220 posts
18+ || any pronouns || adores pedrito pascalito || struggling tifosi, midcedes, mclaren, and checo fan || multifandom || sometimes writes?
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
miercoooles Ā· 4 months ago
Hello, Tumblr and people! Iā€™m Jasper (18+), goes by he/they. Iā€™m a nursing student who has a hobby of being delusional and writing self-indulgent fics.
Would anyone be interested in the ff:
ā†¬ Jethro Gibbs x reader
ā†¬ Fox Mulder x reader
ā†¬ Criminal Minds x reader
ā†¬ House M.D. character x reader
ā†¬ Grey's Anatomy characters x reader
ā†¬ DC characters x reader
I can definitely accept requests, just hit me up with here.
Quick disclaimer: As I stated, I'm a nursing student so definitely every posts I do would be delayed and that includes requests.
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miercoooles Ā· 6 months ago
Old WIP reveal
because I miss writing :3 || based on this song "Plastic Love"
Dating wasnā€™t for you, you had that figured out years ago. But you were foolish enough to try it once more as you reached your twenty-seventh birthday.Ā 
Almost eight months ago before your birthday, you stumbled upon a driver when you were invited by Red Bull Racing as a special guest due to the nature of your occupation (a famous model). As you two chatted and interacted throughout the whole weekend, you found yourself enamoured that you carelessly handed your personal phone number to him.Ā Ā 
As months passed by, you two got closer and eventually connected into a much more intimate relationship until one day he asked if he could court you, you obviously said yes. And so it began, the days and months have turned into courtship and secret dates away from the paparazzi.Ā 
The day of your birthday came around and you answered him, he happily smiled and asked permission to kiss your lips to which you agreed. You thought that it finally broke the curse of your restlessness once you are tied down, you were proven wrong almost immediately.
Note: you can choose any driver you want ^^
Note 2: should I continue this?
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miercoooles Ā· 9 months ago
itā€™s been a long time since I opened this accountā€¦
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
Happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates!!! Wishing you a jolly holiday <3
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
hi pookies :3
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
I wanna write something, but Iā€™m lazy
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
I miss Kimi Raikkonen, he needs to come home right now
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
No but why can I see Checo and Leclerc! sister sending the overprotective brothers updates while they're on holidays or everyone sending pictures of Leclerc! Sister when she falls asleep in most random places.
Why do I feel so called out about the part where Leclerc!reader falls asleep at the most random places???
Since youā€™re the only female daughter of Pascale, your brothers tend to be overly protective of you, even when you got married to the point that they threatened Checo to send updates of you whenever youā€™re both on vacation or just together outside. So Sergio had no choice but to make a group chat of him together with your three brothers.
Your significant other and brothers kept this a secret from you as to not worry you or think that they donā€™t trust you. They do trust you, with their whole life, but theyā€™re scared to lose you. After all, in their eyes youā€™re the princess, the lady Leclerc of the family aside from your mother, so they held great pride when it came to you.
It was summer break for both you and Checo so the two of you decided to getaway from the same place and go to Maldives. Your brothers didnā€™t know about this, but you had told your mother about it which she was okay with. When Charles was looking for you the next day, Pascale only shrugged saying she had no idea where you are. And that only left Charles to message the groupchat with Checo about your whereabouts.
When the notification popped up on Sergioā€™s phone, you were both having lunch in a bungalow. Checo looking at his phone, immediately saw Charlesā€™ message, and when you werenā€™t looking, he snapped a photo of you sending it to the groupchat. When Charles received the photo, he nodded to himself before sending a ā€œhave funā€ to Checo.
When three hours has passed, you decided to drag Checo and go scuba diving. While your significant other protested and thrashed, you were having none of it explaining to him that what was the purpose of having a vacation in Maldives if you werenā€™t going to scuba dive. Checo knowing that he wonā€™t be able to argue anymore, let himself get dragged by you.
As he enjoyed himself getting pulled by you to the ocean, he took another candid photo of you, smiling to himself. He then sent it to the groupchat with the caption, ā€œscuba divingā€ before leaving his phone at the given cupboard.
