metalslimer · 1 year
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8 years on tumblr 👁👁
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metalslimer · 2 years
I love how we all have so many different opinions about wrestling, but we can all agree on one thing: Fuck Sammy G*uevara.
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metalslimer · 2 years
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category is: ✨tiddies✨
keep it going
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metalslimer · 2 years
i giggled a little bit
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okay nvm this is my favorite tweet of the day
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metalslimer · 3 years
high school sweethearts.
♡ ♡ ♡ | kenny omega x celeste
high school au! headcanons for @kennyomegasferalgremlin
warnings: bullying
author note: this may be longer than expected! whoops.
summary: celeste is the school's introvert, hardcore into cottage!core and fairies. fantasy living in real life. kenny is your average athlete, determined jock and all around popular guy. two worlds will collide - for better or for worse?
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❀ celeste is the high school introvert
❀ heavily into cottage core aesthetics
❀ they don't belong to a group, just a loner, floating around
❀ leaves no imagination- they are centered to being bullied anyways
❀ mainly by the popular kids, who are snobs and inhumane
❀ then here's kenny. . . somewhere in the middle of being popular and having his fair share of picking on people
❀ the star athlete, the good-looking boy, green in his pockets. what's not to love about this guy?
❀ unfortunately, he wasn't that smart as it seemed. give him a football and he can run the mile. hand him a worksheet and he's brain dead. . . head empty and NO thoughts
❀ problem here was with no good grades came with no sports, which meant he was DOOMED
❀ *celeste has entered the chat*
❀ these two have been neighbors and classmates since elementary
❀ kenny is brain rot with social cues that he's never noticed
❀ their teacher pairs them up for a tutoring session ONCE but it turns into more than just one semester
❀ celeste is what kenny would think as "a weirdo" considering they dressed up as mushroom fairies, and had their nose poked in a book rather than talking to anyone else
❀ neither of these two people understood the other- both from two different sides of the tree branch
❀ but this didn't discourage kenny into talking to celeste, outside from the usual tutoring schedules they had
❀ it got to the point he spent more time around them than with his friends
❀ trust and believe, they did not like this, not one bit
❀ things resorted to name calling, poking, throwing things at celeste, spreading rumors, as far as terrorizing their house and their family with egging, tp-ing, and random phone calls at night
❀ all while kenny sat oblivious-
❀ oh! he knew. . . but what would happen to him and his status if he stood there to defend the weird kid of the school? he could NOT afford that
❀ celeste was used to this harassment, of course, but once things got too personal. . . they couldn't handle it anymore
❀ they had went m.i.a and kenny noticed rather quickly
❀ his friends thought they finally won but turned out they were mistakenly wrong
❀ kenny had guilt bubbling inside him and for the first time, he did the opposite of what people expected him to do. . . and he went to find celeste
❀ the apology was awkward and very choppy but it meant the world to them that he was brave enough to admit his faults
❀ "they've been my friends since forever, this is so normal for me. . . to be so mean, so rude. i never thought about what it's like for the person who's taking the beating. but when it was you, it hurt me so much. i watched you cry and i did nothing to stop it. i can never forgive myself but. . . i think the only thing i need is for YOU to forgive me. please? i'll do anything!"
