I post Mewni Queens. Also on deviantart. https://www.deviantart.com/mewnihistorian
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King of Fire and Madness...
Doctor of War & Sorrow

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10 Facts about Comet Diaz Butterfly
Extra fact, his ears are pierced.
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It was the middle of the night and Comet heard rustling down stairs. He grabbed his sword and walked downstairs. ���Hello?” Comet said as he walked downstairs. He heard sloshing sounds and saw a cauldron in the fire place, with a tiny person stirring the pot. “No way... that looks like...” Comet said. The person turned around, the same person he’s seen in his dreams before. “What do you think Comet?” She said holding the wooden spoon. “More salt, less salt?” She said. Comet screamed as he put his hands on is cheeks. “AAAAHHHHH!” He screamed, then she had the spoon shoved in his mouth.
Comet woke up with his blanket in his mouth, he then spit it out. “What does that lady WANT?!” Ever since he turned 15 two months ago he’s been seeing images of that lady in his dreams, though that was the first time he saw her clearly. He saw it was morning and decided get ready for school. He put on his red jacket and picked up his shoes when he saw some kind of gunk on the bottom. “What the?” He said as he rubbed his finger on it. “I swear I’ve seen this before.” He then put on a different pair of shoes and headed down stairs. “For the love of-“ Marco stoped when he saw his son. “Corn.” He said. “Your sister ate the whole box again.“ “Um, it could be mom. She’s addicted to that cereal too.” Comet said, entering the kitchen, grabbing a waffle. "No. Oddly when your mother’s pregnant Sugar Seeds revolt her, it’s the only thing she won’t eat.” Marco explained. “Where are they anyway?" Comet asked. “Your sister’s in the living room and Star is in the bathroom.” Marco said. “She’s morning sick again?” Comet asked. “Oh yeah. With Angel not so much, but you... that’s how we learned... so much for the first three days we thought she had some soft of bug..” Marco chuckled. Star then came down stairs, moaning. “Morning all...” She said. “Wow mom, you look awful.” Angel said, popping her head over the couch. “Watch it...” Star said, looking at her daughter. “Bean juice please...” “Come on Star, you know it’s just called coffee, and you know you're not supposed to drink it while pregnant.” Marco said, moving the coffee cup away from Star. “Ugh! Fine...” Star said. “But I do have some good new about our baby, I know what it’s gonna be!” “Come on Star, that is ridiculous.” Marco said. “No it’s not!” Star rebuttaled. “What is mom talking about?” Angel asked, climbing on the back of the couch. “Back on Mewni mew-woman would have a dream that would tell them the gender of their baby, but that’s just an old wives tail.” Marco said. “Is not! I had a dream predicting this one was a girl” Star pointed at Angel “and this one was a boy.” Star pointed to her son. “All dreams have meanings Marco. You should know that.” Star winked at him. “Yeah... dreams have meaning...” Comet said, looking at his waffle. “Um Comet, is there something you want to tell me?” Star said, noticing her child’s face. “Um no. I’ve gotta get to school early!” Comet grabbed his bag and dashed out the door, forgetting his waffle. “Do we believe him?” Marco asked. “Absolutely... not.” Star said. “But if he’s hiding something he has a good reason. How bad could it be anyway?” “He’s our son. Think about it.” Marco said, grabbing the waffle. ……… Comet was walking in the locker area of Echo Creek Academy when he felt something tickling his left shoulder. Comet turned and saw nothing. “Boo!” Solaria said from Comet's right, making him jump. “Ha! You always fall for that!” She said, retracting her tail. “You know you only use that tail for pranks right?” Comet said, painting. “Yeah, and I love it!” She chuckled. Comet headed