When Sergio saw you standing at the edge of the dock waiting for him, he smiled softly to himself as he admired you. He watched you as you basked in the warm, ethereal glow of the setting sun. The sun's gentle caress highlighting every contour of your face, casting long, romantic shadows. Your eyes sparkle, reflecting the hues of the sky, and your smile radiates pure happiness. In that fleeting moment, time seems to stand still, and Sergio was once again reminded of the beauty of love and nature coming together in perfect harmony.
When he was only an inch left away from you, he leaned down and captured your lips, pulling you into a soft and affectionate kiss. You were astounded by what he did, but you didnā€™t protest instead you pulled him closer wrapping your arms around his neck before pulling him with you to the ocean.
You both fell in the cold waters, and when you both got up to the surface, your husband was looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. You let out a gentle laugh as you swam closer to him, fixing his soaked hair and putting it to the side before pulling home into a kiss again, this time no more joking.
When he pulled away, he gave a cheeky grin then splashed your face with water. And letā€™s just stay instead of actually doing the itinerary, you and Checo instead just swam around the ocean, enjoying each otherā€™s presence.
When the sun has set and the moon shone brightly on the dark sky, Checo decided that it was time for both of you to get out and have dinner. Hearing your stomach grumble, you followed him out the water, grabbing yourself and drying yourself up.
Checo noticing your shivers, covered you with his own towel before wrapping his arms around your shoulder, warming you up. You leaned yourself on him as he guided you to the bungalow.
When he saw you comfortably on the chair, he went up and grabbed dinner for the both of you. But when he sat down and arrived on your table, he was starstrucked at how you managed to fall asleep with your posture still fixed.
Holding back his chuckle, he took another photo and sent it to the group chat, this time the one with Pascale. Almost all of them immediately sent a reply, laughing and talking about how youā€™re always sleeping anywhere any time possible.
Checo knowing how tired you must be, tapped you softly on the shoulder and asked if you wanted to go rest instead of having dinner. You groggily shook your head, grabbing your utensils as you let out a gentle yawn making Sergio smile.
As you both finished eating, your husband took both your plates and placed it in their respective places before returning to you and helping you up. He guided you so that you were standing behind him before he crouched down and helped you get on his back while you half-sleepily wrapped your arms around him.
Carrying you in a piggyback ride, he slowly walked to your shared hut, humming quietly as he smiled to himself while thinking of those wholesome moment with you. It never ceases to amaze him how you have the ability to fall asleep anywhere, anytime as long as youā€™re exhausted. It doesnā€™t matter how uncomfortable it would feel after or what body part of you will ache, you will still fall asleep anyway.
When he arrived at your room, he gently placed you in the middle of the bed before disappearing into the bathroom and appearing again with a wet face towel. He went to your side and cleaned you up, removing your swimwear and replacing it with his own clean shirt. Finishing up with you, he covered your lower extremities with the thin blanket provided before taking one last photo of you then sending it to the groupchat and saying good night to your brothers as well as he cleaned himself too.
*fast forward after break*
As mentioned, it has been a weird habit of yours to fall asleep anytime and anywhere. And itā€™s no secret to your significant other, family members, and even co-drivers on how you are able to do that. In fact, even your fans know about that peculiar habit of yours and they adored you more ever since.
Since you were driving for Ferrari, you are team mates with your brother and letā€™s say the both of you are quite unstoppable when working together. But today, it seemed like none was going to your plans as two red flags have already occured and itā€™s just the second free practice.
The first red flag occured when Hulkenburg crashed into the barriers because of a break issue and that caused around 20 minutes of the first free practice to be wasted. What you did, however, was you asked your engineer to play soft classical music before dozing off in your car as you waited for the session to continue. When the cameras showed a display of you, everyone watching chuckled and shook their heads, clearly aware of your silly antics.
Now for the second time around, the red flag happened because even thought it was just the second free practice, everyone decided to play bumpy cars and crashed into one another, and by everyone you meant George, Max, and Lando.
But now instead of staying in your car, you went out of your car, and you sat beside your race engineer, deciding to talk about the upgrades brought into the car before you left and went to the Red Bull garage, specifically your husbandā€™s garage.