❀ it took two weeks exactly before celeste made the final decision
❀ which ended up in them forgiving kenny (never his friends) and their relationship only blossomed from there
❀ kenny x celeste
❀ a couple NO ONE (not even teachers) could expect to happen
❀ girls jealous, burning holes in celeste's head as they wore kenny's letterman jacket
❀ hands in each other's back pockets
❀ wearing cheap but super cute, matching charm jewelry
❀ they held the biggest sign at all his games
❀ they even bought a megaphone to out-cheer the cheerleaders
❀ kenny went to all the bookclub meetings, all the comic-cons, and sat through every sci-fi movie
❀ he may not understand it or have slight interest in it, but supporting celeste in their hobbies made them both happy
❀ his parents didn't exactly approve, but celeste was smart, so they had no worries about that
❀ celeste's parents danced with joy that their child scored a guy with a guaranteed sports scholarship
❀ many people in school came around to finally come to terms and wish nothing but good luck for these two
❀ seeing how happy they made each other was more than enough evidence to let the bad blood go (at least for some)
❀ prom whipped around the corner fast for everyone
❀ many people panicking about who to take, kenny and celeste knew they had each other
❀ celeste wore the infamous strawberry dress (it made them feel beautiful and very happy)
❀ kenny wore an all white suit with a tie matching the strawberry design, plus a pink handkerchief sitting in the pocket of his jacket
❀ he even got his hair trimmed, slicked back, with a pink streak going through the blond curls
❀ this was completely different than what he had imagined for himself during this moment
❀ but the smile on celeste's face. . . had made all those fantasies disappear in a blink of an eye
❀ only kenny's friends that were nice to celeste sat with them at their table, along with their own dates
❀ the two danced to a few songs but mainly sat and ate the snacks, talking about dream goals after graduation
❀ celeste didn't know what they wanted exactly but could only want to do it alongside kenny
❀ kenny had dreams of making it big in sports - no matter the sport
❀ hopefully celeste would take the risk with him ?
❀ kenny and celeste win vote for prom king and queen
❀ they slow dance to celeste's song choice (here)
❀ the night ends with a loving kiss shared between the two in kenny's car, in front of celeste's home
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metalslimer · 3 years
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YOUR MOM'S HOUSE CAFE: ❝ where we make all your favorites, just how Mom used to make! ❞
this is a cafe @feralgremlin and i own in bloxburg.
if you see us and our cafe is open, please don't be afraid to swing by and get a taste of the good food, the delicious drinks, and our chill vibe. we serve you with a smile and positive attitude! no crumb or sip shall be left behind! you are guaranteed to have a wonderful time.
the cafe build is from iKotori (this video)
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metalslimer · 3 years
who you gonna call?
♡ ♡ ♡ | kenny omega x celeste
requested by @kennyomegasferalgremlin
warnings: angst, mentions of death, crying, adult language
summary: kenny is an official ghost busters™️ member, having been on the job for 7 years and counting. he receives a call about a house he once lived in with a possible haunting, but when the job comes, he’s shaken to the core when he finds out who’s spirit is haunting the grounds of his previous home.
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friday, october 15, 2021.
buzz. buzz. silence. buzzzz.
the vibrations from the phone against the wooden table was more than enough to make this grown man toss from side to side before eventually flinging his body up, sitting straight and pushing the messy mop of hair around on his head. it was early morning, but just a little after the sun had risen and the sounds of cars passing on the street began to stir.
❝ hello? ❞ kenny cleared his throat a few times as he answered the call, wondering who in their right mind would be calling him this early on a friday morning! especially since it was his day off.
❝ is this kenny. . . kenny omega, the ghost buster? my name is caroline jacobs, my family and i are in an urgent need of your services. we have suspicions there is a spirit haunting our home and has been for a while and we'd appreciate it if you could help us get rid of it. i will gladly send you the details in an email, i'm rushing to work right now. ❞ the lady on the other line sounds desperate, pretty distraught and exhausted. there was absolutely no way kenny would decline, even on his day off.
a long drag of breath exited his mouth with the swing of his legs, his feet soon touching the ice cold floor that sent shockwaves up his spine. ❝ of course, ma'am. . . i would be delighted to help you. just send me the details soon and i will get back to you right away. thank you for the call. ❞
tuesday, october 19, 2021.
❝ you sure you want to do this, kenny? you know. . . you haven't been back here since the accident. matt and i will understand if you're not okay. . . we'll get this job over and done before you can worry. leave it to us. ❞ nick laid his hand on kenny's shoulder as he stared at him with eyes full of concern and worry. his best friend was hurting. . . so many years later and he knew it.
kenny's shoulder shrugged his hand off as he stood up in the van, door opening, eyes burning holes into the house before him. his previous home from nine years ago. his home he sold quickly and moved away from, his home he never wanted to visit again, his home he wished he could've burned to the ground so he never had to think about it again. ❝ no worries, nick. your brother and i will go in and investigate. . . send this spirit back to their rightful place. . . and be on our merry way. you'll stay here and watch the cameras matt set up already, let us know if you find anything worth mentioning. we'll let you know if we need to cut this short. ❞
nick wanted to protest but matt signaled them on the walky-talky and said things were set up and ready to go. kenny marched out the back of the van with his equipment and despite feeling heaviness, he pushed through, for the family that lived here in present time. he had to clear his mind of the past and focus on the present and eventually the future.
