I'm a cherry boy
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Kim Choikang Jaejoong stage name: Hero stripper ⋆ dancer ⋆ singer ⋆ cat lover AU; Not your oppa | Not real idol | 18+ r/s: moth to my flame ❤
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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“The REBIRTH of J” Photobook - 2017 © jae.sense (do not edit or remove logo)
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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Sailing through the ages on this ‘ship’.
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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Kim Jaejoong Reboot 2nd stamp set © amouryoonjae - do not edit
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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Kim Jaejoong Reboot 2nd stamp set © amouryoonjae - do not edit - [i / ii]
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
The soft kiss has him smiling warmly, love burning evidently in Jaejoong’s eyes as he reaches out to wipe Min’s tears but he freezes mid-air when he hears what the photographer calls him. His heart literally jumps out of his ribcage in shock. The brunette might not be aware of how deep and heavy that word is in Japanese, much more than it would sound in Korean or any language he knows really, and he loves it to death. Not giving a damn if kisses aren’t allowed, he tugs the taller closer by his robe and presses his lips firmly on his. The lip-lock is brief as they’re still in a sacred place, but he hopes it’s enough to show his love and gratitude. “あなたのことをいつまでも愛しま��” he whispers to the other, before pulling away with teary eyes to focus back on the priest. The man then concludes the ceremony and gives each of them a branch of Japanese Cleyera decorated with cotton thread and a zigzag-shaped paper streamer called tamagushi then dismisses them with a deep bow that they both reciprocate before leaving the room for the next couple in line waiting for their turn. 
As soon as they’re dismissed Jaejoong takes Min’s hand in his and tugs him  towards another inner garden within the temple, even if much smaller than the one they were greeted by when they entered, and from there towards a rustic wooden altar there placed. “These branches are a gift for the gods to express them our sincerity and thankfullness for having guarded our wedding” he starts to explain in a calm voice “We need to bow twice, claps our hands twice then bow once again before leaving and…we’ll be done and officially married yet again” he blinds the other with a smile, then proceeds to place the branch over the wood and do what he just instructed Changmin even if his hands are shaky. He’s so happy he doesn’t know what to do anymore. He can’t scream and he can’t jump on the other and cling to him just yet, not untile theyre past the temple borders. Soon, he tells himself.
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Stunned but not a resisting bone in his body, Changmin is pulled forward willingly for the warmest most magical lip lock. It’s one thing to kiss someone, it’s an entirely different one to be kissed *by* someone. Cheeks flooding with fever, Min keeps his cheshire grin low to maintain a humble presence but it’s a losing battle. Even when they’re 80, Jae will always bee that dashing dancer he’s crushed on relentlessly for the past four years. Pink and smiley with twitter-pation, Min quietly nods through the rest of the ceremony, clinging hand in hand to rush out in school boy frivolity as soon as allowed. Eyes on the strangely decorated gift, Jae answers his questions before he can ask. The symbolism is awe inspiring…
Their wedding could not have gone smoother, so deep respect is due. Once in the garden, humbly placing his hands together, Min keeps still in solemn peace as the branch is offered, then bows twice at a deep 90 degrees, claps in time with his other half then repeats his bowing. Soft breeze and warm sunlight feathers their skin through the garden’s open ceiling as if kissed in blessing by the powers that be. Blindly finding Jae’s hand, he discovers that he’s not the only one shaking in a fusion of extreme joy and overwhelming peace. After giving a single gentle hand squeeze, his head turns just enough to catch Jae’s gaze. With a gesturing nudge to the side, he takes a step back to encourage Jae to guide them through the gates, where the public and a massively inappropriate public display of lip-locking is waiting for them.
