midwestphantomthief · 5 years
Fire Emblem: Self Care [Blue Lions Edition]
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Dimitri wants you to know that while the past hurts right now, it’ll get better. Your emotions are valid and you’re allowed to process as fast or as slow as you need to.
Sylvain wants you to know that you’re only deserving of people who adore all pieces of you, not picking and choosing the ones they want. You deserve good and healthy love from others.
Felix wants you to know that you’re tough than you look and that you can accomplish anything. Tomorrow is a new day
Ingrid wants you to know that you can absolutely just enjoy time for yourself. Screw society and what they dictate. You are in charge of your own destiny.
Ashe wants you to still be soft, even when the world can be so cruel. Also, to make sure you make yourself a meal, even if it’s ordering out. You deserve to eat food and feel full.
Annette wants you to have a great time doing things you love! Nothing you do is silly or too weird as long as you’re not hurting anyone!
Dedue wants you to know that there are people out there that will understand you, even if it feels like you’re alone right now. Your loved ones will appear and hear you completely.
Mercedes wants you to know that you don’t have to be perfect. You can have flaws just like everyone else and can work to be the best version of yourself at a pace that works best for you,
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midwestphantomthief · 5 years
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P5 + Awakenings
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midwestphantomthief · 5 years
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For the FF Calendar Project - the ill-fated trio of Lucis. Happy belated birthday, Ardyn!
As always, the project is funded by Patreon. If you’d like to help me out, that’s the place to be.
Previously: FFVII playing cards | FFXV Tarots | FFVII Tarots | FFXV playing cards
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midwestphantomthief · 5 years
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I got bored this Friday night and made some fun little icons. 
Please don’t repost without permission <3 
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
This took over a week to process every frame from the sequences, then stitch them back together. Kind of an annoying process.
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
I just wanted to let you know that your kh selfcare post was magnificent and I took every word to heart. It was wondeful, thank you. ❤️
You are so sweet! I am so happy to hear that. You’re amazing and wonderful ♥️
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
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‘Burn The World-.. For Him’
Kingdom Hearts painting again! This time, it’s Axel !! Uh, I messed around with this one a lot.. let me know what you think? ;; I haven’t formed an opinion yet..
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
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‘Home’ - Nyx Ulric
Watching over Insomnia.
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
Kingdom Hearts Self Care [Organization XIII]
Another from @solarexalt
Axel wants you to remember (memorize) that you don’t always have to do what you’re told to do. You set your own fate, you make your own choices, and no one is in charge of that except you. Also, take time to treat yourself once in a while. 
Xemnas wants you to know that while you feel that people might not be listening to you, they are. They may not show it in the way that you would like but they do hear you. Your words are extremely important and don’t let people make you feel anything otherwise.
Saix wants you to forgive yourself for bad choices. Humans make them all of the time and we can’t fault ourselves for making mistakes. All we can do is apologize to ourselves and others (if applicable) and move forward towards a better day tomorrow. 
Larxene thinks that you are perfectly wonderful by yourself and do not need to be with anyone (platonic or romantic) to dictate your worth. If you are with someone, that’s awesome, but she thinks you are wonderful all by your individual self and hopes you find the confidence to see yourself the same way. 
Roxas believes that it’s okay to take time for rest. Whether that’s having a snack, taking a nap, or doing something you love, you owe it to yourself to do something kind just for you. Don’t let anyone else tell you its selfish. You need to rest for your next challenge. 
Xion thinks that every part of you is fascinating and beautiful. The world around you is begging to be explored and she wants you to experience it as much or as little as you can manage. You never know what tomorrow will bring so make today an awesome one. 
Xigbar truly believes you can do anything. You can overcome any obstacle, any challenge, any hardship if you just try. He doesn’t expect you to use all you have for each challenge, but he knows eventually -- you’re going to come out the other side and you will triumph. 
