split personality
hi i like writing angst now
anyways this is more tommy / julian content enjoy :)

“Julian. What are you doing?” Tommy asked, peering his head around the corner. He was curious as to why Julian was by the door, fully dressed and ready to head out—like they’re going to work.
Julian looked back, his eyes squinted slightly. Usually they wore a full face of makeup for outings, but today they had on eyeliner and a rather shiny eyeshadow base. “What do you mean “What are you doing”? I’m getting ready to go to work.”
“Today is Sunday. I thought you take off every Sunday, for us—to hang out, and—and be us.” Tommy asked, just simply as he watched Julian pull their jean jacket off the rack by the door.
“Boss asked me to come in today, short staffed because there’s a concert at the Whiskey that Everyone Just Had To Go To.” Julian shrugged, pulling his jean jacket on, arm by arm.
“I’ll see you later, Tommy.” Julian huffed, getting ready to leave the apartment.
Sundays were never like this, until just recently. Tommy and Julian had always left a day out of their work week to hang out or go to a concert, maybe grab a couple rounds. This was to also ignore the fact that they could only afford to keep the place running with some small extra cash. Lately, Julian has been scheduled on Sundays, kind of seemingly avoiding the bonding days with their best friend.
Suddenly, Julian felt their arm being tugged back towards the inside of the apartment.
“What’s with you?” Tommy asked, kind of hurt.
“Get off me—“
“Why are you being so snappy with me? You’re never like this.” Tommy said, still gripping Julian’s arm—nearly hanging on by the sleeve.
“I’m going to be late!” Julian huffed, eyeing Tommy, occasionally glancing up and down at Tommy’s grip on their sleeve.
“I don’t give a fuck if you’re late. Tell me why you’re all suddenly bitey with me.” Tommy replied, standing his ground and staring at Julian.
“Don’t worry about me. Just worry about yourself.” Julian snapped, pulling harder on the jacket.
Tommy pulled Julian back inside the the apartment, intelligently using both hands this time.
“Now tell me what the hell is up with you.”
“Just stop Tommy. Stop it right here.” Julian replied, noticing Tommy’s unnatural grimace. Something that Julian has always noticed about Tommy was that he was always smiling unless something bugged him or made him upset.
Tommy started to shake; he was holding in unwanted tears. This isn’t how he wanted them to split—hell he didn’t even want to split.
“Julian just tell me what the hell is up with you. You’re never like this with me and whatever I did I’m sorry for—“ Tommy blinked, looking at Julian just letting the translucent black tears fall and stain his cheeks. “I just miss the old you.”
Julian eased up, surprised at Tommy’s reaction. Tommy let go of Julian’s arm and waited for a reaction.
“It’s…my parents. They’ve been doing everything they can to just terrorize me because of who I am. They’ve seen that i’m happy because I’m living in Southern California with my best friend doing something that makes me happy. They hated my fucking guts because I guess I have a difference in gender and expression and I hate them right back.” Julian paused and took a deep breath. “I hope those bastards rot in hell for treating me indifferently to my sister.” Julian muttered and looked up at Tommy.
“I’m sorry for making this a big deal. I just hate seeing you like that.”
“You should be you knucklehead,” Julian said with a straight face, but ending up laughing.
“Now go get to work. Just tell em you had car trouble.”
“It’s fine, it’s not like I’m an hour late.”
“Get out of here you bastard!” Tommy laughed, wiping his face a little.
“I’m still mad at you,” Julian called as they started laughing on their way out the door.
#tommy marx#julian de bouvier#t (he/him)#j (they/he)#my ocs#enjoy whatever this is#midnight’s works#midnight’s fics#no but this made me sob#genuinely#angst
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melodic in thought
hey hi hello! this is my oc max and part of her group! kellin is her best friend! all ocs mentioned and written except for rowan were created by me! rowan was created by @sixer-mayhem

It was a day or so before Max’s 23rd birthday. Max was the oldest of her group; her and Rowan were the oldest, then came Kellin, Aries and Andie, and lastly Violet and Niall were the youngest. They’re both still not legally allowed to drink but Max has given them both White Claw on several occasions and Kellin has taken them away from the duo. What a trip.
Today, Max had Rowan over to she and Kellin’s apartment for a little pre-celebration before the whole crew went laser tagging. It was never a dull moment when the six went laser tagging. Especially since the last time they went laser tagging, they met Rowan at the ice cream parlor and now he’s a super close friend of the group’s.
“So I bought these really small party hats at the dollar tree because it was just too fuckin funny,” Kellin laughed, setting the cylindrical container of party hats on the coffee table.
“Gimme the gold one—I want the gold one!” Rowan said, reaching for the container before Kellin swiped it away.
“Calm down, Ro!” Kellin laughed, “Max is the birthday girl, let her pick first.”
“I mean my birthday is Wednesday but I like this extra attention,” Max chuckled, “I was going to take the gold one to piss Rowan off but I like the pink one more!” She laughed, taking the pink one and putting it on. “Kells look! It matches the first time I ever dyed my hair since I shaved my side in freshman year!”
Kellin laughed, “I remember when you dyed your hair light pink in sophomore year—hell that’s when you never noticed me in school until we met at that Green Day show. Good times, good times.”
“Yeah, but now it’s purple,” Max used the palm of her hand to puff her ponytail a little bit, “And I like it be—“
“Wait. You two met at a Green Day concert but went to the same school?” Rowan asked, running a hand through his shiny red hair.
“Long story dude. The whole group formed because we met at that RevRad show. I knew Andie and Aries since middle school and Kells has been buds with Niall and Violet since like elementary school.
“And that’s also why there’s a signed vinyl of Revolution Radio on the wall that’s framed” Kellin chuckled and pointed to the framed vinyl on the wall, outlined in fairy lights. Below it was a picture of Max when she was a sophomore with the three guys in Green Day.
Minutes passed as Max and Kellin reminisced of the first time they ever met. Max was always put in the lower classes because she didn’t do that great in school and she was a chaos maker right after she went punk. Kellin was in honors and AP classes because he used his brain for something worthwhile.
“Can we get pizza? I’ll treat—“
“Max you’re not treating, it’s your birthday! Just relax!” Kellin smiled, reaching for his phone.
“Max you better have good taste in pizza.” Rowan jokingly threatened.