On the way you greeted, Hugh Bird, Checoā€™s engineer and asking him where your significant other was. Hugh only shrugged, mentioning the last time he saw your husband was on his way to relieve himself. And upon deciding that youā€™ll wait for him, you sat at the little corner of his garageā€™s side.
Holding your knees to your chest, you leaned your forehead on top of your knees before even realising that you were falling into slumber. You only woke up from your power nap when you felt someone sit beside you. Looking up, you saw your husband, a wide cheeky grin plastered on his face before he kissed your cheeks.
ā€œNice nap, amor? No stiff necks?ā€ He asked teasingly.
Scoffing, you nudged him softly and you rolled your eyes which made him laugh. And when he was done with his laughing fit, you leaned your head on his shoulder. Checo realising what you were doing, he guided your head on his shoulder before kissing the crown of your head.
ā€œYou can nap more, comfortably this time. Iā€™ll wake you up when the session is green flagged.ā€
Yawning to his statement, you gently nodded your head to at least let him know you understood. He once more planted a kiss on your head before he took your hands in his and caressed it gently.
The next time you woke up, Checo was poking your legs and opening your eyes, you were greeted by the cameras of F1 medias and your brother, Charles.
Squinting as the flash hits your eyes, you looked at Checo who only gave you a sheepish grin as he stood up and helped you up too.
ā€œRecharged again, mi cielo?ā€ He asked softly and you nodded, stretching your body as you fixed your race suit.
Charles impatiently waiting for you, said good bye to your husband and grabbed your hands, dragging you outside your teamā€™s rival garage and bringing you to your home turf.
Laughing to his childish behaviour, your laugh only disappeared when you saw the screen replay the video of you and Checo in the corner. Now it was Charlesā€™ turn to laugh at your reaction, not until you punched him on the arm gently.
When your race engineers said that the session was resumed, you got ready and went into race mode.
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
Leclerc! Sister and her brothers definitely have sweet sibling evenings which ends with all four passed out and Pascale sending the pictures to their partners who then cue at them.
ya know, I havenā€™t answered your last ask because iā€™m procrastinating it, so Iā€™ll give you this one
When you and your brothers were growing up, Pascale made sure to make it a habit that you have a family day every week. Meaning no matter how busy you are, whether it be school or work, you have to make a free time and spend it with the rest of the family. And letā€™s just say Pascale was successful in keeping that habit alive now that you are all adults.
It was early Tuesday morning when you, Charles, and Arthur arrived home in Monaco for a break since the race tired all of you out. Your significant other (any driver) couldnā€™t accompany you because he was needed back in their headquarters while Charlesā€™ gf had her own errand. You quietly entered your home as you knew your mum and Lorenzo were sleeping. You kissed your younger brothers good night before retiring to your own bedroom.
Sighing softly as you closed your door, you leaned against it, taking soft and steady breaths as you knew what was gonna happen today. You loved family days, it was everything. You and your siblings bonding, chatting, spilling teas, even arguing about everything while Maman just watched is everything. But sometimes life could drain you especially when you had an awful race week. So freshening yourself up, you slid under the comfort of your duvet and snuggling on your pillow as you slowly drifted to slumber.
A few hours after, you were awakened by shouting and arguing downstairs which signalled you to get up already. You grumbled to yourself about your sleeping getting cut short before preparing yourself then heading out downstairs. Dragging your legs to the kitchen, you were greeted by Lorenzo and Charles fighting what they should make the four of you for breakfast, and being to tired to join them, you pushed past them and started cooking, doing it yourself.
The two started protesting until you raised one hand while the other cracked eggs into the pan. They both shut up and you mentally sighed in relief as you instructed them to fix the dining table and wake up Maman and Arthur. Both of them being to scared to argue, followed immediately.
Even though Lorenzo is the eldest out of the four of you, he was terrified of you, and you had never found out why. But honestly, it was funny to your side, watching your supposedly other brother scrambling and scared of you whenever youā€™re pissed or not in the mood.
Finishing what you were cooking, you served them on the dining table right on time as Maman and Arthur walked down the steps, Charles and Lorenzo following behavely behind them. Sitting down on your respective chairs with Pascale in the middle, you all said your prayers before digging in on your food. The first to speak up was Arthur complimenting your cooking while the two others stayed quiet.