Xaladin wants you to know that it is okay if you’re not feeling any positive emotions right now. It’s what makes us human and it’s okay for things not to be okay. You don’t always have to be positive or be the best. It’s unhealthy to think you can be. Take time to process, but don’t force yourself to be happy if you’re not. 
Zexion wants you to slow it down and take time to analyze the world around you. Make decisions when you are ready to make them and tell others the same. You don’t need to make decisions so quickly. You can take the time to think it through. 
Marluxia wants you to see the beauty that you are. That even when you feel like you aren’t, Marluxia can see how gorgeous and beautiful you are (inside and out) and wants you to remember that and never forget it. 
Demyx wants you to know you’re not alone. When others mock you or put you down, it’s a reflection of them, not you. You have specific skills and talents that make you not only one of a kind but also make you so very special. You don’t have to be someone else. Just be you. 
Luxord knows that life is not always working in your favor and that you might feel like you can’t control it. While there are plenty of examples where you can’t, there are situations when you can like how you interact with the world. Time will always be ticking and life will continue to throw curveballs but he knows that you’re going to be just fine. 
Lexaeus wants you to know that he hears you when you’re by yourself. He hates hearing all the bad things you say about yourself. He believes in you and hopes someday you can see the light burning inside of you. 
Vexen doesn’t always follow the crowd and neither should you. If people don’t respect you for choosing what is best for you, then you shouldn’t waste your time with those people. You have to sometimes put yourself first and there is nothing selfish about doing what is best for you and your mental health. 
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
Kingdom Hearts Self Care [Main Cast]
Another from @solarexalt 
Sora wants you to know that the light is always inside of you. Even when everything seems stacked against you, you can do this. 
Riku sees your darkness and considers it normal. We all go through dark times together and it doesn’t make us bad, but makes us human. It’s part of ourselves and what matters most is what we do with those bad thoughts. He overcame his temptation to fall to the darkness so you can, too. 
Kairi believes in you. She is cheering you on every step of the way and knows that your heart is so big and wonderful. 
Axel wants you to take a break. Give yourself a treat and don’t be too hard on yourself. 
Goofy doesn’t think you are any of those bad things you say about yourself. He knows how amazing you are and will do anything to get you to believe it. 
Donald is trying to be your voice of reason and wants you to remember that even if your friends don’t show how much they love you in the way that you want, they do genuinely care about you. Even those far away are thinking about you fondly right now. 
Mickey wants you to be kind to yourself. You need to save your strength for yourself and that it’s okay to take breaks and tackle a problem a little bit later. If you blow all of your resources and energy now, you won’t have much later.
Hayner, Olette, and Pence are smiling brightly at you, happy that you exist and that you are in this world. They are so happy to see your potential and want you to do your very best, even if it’s just getting out of bed. 
Chip and Dale want you to reach for the stars. You might not have the right equipment yet, but you will. Just keep going. 
Yen Sid believes that it’s okay if you’re not ready yet. Only you get to decide that fate. 
Ven knows you can do this. He has watched you endure some ridiculous situations before and that you can pull yourself out of this again. It’s okay to be scared and it’s valid to be anxious, but you’re going to make it. 
Aqua doesn’t want you to sacrifice yourself for the sake of someone else. You will only become negative in your emotions because of it. It’s okay to be there for your loved ones, but you don’t need to hurt yourself in the process. It’s okay to say “no”.
Terra wants you to know that if you can fix a problem, that you can do it. You have plenty of opportunities ahead of you and if you work to cut the weight of problems that you cannot fix, you’ll feel lighter and that you can take on anything. 
Xenahort wants you to know that you can make mistakes as long as you learn from them. You shouldn’t let the past stop you from changing for the better because everyone makes mistakes and it’s okay and natural to do so. Don’t beat yourself up about it. 
Eraqus knows you have so much potential. He sees such great potential in you and while life and loved ones might be hard on you, he believes those challenges will help you improve and grow. 
