mikallois · 5 years
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My collection for Black is Beautiful.
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mikallois · 5 years
Does anyone else reply to a text mentally but not physically then forgets to actually reply all together or is that just me
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mikallois · 5 years
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mikallois · 5 years
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“I love ranting Luke”
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mikallois · 5 years
concept: instead of hedwig, Harry goes into the pet store and this little snake in the back of the store talks to him, obviously gets his attention more than the other animals, and harry feels sorry for it so he takes it home. Then the snake helps Harry throughout his years at hogwarts as harry carries it wrapped around his hand all like “pssssst, haaarryyy, the dark lord isss coming sss” or just petty shit like “haaaarrryy, now is the time, assskkk out cho chaaannngg”
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mikallois · 5 years
Tips for ordering delivery!
Just started at Waitr, and I've already realized some things that customers can easily do to help out their friendly delivery person(s) find their homes and/or businesses easier!
- If you have a distinct door, lawn decoration, car, etc., mention it in the delivery instructions! This will help us find you easier, especially at night! Sometimes it is hard to see numbers on buildings once it gets dark, and these details help.
- If we are running late, it may not be the drivers fault. Sometimes we are short staffed, sometimes the restaurant is, and sometimes technology hates us. We are trying!!
- If you are in a hotel/duplex/apartment, please be as specific as possible in the delivery instructions. When people neglect to mention the names of hotels or apartment complexes, things can get confusing!
Help us help you🖤
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mikallois · 5 years
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Ted Bundy is basically a combo of James Deen and Hugh Jackman🖤
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mikallois · 5 years
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Cluttered heaven
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mikallois · 5 years
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Follow me on IG😋
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mikallois · 5 years
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mikallois · 5 years
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Follow me on IG😋
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mikallois · 6 years
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Lindsay Dewald
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mikallois · 6 years
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mikallois · 6 years
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mikallois · 6 years
One of the funniest things I ever experienced was when I went to go see John Mulaney live, and halfway through a bit about how expensive college in the States is, he looked down at the sleeve of his suit jacket and just. stopped. dead halt, mid sentence.
And after like three seconds, where we’re all trying to figure out the punchline because the story clearly hadn’t ended, and John Mulaney quietly says, “Has there been tinfoil on my buttons the whole goddamn show?”
He’d taken his suit to the drycleaner, and they’d wrapped the buttons on the sleeves and the coat with tinfoil to protect them, and John Mulaney didn’t notice until half-way through his set, and was SO FLABBERGASTED that he never did finish the story about college and instead did five minutes on how stupid it was that his buttons were reflecting the light and he just didn’t notice, and in that moment I understood more about John Mulaney as a person than I ever have.
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mikallois · 6 years
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mikallois · 6 years
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