❝ who are you? why are you here? you need to stop terrorizing the family that lives here. . . this is NOT your home, MOVE ON, GO TO THE LIGHT. you are NO LONGER welcome in this house. ❞ things surely escalated in the past hour. matt had gotten many readings and temperature drops during the time they were here, but still no physical evidence of a spirit. nick also hasn't seen much on the cameras beside obvious object moving.
the reader matt held did not go off at any given moment during the time they spent in the house, not once. but moments before they were about to pack up and call it DAY ONE of the job, the reader began going off and matt surely freaked out about it last second. he'd never admit it aloud but he definitely was a nerd for science and the paranormal.
❝ i've got readings, kenny! it says. . . ❞ his voice dropped just a little at the words written on the screen, ❝ car. hurt. sad. dead. lost. ❞ several words popped up within a few seconds of each other and matt was kind of hesitant to even read them to his partner. everyone who was kenny's friend knew about the big accident that happened nine years ago. it's was almost the tenth year anniversary, sometime in december would it be then.
tears were already forming and falling out of his eyes the moment matt read those words out loud, rattling his brain for a good minute. it had been nine years. . . and everyday since then he hadn't forgot, he hadn't stopped thinking about it. he just wasn't man enough to return back here and bring peace. he was too afraid. but now look at what he's done. . . created. because he couldn't come bring peace and rest, this poor family had to live with those consequences, his consequences.
kenny used his sleeve to wipe his eyes and his nose, sniffling as he looked at the reader. his own two eyes seeing what matt saw. he just couldn't believe it, ❝ are. . . are you telling me this could be celeste? after so long? they. . . they never moved on like i thought? no way! no fucking way! this isn't fair, celeste! YOU HEAR ME. THIS ISN'T FUCKING FAIR. YOU'RE GONE. you're gone and i can't help you anymore. . . ❞
❝ i never needed you to help me, kenny. i just wanted you to be here, even after i was gone. what happened wasn't your fault, never was. but without you it's cold. . . and quiet. . . and so lonely. ❞ kenny thought he was going absolutely insane. suddenly he could hear the voice of his beloved, celeste, and yet he just couldn't see them. unfortunately he may never see them because he also can't touch them. oh what he would give in order to hold them one last time.
❝ that night i got into a car crash. . . i wish i would've told you one last time how much i loved you, kenny. how much i admire you, how great you are. but i guess i didn't deserve a future with you like we planned. the only regret i have now is having to watch you grow and live without me. ❞ their voice was warm, almost as if they were still alive and standing here with him, like normal. it brought him peace to know their last moments with him were not of resent or depression. and as much as he hated the idea of banishing them, he had to go through with his job.
kenny dropped to his knees in the darkness of the bedroom, everything was different from what he remembered. the walls weren't blue, the floors were old and creaky, pictures were gone and everything was decorated different than what he would've done. no signs of him or his beloved remained. he was absolutely a mess about it and nothing could ever fill that hole in his heart. however the coldness in the room was more than enough to indicate celeste was there with him. . . they were there to see him one last time. . . even though they waited so many years for it to happen.
matt had left the room a while ago, so now it only left kenny. whom finally stood on his two feet and ran a hand through his hair, the curls falling into place as his boots slid across the floor and he finally turned in the direction of the door. ❝ celeste. . . there is nothing to truly let you know how sorry i am for doing what i did after your death. i shouldn't have left, i shouldn't have sold this house, i shouldn't have pretended like i could just forget it all and smile. . . pretend to be happy when i'm not. to think you weren't also hurting too. and i know there isn't anything else either of us can do now, but someday we will meet again. someday i will finally see that smile of yours. . . wrap my arms around you. . . tell you i love you and give you a soft kiss like always. but right now i can't and you have to move to the light, okay? it'll be scary but trust me, celeste, i'll never stop thinking about you. you mean more than anything else. i won't let you go, not even in death. ❞
nick saw something flash across one of the cameras and he was quick to grab his walky-talky and alert both matt and kenny of it. however, matt was already back to the van the second his brother began paging them. he just stood behind nick to watch the orb of light pass through the several cameras, kenny slowly walking after it, and soon enough the orb disappeared. the clunk of kenny's boots were the only thing left to be heard aside from his sniffles. he took one look at the camera pointing towards the door of the house, ❝ it's clear, guys. they're gone now. ❞ he could only give a thumbs up before exiting the house and shutting the door behind him.