Maman noticing something was up, she immediately brought it up and you started explaining what happened so early in the morning. Pascale only sighed, wondering to herself why the four of you always gets into a fight with each other when you all grew close and sweet to one another.
Maman stood up as she finished her food before announcing that she was going out. The four of you looked at her in disbelief before raising your concern how it was suppose to be family day today and that she should be here. But she was having none of it, shutting all of you down before going upstairs.
Completely shunned, you leaned on your backseat, your shoulders sagging, your three brothers doing completely the same clearly disappointed. All of you stayed in the same spot, not moving one inch as Maman bid you good bye, shutting the door behind her.
Minutes passed and none of you did anything as silence filled the whole house, until you felt your stomach grumble. So you sat back up and finished your meal before putting your plate in the sink and going to the living room, shouting behind you that the last one to finish their food will be the one responsible for washing all the plates and utensils used.
As soon as you finished what you were saying, you heard spoons and forks clinking with each other as the three started competing with each other other. Laughing to yourself, you reminded them to slow down and chew their food properly as you sat comfortably on the couch.
The two that came out of the dining room was Arthur and Lorenzo, meaning that the one left in the other room complaining was none other than your fellow middle sibling, Charles. You laughed to yourself as you switched the telly on while Arthur sat to your left and Lorenzo on the solo sofa. So when Charles finished his chore, he sat to your right, making you sandwiched between your two younger siblings.
Finally choosing something to watch, the four of you sat in silence as you focused on the film, sometimes making comments and starting a discussion about the movie. After the movie, the four of you decided to play the simulator competing with one another. You decided to call each other as you were in your respective rooms, playing on your own different set up. As you all played against each other, you accidentally hit Arthurā€™s rear and he got pissed that both of you started a discourse that heated up.
You and Arthur rarely had fights, but when you both did get into one, it was the worst that could happen. A lot of different things can be brought up when you both fought, so before it escalated, Lorenzo and Charles dropped their games and headed to each of your room, stopping both of you from talking.
Hours has passed by and it was almost sun down when you and Arthur calmed down and made peace with one another. That was when Lorenzo suggested, you all go to your secret hideout where all of you watched the sun as it set when you were younger.
Agreeing almost immediately, the four of you hiked for a while as you reached your secret spot. It was a small, abandoned building that was built in an elevated part of the country, high enough to look over the ocean. When you reached the highest floor, the four of you sat on the edge of the structure, you in the middle of Charles and Arthur again, while Lorenzo sat beside Arthur.
As the sun began meeting the ocean, you leaned on your head on Charlesā€™ shoulder, reaching out for his hand and squeezing it in a sisterly, assuring kinda way. Charles gave you a soft smile as both of you had a silent connection being the middle child and all.
While watching the view, you all started talking about memories you all cherished, laughing and teasing one another as cringe memories were brought up. And when the sun finally disappeared against the horizon and the moon came out to brighten the dark sky, the four of you lie down on the roof, pointing at the stars and still reminiscing about your life as kids.
Lorenzo realising how late it was and how the three of you still have flights the next day, decided to wrap it up. You, Charles, and Arthur wanted to protest but you understood that your older brother, so you all followed him.
Arriving home, you immediately went straight to your bedroom and hopping on your bed as you quickly started dozing off. But it was shortly disturbed when Charles jumped on your bed too, followed by Arthur and Lorenzo. When you started whining about not having personal space, the three squeezed you more between the three of them.
When you figured out that you were not gonna have any space, you stayed quiet, enjoying the presence of your brothers as they huddled and provided you warmth. Slowly dozing to sleep, you whispered good night to your brothers. The three of them hearing your words made them smile as they said it back to you, kissing your cheeks before going to sleep too.
When Pascale came home and noticed the house was too quiet for her own liking, she started becoming suspicious like what if you all already dueled to death. So she immediately rushed in the house, but seeing it empty and dark and not covered in blood, it didnā€™t relieve her. So she went up the stairs and saw the Lorenzo, Charles, and Arthurā€™s room was empty, and she started worrying. But when she heard soft snores in your room, her chest started to loosen up as she realised what was happening.