“Was that a promise or a threat?“ Max laughed, lightly pushing Rowan away.
“Shh you two, I’m putting the call in.” Kellin beamed, looking at the duo across from him.
Kellin was the only one brave enough to call, so he put it in for the cowards. “Max what do you want on your pizza?”
“Pepperoni and pineapple!” Max cheered excitedly—this was her favorite topping combo for whatever reason.
“Wait what the fuck—“ Rowan paused and looked at Max.
“Yes I know, she’s a weirdo,” Kellin mouthed to Rowan as he finished up the order.
“Hey! You’re just as weird as I am!” Max teased, lightly punching him in the shoulder.
After awhile of Rowan and Max yelling at each other over Max’s favorite pizza toppings, the delivery person finally showed up and kellin answered the door and brought the pizza in for the trio.
“Oh I’m not done with this argument. That’s fuckin weird man!” Rowan said to Max as Kellin got everyone plates for the evening dinner.
Rowan got a slice and just decided to try it even though he hated the concept. With a mouthful of pizza, “I hate to admit it but this is really good.”
Max slammed her fists on the table and pointed, “SEE! I TOLD YOU ITS GOOD!”
Kellin just watched them fight with the widest eyes and praying no one got hurt.
Eventually they ate up an entire large pizza with three White Claws between Rowan and Max, Kellin just had Sprite.
“Hey Max, before I head home for the night,” Rowan pulled something out of his denim jacket pocket. He handed her a pin that looked like a laser gun, “I couldn’t wait to give it to you for your birthday because it reminded me of you.” Rowan got up and fist bumped Kellin and went over to hug Max, “Happy early birthday dude. I’ll see you both Wednesday!”
#max maddox#kellin harper#rowan waterson#max (any but used she/her the most)#kellin (he/him)#rowan (he/him)#midnight is sleep deprived again#midnight’s works#midnight’s fics#my oc#enjoy whatever this is#enjoy#fiction
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Polygraph Eyes
a/n - this is based off of one of my favorite yungblud songs :D
also tw for mental abuse, gaslighting, manipulation

“Do you have your keys?”
“Of course I do! Even though Keaton is riding me out and home, I’ve got my house key. No need to worry!”
“Just be safe! Text me when you get there!”
“Duh! I’m not going to leave you hanging!”
“Alright, have a good time! Don’t do anything you’re not supposed to.”
“Mom! I’m 22 and visiting home from college, I’m responsible—Oh K’s here! Bye mom!”
“You excited?” Keaton asked as he stood in line for the bar concert with his girlfriend, Adaleigh, aka Ada.
“Of course I am! I used to be friends with these guys in high school before I moved across the country for college.” Ada grinned excitedly.
“You knew these guys? You look like someone who didn’t know many people in high school.”
Ada scoffed and crossed her arms as she looked at Keaton. “I had a small circle of friends, we all liked rock. A couple of us played instruments, I didn’t. They went to create a band and I was their number-one fan—you’re acting like I tell you nothing.”
Ada was hurting inside, she yearned for an unimaginable painkiller to take away this pain. She just had no way out of it and it was only going to get worse. Nothing she could do could take away *this* pain.
“You never told me this” Keaton went on, “or I wasn’t paying attention.” He’d mutter, hoping she didn’t catch that.
“You don’t listen to me do you—“
“Hey look they’re letting people in now! Go find a table!” Keaton said as Ada turned around to go in.
They walked in, Keaton behind Ada like he was controlling. Ada found an open table for two in the center with a clear shot of the performers. Ada got excited and took a seat down right at that table and Keaton sat across from her, smiling. Smiling not because he was happy, but because he thought he had her under his control.
“The bass player, Flory as we called him, was my best friend in high school. The last time I talked to him was before we graduated, I wonder how he’s doing.” Ada glanced to the stage to see the bass drum with the name “COMING UP ROSES” in big letters. “Atticus is the lead guitarist, Logan is the drummer and Fox is the singer and rhythm guitarist. That’s not his name but we don’t call him by his actual name, his name is Rhett.” Ada giggled as a waiter brought by waters to the table.
“Well what kind of music do they play?” Keaton asked, dryly.
“They’re like modern rock and pop punk with occasional ska influence. If you’ve ever heard The Interrupters, they’re like that but more rock oriented?”
“Ah cool, cool.” Keaton seemed unimpressed. He was never one apt for discovering new music or even showed an interest in new music. He was very suspicious overall, mysterious with his eyes covered with his bangs before styling his hair, even then is hair fell over his eyes. Keaton seemed to be a man with a mission, but not a good one.
The four boys stepped out on stage, the guitarist, Atticus, had curly long hair to his shoulders and wore a backwards snapback, the singer, ”Fox” wore a black short sleeve shirt with a white symbol on it, with the sleeves rolled up, the drummer, Logan, had straight black hair that was tied back with a couple loops through a bandana, and the bass player, Florence, ‘Flory’, wore a flannel cut at the sleeves with a white tank top. They were there for a good time.
They opened with a song called King Charles which got everyone excited. As Ada was engrossed and fascinated by her old best friends playing their favorite kind of music, Keaton snuck off to the bar to grab a…drink. A drink for himself and a drink for Ada.
Before Ada left the house this evening, she took her nightly medications so she could go home and crash without having to struggle. Keaton was fully aware she had prescription medications and took his chances. He knew his odds were high but the actual probability fluctuates.
The next song Coming Up Roses did was a classic cover. The Anthem by Good Charlotte. Classic pop punk with a band who looks up to the pop punk and 90s alt Gods.
“And the high school felt more to me like a jail cell,” Fox sang on, his wavy dirty blond hair blowing with every move he made. The guys up there looked like they were having a really good time up there and Ada was enjoying every minute of it. She was there enjoying the concert some of her old best friends put on.
There was a slight pause as Atticus, Fox and Florence changed instruments for a song in another tuning.
“Hey doll, I brought you back a drink from the bar.”
“Oh..uh thanks! You know I really don’t drink that often.” Ada mentioned, though appreciating the gesture.
“You do though, when you’re up at school you go to parties and have drinks with your friends.”
Ada made a sheepish look at Keaton, “What friends though? I don’t go to any of have many friends up there.”
As Keaton started to go on, Coming Up Roses started another song that was heavy and loud on the intro which interrupted him. Ada however was immediately intrigued buy the new song playing.