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Finally done with the whole ritual, Jaejoong takes a long sigh and closes his eyes for a moment before his gaze locks with Changmin and he gives him a silent nod of approval then walks towards the exit, hand in hand. It’s a short distance, not even 5 minute walk, but it feels like forever caught up in his own thought as he is. Happy thoughts, mind you. His mind is a storm of emotions, feelings and thoughts. He feels like he might explode soon because he cannot believe today was real, that any of the past four years together was real. What a disappointment it would be to wake up one day and find out that it was all a dream. Shaking his head with a huff to shoo those stupid thoughts away, he walks faster, smile big when the exit appears in front of them. The only reason why he’s not running is because there are people around and he doesn’t want to be scolded. Finally outside, he tugs Min by his hand (maybe a little stronger than he had predicted), wrap one arm around his neck and kisses him hard on the lips, uncaring of the people walking by who might see them. He has all the right to kiss his husband and he will do so no matter what. Finally pulling away, mostly because of lack of oxygen, he gives Min a warm smile but there’s a hint of mischief right under the surface. “I say we should go back to the hotel and celebrate this brand new wedding day, don’t you think Mr Choikang?” he grins, wiggling his brows at the other as, still holding onto his hand, he starts walking backwards. They finally made it. Nothing will stop them now. It was a small step for them but a huge step for their future life together as something recognized and considered good enough to be legalized, even if in a country that wasn’t theirs. The certificate hidden inside Jaejoong’s robe will be one of the many proves of their love to adorn their home’s wall. 
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京都に行くぜ!! - JaeMin
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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this fansign generation is hard (cr. 1120izu_mi)
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
Fighting adversity; the fear that drove both of their youths in very different directions, and yet still the symbol of exactly what saved them in the end; Love. Pursing his lips, Min swallows hard. It couldn’t be a more perfect gift. Always so hard to break the habit of exposing his weaknesses, it’s easier to not cry then to allow the tears to spill down his cheek but they fall in silent streams regardless. Pawing the gift thoughtfully in his fingers, Min quickly leans close to steal a delicate kiss, unsure if it’s allowed during the ritual. “Omo…m-mo-ree?”, stumbles softly before gasping softly from unconsciously holding his breath. “It’s everything. Thank you– Arigato, un… unmei no hito.” Praying he said his studied word correctly, Min kisses the gift before tucking it into his robe, thinking of exactly where to place it; by the door inside his studio so that he can see it while he works and yet decides to get another for the front of their condo entrance so all that enter know the symbol of their incredible story. 
Reaching out to recover their clasp of Jae’s hands, the diamond flickers, demanding attention to Jae’s finger and tattoo. Giggling exasperated, Min is finally able to catch his breath enough to peer over to their monk officiating. With a nod, he wordlessly asks to continue the ritual. He’s ready to become the person Jae depends on the most, again before stepping out of the temple and to the world that Love is Love and there’s no holding them back, ever again. Not by their families, not by their neighbors, not by society. True success and peace comes from rising above and standing by what makes you happy. Today Changmin is the happiest person on Earth and today he will finally be at peace.
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The soft kiss has him smiling warmly, love burning evidently in Jaejoong’s eyes as he reaches out to wipe Min’s tears but he freezes mid-air when he hears what the photographer calls him. His heart literally jumps out of his ribcage in shock. The brunette might not be aware of how deep and heavy that word is in Japanese, much more than it would sound in Korean or any language he knows really, and he loves it to death. Not giving a damn if kisses aren’t allowed, he tugs the taller closer by his robe and presses his lips firmly on his. The lip-lock is brief as they’re still in a sacred place, but he hopes it’s enough to show his love and gratitude. “あなたのことをいつまでも愛します” he whispers to the other, before pulling away with teary eyes to focus back on the priest. The man then concludes the ceremony and gives each of them a branch of Japanese Cleyera decorated with cotton thread and a zigzag-shaped paper streamer called tamagushi then dismisses them with a deep bow that they both reciprocate before leaving the room for the next couple in line waiting for their turn. 
