milkyway-myosotis · 19 days
Hm. I am noticing that The Menace looks ever so slightly different then the average blacephalon. It is slightly difficult to see in the photo, but the star shape on its head more looks like a flower with pointed tips. And whilst Blacephalon is a poorly documented ultra beast, I do think this trait is a bit nonstandard from whats been noticed.
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milkyway-myosotis · 19 days
met recon, not friendly. as always. visited a friend. doesn’t have pokemon, so he likes mine.
we made dolls.
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milkyway-myosotis · 19 days
Hm...I think I would've needed a specialty visor? One that can see heat. Or at least it's recommended. And this one device that can detect vibrations in the ice! There weren't too many at the base, and they were all already in use :(
...There's some more noises tonight. I think it's louder than before.
I'd love to go out and investigate, but I don't have the proper gear D:
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milkyway-myosotis · 20 days
I think it's fun hearing stories about peoples' tattoos....how they got them, why, y'know. Everything. Even though it isn't popular here...
I wonder why I have one. If I'll ever remember why.
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milkyway-myosotis · 20 days
...Back. mission accomplished or something.
I remembered what I was thinking about at the base.
Hot chocolate. I remember that. I associate hot chocolate with cold places.
...Not the most helpful thing to remember, but. Oh well.
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milkyway-myosotis · 20 days
We're heading back today! Got up bright and early just for this, hah...
Well. Actually...if we want to be pedantic, it technically isn't bright out. Won't be for another 4 hours or so...? Anyway.
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milkyway-myosotis · 21 days
...There's some more noises tonight. I think it's louder than before.
I'd love to go out and investigate, but I don't have the proper gear D:
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milkyway-myosotis · 21 days
△ And Dillisk-! What do you think of Nori?
Nori...? I like them a lot! They're really reliable...though I wish they didn't look down on me as much. >_>
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milkyway-myosotis · 21 days
△ What do you think of Dillisk??
They're nice to work with. Easygoing. Perhaps too easygoing. I do rather. Pity them, though. As much as I loathe to.
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milkyway-myosotis · 21 days
△ What's your name?
? Nori. Hello.
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milkyway-myosotis · 21 days
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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milkyway-myosotis · 21 days
Dillisk is currently resting. They've given me the device for the meantime.
...So. Hello there. What is this.
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milkyway-myosotis · 21 days
...Turns out the server room was not supposed to be warm. It's supposed to be cold, actually, so the servers don't overheat.
The cooling system's been malfunctioning after that storm, I think. That's what's everyone's saying...We nearly lost all the computers and stuff D: we gotta fix that
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