Ada was just so in the moment that she grabbed the cup of beer rather than the water next to it. The taste threw her off slightly but that didn’t bother her because she was just so in the moment.
A good forty-five minutes passed as the band finished up and packed up their things. It was around 7pm so they all came out and sat in the open booths. Logan and Fox sat together, Atticus met up with his younger sister and he drove her home, and Florence sat alone, deciding on what he was going to eat.
“Ada, I’m going to run to the restroom. Just stay there and I can ride you home when I get back.” That line felt odd to Ada, and she just brushed it off a little bit. It made her feel weird but it was okay to her.
“Okay, I’ll see you back here soon,” She smiled, a little bit teary eyed. Once Keaton was gone, she happened to glance over and see the bass player of Coming Up Roses sitting alone. This was her chance to be friends with him again.
Smiling as she stood up and quietly going over to the table, Ada sat in front of Florence.
“A…Ayden. You look…different!” Florence grinned. It was a good smile, a truly happy smile.
“Actually, it’s Adaleigh now, but you can call me Ada.” The redhead smiled back.
“I, really missed you.”
“I missed you too, Flory.” Ada laughed, then Florence joined in the laughter.
“Hey who’s that asshole who sat at that table with you for the show?”
“That’s my boyfriend Keaton. He’s kind of a jerk but it’s okay.”
“Kind of a jerk? He’s an asshole to you. That’s not okay.”
“I guess it’s love if he has me.”
“Woahwoahwoah back up. He can’t *have* you.” Florence paused. “Hey are you okay?”
Ada started crying, “I cant lie anymore. It’s bad. He got me a beer but I can’t drink it because I take prescription antidepressants. I think I drank it instead of the water and I don’t know what’ll happen.”
Florence slid his half drank glass of water across the table. “Here drink that, it’ll help for now.”
Their conversation was interrupted by an angry looking Keaton.
“Doll, it’s nearing 8:30, your mom wanted you home by 10. We’ve got an hour drive ahead of us.”
“My mom didn’t care when I got—“
Florence’s eyes studied Keaton like a polygraph, seeing how much of a pathological liar he was. “Leave her alone man, she doesn’t wanna go home with you.”
“Yes she does!” Keaton snapped as he went to reach for Ada’s wrist. She slid back towards the wall as Florence grabbed Keaton’s wrist and stopped him from going anywhere. Panicked, Ada flinched.
Ada peeped out a silent “We’re through,” before Florence continued.
“She isn’t going home with you. Run before I get security called on you.” Florence threatened, being protective over his best friend.
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I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing
a/n - this is for my ocs tommy and julian! they’re best friends and i love em a lot! i was on writers block so i decided to ask my friend to pick a number 1-100 and i got a prompt and ran a spinner with a couple things to write and got this :D meet tommy and julian!

“Tommy. WhatEVER you do. Do not come visit me at work tonight. It’s a Saturday night and we’re going to be busy as hell. I wont have time to chat or anything.”
“So you’re telling me not to get drunk on a Saturday, night man?”
“Yes. Precisely.” Julian said as he slid his denim jacket on and grabbed his keys. Julian worked at the local bar, not far from they and Tommy’s apartment.
Julian met Tommy about two years ago after Tommy moved to California to just pursue his little dream of working a concert venue. He was hired on immediately by The Roxy as soon as he applied. Julian however was already working at the bar across the street by then. So as any reckless teenager new to the Strip would, Tommy weaseled his way into the bar and had his first true taste of alcohol. Julian obviously was his bartender and they clicked almost immediately.
“But I’m not gonna go to The Rainbow and spend twenty bucks on a couple shots and a beer and or dinner.” Tommy paused, staring right at Julian. “Your bar sells cheap beer can I at least not spend an arm and a leg on beer?”
Sighing heavily, they glared at Tommy, “Fine, just because we have cheap beer you can come to my bar.”
“Yay!” Tommy cheered in success. Tommy was really good at persuasion and Julian was always gullible. They were the perfect duo. “Cya later Jules, have a good shift!”
“Don’t call me that!” Julian laughed as they left the apartment and locked the door on their way out.
“Whatever man!” Tommy called before Julian left. Usually Tommy is scheduled at The Roxy on Saturday evenings because he was good to have on hand, but he didn’t work until Sunday afternoon. That meant Tommy was home by himself until about 5pm when he’d go and visit Julian. It was about 2:30pm. Tommy is always compared to a golden retriever because he’s always bubbly and social but also basically sat at the door until his best friend came back home.
A few hours passed and Tommy had cleaned Julian’s room for the hell of it and listened to about 3 records. Those albums consisted of Toys in the Attic by Aerosmith, High ‘n’ Dry by Def Leppard and KISS by KISS. You could tell Tommy was bored because he CLEANED. Julian’s room specifically too—they were a giant mess. This took Tommy about 3 hours, which put him a little off schedule.
Tommy grabbed his wallet and his keys and was off to walk to the local bar and visit Julian. The walk took him about 15 minutes to get there, but it wasn’t bad.
Looking around the room, there was basically nobody there. It was a Saturday night? Why was it practically empty? So, Tommy took a seat at the bar, beaming and waiting for Julian.
“So,” Julian said and paused, “whaddya want?”
“I’m looking for a hot brunet who stole my cheetah print button down and looks fabulous in it.”
“Yknow if it weren’t for my identity n getting kicked out n shit, I think my parents would be proud if I brought you home.” Julian beamed back.
“Get outta here!” Tommy laughed, grinning the entire time.
“The usual?” Julian grinned as he flaunted the stolen cheetah print button down.
“Yeah duh, dude!” Tommy smiled, happy to see his best bud happy.
Julian got Tommy his drink and stood by his buddy until someone showed up.
“Why is it so empty tonight? It’s a Saturday in the middle of August.” Tommy asked, glancing around.
“Elektra’s playing The Troubadour so everyone is getting food and drunk at The Rainbow before and after she plays. She’s like this giant Strip celebrity now after making herself known like two years ago.”
“Imagine being like her. A woman and popular in the glam scene. She’s a goddess dude, I kinda wanna go see her if she does end up scheduling at The Roxy when Im there.”
“I think she announced a weekend at The Whiskey next weekend. Wanna get tickets?”