before the three men could finally pack up the van and leave this place behind, kenny dug out a chain necklace he had kept that was gifted from celeste on their anniversary. on it was engraved of their initials and the day they officially met each other. he gave it a little kiss before hanging it up on the metal fence, letting it sit there for however long until someone or something took it off. this was the final resting place celeste was before the car crash. . . and would forever and always be their home. kenny might've sold it years ago but he'll never forget all the good this house gave him while he lived here. it may hurt sometimes to think about it, but he also smiled at the fondest of memories he shared with his beloved.
❝ may you rest in peace, celeste. keep waiting for me, okay? i can't wait to see your face again. i love you. ❞
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metalslimer · 3 years
all of my works will be organized here, that way it is easier for not only myself but you, to be able to find what you are looking for.
( who/what i write for ) link soon to come !
kenny omega
gremlin ( requested )
who you gonna call? ( requested )
untitled fic
high school sweethearts ( headcanons )
aleister black
poppa bear ( headcanons )
dean ambrose
pete dunne
tagging w/ pete dunne ( headcanons )
sharing a room w/ pete dunne ( headcanons )
dating pete dunne ( headcanons )
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metalslimer · 3 years
Current Tags: @thiickreigns | @fivefootxo | @m-a-t-91 | @flawlessglamazon | @rocketgirl2410 | @leaundra1 | @littledeadrottinghood | @theelitevillian| @weirdchickennugget | @helluvawriter | @nickysmum1909 | @princess3733|@reigns420 | @ambrosegirlforever | @alexahood21 | @mrsamberlopezgoodanoai | @alexispoo | @nickysmum1909 | @wrestlingnoob| @thebutterflygirl16 | @macfizzle | @ii-love-roman-reigns | @bodhi-black | @why-oh-me | @quavoswifeee
@kennyomegasferalgremlin | @ | @ |
hello ! the people tagged above have been mentioned in my tag list since i started this blog. just today i have wiped my blog mostly clean, select few works were kept. and i am going to start writing again :D
so please, if you want to be added or removed, let me know. thank you.
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metalslimer · 3 years
♡♡♡ | kenny omega x celeste
requested by celeste
warnings: short person jokes, semi-fluff, adult language
author note: this is an inside joke turned to a fic for a friend. nothing to take serious.
summary: kenny is being called out by another wrestler on the aew roster. words are exchanged and things spiral, but no one expected kenny to bring out his significant other to help fight his battles.. especially in the way he does tonight.
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❝ i think it’s very funny how the big and bad champ of All Elite Wrestling™️ cowers not only behind his old ass manager, his ugly clothed friends, but now also behind his significant other! ❞ ethan page held the microphone tightly in his grip, pacing back and forth beyond the ring as the crowd surrounding all had mixed reactions to this feud going on. one half on the side of kenny omega and the other half on the side of ethan. it had been three weeks since the initial fight between these two men and apparently ethan wasn’t giving up until either kenny was no longer champion or kenny mans up and takes the final blow. and ethan had been MIA for a while, no show and no sign from him, just his partner scorpio sky to do some damage against The Elite, running around and making a mockery of them.