over to his locker when he was his ex, Rasticore Jr. standing by it. “Hey Rasticore.” Comet said. “Hey Comet.” He said, then handed him a silver spiked bracelet. “I found this at Rex's house. She said you left it after her party last month.” “Thanks. Wait, why did she never give it back?” Comet asked. “I don’t know. She's a Raptorix, they horde things.” Rasticore said. “Well thanks. Hey, were still on to see Eclipsa’s rock show next Saturday?” Comet asked, putting his bracelet away. “Of course!” Rasticore said. “Anyway, later man.” He said, throwing a peace out sign. Comet smiled and turned to see his Solaria smiling. “What?” “You two are so cute together, why did you break up?” She asked. “Because we didn’t make a great couple, okay? Seriously, it just didn’t work out between us. Nobody dumped anybody.” Comet said aggressively. “But we’re still friends.” “Hey, I’m not judging! I’m in love with the spawn of a homicidal genocidal psychopath! Specifically one who wants to kill my family most.” She said. “Yeah I guess so. I mean-“ “But I will judge you for dating Sol's sister. Seriously she tried to behead us all!” “Hey!” Comet said. “You met her too and you had no idea she was planning on axing us! So don’t judge me on her.” Comet then opened his locker. “Yeah, I guess she did seem normal. I mean she looked nothing her mother, but she shares the same beliefs as that fried chicken brained... sociopath!” Solaria ranted. Comet then closed his locker and saw Ashly on the other side. “Someone say fried chicken?” She asked. “We were talking about Mina Loveberry.” Solaria said. “Oh. Well if anyone wants any I have some.” Ashly said. She then pulled her hand from behind her back, revealing a meat leg, she then took a big bite out of it. “Wait, you have fried chicken, but you’re eating a megafowl leg?” Solaria said. “For breakfast?” Comet added. “Hey! Do you know how many calories I burn a day?” She then smacked them on the head with her megafowl leg. “Ow!” They both said. “I need to eat right.” She then took a bite out of her meat. “So why talk about Mina?” “Just talking about my ex.” Comet said. “Oh the one who tried to behead you?” Ashly asked. “Yeah, she definitely takes after her mother. You lucked out with Sol.” She said, pointing at Solaria. “Oh don’t I know it.” Solaria smiled. “What about you Ashly? Aren’t you dating someone from Silver Hill Prep?” Comet asked. “Oh I dumped him. He was a major jerk.” Ashly took another bite. “Wasn’t that like the second one this month?” Comet chucked. Ashly growled and devoured the rest of the meat and hit him on the head with the bone. “Ow!” He said, rubbing his head. Solaria chuckled. “You know you two would make a great couple!” Solaria said. “WHAT?!” They both said. “How could you think that?!” Comet said. “She just wacked me with a bone!” “I know but still, you two just seem like the kind of people who would click!” She giggled. “You two should just give it a chance!” “Solaria, are you sure your brain grew back when your body did after your last shrink?” Ashly said. “Relax guys I’m just joking. Mostly.” Solaria smiled. “Anyway, I’ve gotta met Sol before class. Later.” She then walked away. “Man, can you believe her?” Comet said. “Thinking we you be a couple...” He then put his hand on his stomach as it growled. “Sounds like you need some breakfast. I’d offer you the marrow, but it’s the best part.” Ashly dug around in her bag and pulled out a bag or ribs. “Oops, that my lunch.” She dug around some more and pulled out a bag of chicken patties. “Here.” She handed him a patty. “Thanks.” Comet took a bite of the patty. “I’ll see you later.” ……… It was afternoon and Comet was sitting on his bed listening to his Mirror Pod when he felt something sharp puncture on his leg. “What the-” He looked and saw it was Max. “Dude, what the corn wad?!” He said rubbing his leg. “Would you rather I lick your face?” Max smiled. “Anyway, it’s Friday night! Come on, let’s party!” “I don’t know