Opening the doors softly, she was greeted by her children all sleeping snuggly, cuddling with one another. More like squeezing each other. Lorenzo slept at the edge of the bed, and Charles on the other side, while you were in the middle of them, and Arthur diagonally placed on top of all three of you. Pascale smiled to herself, thinking how her plan was a success.
Wanting to keep the memory, she took a snap of all of you, mentally taking note that she needs this printed out and framed. She kissed you and your brothersā€™ foreheads, fixing the blanket so it was covering all four of you, before turning off the lights.
But before she retired for the day, she opened her mobile phone and sent the photo on the groupchat she made with all of your significant others with a caption, ā€œlook at your Leclercsā€™ completely passed out.ā€
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
i have the most controversial, most unpopular, and most cancellable opinion in Formula One world, and I am never going to share it.
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
Late night studies hit different.
It doesā€¦ If I was actually studyingšŸ«  I love my view though
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
Itā€™s like 2 am here, but hit me up! Iā€™m bored
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
How'd Pascale react when she sees Checo and her daughter sleeping on the couch and then next morning getting told everything?
Pascale would be giggling and shit /j
Since the day before Mama Leclerc was out of the house, maybe went out with friends or something that kept her out for the whole day. So when she came home and went to the living room to be greeted by you and Checo cuddling on the couch, she let out the biggest smile. She was right about your boyfriend being a driver, though she had a few guesses who, she never thought it would be the Mexican Racing Point driver.
But before she did anything, she went to her room and freshened up. After that, she went down preparing breakfast for the six of them. The first to wake up from her kids is Lorenzo. The moment he walked in the kitchen, he greeted his mother, kissing her cheeks before getting water from the refrigerator.
Maman trying to hold back her smile, asked Lorenzo what you and Checo were doing that had you both ending up on the couch cuddling. As Lorenzo was about to answer, he was interrupted by a cheerful Arthur who was followed by a sleepyhead Charles letting out a yawn. The younger boys greeted their mother, kissing her cheek like Lorenzo did.
Once they all settled down, Lorenzo started talking about everything that took place yesterday the moment your boyfriend dropped by unannounced. Maman smiled widely when she listens to his eldest speak protectively about his only sister, it made her feel like she did something right. As Lorenzo continued telling everything that happened, Arthur and Charles would often interrupt, adding information from what their older brother is saying.
When they finished, Maman thanked her sons for being there to their sister, always having her back. Then Pascale asked her kids to help her set the table as she finished cooking their breakfast. Washing her hands after placing the food on the table, she went to the living room and sat on the single-seater couch where Checo sat yesterday when he was being interrogated by your brothers.
She smiled to herself, thinking how much you and Checo reminded her of herself and Papa Leclerc when they were dating. She watched as you snuggled closer to your significant other while Checo just wrapped his arm around your shoulder. She let out a soft chuckle as she saw the domestic actions unfold.
Lorenzo called upon their mum that the table was set and they can eat, but the eldest said it too loud that it startled you.
Falling asleep on the couch last night, you had not expected to wake up with your mother sitting across you, a wide grin plastered on her face. Your sudden movement stirred your boyfriend from his sleep. Looking at him, you saw him scrunching his eyebrows as his eyes adjusted to the bright light before his expression turned into confusion. He stared at your mother before rubbing his eyes, thinking he might be hallucinating. But when he saw that she was still there, he swiftly moved away from you, scared at the thought of Maman scolding him or worse, you.
When Pascale saw what happened, she let out a light chuckle before sighing and standing up. She went pass Checoā€™s side of the couch, patting his shoulders and whispered that it was okay, before she spoke this time to the both of you that breakfast was ready.
Checo scrambled from the couch, his cheeks flushed as he gets flustered from the thought that both of you were caught by your mother cuddling in the living room. You watched him internally panic as you stood up from your place, kissing his cheek and taking a hold of his hand before letting out a small smile and assuring him that your mum meant no harm.
Pascale called out for both of you again when you didnā€™t go to the dining room and this time you drag Checo to the room and guiding him to sit on the chair beside you.
While breakfast was ongoing, Checo was on the hotseat again, but this time getting interrogated by your mother. As your mother inquires your significant other different questions, you can see him squirm nervously on his chair and so you placed your hand on his thigh and patted it assuringly that he wonā€™t answer anything wrong.