❝ you know, i don’t think you’ve got what it takes to be the champ Kenny. i truly believe you’re just a sore loser.  . stuck up, a sell-out, a coward. otherwise you would’ve been on my ass for lord knows how long now. or is it. . . am i just not good enough for The Cleaner, The Legend, The man? for weeks you’ve been in and out this ring, chapping them gums and running them lips. . . saying how you’re great and how much better than half of us you are. you don’t take a challenge unless you issue one out? well here i am, big boy, issuing YOU this challenge because YOU’RE not worthy of me-  ❞
music had interrupted ethan when he was giving a pretty long but inducing speech. fans were leaning forward with each and every word falling from his mouth. however, kenny’s theme hit and it was extra loud because he was sick and tired of hearing this man speak every single week. . . saying the same shit over and over and over and over again. but kenny was not the first to walk out onto the ramp. matt and nick jackson strolled out, their signature looks and outfits, then brandon cutler with his infamous mask and cooling spray settled into his hands, next was don callis - the myth, the legend, the manager. and finally out came kenny omega - THE kenny omega. he didn’t look impressed or interested to be here right now.
❝ so you’ve finally decided to be a big boy, put your pants on, and come face me? well good. i’ve got a whole lot of shit to say to- hold on- what the hell are you wearing? ❞ ethan page stood in the middle of the ring, which was surrounded by The Elite’s members, confused. he just pointed his fingers towards kenny with a puzzled expression plastered on his face. the rest of the audience had the exact same look as well.
there kenny stood, in all his glory. his hair tied back in a quick curly manbun, his beard shaven up and trimmed, he wore nice fitting pants with an even nicer fitting shirt, an outfit that wasn’t tacky nor ugly - as some could say. but his outfit was not what ethan was talking about - no - not at all. he was talking about the fact celeste, kenny’s significant other, was quite literally hanging off his chest while being stuck inside one of those baby carriers. celeste was a shorter person compared to kenny but no one could ever have expected him to march down the ramp with them attached to him like one would do with an infant. it looked absolutely ridiculous!
❝ what do you mean? i’m simply wearing some dress pants with a Gucci shirt. not that you would know anything about that- you look cheap. ❞ kenny puffed his chest and ignored the literal protests coming from celeste as their feet kicked in the air and their arms swung up and down. they couldn’t quite get up and out of this child-made carrier or else they would’ve been out and gone a long time ago. now this was just embarrassing. . .
❝ i’m talking about the fact a grown ass person is hanging off of your frontside! what the fuck is wrong with you? this is shameful and weird. . .  ❞ ethan might’ve had a run for his money back in Impact Wrestling ™️ but he didn’t think he’s done anything as weird as this. was this some kind of kink? was it a punishment? on live television - it was concerning.
❝ you clearly don’t know what they even did to have been put in here. did you know they’re an ankle biter?! they like to bite and kick ankles and kneecaps- just the other day they went out on a rampage like some feral gremlin because they were hungry! i could’ve came out here without celeste, sure, but they’re just as important to me than anyone else. you’re lucky, ethan page, because i could’ve brought them out here without safety precautions and you might’ve been the next victim. ❞
said-gremlin in question just hung there and grumbled considering they couldn’t get out and kenny wasn’t likely to help them out either. none of the other members, who were close friends, even attempted to help them break out of this baby prison. apparently they too were scared of what celeste might do to them once they’re free and able to work their limbs again. but it wasn’t even the fact kenny came up with this idea. . . it was him literally carrying celeste out from backstage and into the eyes of not only the fans who sat in the audience but now in front of the cameras, of thousands more who watched at home. how humiliating it was to just helplessly stick there and not say or do anything.
❝ for the sake of keeping my most preciousness safe and sound, i will not be stepping into the ring with you tonight. i couldn’t forgive myself if celeste got hurt by the likes you, ethan. however i will say this. . . your measly stupid challenge has been accepted! i will even go ahead and schedule it for this upcoming pay-per-view event. . . make it a huge deal since that’s what you want. but don’t get your head all big- you won’t win this sunday and tonight, you won’t be leaving this ring in one piece either. ❞ the second kenny was finished dishing out his words, the young bucks with brandon cutler were sliding into the ring and attacking ethan page almost instantly. The Elite didn’t play nice, they played to win, so naturally ambushing and beating up their enemy was the wa to go. and look. . . seemed as if ethan didn’t have any friends tonight as no one had come out to aid him in his time of need.
celeste was finally set free of the baby carrier they were strapped in, their legs felt a bit like jelly and numb, pins and needles shooting throughout the whole leg. however it was bearable,  ❝ thank you for letting me out, kenny. but now that i’m free. . . this feral gremlin, as you put it, is going to kick your fucking ass! ❞
❝ no, wait- i did that for your own good! who knows what you would’ve done to ethan out there for trash talking me- baby- NO! PLEASE! ❞ people in the hallway kept to their own business as the screams of the AEW Champion was heard, traveling through backstage, settling in. not even The Elite could save him now.