“I gotta see what days I work and what times though because I can’t miss work. We barely keep the power on at our apartment.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s not get evicted. Let’s shoot for Friday for tickets. Check when you get home.”
“Cool dude! What time’s your shift over?”
“7? Why?”
“Can you ride me home?”
“We live fifteen minutes walking distance from here.”
“I wanted gas station food.”
#fiction#my ocs#oc shit#tommy marx#julian de bouvier#T(he/him) J(they/he)#midnight’s works#enjoy whatever this is
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50 𝘿𝙄𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙂𝙐𝙀 𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙈𝙋𝙏𝙎 , 𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝚃𝚆𝙾 . ( a selection of dialogue based roleplay prompts . all prompts may be edited or otherwise changed in order to fit the muses and their relationship dynamic better )
❛ i’ll find [ name ] and bring them home , i promise . ❜ ❛ for some inexplicable reason , i find myself attracted to you . ❜ ❛ there’s something i need to get off my chest . ❜ ❛ well , what happened ? i want all of the details ! ❜ ❛ i knew you wouldn’t be able to see it through . ❜ ❛ they were right about you all along . ❜ ❛ how dare you look down your nose at me like that . ❜ ❛ in my defence , they were already unconscious when i found them . ❜ ❛ quick ! hide behind that pillar / couch / desk / etc . ❜ ❛ quit it , you’re embarrassing me . ❜ ❛ were you … spying on me ? ❜ ❛ if you walk away now , you’ll lose everything . ❜ ❛ you’re dead to me now , [ name ] . ❜ ❛ whatever it is that you’re planning to ask , the answer is ‘ no ’ . ❜ ❛ can’t we go back to how things were before ? ❜ ❛ is there something you’d like to tell me ? ❜ ❛ you came back ! ❜ ❛ focus more on your own life and less on mine ! ❜ ❛ how … did you even get yourself into this situation ? ❜ ❛ ah ! it’s beautiful , thank you so much [ name ] ! ❜ ❛ you don’t want to live in a society like this , yet you refuse to do anything about it ! ❜ ❛ we could definitely get arrested for this . ❜ ❛ you have his / her / their eyes . ❜ ❛ long story short , i got arrested . are you able to pick me up ? ❜ ❛ he / she / they couldn’t have died at a worse time . ❜ ❛ i’m ready to try again if you are . ❜ ❛ you must be mad , coming here like this . ❜ ❛ who did this to you ? ❜ ❛ i hope that what i’ve said hasn’t hurt you too badly . ❜ ❛ please , don’t argue with me . ❜ ❛ you need to leave . now . you’re not safe here . ❜ ❛ they were sold out of bananas , so i bought a kinder egg instead . ❜ ❛ why would you put yourself through something like that ? ❜ ❛ perhaps you’ll take me out one day … ? or do i have to make an appointment ? ❜ ❛ you always were a quiet one , right [ name ] ? ❜ ❛ you had ample time to call the police . why didn’t you ? ❜ ❛ i love you like the stars love the moon . endlessly , and in total darkness . ❜ ❛ don’t be scared . i’m here for you . always . ❜ ❛ you were meant to be supervising him / her / them ! ❜ ❛ i thought i should be the one to break the news … [ name ] is dead . ❜ ❛ you were crying out in your sleep … do you need me to stay ? ❜ ❛ moments like this are what i imagine heaven to be like . ❜ ❛ could you be happy here with me ? ❜ ❛ hey , what’s buried in the garden ? ❜ ❛ when i’m with you , my heart won’t stop racing … ❜ ❛ you make me feel like i’m not good enough . ❜ ❛ i can’t stay long . i just had to see you . ❜ ❛ i’m worth more to them if they catch me alive . ❜ ❛ move aside . this is my problem to fix . ❜ ❛ how long have you been standing there ? ❜
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Prompt List #1
A/N: phew finally finished my first prompt list. a vast majority of these are my own but there are a few that I found online/was inspired by.
Prompt List #2
“Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
“It’s you, it always has been.”
“You’re everything I could’ve wanted and more.”
“Kiss me.”
“Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
“You should probably go home.” “But I’m already home.”
“You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.”
“I’d do anything for you.”
“You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.”
“Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
“I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
“You are my family.”
“I’m right here.”
“Can you just please hold me?”
“I’m pretty sure (you’re/she’s/he’s/they’re) my soulmate”
“You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
“You know, I think my (mother/father/parents) would be proud if I brought (you/her/him/them) home.”
“I just want to see you happy.”
“I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile like that in ages.”
“You made me a better person. Thank you.”
“I’d rather live in the woods with you than in a mansion with some (girl/boy/person) I barely know.”
“This reminded me of you.”
“Your hair is really soft.”
“You’re really warm.”
“Are you blushing?”
“Can I stay here tonight?”
“Because I love you.”
“I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
“I’m never going to leave you. I promise.”
“Make a wish!”
“I love seeing you smile.”
“Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
“I just want to be there for you.”
“I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”
“You’re just a softie.”
“You owe me.” “Fine, whatever you like.”
“You’re safe now, I’m here.”
“Why are you scared of loving?”
“You are crushing me right now.”
“Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.”
“I love you.”
“You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.”
“Take my hand. Just trust me.”
“You’re hurt. Please just let heal it.”
“At least let me clean it.”
“I told you to take care of yourself.”
“You’re the only thing that matters.”
“I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
“You started drinking again, didn’t you?”
“You promised you’d stop drinking.” “And you promised you wouldn’t hurt me!″
“But it’s my fault right?”
“I don’t want to feel this. I want to be numb again.”
“You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?”
“I love you.” “No you don’t”
“I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
“Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”
“How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?”
“I loved you.” “Then why did you let (her/him/them) get in between us?”
“Maybe they were right, you never did change.”
“This is all in my head. It’s all happening in my head.”
“Don’t you dare walk away from this!”
“What gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused.”
“You’ve changed.”
“You win, happy?”
“Any other lies left to tell me?”
“Why did you wait until I moved on?”
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
“Its (her/him/them), isn’t it?”
“It’s always been (her/him/them).”
“When did you stop loving me?”
“Let me go.”
“You’re not you.”
“I miss the old you.”
“What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
“Move out of my way before I make you.”
“You deserve better.”
“I risked my life for you.”
“I never would’ve thought (she/he/they)’d end up with someone else.”
“They were perfect for each other.”