Max, I just don’t really feel like it tonight. I didn’t sleep well last night...” Comet said. “Oh come on, it’ll be fun!” Max scrounged up next to him. “Come on!” “Max no...” Comet said, lying back down. “Fine. You leave me no choice.” Max said. He hovered over Comet’s desk, specifically his mirror phone. “Max...” Comet said. “Don’t you-” Max then touched his neck to the desk, and floated up with the mirror phone gone. “You’ll get it back after we go clubbing.” “You know your evil, right?” Comet said, sitting up. “Actually the correct term would be ‘devious’.” Max corrected. He then picked up a hat with his horn and tossed it at Comet. “Now geto you butt up and let’s go!!” It was midnight and Comet was heading back into his room, and planted his face on his bed, the light turned on and he growled. “Comet!” Star yelled. “Do you know how early it is? It’s Friday!” She said. “I just needed to come home. I didn’t sleep well last night.” Comet said. “I know.” She said, pulling off his hat. “I heard you screaming. I was already up because this one is already using my bladder like a squeeze toy.” She put her hand on her stomach. “If there’s something wrong, you can tell me.” Comet then stat up. “Fine. Do you regret destroying it? Magic I mean?” He asked. “Oh.” Star said. “Well, there are times I wish I could still narwhal blast. And maybe I was a little hasty, but I still stand by my decision to destroy the magic. Why?” “I don’t know, it’s just my dreams might have something to do with magic.” Comet said. “Maybe. Magic was a pretty big part of our family’s history, and your were raised in a time without magic. It’s only natural you would wonder about it.” Star said. “Yeah, I guess.” Comet said. “But are you sure you destroyed it all? I mean Toffee-“ “Toffee wasn’t four magical Butterflies.” Star said. “It’s gone Comet, all of it.” Star said, then got up. “Now I’ve gotta go pee again. Six more months of this and you’ll get a new brother.” “Which will make Angel the middle child, I heard they can be nasty.” Comet said, then chuckled. He took off his gloves and boots and just went to sleep in his clothes. ……… ……… ……… “....the bond...” A female voice said. Comet opened his eyes and saw nothing. He felt he was in some kind of liquid, and started moving around. “...sew the...” the voice said. Comet continued to looked and saw nothing. “...Cleave the...” ‘That sounds like the Whispering Spell.’ Comet though unable to open his mouth. He then saw a glow coming in from behind him. He turned and saw a small yellow flickering light, moving closer to him. “Start the magic.” It said clearly. Before he even realized it he was putting his hand out. He then grabbed it, and it burned. Comet screamed an bubbles flew out of his mouth. He then felt himself become weightless, and then he head was above whatever he was in. He took deep breaths realized where he was... the Pit. He swam to the edge and climbed out and spat out the goo. He turned and saw the remains of the old Britta's Tacos hut, where the old Earth Well was. “This wasn’t a dream.” He looked closer at the goop and realized it was the same as the stuff on his shoes earlier. “I must have come here... before...” Comet put his hands on his cheeks and started to panic. “I can’t tell mom and dad... or anyone...” As he pulled his hands away and the goo was removed from his cheeks, and slightest of glows was fading away. He then got up and ran off, not seeing a slight glow rising then fading away from the center of the Pit.
#star butterfly#marco diaz#Angel diaz#comet Diaz#sol loveberry#solaria butterfly II#max ponyhead#rasticore jr#svtfoe#star vs the forces of evil#cometverse
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They’re Coming...
The ghosts are coming...
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Queens of Mewni Bio Line Arts

The Line Arts of my AU Queens. I used Twisted-bases and Jgss0109 on DA as bases. Canon Queens belong to Disney and Daron Nefcy.