After breakfast and Maman seemingly satisfied with your boyfriendā€™s answer, she went to his side and pulled him up from his chair as she gave Sergio a hug and a kiss on the cheek, welcoming him into the family and even referring to him as her future son-in-law. You let out a huge sigh of relief as Checo passed your familyā€™s test.
But little did you know after the kiss on the cheek, Maman threatened Checo quietly that if he ever decided to hurt her daughter, he should be prepared for the consequence. And he gulped hard like something was dislodged in his throat before nodding slowly.
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
Can I get more fluff for Checo and Leclerc sister following Didn't see that coming?
yeah yeah of course! i have a part two of that, iā€™m either just too lazy to finish it or i have no time (itā€™s the first onešŸ˜”)
iā€™ll tag you when i get it out
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
A reminder that you're an amazing human being who deserves the whole universe and whatever lies behind its expanses, Mar.
You deserve the whole multiverse, Cam! Iā€™m glad to be your friend seriously! šŸ«¶
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
What'd be fluff between Checo and Leclerc sister like pure fluff including her brothers or her brothers reaction when the first started dating before getting married?
So if weā€™re gonna follow ā€œDidnā€™t Know You Had That In Youā€, the first ever date they had was 2015. After that, Checo pursued Y/N for a year before they officially dated which is in 2016. Then when they became official, Y/N kept it a secret from her brothers because she knew theyā€™d make a big deal out of it, but of course Maman figured out and Y/N let her know, but asked her to keep it a secret from her brothers. Maman agreed and although she had no idea who Y/N was dating, she knew it was someone in the same sport at her kids.
You and Checo dated secretly for 3 years (2019). You were always together every chance you get, risking getting caught as you both disappear and hide in dark corners, just talking about the race and being close to hold one another. And although it was a secret, you were shocked to say that no one actually found out since you and Checo were always unable to take your eyes off of one another. Especially with your brother, Charles, who has been with Ferrari that same year.
That continued all throughout the three years you were together until one day Checo decided to go to your house without telling you about it and it was the day that you were out. The first to open the door and greet him was Arthur. Arthur was shocked because why would Checo come around, so he asked if he wanted to talk to Charles and Arthur would call his older brother.
Checo only shook his head and said that he wanted to talk to the both of them and Lorenzo too. Arthur not knowing what to say, ushered your significant other in the house and guided him to the living room. Checo warily sat on the single-seater couch of your living room as the youngest Leclerc called out his two older brothers.
As Checo waited longer, the nervousness he hadnā€™t felt earlier started setting in him. He looked around the room, trying to distract himself until he saw a bunch of picture frames on top of the fireplace. Curiously, he stood up and decided to check out the photos. The photo in the middle was something he immediately recognised. It was a family photo taken years ago. Mama and Papa Leclerc were in the middle. Baby Arthur was being carried by Maman and Lorenzo was beside her while Charles was beside Papa Leclerc. You, however, you were sitting on your dadā€™s shoulder, your forearms resting on his head as you gave the biggest and gummiest grin.
Checo let out a soft chuckle as he remembered you showing a polaroid version of that photo in your wallet, telling the story behind that picture. He looked at the rest of the photos before he was disturbed by a throat being cleared. Swiftly looking back, he saw your brothers looking at him inquisitively.
Lorenzo held a stoic and stern face as an eldest would, making it hard for Sergio to read what he was thinking. Charles has a straight face while Arthur was just pursing his lips, swaying his body as he tried to read the room. The tension was intense and even if the room was air-conditioned, Sergio started sweating profusely.
Lorenzo sat down first at the long couch, crossing his legs one over the other. The youngest ensued, sitting in the middle of the three-seater couch while Charles just stood under the archway, leaning his body against the pillar.
Checo swallowed hard as he started talking, asking your brothers questions like how they are, or where were you as he tried to warm himself up to them. But the thing was Lorenzo was not having it and he sat straight, leaning forward as he placed his elbow on his thighs to support himself. The eldest Leclerc asked the Mexican driver why he was really there, the other two stared at the man on the hotseat as they pressured him to answer.