“I was happier with you.”
“I would’ve done anything for you.”
“I loved you. I loved you so so much but you hurt me.”
“They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.”
“Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
“You broke me.”
“You just threw four years of friendship out the window.”
“Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
“Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
“You promised.”
“I don’t need help! I need an end to this pain.”
“What am I in your life? Because as of lately I feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
“I can’t keep playing pretend.”
“You deserve so much better.”
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
“I wish we never met.”
“I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.”
“I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.”
“It’s pouring rain why are you here?”
“I love you.” “You shouldn’t.”
“Where are you?”
“What happened?”
“Have you been taking care of yourself?”
“Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding.”
“Is that my book?”
“Are they dead?”
“You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game.”
“Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
“Come back to bed. Please.”
“You’re who they warned me about.”
“Come back.”
“You should’ve listened to me.”
“I haven’t seen you in days.”
“Are you jealous?”
“Cheers, I’ll drink to that.” “You drink to everything.” “Cheers!”
“Why is there a deer in the room?”
“Is that vodka? At 7 in the morning?”
“It’s not my choice.”
“Can we take this home?”
“Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?”
“I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.”
“(She/he/they) don’t belong with (her/him/them)!” “Than who do(es) (she/he/they) belong with?” “…..with me.”
“Come home.”
“I hope you’re happy.”
“They don’t need to know.”
“I made this for you.”
“Why is arson always your first answer?”
“Is this really the time for jokes?”
“You always do this.”
“Wake me up when it’s over.”
“You look happy.”
“I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“Why can’t I get you out of my head?”
“Do you want that?”
“Don’t let go.”
“Just let me stay.”
“Can I at least tell my side of the story?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Is the weight of your sins too heavy?”
“Just let me see (her/him/them) one last time. Please.”
“Are you afraid to die?”
“Are they really ‘just a friend’?”
“I wasn’t lying when i told you that I loved you.”
“I won’t hurt you.”
“Have you been sleeping?”
“I didn’t know where else to go.”
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hi i really wanna write a headcanon of sorts, anyone who sees this drop a headcanon in the inbox (keep it sfw) and i’ll write it!
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Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
#louder than hell#pls go on#i want someone to ask me ab my stuff#pls i’m working on louder than hell#anons welcome#literally anyone#pls#and love in an elevator too#i would love for someone to ask me about my stuff
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“Love in an Elevator”
part two <3
dawn acker x steven tyler
ok so this wasn’t supposed to have extra parts but i cant stop writing. ( @sixer-mayhem MARS I BLAME YOU FOR THIS BUT IM NOT COMPLAINING ) but expect a part three supposedly as the final part. this was only supposed to be a oneshot but oops an entire story folded out in my head :)

“Flora shut the hell up! Dawn looks too flustered over something and she’s about to spill it!” Jackie said excitedly, before chugging the rest of the water in her glass. Dawn’s cheeks were rosy, and that’s how you knew she was flustered, in love, or both.
Dawn, Jackie, and Flora were sitting together at The Rainbow getting dinner there. They lived together in the states—L.A.—for a couple months before going back to the U.K. for a few years. Then, they decided to come back to the states for a fun concert run since they noticed they’re way more fun in the states. They also just grabbed dinner there because they were going to see Aerosmith later that night.
“Steven Tyler—you know of Aerosmith—“
“Yeah? What about him? We’re going to see he and his band tonight after we eat,” Flora asked excitedly.
“Asked me out on a date. He’s staying in the hotel we’re staying at. We’re getting drinks after the concert,” Dawn said, grinning a bit. Her pupils were dilating like she was in love.
“HA! I’m not the only one who slept and-or is going to sleep with a rockstar” Flora joked, laughing a little.
“Just because you drunkenly slept with Tommy Lee doesn’t mean you’re automatically cooler than me. I don’t think he even remembers you. Sorry to crush your dreams but he and Mötley Crüe are going the distance and probably don’t remember you.”
“I still slept with him and I’m jealous that you’re going on a date with Steven Freaking Tyler,” Flora said back, crossing her arms with a smirk pulling on her lips.
Jackie just looked at the group, “I’m gay, don’t involve me. Have fun sleeping with rockstars.” She tried so hard not to laugh when saying that. Starting to laugh silently, “You guys have fun with Mötley Crüe and Aerosmith, I’m going to party with Vixen”
Soon after they all ate, Jackie looks at the group as she started to stand up and stretch. “Alright, let’s pack it up. Don’t want to be late for the Aerosmith concert, especially you Dawn~” Jackie said mockingly but also jokingly. Dawn’s face immediately turned red as she blushed hard based on what Jackie said.
They walked out of the restaurant and walked to the venue where Aerosmith was playing. It was definitely pretty far, but it was fine. They didn’t really want a car because that would be another thing they couldn’t afford. Eventually they walked up to the venue and go to their spots. Jackie was pretty excited, even to the point that she wore an Aerosmith shirt, the concert tee she snagged from the last time she saw them. Flora was just as excited as Jackie. She really dug these guys so she was excited for the show. Dawn, was also excited for the show as much as the other two were. She was also excited for the aftermath of the show—which was meeting Steven Tyler for drinks at the hotel bar.
Aerosmith went through there set, Dawn’s eyes on Steven the entire time. Jackie and Flora couldn’t wait to ridicule Dawn the entire way back to the hotel. If Dawn got to ridicule Jackie for laying eyes on Nikki Sixx during the Mötley show they went to a few years ago, even though she’s gay, she could ridicule Dawn about laying eyes on Steven Tyler the entire show.
“So here’s my plan…” Flora went on to Jackie. Dawn was in the restroom since the concert just ended, so they could talk about it. “We’re gonna be there, eavesdropping on their date because that’s what we do. Let’s sit in the corner and just get a couple shots, we’re not lightweights so we can withstand it. It’s fun to know that this is happening”
“Flora, for once I’m pulling a Mother Dawn. Let’s not intrude on her date with Steven because she wasn’t there to intrude on you hooking up with Tommy for the evening.” Jackie paused, starting to smile. “Nah I’m just fuckin with ya! Let’s intrude on her! She never goes on dates so this is odd that she accepted!”