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metalslimer · 5 years
Poppa Bear | Aleister Black
Requested by @apprendreamaimer
A/N: sorry that I can’t copy and paste my tag list. My laptop has broken and mobile isn’t the best option for me, but I’m trying. So requests are slow until I can get another laptop.
Warnings: cuteness overload, Father!Aleister
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Aleister has a little girl; roughly the age between four to seven
Definitely takes her to some of his shows
Normally brooding, dark, murderous glare
But his baby girl brightens his mood and in an instant he’s DAD ACTIVATED
No one is allowed to touch his baby girl unless he knows them
Will most definitely make her wear a leather jacket like his
Will most definitely buy her a toy Harley so she could be a badass like him
Will also most definitely let her wrestle him
And may or may not let her win
Speaks to her in his native tongue (I’d like to think he doesn’t teach her it yet. So she,,, tilts her head like “you wot”)
Will have a stroke if she doesn’t have similar music taste as him
“One Direction? What.. is that? You can go in any direction, sweetie. EXPLAIN.”
Highly protective of his sweet little bean
Will break NECKS AND KNEECAPS if anyone hurts his baby girl
“Why do you wear so much black?” *cue little baby bean pointing to her father’s closet*
“Can I paint your nails?” *cue little baby bean pointing to father’s chipped polished nails*
“Why do you have so many drawings on you? What kid did you let draw on you?”
Expect Aleister to go apeshit if any other wrestler brought his daughter into their promo
*punch, kick, punch... punch.. curbstomp*
Has a hard time explaining to his daughter about her mother
Will definitely cry in front of his daughter
Will also tell her that crying isn’t weak,, it’s hard but isn’t stupid
Doesn’t allow her to meet fans until she’s older and understands that some people can be mean (and most of them are lovely)
Absolutely reads to her at bedtime
And absolutely uses silly voices and re-enacts some of the things in the book
Little baby bean will always put her Disney Princess Bandaids™️ on Aleister if she notices a booboo from wrestling
Little baby bean will also offer Aleister Oreos or her gummy bears when she notices him being a little moody
Being a single father takes a toll on him
So his daughter decides to show him how much of a rocking dad he is
“Who’s daddy fights bad people? Who’s daddy wears all black? Who’s daddy has all these drawings on him?”
*little baby bean attacking Aleister in hugs*
They spend days he’s off at home and watching all the movies they can
And it only results in his daughter falling asleep three movies in with her face planted in the popcorn bowl
Aleister lays with his daughter in whoever’s bed while he watches her sleep
With a strum of his fingers through her hair, he realizes how lucky he is
“I love you.”
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metalslimer · 7 years
👀 this is great. this is nice. I'm complete.
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Requested by: @fuzzyslipperz
A/N: I apologise that this is ridiculously short but I really wanted to get this one out before I went to bed.
Tag list beauties: @wildandfreepinkv0dka @rollinsdar @pandoorii @logandemico @dorkyvillain @fuzzyslipperz @awkward-potato-imagines @wrestlingnoob @baeckyshorsewomen @heelcharlie @nerdandwwegeek
#34 - “Why are you here, it’s like three in the morning”.
#39 - “Did I ever tell you how sexy you look when you’re angry?”
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Keep reading
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metalslimer · 7 years
Sharing a room w/ Pete Dunne would include...