#svtfoe#queens of mewni#canon queen#oc queen#star vs the forces of evil#moe#alexandra butterfly#selene butterfly#dipper Butterfly#Hemera Butterfly#nebula butterfly#Nyx Butterfly#Eternia Butterfly#galaxia butterfly#fortuna butterfly#marina butterfly#morgana butterfly#helios butterfly#Dyamond Butterfly#saturn butterfly#venus butterfly#Cora Butterfly#eve butterfly#apollo butterfly#Pentas Butterfly#twilight butterfly#diana butterfly#heaven butterfly#soupina butterfly#orion butterfly
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Moe the Progenitor - Curiosities
These are 7 Curiosities about Moe the Progenitor: 1. Like all of the First Settlers, Moe had no last name. 2. She created the name “Mewman” for her species, and her fellow First Settlers like that name cause it had a familiar ring to it. 3. Before she learned how to blast with magic she would throw her shoe with unnatural force. Once she caught a sentry sleeping on job and threw her shoe so hard it dented the cast iron skillet next to him, said next time she wouldn’t miss. 4. When her children were babies she would glow her cheekmarks and it would cause her kids’ marks to glow as well, and it made them laugh. 5. When her wings first began to sprout she tried to rip them out, but couldn’t reach. 6. Once Rhombulus tried to hit on her, and when she glared at him his face facet creaked. 7. It broke her heart when she realized only one of her children would become the next ruler, that was the main reason she divided the mewmans between 10 Royal Families, and dividing the population for easier management was the second reason. She is completely self made! The Curiosity concept was by jgss0109 in deviantart. Extra facts: She was crowned the same year the mewmans first appeared on Mewni, 1000 B.S. (Before Skywynne, as in before she reigned)
Also those flowers are made of pure magic.
And the writing is in First Mewman, the first language of mewmans. Same characters as Low Mewman, but in a different order.
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The Crew
The Crew, right before the start of “Comet’s Crazy Adventures”! From left to right it’s Maximus “Max” Ponyhead, Comet Diaz - Butterfly, Ashly Phoenix, Sol Loveberry, and Solaria Butterfly. Max is the youngest of the group, 14 currently, but oldest of over 30 siblings! Obviously the son of Ponyhead and Seahorse. He takes after his dad with book smarts, but is a bit like his mother personality wise. Comet is Star and Marco’s oldest kid, the middle of the group, turned 15 right before the photo. He’s the ring leader of the group. Ashly is the second youngest, turn 15 that summer. She a Half Blood like Comet and Solaria, her mother was mewman and her father was the Phoenix King, it was love at first head shot for them. While she is a princess her family’s patriarchal, and her younger brother is the heir to the throne. And she’s fine with that, allowed her to live a normal life with her mother’s family in New Echo Creek. She’s the martial artist of the group, mastering many human and mewman styles, and is not afraid to bop her friends when they make her mad. Sol is Mina’s oldest kid, but shares none of her enthusiasm for monster genocide. In fact ran away at age 10 and was adopted into Jackie’s family. Oldest of the group, turned that winter. Ironic with his heritage he’s none violent, but has the heart of a Lion Dragon and will stand by his friends. He hopes his mother can be redeemed, and also has a half monster girlfriend! Solaria is the middle child of Eclipsa and Globgor, and the second oldest in the group, turned 16 not long before Comet’s Birthday. She was named after her grandmother, and thinks of Comet like a brother due to their closeness, even after the buried truth of the Butterflies after Eclipsa was revealed! A truth not even the Magical High Commission knew! She has her father’s size shifting powers and is very cunning like her mom, always looking for another angle. When her parents discovered who she was dating, they were shocked, but could tell it was real. Again, any Questions are welcome! I even encourage you to ask them!
#comet Diaz#stvfoe#ashly Phoenix#sol loveberry#max ponyhead#star vs the forces of evil#solaria butterfly II
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The Uniters

The War... A horrible, horrible time. This is 4 years into the war, which started right after the Cleaving. Each of the 6 here was in charge of a certain area of the military of the Uniters Faction.
Tom was the leader of boots on the ground, soldiers. He fought on the front lines of major battles, often used demons as soldiers as well. While the Underworld wasn’t affected too much by the Cleaving, he felt he had to stick by his friends.
Janna was head of recon (intelligence gathering) and psychological warfare. Her friends didn’t exactly know what she did with the rubber chicken, but 5 minutes alone with her, and everyone spilled their guts. She used her weirdness to play mind games with the other Factions.