Dawn took Flora and Jackie up to the hotel room as soon as they got back from the concert. She was rushing them so it was obviously that she was excited for her date. “My first and only rule is that if I see either of you downstairs in the bar, I can and will knock you out. Not there, in front of Steven, because he’ll probably dump me, but when I come back up.” Dawn inhaled, “If I see either of you downstairs, you’re dead. Got it?” Jackie and Flora gulped and nodded.
#fanfic#fanfiction#midnight is sleep deprived again#my oc#midnight’s fics#midnight’s works#”love in an elevator”#steven tyler#aerosmith#steven tyler x oc#enjoy#sixer-mayhem#request#PART THREE COMIN SOON#PROBABLY TOMORROW
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master list I
“Love in an Elevator” I
“Love in an Elevator” II
Polygraph Eyes
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing
split personality
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing
split personality
melodic in thought
#midnightridedownthesunsetstrip#midnight’s fics#midnight’s works#midnight is sleep deprived again#louder than hell#Love in an Elevator#midnight’s first master list
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“Love in an Elevator”
dawn acker x steven tyler
ok shhh i’ve never written for steven tyler—anyone of aerosmith for that matter. but thanks to @sixer-mayhem for changing that!! but this was a request from him based on the song, you guessed it, love in an elevator by aerosmith. but enjoy :)

“‘Scuse me, coming through!” The male called as he hopped on the elevator, not even noticing the girl in the corner, anxiously tapping her suitcase.
“Excuse me sir, but what floor are you going to?” Dawn asked sheepishly to the rambunctious male across from her.
“Damn you’re hot—I mean 13–“ the male replied, shooting her a huge smile. Definitely a flirty one. He laid his eyes on Dawn and Dawn had no idea.
Flattered, Dawn took a step back, not realizing that the wall of the elevator was right behind her. She laughed at herself before nodding and pushing the floor button for 13. She was going to 15. Smiling back at him, “You are very kind.”
“Steven,” he replied, offering his hand out to Dawn, who had the same amount of stars in her eyes when talking to him. “What are you doing tonight?” He asked extremely confidently. He smiled, waiting for a response.
Dawn shook his hand firmly, “Well I’m Dawn,” she paused and grinned back. “I’m going to a concert tonight with my friends. We’re in the states for the second time and are going to a bunch of concerts while we’re here.” As she spoke, her thick British accent came out, and she couldn’t help but think of how the elevator was going as slow as molasses.
“Welcome back to the states m’lady! You’ll like it even more here. But I wanted to know, you down for drinks before ya leave? I just want to get to know you more,” Steven flat out said. He wasn’t afraid of controversy—nor was he afraid of anything. He just wanted Dawn and that was his endgame and he was going to get it. Somehow he was.
“Thank you, but my friends and I are going to dinner before we go. Maybe I can catch you after the show,” Dawn paused with a small smirk, “I’m always down for drinks before or after a show.” Dawn said, her smirk them tugging at her lips into a smile. It was true, she was always down for drinks either way. She never let the other two know because she was the responsible mom friend, and she was in fact the oldest of the group.
“Anytime,” he laughed a little, brushing some of his dark wavy hair out of his face. “I think the hotel bar stays open late on Friday’s. Meet me down there once you get back, or at least some point around then.”
“My friends and I are sharing a room because we’re not exactly the wealthiest, and I’m not sure why our trio leader decided to pick a five star hotel when we can barely afford this,” Dawn laughed, “but sure. I’ll meet you down there once we get back and settled in. Jackie and Flora will clock out as soon as they get back to the room so I’ll be down there as soon as possible.”
“And we’ll make it a deal, consider this a date—“ Steven smiled before hearing a soft Ding, meaning that they’ve reached the 13th floor. “That’s my cue, I’ll see you later,” he paused, trying to remember her name, “Dawn!”
Dawn smiled and waved as the elevator doors shut and she went up another two floors to the room she was sharing with Flora and Jackie. She was doing a little thinking as the elevator climbed the floors. Then it hit her. That was Steven Fucking Tyler of Aerosmith. That’s the band her, Jackie, and Flora are going to see that night. Steven Tyler just asked her on a date, and she was completely oblivious. Oh how was she supposed to tell Jackie and especially Flora.
#fanfic#fanfiction#midnight is sleep deprived again#my oc#midnight’s fics#midnight’s works#love in an elevator#steven tyler#aerosmith#steven tyler x oc#enjoy#sixer-mayhem#request#RB IF U WANT A PART II
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hello my friends, i’m back with the next part of LtH!! this one i worked so hard on, and it’s probably the best chapter yet!! also those who are here who follow me, lmk if you want to be tagged when i write!! i want to start a taglist for writing!!
A few hours later, Jackie woke up, still on the sofa. She looked around the living room, Flora or Dawn were nowhere to be seen.
“Where the hell am I-“ Jackie groaned as she unknowingly started to roll off the sofa and crash onto the floor. “Bloody Hell...” Jackie just stayed there on the floor until someone came to see what that loud noise was.
The clicking of tennis shoes on hardwood was muffled and got louder and louder as Dawn approached Jackie.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Dawn muttered as she looked down at Jackie. Soon after, Flora came in the room slowly and then snickered at the current status of Jackie.
“Flora are you strong enough to help me lift Jackie back onto the couch?”
“I think so, it’s not a big lift.”
“What the hell are you guys doing to me?” Jackie asked tiredly as she felt Flora and Dawn lifted her back onto the couch.
“Jackie you’re not allowed to go anywhere for the next few days. You can stay in the apartment yes, but you can’t go anywhere outside.” Dawn told Jackie, rather calmly actually.
“Whatever you say boss,” Jackie mumbled as her eyes were still shut and she sort of fell asleep again. She was definitely not strong enough to move from the sofa, either.
“Jeez, Jackie’s got a hell of a hangover,” Flora muttered to Dawn before going and sitting on the arm chair across the room.
“I mean, she did pass out last night so she’s obviously going to be not fun to deal with,” Dawn replied back, crossing her arms.
“D’ya think she’s got a concussion or somethin serious?” Flora asked, yawning.
“No, I don’t think. We just got to give it time to see if she does. And we can’t really afford the treatment because you both coughed up your money to be able to go to the Mötley Crüe Show and get merchandise too—“
“It was worth it!” Flora whisper yelled
“Yeah. Anyways you also need to rest because you had a wild night. If anyone needs me i’ll be listening to Led Zeppelin II on the cassette player in my room.” Dawn said and walked back into her room.