Checo only took a deep breath before honestly spilling the truth. He told everything from the start. The moment he first saw you, to the part where he realised he had a crush on you, to the part where you asked him for a coffee date (or well he considered it as a date), to the moment he started pursuing you, to the day you said yes a year later, up to present moment. Sergio told everything super detailed that it amazed the three brothers at how much your significant other remembered everything.
When Checo was done telling everything, the three brothers just looked at him, asking him to go on, to answer what brought him here. Checoā€™s lips formed into a straight line as he continued speaking. This was the moment, Checo thought to himself. The right time to ask for your siblingsā€™ permission for your hand in marriage. So when he dropped his question to your siblings, the three brothers all looked speechless.
Checo could feel the tension rise as he awaited for one of your siblings to speak up. But when no one talked, his shoulders sag as he started getting disappointed. He was about to stand up when Charles started speaking. Your boyfriendā€™s ears perked up as he looked up at his rival.
As Charles spoke, Checo listened and mentally wrote the things your brother is saying. Then Lorenzo chimed in, listing things that Checo should or should not do when you both get married. They even made a small and quick quiz to check Sergioā€™s knowledge about you and to their surprise, you got a perfect score.
By the end of the day, when you got home and when you saw your significant otherā€™s car, it confused you. Thatā€™s when it dawned on you what was going to be unveiled to you. The moment you entered the house, you smelled a nice aroma coming from the kitchen. Walking to the room, you saw your brothers helping your significant other as he cooked food.
When you realised what was happening, you observed in awe how the four men in your life kept arguing but still manages to work in sync, smiling to yourself as you saw them get along well with one another.
When they finished, they noticed your presence and your siblings ran to you, pecking your cheeks. You laughed and shook them off, jokingly saying that theyā€™re embarrassing you in front of your guest. They all pouted before Arthur guided you to your seat, Checo, as the gentleman he is, helping you sit down comfortably before giving you a soft and light kiss on the cheek, then sitting on his respective chair.
As the atmosphere in the dining room became ambient, you initiated a conversation, indirectly asking why your significant other dropped off. Checo could only give a sheepish grin as Lorenzo and Charles tackled their discussions while you were gone, although they left out the part where Sergio asked for your hand in marriage as your future husband has plans for that.
At the end of dinner, Checo offered to wash the dishes but your brothers all protested saying that he already cooked for all of you. So instead, you guided him to the living room where you two talked privately as your brothers did the chores.
Sergio apologised for randomly appearing at your house, he just thought that it was time to finally let your siblings know about you two and what better timing when youā€™re outside. You let out a soft chuckle as you placed your hand on his thigh, assuring him that it was alright and that you appreciated it.
As you both waited for your siblings to finished, you leaned your head on his shoulder, letting out a soft yawn. When Checo realised you were sleepy, he grabbed your hand with his, kissing the back of your hand, then kissing the crown of your head as you dozed off. Soon after, he followed.
Once the three brothers finished, they went to the living room and when they realised you were both sleeping peacefully, Lorenzo ushered his two younger brothers to stay quiet and go to their rooms, but before he went to his respective room, he took out a blanket placing it over you both and kissing your forehead.
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miercoooles Ā· 1 year ago
āØĀ š’”š’Žš’š’š’•š’‰ š’š’‘š’†š’“š’‚š’•š’š’“ ā© c.s 55
ā€” warnings : none
ā€” carlos sainz x wife! reader
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Laughters escaped ypur lips as he reached across the fence to hug you. Carlos had done it, he had won. Tactical brilliance and an amazing race which you had anxiously watched from the garage. And as his lips met yours, the happy yells of the ferrari team drowned. As he pulled away, his hands cupped your cheeks, lips ghosting over yours. You could see the pride and joy in his eyes, the pure ecstasy of winning. And as he pulled you into a kiss once more your hands raked through his hair.
ā€œMi hermosa esposaā€, he whispered, eyes shortly being drawn to a shirt of his you had thrown on that morning. And as he stepoed away to hug Lando you could not help but laugh with tears of joy in your eyes.
(i wanted to thank @pierregazly for giving me confidence. ask to be added or removed from the tag list.)
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