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
Final Fantasy XII Self Care
(By @solarexalt who just finished the game!)
Although the past is behind you, Vaan wants you to know that your experiences are valid, he believes you, and he knows you can move forward from it. 
Balthier wants you to forgive yourself and wants you to know that we all make mistakes and make poor choices but we can learn from them. Tomorrow is a bright new day and it’s filled with adventure. 
Fran doesn’t want you to follow in someone else’s footsteps. If it’s something you love and you’re not harming yourself or others, keep going and keep creating. 
Penelo believes in you with all of her heart and she’s cheering you on. She hates when you speak badly about yourself because she sees all the beautiful and wonderful things about you. 
Ashe knows that you have been hurt in the past and it can bring some really negative feelings along but there are more people out there that will treat you like the royalty you are. 
Basch knows that you have made mistakes in the past but that doesn’t mean you’re not deserving of respect. He wants you to hold your head high and with pride. He doesn’t like when you speak poorly about yourself, either. 
Larsa wants you to know that you deserve better and to not allow toxic people to keep space in your life. Even if they’re related to you or you have a shared history. You deserve to be surrounded by good people. Don’t hurt yourself to help others. 
Reddas wants you to do the right thing. Even if it’s hard. Even if you feel like you can’t. He knows that you can do it. 
Vayne doesn’t want you to cut corners like he did. Whether you’re working on bettering herself, trying to be healthy, or trying a new hobby, go through the right paths and the right processes. 
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
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OF COURSE, I made a themed menu for this weekend’s release party with our friends. 
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
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Another FFXV Twitter dump. First one is for a zine that never came to pass. Next three are for a Comrades comic that doesn’t exist (but could, if I only had the time). Ep Ardyn trailer reaction piece. Cor/Drautos and Iedolas/Regis for @ffxvrarepairs. A Patreon commission. And a birthday present for Jon Campling.
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
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I am literally screaming.
I commissioned @lukael for a Holiday Gift to for @queerlanaofizalith and I am over the flipping moon.
@queerlanaofizalith identifies hard with Naoto from Persona 4 and I I identify with Ryuji from 5. I wanted to be able to capture that and @lukael nailed it. I am smiling so big right now :3
@lukael was incredibly sweet, has an eye for detail, super well priced, and was so professional. A++ would commission again. Please consider checking out Lukael’s work and even getting a commission! Super worth it!
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
Thank you for completing my request, greatly appreciate it 🙏🏾
My pleasure! Thank you for suggesting it ♥️
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
Final Fantasy XIII Self Care
For @divine-identite.
Written by @solarexalt
Lightning believes in you and knows you are way more powerful than you give yourself credit for. Your existence makes this world unique and wonderful.
Snow wants you to keep fighting for what you believe in and fight for yourself and that your past mistakes are not a reflection of you.
Serah wants you to remember there are good things ahead, even if it doesn’t seem like it. The past cannot be changed so all you can do is look forward.
Vanille wants you to remember that we all have been toxic and we all have made mistakes before but every day is a new day to be better and we are only human.
Sazh wants you to forgive others and let go of your hated, even if you never receive an apology directly.
Hope wants you to remember that those you love are important and care deeply for you, even if they can’t be with you.
Fang wants you to know that it’s okay to change your mind last minute and that the future is not written in stone. You can make your future anything you want and she believes you can.
Dajh wants you to remember to never lose your childhood spark and wonder and that the world around you is beautiful and vast and begging you to explore it.
Noel is asking you to breathe. While your emotions are incredible valid, he wants you to take time to process your emotions and process your thoughts before making your next move. You deserve time to yourself.
Yaag wants you to remember that you can do the right thing, no matter how hard it is. Yaag believes in you.
Caius wants you to remember that you can’t save everyone and the best thing you can do for someone is to just love them.
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midwestphantomthief · 6 years
Is there a final fantasy xiii self-care? :o
I can absolutely make one :) Thank you for requesting! ♥️
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