As soon as they’re dismissed Jaejoong takes Min’s hand in his and tugs him  towards another inner garden within the temple, even if much smaller than the one they were greeted by when they entered, and from there towards a rustic wooden altar there placed. “These branches are a gift for the gods to express them our sincerity and thankfullness for having guarded our wedding” he starts to explain in a calm voice “We need to bow twice, claps our hands twice then bow once again before leaving and...we’ll be done and officially married yet again” he blinds the other with a smile, then proceeds to place the branch over the wood and do what he just instructed Changmin even if his hands are shaky. He’s so happy he doesn’t know what to do anymore. He can’t scream and he can’t jump on the other and cling to him just yet, not untile theyre past the temple borders. Soon, he tells himself.
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京都に行くぜ!! - JaeMin
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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“Nervous chef changmin ㅋㅋㅋ”
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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save him.
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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Bambi playing with Bambi ♡ (cr. UltraTVXQ)
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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Tokyo Girls Music Festival - official goods - 180401 © jejujeju3 - do not edit
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
The snuck kiss backfires at first, making Min stiffen with fear that they’ve been inappropriate in the sacred ritual but the monk doesn’t seem to notice, and so Min gives his naturally rebellious love a knowing smile and a subtle poke to his side to keep focus though secretly he’s relaxed 100% by it. Only his blush reveals the truth and he knows Jae has seen it. Punk, he thinks, remembering how good it’ll be to bottom tonight, though he quickly washes the thought from his mind before it goes dirty since they’re in a temple.
Sitting when instructed, Min surprisingly understands this portion of the ceremony amazingly. Some of the words are familiar to him, enough to muster a sense of duty in his being. The monk could list ‘Sickness, health, and left arm’ and Min would nod without hesitation. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for the light of his life; the reason his life has even become this incredible. He owes everything to the man next to him. Without a second thought, Min reaches for the sake first. He’s not sure if now is the right moment but clumsy in all that he does but does so comfortably in the presence of his mate, Min takes a sip then sets down the cup, “Jae-ah…” clears his throat, “I wish I could say this in Japanese, but I’ll do my best as I am…” Reaching into his robe, the younger pulls out something very small, clinging to it tight in his fist as he stumbles over his thoughts, “Jae-ah, yeobo… I don’t think there’s much left to say than the many words we’ve already spoken. I know you’d give up anything for me as I would for you and that our individual worlds have just blown open wide with possibility by the power of love and patience. Three years ago I would have choked if you told me we’d be here, but I can’t imagine any other existence without your smiling face, incredible music, and magical ways of being just the most trusting, loving person I’ve ever met.”
“So… I suppose I can only prepare for the moments we haven’t had yet.” Hesitant, to reveal the token, Min swallows hard, “Please promise me that you won’t hide your true feelings this day. I know we agreed to no rings but the traditional part of my upbringing screams in my mind so loudly… I need to offer you something solid, something you can be reminded of in the darkest moments, because even though we’re so happy, no one is immune to darkness so… in those times of doubt or worry, know that no matter what we say or do, you are my light and I will always love you.” Reaching low for Jae’s hand, Min lowers his face to hide the tip of his tongue poking through his lips as he helps himself to his husband’s delicate long fingers, slipping onto his ring finger a decent sized diamond he’s been saving up for, encased in clear resin. “See… you can see our tattoo through it and…” he smirks mischievously, “It’ll stay clean and protected in the resin band when you cook for me.. Us.” His gaze lifts carefully, “You don’t have to wear it all the time…” murmurs cautiously. “Yesterday, today, and tomorrow; I love you Choikang JaeJoong.”
