Use a better bank
In 2008, many major banks like Bank of America and WellsFargo stopped providing loans to small businesses, focusing instead on evicting people from their houses -- some of whom did not even have a mortgage. But not all banks were doing this.
Eastern Bank came to my attention because they continued to provide vital small business loans in New England, keeping businesses afloat during that difficult time. They also have a long history of supporting the community through donations and other activities.
The more deposits banks like Eastern Bank have, the more they can invest in the community. The fewer deposits the anti-social banks have, the less damage they can do. 
I switched to Eastern Bank around 6 years ago. It’s true they have fewer ATMs, but they have partnerships with many other banks whose ATMs you can use. And if you maintain a certain minimum balance, they reimburse you for any ATM fees.   
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Beyond Curie: Celebrating badass women in science
Support women in science two different ways at the same time. Beyond Curie is making graphic art celebrations of 32 women in science. You can support this project through kickstarter. (The campaign has already raised an order of magnitude more than is needed, so it’ll definitely happen.)
For various levels of donation you can get these posters in the form of downloads, wall posters, signs for the March for Science. I personally plan on getting two posters of important computer scientists (Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper) to hang in the lab.
What makes this a twofer is that all the funds that go beyond production costs will be donated to the Association for Women in Science.
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A threefor: health, environment, and social justice
Walkable cities are important for health, the environment, and social justice. So, today, in building the country we want to live in:
MA's "Complete Streets" initiative -- now in its second year -- has been providing funding to make street networks safer and more efficient for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and users of mass transit. This has been flying under the radar. When I called the governor's office to thank him for this program and ask for its expansion, the staffer I spoke with had never heard of it. That's not good.
So today, I encourage MA residents to call Gov. Baker (617-725-4005) to thank him for this program and ask for its expansion. If you live in another state, call up your governor and ask if (s)he is doing something similar.
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Consider donating to -- or, better yet, volunteering for -- 350.org. They are a relatively new and very active environmental organization focused specifically on climate change. I donated yesterday. I haven't started going to meetings, but I am intending to and will update once I've been and see what it's like.
(I used to donate to Union of Concerned Scientists, but they overwhelmed me with snail mail spam, which made me question their actual concern for the environment.)
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Invest in wind energy
Donate to the New England Wind Fund and the money will be used to build wind power infrastructure. Why wait for the politicians? Make this happen now!
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Supporting transgender students
Call Charlie Baker's office (617-725-4005) to thank him for reaffirming the rights of transgender students in MA.
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Not for politics. For decency. 
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Reducing waste
Drink a lot of coffee? Get a reusable mug and then reuse it. I like this one:
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Support investigative journalism at ProPublica:
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