Ponyhead was head of aerial support, whether that was supplies of bullet barrage, she was your girl. She often lead flyers herself into battle, what with her floating body she was perfect for the job, with some help from Kappas too.
Jackie as naval. She lead both sea and coastal warfare. With the help of sea monsters nobody got through her blockades, and nobody sunk her battle ships.
Marco was Special Forces. He lead small groups for infiltration, and either capture or assassination. Often when one army was fighting, he and his team would sneak behind enemy lines to complete their goals.
Star was the brains of the whole military. She saw coordination between the groups, and delegated matter, and hardly saw combat herself, there were times that demanded it.
While there was a sixth group, it didn’t see the same combat as the others, as it was to protect the civilian area, and was lead by Rasticore. His experience as an assassin made him perfect for creating the perfect defense.
While many of the soldiers weren’t thrilled to be taking orders from these kids, they saw they hardly ever lost with them leading and learned to respect them. Even though they were only a fraction of just on of the other factions, they combined efforts from all three groups and that’s what lead them to victory.
#star butterfly#svtfoe#marco diaz#janna ordonia#tom lucitor#jackie lynn thomas#ponyhead#war#Uniters#future
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The Diaz Family

The Diaz Family in the future! Star and Marco are 38 here, they are just so cut with their three children. Their son is named Comet, after Star’s grandmother. (She wanted to name him River after her deceased father, but her mother already named her brother after their father, he was born the year following “Cleaved”, nicknamed Lil’ River, but River Senior died before his son was born) He’s 15 and adventurous like his mother, and is best friends with Max Ponyhead, Solaria Butterfly, Sol Loveberry, and Ashly Phoenix. Their daughter is named Angel, derived from Marco’s deceased mother. She’s 9 years old, though not as outgoing and her brother, she’s just as mischievous. Her partner in crime is Goo, daughter of Penelope and Slime, her excess hair slime helps they squeeze into tight spaces, literally! Even though this photo seems perfect, things were far from it in the beginning. When the worlds merged a 7 year war broke out between the humans, mewmans, and monsters for dominance of the planet. Star was the leader of the smallest faction, the Uniters, who wanted equality for all, and they ended up winning. I will elaborate on this later. Comet will get his own series, “Comet’s Crazy Adventures”, and it’s gonna get really weird! Any questions are welcomed, in fact I encourage it!
#star vs the forces of evil#star butterfly#starco#starco kids#next generation#marco diaz#comet Diaz#Angel diaz#svtfoe
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Beach Day Board

The many Starco children on the multiverse timelines decide to take a break from their stressing, death defying, intense, and adventures lives and take a Beach Day! They all had fun and were relaxed at the end of it. Now for the credits: Red butterfly curly haired Comet, and small girl with no marks, Angel, belongs to me. Risinga with purple astral sun marks and brown/blonde hair, plus Apollia with red hallow triangle marks belong to Sailormedia Oriana with swirl marks, male Rigel with green astral Earth mark, PLUS medium markless blonde boy belongs to Orianaverse Hippolytus with flower marks belongs to Crystalreader Solena with blonde hair and upside down star marks belongs to https://theroyalhistorian.tumblr.com/ Aurora with brown hair and sun marks belongs to jgss0109 Aurora with blondish hair and blue moon/star marks, plus Asterida, with blonde hair and red moons belongs to EstrellaSentry White crescent moon Luna belongs to chibicmps.tumblr.com/ Purple, butterfly?, Luna and short blonde straight hair no mark Comet boy belongs to TurquoiseGirl35Elizabeth with short hair and fleur-de-lis marks belongs to moringmark.tumblr.com/ Celeste, with purple/tear marks belongs to Jess-the-vampire The photos were made via screen shots from MLP EG. I also have a group Stash of all individually photos here: sta.sh/2x5xviuh9cm?edit=1
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me making another post for my 12 followers knowing that it will get approximately 4 notes
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Moe the Progenitor

Previous Queen: None King: None Children: Alexandra Butterfly, Red Firefly, and Zym Dragonfly Description: Moe was on the first boat that arrived on Mewni. Her name was given to her by the strange blue being later learned to be named Glossaryck, who seemed to have no idea he gave her the wand. Not long after her and the other settlers began settling, monsters began attacking them, claiming Mewni was their land, but with her magic Moe pushed them back, and was eventually named the Queen of Mewni, a term they picked up form their allies, the Ponyheads. Instead of her bloodline alone ruling Mewni, she declared that it would be ruled by 10 royal families, with three of them started by her own children, with her daughter starting the Butterfly bloodline, and passed the magic wand to her. Inspiration: Her design was a mix of her debut, and the Queen from the Mewnipendence book, which we all presume is her. Credits: Some screen editing. Moe belongs to Disney and Daron Nefcy.
