Imagine; Heaven is a place on earth with you.
THE ONE WHERE: Kol and you have a really toxic relationship and you decide to put an end to it. (Based on Video Games by Lana del Rey)
WARNINGS: A bit of sadness but nothing else to worry about.
It’s you y/n, it’s all for you. Everything I do.-he told me while his hand was positioned on my waist, he was holding tight on me, like if I was going to run away from him at any second.-I tell you all the time baby, heaven is a place on earth with you.-he whispered in my ear, making me smile. His voice sending chills all over my body. Our bodies moved in perfect synchrony, like we were one, while a cute melody kept going in the background. My arms around his neck, my face on his chest, his hands on my waist, he couldn’t be closer to me, and yet, I couldn’t feel him farther away from me. My eyes were closed, I could feel tears gather in my eyes, even when I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry.
I don’t think I can keep doing it Kol…-He didn´t say anything and I knew he could listen my heart skip a bit, he didn´t say anything, waiting for me to continue.- I want to break up.-I whispered while I kept dancing.- You know being by your side has always been my dream, but being yours it’s getting harder and harder. Honestly, I don’t think we are good for each other, it’s just getting so toxic, so bad.-My voice was really calm, at this point I thought I would be crying a river, but there was something about this moment that made me feel so calm like I was ready to do this.
The night was warm, we were on the top of the Empire State, the same place where he asked me to be his girlfriend almost two years ago before I went to New Orleans with him. Lately, I was feeling homesick, so I decided a few days away from all the Mikaelson drama would be good for me, so I packed all my stuff and decided it was time for a quick trip to NY, my home. Kol knew about it but he didn´t know I was going away for more than just a few days. Today he came to pay me a visit, after two months of being away and not seeing each other, I knew that he could feel how everything was just going wrong with our relationship and he tried to surprise me by making a dinner right here, just like the old times, but everything was just too screwed to be fixed with a great view and a romantic dinner. We barely talked the whole dinner, just like we never talked since almost two months ago. I was wearing a white silk dress, knowing perfectly that he loved me on white and how much he liked that dress on me. Maybe I did it on purpose, I wanted him to remember me in my best, glowing just for him. And God, what can I say about him? He cleaned himself really well, he knew I always thought that a suit makes him look so fucking good. And his smell… how much I loved his smell. He sighed in desperation, I could notice when he was getting anxious, mad… and right now that was happening. He stopped dancing in such an abruptly way that I didn’t get what was happening until his hand where holding me strong. I could see the tears in his eyes and his jaw not getting relaxed. Our faces were separated only by a few centimeters and the tension could be cut with a knife.
-You’re fucking mine Y/n, you’re only mine. I’m not going to let you go.-His voice was deep and angry and in that moment his face started to change into his vampire face, the veins, the red eyes and hose fangs, the only thing I could do was to look away, I couldn’t see him like that.-Please darling… baby girl, look at me, Y/n! I love you, you’re the reason I carry on every single day, we are meant for each other. Cmon baby, it’s you and me, the perfect couple!
-Kol, can’t you see it?- I started to speak while my eyes found his.- This is not what it used to be! You keep going away to fight your family enemies and I get it, for you, family always comes first and I've never complained about it but I can´t be the little girlfriend that  watches how you go away and put yourself in danger, kill others and then wait until someone tells me that my boyfriend is dead, daggered or hurt.-I said when I remembered a funny fact, he couldn´t get killed.-Kol before tonight I haven’t seen you in almost three month, and plus, you keep acting like an ass, you kill people, you´re reckless, careless and I´m just a little human that enjoys the little pleasures of life, you need another reason? You are always so fucking jealous! You always get into fights with my friends, you don’t let me talk to anyone or see anyone, cause guess what? you would kill them while you can keep playing around with your little bitch witch? Sorry love, but I can’t be with you anymore.-My voice was so neutral that I was surprised, I even sounded annoyed.
-Y/n you can ask me to do anything, I would quit my family, I can move from New Orleans, I won’t go out anymore but stay with you, I would never ever leave you alone! I’m not going to be able to live without you, they say that the world was built for two and that is only worth living if somebody is loving you, Y/n you are the one that makes life worth living, in all the thousands of years I´ve been in this world, I have never felt for anyone what I feel for you, not even for Davina..-Kol kept talking but the truth was, nothing he could say could have changed my mind.-Please Darling, I love you more than I love myself.
-Then you should start loving you more Kol, cause there’s nothing you can say that will make me stay.-I whispered close to his lips before giving him one of the most intense kisses I have ever given. The kiss was full of passion and sadness, I knew there was so much love, but I also knew that I was losing myself in that relationship. He bit my lower lip slowly while his hand kept necking all my body, like if he was trying to memorize it.
-Goodbye Kol and thank you…-I said before letting go to the love of my life and walking away from him, not before giving him one last look, he was standing there, he seemed so weak, so tired… so sad.
-You know I’m not that easy, right? I will fight for you Y/n, I don’t care how much I have to wait. You will be mine again.-Kol yelled loud and clear, making me look back. He didn’t look away when our eyes met before I left the place and some part of me knew that’s this wasn’t going to be the last time I saw those eyes.
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