Eventually, loud music erupted from the apartment down the block. People from all over L.A. we’re going to this party. There was a party happening. Little did the girls know was that they lived a block down from the infamous Mötley House.
“Hey Daawwn! I’m going to the party down the street!l I’ll see you later!” Flora left the room and then popped her head back in, “If Jackie asks, I’m going to get food.” Flora said and went to change into some ripped jeans, heeled boots, a v-neck faux leather tank top, and her leather jacket. It was a swift change, even for her.
Flora grabbed a black faux leather over the shoulder purse with some lipstick, her keys, tissues, and other miscellaneous items. She wasnt going to need all of it, but she had it.
Gravitating wherever the music came from, her heels clicked along the sidewalk.
“Holy. Shit.” Were the first words out of Flora’s mouth as she hopped in through the window and looked around. She walked inside as she watched the party go on. A blonde male laughed as he stumbled out of the bedroom. A tall, dark curly haired male was in the middle of a dare at the table with all the drinks with the raven haired male. The final member of the band was sitting on the sofa, his right leg crossed over his left, talking to a girl, who seemed to hold the same resting intimidating face as him.
Flora walked over to the table with the dark curly haired male and the raven haired male. She was completely oblivious to the two guys being Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx—of Mötley Crüe.
The dark curly haired male finished chugging his drink and eyed up Flora, “Hey Doll, care for a drink?”
Flora smirked a playful smirk and took the bottle, using the chain on her purse to pull off the bottle cap. Dawn was going to be so mad at her when she got back. Flora didn’t care, she might have a bit of a headache, but that didn’t stop her. Although, she did wish that Jackie was there with her. She just assumed these guys would throw more parties and then they could go together soon.
“What’s a girl like you doing here by yourself?” The male asked, smiling mischievously
“I heard there was partying down the street and I obviously had to find out where it was erupting from,” Flora paused, taking a step back realizing who she was talking to. Tommy Fucking Lee. “I was at your show last night, and you guys killed it out there!”
Tommy turned to the raven haired male and smirked, “Yo Nikki, the pretty girl thinks we killed it at our debut show!”
“She what?” Nikki asked, slurring his words just a small bit. He was definitely drunk. Or at least a bit tipsy.
“She thinks we did good ya knucklehead!” Tommy laughed, sipping from his bottle.
Flora stood there, trying so hard not to blush over being called ‘the pretty girl’ by Tommy Lee himself.
Flora woke up at the end of a mattress, nearly falling off of it, in a dark room, next to a pretty much asleep Tommy Lee.
“Oh my god what did I do? Why am I in here with him? What happened? Dawn is going to kill me-“ We’re the only things that Flora could think of as she frantically rolled off the mattress and looked for a clock or a sign of what time it was. She stood up realizing she had no shirt on either. She looked on the floor for a shiny leather top and found it after at least fifteen minutes. Sliding it back on, she looked back at Tommy, deciding whether she was scared for her life or scared to know what happened. Prying open two blinds, she tried to get an idea of the time. It was dark out, probably in the early morning. 4:00 am maybe?
Flora stumbled out of the dark room and across the hall into the bathroom. There was someone asleep in the tub, she just wanted to make sure she didn’t look horrible, like she did something bad. She just had smudged makeup and messy hair. She stumbled out of the bathroom and back into the room because she couldn’t find her purse. At this moment, Flora was terrified because this purse could be anywhere, on the floor, in the living room, or someone could’ve stolen it! Flora tripped over something in her heels and it made a sound like chain links bumping against each other. She picked it up and it ended up being her purse, like the dumb luck she had. Now was her chance to flee. Tommy was asleep, Nikki was nowhere to be found, the blond member of the band was also nowhere to be found, and the final member of the band was asleep on the couch with an empty bottle of vodka at his feet.
She couldn’t run because of how week she was, but she attempted to carefully climb out the window of the apartment and carefully walk down the stairs. She hobbled back to her apartment, which was luckily on the first floor so she didn’t have to stagger up some stairs. She then realized, Dawn was going to absolutely murder her.
#fanfic#fanfiction#midnight is sleep deprived again#midnight’s fics#midnight’s works#louder than hell#mötley crüe#tommy lee#nikki sixx#vince neil#mick mars#my oc#enjoy whatever this is#enjoy friends!
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this is part two of louder than hell!! it’s been done for ages but i’ve finally found the time to post it!! it’s kinda shorter because there’s like a second part to this chapter but idk when the second part will be out
The next day Jackie woke up on the couch in the apartment common room. Jackie barely noticed the time on the clock on the wall, it was around noon. She saw Flora, half awake in the arm chair across the room. Dawn was nowhere to be found. She probably left Jackie and Flora while she went to go get coffee for herself.
“What the hell happened last night-“ Jackie said, her words tiredly running together as she slowly turned her head to look at Flora.
“Whatever the hell we did, it was worth it,” Flora said tiredly back as she moved her head slowly to look at Jackie.
“Hell yeah,” Jackie said tiredly and rose her hand and made her fist into the rock and roll hand sign.
“Rock and roll my dude,” Flora said back tiredly and did the same hand gesture.
“Where’s Dawn?” Jackie then realized. Usually if Jackie and Flora had an insane night out, Dawn would be there to scold them on their actions from the previous night before.
“I dunno probably around here somewhere. She wouldn’t leave us alone like this,” Flora responded, trying to sit up better in the chair.
“Yeah true. But are we going to look for her?” Jackie asked, trying to sit up as well. She was less successful than Flora considering that she was on the couch. At least she was able to prop herself up on the arm of the couch.
“Hell no, that means she’s gonna scold us for what probably stupid thing we probably did last night.” Flora chuckled tiredly and looked at Jackie.
“You’re right. Let’s just stay here until Dawn kicks the door open and yells at us,” Jackie chuckled tiredly before yawning. “Oh my god, why does everything hurt?” The female muttered to herself.
Literally right after Jackie muttered, Dawn busted through the door and glared at Jackie and Flora. Flora looked at Jackie with a weak ‘Here We Go’ look plastered right on her face.
“I cant take either of you anywhere! Flora you got us kicked out of The Rainbow last night because you overreacted to Jackie blacking out!” Dawn scowled as she downed the rest of her small coffee.