Tags:  @thiickreigns | @x-fivefoot | @m-a-t-91 | @flawlessglamazon|@rocketgirl2410 | @leaundra1 | @littledeadrottinghood | @theelitevillian|@weirdchickennugget | @helluvawriter | @nickysmum1909 | @princess3733|@reigns420 | @ambrosegirlforever | @alexahood21 | @mrsamberlopezgoodanoai | @alexispoo | @nickysmum1909 | @wrestlingnoob | @thebutterflygirl16 | @macfizzle | @ii-love-roman-reigns | @bodhi-black |
Requested by: @fabulousninjagirl
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he would call dibs on the bigger bed
he’d tease you about night-time wear
“I bet you wear thongs or small panties. Don’t deny it.”
you’d have to change in the bathroom; too embarrassed
he’d purposely be coming out the shower whenever you’re in the room
he’d also purposely shake his hair in your direction
“Who’s paying for the room? Oh.. me? I thought so.”
Tyler & Trent would hang out at times
he’d pester you about his Vegan foods; what you can and cannot touch
you’d steal a few hoodies of his
he’d “accidentally” take something of yours and claim you must’ve put it with him during sleep
“You snore a lot. Might wanna check that out.”
you both would prank each other during naps or sleeping
he’d offer to cuddle you if you got nightmares
he’d mumble about fighting off the monsters for you
^^ basically stuff he’d say when he’s too tired, something he wouldn’t casually say
having to clean up after his mess; clothes or food
house cleaning mistaking you two for a couple
sometimes you’d both yell so loud people would call in complain
Pete may sleep talk
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metalslimer · 7 years
Tagging w/ Pete Dunne would include...
Tags:  @thiickreigns | @x-fivefoot | @m-a-t-91 | @flawlessglamazon|@rocketgirl2410 | @leaundra1 | @littledeadrottinghood | @theelitevillian|@weirdchickennugget | @helluvawriter | @nickysmum1909 | @princess3733|@reigns420 | @ambrosegirlforever | @alexahood21 | @mrsamberlopezgoodanoai | @alexispoo | @nickysmum1909 | @wrestlingnoob | @thebutterflygirl16 | @macfizzle | @ii-love-roman-reigns |
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♦ his expectations set high for you
♦ rolling your eyes at his entrance
♦ secretly smiling as he smirks towards you or winks
♦ he’ll make you wrestle first
♦ then he’ll tag himself in without warning
♦ you huff and glare at him and his cockiness
♦ secretly he worries about you being hurt
♦ he offers you to help bite his opponent
♦ he growls at the referee who tries stopping you
♦ you end up getting the pin & winning
♦ he picks you onto his shoulders,parading you around
♦ you both do the fist-to-jaw pose
you guys can request drabble prompts from DRABBLE LIST
as well as “___ would include..” for people you’d like.
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metalslimer · 7 years
Lingerie - Dean Ambrose
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Warnings: Smut, Vulgar Language, Domination, Public Sex
Tags:  @thiickreigns | @x-fivefoot | @m-a-t-91 | @flawlessglamazon |@weirdchickennugget | @rocketgirl2410 | @leaundra1 |@littledeadrottinghood | @theelitevillian | @weirdchickennugget |@helluvawriter | @nickysmum1909 | @princess3733 | @reigns420 | @ambrosegirlforever | @alexahood21 | @mrsamberlopezgoodanoai | @alexispoo
Your fingers skillfully flicked through each piece of fabric on that table. Your eyes would file through the softness and roughness as your tongue swiped over your lip as you tried deciding on what to get. Your boyfriend of three years, the Dean Ambrose of WWE, grumbled as you took your sweet time.
“Get the fucking shit and lets go. I hate being in here.”
You clicked your tongue on the roof of your mouth, “Foul language gets you nothing, Deanie-Boy. Besides, I need my size.” You giggled as he glared at you with the anger of a thousand suns. Dean had this lingerie fetish - it was bad. He didn’t tell you about it until last year, when you finally came clean about wearing lingerie. It made him the happiest man on Earth to know you wore the only thing that could make him submit to you. It made you happy too.
Dean had no choice but to come with you on this journey since your neighbors were being loud and he couldn’t quite get the nap he needed. He offered to help you run errands, but came to see why he should’ve stayed home. Even the smell of the newly found fabric gave him a monster erection - and the thought of your delicious body wearing it - he could die.