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Lyric the Boundless

Previous Queen: Orion King: Cinder Phoenix Children: Skywynne Description: Daughter of Orion, Lyric wasn’t the best choice as Queen. She spent more time flying than on her throne, longing for the day to pass it down to her child. The only thing she ever gave serious thought to was her wedding, and her daughter’s birthdays, always trying to one up the one before. This lead to her hiring some not so well trained dragons that burned down the Butterfly Castle, causing the Butterfly legacy to restart with her daughter. Inspiration: Her cheekmarks are NOT stars, but five petal flowers. Credits: Lyric belongs to Disney and Darin Nefcy.
#Lyric Butterfly#butterfly family#canon queen#queens of mewni#star vs the forces of evil#svtfoe#mewni
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Soupina the Strange

Previous Queen: Heaven King: Stallion Ponyhead Children: Orion Description: Soupina was Strange even as a child, having a series of quirks. Soupina received advances from King Azreal of the Underworld, but choose Prince Stallion as her King (a relationship that many tried to figure out.) In retaliation King Azeral dragged half the Butterfly Kingdom into the Underworld. This angered Soupina so much she went full Mewberty and, to say she destroyed him would be a massive understatement, but she was never able to return her eyes normal, causing her go mad. To end her madness she used her only non soup spell, the most dangerous spell in history, the Whispering Spell. She used it in the old tapestry room, trying to symbolically destroy the legacy of the magical Queens so the future ones wouldn’t suffer the madness she did because of magic. Inspiration: Her cheekmarks are tear shaped diamonds. Credits: Her name belongs to Disney and Darin Nefcy. I used some screen shots, but the background is all me. Whispering Spell: Yes, Soupina invented the Whispering Spell, which is why she's the only Old Book Queen mentioned in the Book of Spells. While the wand was put back together after she used it, her son thought it would be a good idea to have a fail safe, incase the wand falls into wrong hands. However, because it’s the most dangerous spell in history, it can can only be learned verbally, from Queen to heir at a young age. While Eclipsa didn’t pass the spell on to the Queen after her, Queen Lunaura, Justin Butterfly did learn spell as he was Queen Skywynne's first heir, so he taught the spell to Luaura, thus the spell making it to Star.
#soupina butterfly#butterfly family#canon queen#queens of mewni#mewni#star vs the forces of evil#svtfoe
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Reblog if it's OK for other artists to draw your OCs
Sometimes I get too timid to send asks to ask. I want to see how many people are ok with artists drawing their OCs!
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Heaven the Helpful

Previous Queen: Diana King: Flint Lazuli Children: Soupina Description: She was born during an important battle, so important that her mother literally squared in the field and popped her out, then picked her up and continued fighting. She didn’t have the same fighting spirt as her mother, in fact she had no offensive spells, only defensive. As a girl learned how to heal by tending to the wounded on the battlefield, wanting to physically heal people rather than her family’s name. She also wanted her daughter's name to be unique, naming her Soupina, after her favorite dish. Inspiration: Her cheekmarks are crosses. Credits: Some screen editing.
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