“So that’s why everything hurts.” Jackie muttered to herself as she glanced over at Flora.
“Jackie!” Dawn scolded, tossing the empty cup on the floor and crossing her arms.
“What? I just found out what the hell I did last night and why everything hurts like hell!” Jackie weakly shot back. “How did you guys get me home? I must’ve been out since who-knows-when—“
“Flora walked next to me happy-go-lucky as I carried you bridal style. She plopped on the chair as I placed you on the couch. Goddamn Jackie you’re heavy.”
“One question-“
“Why didn’t you just put me on the mattress in my room?”
“Dawn when you’re mad you’re an idiot and I was way up on cloud nine to even tell you to do that.” Flora sighed before yawning.
“I hate both of you so much right now.” Dawn paused for a moment. “No. I’m not letting either of you out of this apartment today. Both of you are drinking water all day and not moving from the living room unless you have to go to the bathroom or something like that.”
“But Daaawwnnnn! Couldn’t you just let me sleep on the mattress in my room? It’s comfier in there!” Jackie whined tiredly as she pretty much looked like she was about to fall asleep on the sofa.
Dawn just let out an annoyed sigh as Flora started snoring, fast asleep, on the chair.
#fanfic#fanfiction#midnight is sleep deprived again#my oc#louder than hell#midnight’s fics#midnight’s works#enjoy whatever this is
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those who have read louder than hell and the band bus’s first parts, i promise you that i’m working on getting them out soon. i’ve been struggling with vasovagal syncope and i’ve been dizzy for five days straight. which puts a damper on my writing plans. i promise you guys when i feel better that i will definitely be back on my writing game.
until then, midnight <3
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ty @niksixx 🥺 (using my writing blog for purposes)
spell or curse / abandoned mansion or haunted cemetery / vampire slayer or ghost hunter / phoenix or griffin / wrist bite or neck bite / fairy godmother or evil stepmother / herbs or potion / ghost or wraith / dragon scales or werewolf claws / druid or mage / elf or hobbit / divination or necromancy / wand magic or hand magic / centaur or unicorn / dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale / sword or bow & arrow / siren or water nymph / garlic or silver / talking animal or walking tree / demon trap or crossroads pact / enchanted fairy forest or mermaid lagoon
i don’t have any writer friends on this blog so if anyone finds this and wants to do it, go for it!!
this or that | fantasy edition
spell or curse / abandoned mansion or haunted cemetery / vampire slayer or ghost hunter / phoenix or griffin / wrist bite or neck bite / fairy godmother or evil stepmother / herbs or potion / ghost or wraith / dragon scales or werewolf claws / druid or mage / elf or hobbit / divination or necromancy / wand magic or hand magic / centaur or unicorn / dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale / sword or bow & arrow / siren or water nymph / garlic or silver / talking animal or walking tree / demon trap or crossroads pact / enchanted fairy forest or mermaid lagoon
Borrowed from @feralsong. Last one is tough… fairy forest and mermaid lagoon are both top tier! I’ll tag @dhampiravidi, @thoushallnotfall, @santacarlacoven, @darling-disastrous, and @saviorsong. Something fun for Friday night, if you’re interested :)
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a/n - hi hello this is my new thing. idk what this is considered but i got this idea when sleep deprived (go figure). but enjoy! this features my oc jackie and her friends flora and dawn.

“Jaaackie you don’t even know who this band is! Don’t know how long they’ve been around or if they’ve played here before.”
“Dawn, sh-h. It’s not gonna hurt to see a new band for a once in awhile. Besides, Mötley Crüe sounds like they’re going to be amazing.”
Dawn grimaced, “You don’t even know who they are-“
“That’s the point. If ya wanna listen to someone new, go to their first show.”
“Exactly. But Dawn you can’t even say anything. You don’t like heavy metal. You’re the sanest member of this group.” Flora joked.
The three girls eagerly waited outside of The Starwood Club so they could be let in. They weren’t going for something to eat or to hang out. They were going for a concert. It was around 4:30 and they wanted to be in for a decent spot to see these folks that are new to the Sunset Strip.
Right on time, the show started at 5 pm. Just like Jackie awaited. An excited Jackie, an interested Flora, and an unamused Dawn watched the four guys of Mötley Crüe play their first song. That song is called Take Me To The Top. The crowd didn’t like it. Before the crowd knew it, the bassist was in the “pit” fighting someone. Luckily, the girls were near the back, so they weren’t going to be involved in any way.
Dawn grabbed Flora’s and Jackie’s wrists and tried to drag them out of The Starwood but neither of them budged. “No we’re not leaving. You can, but I’m not. And neither is Flora.” Jackie looked at Dawn and Flora nodded. Dawn scowled and stood unamused next to the (back again) excited Jackie and Flora.
Eventually the band got back together and resumed their show on the stage again. Jackie and Flora are Starwood frequents so they kind of know people or know of people who work and frequent this place. Jackie got a good look at the bassist and looked at Flora, “Isn’t that uh, what’s his name—“ Jackie snapped her fingers lightly, trying to remember who he was, “Uh Nikki or something. He kinda looks like someone who works here.”
“It IS him! Jackie you’re oblivious to everything!” Flora laughed as she swayed along with the music.
“Knew it.” Jackie laughed back and swayed with Flora. “Didn’t he start going by Nikki for some reason?”
“You need to start looking at posters Jackie,” Flora laughed, “It said their names underneath the group shot!”
“Ahh right right. Now sh- let me enjoy the show-“ Jackie teased as she turned her attention to the four onstage.
As the show went on, it was obvious that Jackie was a big fan of the music. She jumped along to some of the songs and whistled and did normal gig-goer things. She was honestly a big fan of them.
“Hot DAMN that was a good show, I wonder when they’ll play again,” Jackie said to Flora as they and Dawn walked out of The Starwood. They were probably going to go to The Rainbow Bar & Grill to get something to eat and maybe get a few drinks. Maybe party a bit too. Flora and Jackie are always up for a good party. Dawn was just the intimidating sober to get Jackie and Flora home in one piece.
#louder than hell#fanfic#fanfiction#my oc#mötley crüe#the starwood#1981#midnight’s works#midnight is sleep deprived again
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hey i’ve got a new thing going up in a bit!! i’ve been working on this for awhile now and i’m super proud of it. although this is the first part, i hope yall like it.
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