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The moment Changmin sets down the cup Jaejoong holds on his breath without even realizing it. He’s possibly more nervous and excited than Min is, but he does his best to control himself and looks up at the brunette ready to hear what he has to say, well aware that it will most likely kill his poor heart, in a good way.  Of course Jaejoong knew they would have worked out as a couple, for obvious reasons, but he would have never been able to predict how freaking amazing they would have been. Their chemistry has always been great, but there was no way to know back then that they would be here today, getting married for the second time in a year. Not to mention that back when they started dating the mere idea of marriage and kids was not on his list of priorities. He remembers his fear for labels and his need to be free to enjoy what they had without thinking too much about the future. Possibly, he was just scared of having his heart broken so he tried to focus on having Min by his side for the time being.  It sounds so sad and so wrong to him right now, but back then he had no guarantee they would have actually worked out this well. He knew they had great chemistry and they truly liked each other, but that was about it. Looking at them now sure makes him realize how much they’ve grown together and how tight they are.  The future sure seems promising by Changmin’s side and he can’t wait to experience it.
Confused when he’s asked not to hide his feelings, his golden brown furrows in thought but the moment the world “ring” is dropped he instantly looks up surprised. Did Min...? Just when he was about to ask familiar fingers reach down for his hand. Just like that his heart rate instantly goes from 0 to 100000 in a second and his eyes widen almost comically when he notices that his tattoo is perfectly visible through the resin. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life. Suddenly deaf to his surroundings all he can hear is the sound of his own heartbeat drumming loudly in his ears. Still in utter shock, he stands frozen staring down at the ring shining around his finger “Min...I...” his brain doesn’t want to cooperate, making him stumble over his words then his feelings take over his (in)ability of speech and he finally burst out in tears as he hugs his hand to his chest. “It’s beautiful, I love it” he whispers through sobs. it takes him a  moment to recollect himself  but once he’s okay he hurriedly wipes at his eyes and reaches out to squeeze Min’s hands tightly. “You idiot, how could you even think I would be mad for something so...I don’t even know how to describe it because beautiful is too reductive” he looks down at his finger then back up at the brunette and blinds him with a wide smile. “I...Did not expect you would get me a ring...” he confesses. “But thank you. I promise I will wear it always, or as often as possible, especially while cooking for you” his smile widens even further but he reluctantly lets go of Min’s hands when the priest invites him to continue on. There are many other couples scheduled for that day, time is limited. 
Blushing embarassed for having slowed the ceremony down with his happy tears, he instantly reaches out to take a sip from the same sake mug Changmin previously used, then turns around to face him once again. “Minnie" he starts with a firm voice as he reaches to hold Min’s left hand in his, thumb gently stroking over the ink around his ring finger “You are right, there is not much left to say but I want to be boring and still annoy you with my words” he teases, before continuing “I cannot imagine a life where I wake up and you’re not there next to me, curls messy and ruffled over the pillow, long beautiful lashes tickling your upper cheeks. It’d feel empty and incomplete and I don’t want any of that. You are my soulmate and I want to stay with you until we’re old and gray” his gaze lowers to their linked hands “Sadly I don’t have anything as amazing as the ring you gave me, but I do have something for you” he reaches inside his robe and takes a small object, showing it to Min “It’s a omamori" he explains “It’s kind of a lucky charm, but the type that has been blessed by a priest such as the one officiating this wedding” he smiles unsure, his gift feels like nothing compared to the ring currently around his finger “It has koi fishes on it because they have a very strong meaning in Japanese culture. They’re the symbol of love and friendship, but most importantly they’re known for its symbolism that represents how a person can remain strong in the face of adversity, never give up and develop strength through perseverance. I thought it fit us so well because, despite us being an amazing couple, we too went through tough times but that only made us stronger, just like a koi after having swimmed upstream” he leaves the charm in Min’s palm. “I thought it was a good way to remind us to always fight for what or who we want because adversities will always come, it’s unavoidable, and I want us to know that nothing won’t stop us” he nods, falling silent.
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京都に行くぜ!! - JaeMin
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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“The REBIRTH of J” Photobook - 2017 © rinmaze (do not edit or remove logo)
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mi-e-rotic-jaejoong · 7 years ago
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Tokyo Girls Music Festival - official goods - 180401 © jejujeju3 - do not edit
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