“You shouldn’t be so grumpy, Sir. I am willing to let you choose what I should get, ya know.” Even with those words, Dean still had this huge pout on his face. However, a small smirk crept its way on his mouth as he instantly ran over to the table filled with things for pleasure.
“The red one. The thigh-highs in yellow and pink. Get this one piece in green, gold, and black. Oooh! And get this gag.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Why the gag? I only agreed to clothing.”
Dean looked at you with his deep blue eyes, with you knowing that meant he really wanted you to get that gag. “Don’t ask fucking questions. We agreed on pleasing each other, right? So pleasure me with buying that gag so I can fuck you so hard that you can’t speak - literally.” Without any more questions, you got the gag and the lingerie pieces he told you to get. You quickly walked to a changing room to try on the pieces because you wanted them to fit you. Dean stood nearby in case any weirdos tried pulling a quick one.
“Dean? I need help..” As embarrassing as it was for you to ask, you needed help tying the back of the red one. With a wide smirk, Dean opened the door and shut it with a click of a lock behind him. Initially you thought because he was just protective but as he pushed your body against the wall, that changed.
“Shh, Baby. Ever since we walked in I knew I’d have to fuck you. Don’t make a sound or we’ll get caught.” You blinked as a response and watched his hands quickly pull the lingerie off so it didn’t get ruined. Your core suddenly began a waterfall as his eyes flicked over your body. “If you think for one second that I wouldn’t get turned on by you asking me to help you, you’d be hell of a lot wrong.”
He turned you around and his right calloused hand held your shoulder with the sound of his pants and belt hitting the floor. His hard cock inched its way to you as you laid your forehead on the wall. Dean quickly undid the ball gag and pushed it in your mouth, “Now you won’t fucking ruin this. I hope your body can handle this, Sweetpea.” Every word he spat was just adding onto the high you had for him. He slowly slid into your core and groaned almost immediately.
“Shit.. I wasn’t expecting you to be this tight. Holy fuck.”
His hips snapped into you each time his breath sped up. You whined in pleasure as your teeth sunk into the gag instantly. Not that you feared of disobeying Dean, you just didn’t want to get caught and embarrassed by having sex in a public place. Dean however, would fuck you right in the street. But that also came with other men staring at you.
“Like this shit? You like how hard you make me? I know you do.” His taunting was killing you.
He rested both palms flat on the wall and dug himself deep into you, pulling out, ramming back into you each time. You squealed out, one of your feet lifting up slightly and the toes curling. His hot breath hit your shoulder as he kissed softly at the sweaty skin, licking his lips. His left hand came down to rub your bud - sending you on the edge.
“Fuck!” You mumbled against the gag as you came undone, sticky sweetness dripping down his arm and your thighs. Dean quickly pulled away to lick it off himself. He then tightly held your hips and bounced to back on him. You grew tight around him.
“Just. Like. That.” He sunk his teeth into your shoulder as he filled you up. You couldn’t help but squirm softly against him, causing him to grunt gently against the hickey he gave you.
“God Dean..”
He pecked your lips softly, “Sorry. You know I have a thing for this stuff.”
Inspired by Lingerie | @sammiielli
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metalslimer · 7 years
Dating Pete Dunne would include...
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Tags:  @thiickreigns | @x-fivefoot @m-a-t-91 | @flawlessglamazon | @weirdchickennugget | @rocketgirl2410 | @leaundra1 | @littledeadrottinghood | @theelitevillian | @weirdchickennugget | @helluvawriter | @nickysmum1909 | @princess3733 | @reigns420 |  @ambrosegirlforever 
frequent ass grabs and kisses in inappropriate spots
Pete growling when touching him, kissing him, or looking at him
Pete would never admit ‘I love you’ verbally but will show it physically
definitely through rough sex
the benefit of being Tyler and Trent’s friend
although Pete will get jealous and hide you from them
seeing the normal side of Pete; the smiling, bubbly, cute side
not admitting that he’s a softy for you
getting the chance to hold any belt he wins, modeling it for him
frequent boners he’ll get from seeing you
that signature smirk whenever he proves you wrong
constant “your ass is mine” after doing something to him
possibly a prank war between you two
the thought of a bruiser baby in the near future
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