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Mitch. Twenty. { } Girls' Generation. f(x). Red Velvet.
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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Seulgi talking about her trainee days with Irene
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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be natural // seulgi & irene ver.
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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touchy-feely seulrene for anonymous
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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seulrene x photoshoots
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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seulrene moments (one of ?)
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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Irene at it again 
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
The drizzle of rain had coated everything from the mud along the field to the clothes along Seulgi’s back. Her uniform clung to her body like it was made to be a second skin. Her bat was slipping slightly in her trembling hands, and the cold that accommodated the rain was slowly seeping beneath her clothes.
The game hadn’t began yet, but the two teams were practicing. In the slight distance you could hear the sound of a bat being swung, soon followed by the noise of a ball hitting a glove. The teams didn’t care much about the weather, the show had to go on either way.
The people among the bleachers didn’t mind either, they were ecstatic. The signs being held up that honored the senior players, along with the screams and whistles that seemed never ending played on and on in Seulgi’s ears. It made it feel like electricity was buzzing across the expanse of her skin.
A smile cracked along her face, even if the rain was pouring down harder now. There was a single whistle, one that signaled that the game would begin soon, and the roaring of the crowd had pierced Seulgi’s eardrums once more.
Her eyes scanned the mass waves of people along the bleachers, in search for a single person she couldn’t quite lock eyes with. To say her heart felt as though a sting overtook it was an understatement. The corners of her lips twitched, hoping Joohyun would be seen soon, but she couldn’t seem to catch a glimpse of her anywhere.
A small tap against her shoulder followed by the soothing voice that she’d become so fond of had quickly gotten her heart to race against her chest within a few seconds.
“You didn’t actually think I’d miss this big game, did you?“ Joohyun had asked in mock disbelief. A smile was evident along her pink lips, but it wasn’t that that had made Seulgi smile.
What did was the oversized grey hoodie the girl was sporting. The one that had Seulgi’s name printed on the back of it. It’d been the sweatshirt for baseball practice she’d used since her first year of joining the team. The cuffs of the hoodie had covered Joohyun’s hands in an attempt to keep them warm, but by the dark blotches of rained formed on the article of clothing, Seulgi knew she wouldn’t stay warm for much longer. Though she liked it, she admitted it had always looked better on the brown haired girl.
“You said you may have had to take an extra shift at work, so do you really blame me for worrying about you not showing up?”
The thin gate that separated the field from the bleachers created a barrier between the two, but Joohyun managed to step on the tips of her toes to be seen above it while Seulgi spoke to her.
“It’s the semi final. I would never. Plus, I got Joy to cover for me last minute.”
When the words slipped out of Joohyun’s mouth, the panic that hit Seulgi formed once more. The team had always gotten up to the semi final, but always managed to lose against the other team. Seulgi wanted tonight to be different. She was team captain, she was adamant on winning the game instead of letting days and days of practice and hard work go to waste.
“Yeah, well the ‘big game’ starts in about a minute or so, so why don’t you wish me some good luck before I start?” There was a big and knowing grin that crossed Seulgi’s face. ‘Luck’ had always been a cover up word for Seulgi wanting a kiss before she’d started playing. It was a silly tradition that Joohyun rolled her eyes at, yet kept up with just because it made Seulgi smile. The younger girl had even believed that the kisses did bring her luck, and Joohyun wasn’t going to be the one to crush that belief of hers.
Fingers curled around the collar of Seulgi’s uniform, forcing her closer so that their lips could meet in a mixture of rain and mint flavored chapstick. The pulse of energy that shot through Seulgi immediately at the contact was enough to raise her enthusiasm for the rest of the night. Though her cheeks instantly heated up at the fact that the entire school body had been fixated on the sight, Seulgi’d only grasped forward to let her fingers tangle themselves within the strands of the older girl’s hair. There was always something about Joohyun’s kisses that seemed to make energy flow right into her, or maybe it was just because she was so infatuated with the girl that it felt like she was able to accomplish anything when she was around.
There were a few whistles breaking out from the crowd at the sight, but Joohyun just clutched onto the fabric of Seulgi’s clothes harder, caught Seulgi’s bottom lip in a fluid motion between her teeth and pressed down gently before releasing. The sappy smile across the younger girl’s face was enough to have a smile of her own spread across her face easily.
She’d adjusted Seulgi’s cap on so it wouldn’t fall down too low before she let the girl run back to her position on the field, and Seulgi didn’t even have to look back at the gate to know that Joohyun was the one who cupped her hands over her mouth and screamed, “kick their asses, Kang Seulgi.”
- Dedicated to the anon that said “Seulgi needs a kiss before every game for good luck”
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
Hi, fellow Seulrene shippers!
A few days ago, I shared the Reddit page for seulrene. It’s another place where everyone can share photos, gifs, edits, fan arts, fanfics, etc about our lovely ship~ We can spazz there too as well! (*coughs* we can be trash together)
It’s main goal is to serve as a seulrene archive that every shipper can look at when they feel like it. More information about the subreddit can be read in the announcement post.
It’s still new so there isn’t much yet, but hopefully with everyone’s support and contributions, we can make it into something we are proud of.
The subreddit is OUR place.
Hope to see you there! ^-^
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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seulrene reading comments about them looking like newlyweds for anonymous
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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happiness~ ♡
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mi-chyeo · 8 years ago
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mi-chyeo · 9 years ago
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mi-chyeo · 9 years ago
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mi-chyeo · 9 years ago
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talking about seulgi
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mi-chyeo · 9 years ago
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seulgi, they already have their own mic..
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