merloryan12 · 2 years
Snakes in the grass
Serpents in the clouds
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merloryan12 · 3 years
A seemingly beautiful forest of the most extravagant trees with huge purple leaves. Each leaf ranged from the size of a human to that of a wagon. Within each leaf you can see coursing red veins, when synthesized creates a purple metallic elixir that pulsates with red energy, it is said with as little as a sip would add 100 extra years to life. Depending on weight and size, of course. It’s said females gain more then males because of there naturally smaller frame. Only one tree exists with the life enhancing properties and it cloaks itself in the forest of reflections. A forest with doppelgänger trees that if synthesized would bring immediate death.
A corrupt king seeks the tree. Seeks its leaves for the purpose of elongating his life so he can remain in power for years past his prime. It’s said that not only would you get elongated life but also each cup that is ingested gives 10 times the strength and endurance of any normal being. He tests all the elixirs he’s made on his prisoners. So far this has been going on for decades, hundreds of thousands have died at his leisure. He created a corrupt system within even the smallest infringement would put you in his enchanted prison within the forest awaiting to test the elixir. Many different humanoid races are imprisoned with little hope of escape.
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merloryan12 · 3 years
We all have the right to feel the breaking of are hearts,
To step unsure through the meadows just left of are desired path,
To take in the fresh smell of the lilies spread at are feet.
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merloryan12 · 3 years
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Like, holy hell, did we not just get collectively railed by the universe.
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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“Tunnel Vision” by Jake Amason
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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“Closer to the Core” by Sydwox x Sean Zenner
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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Altered Carbon | end of episodes
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merloryan12 · 4 years
“I have always loved the desert. One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams…” - Antoine de Saint Exupéry, The Little Prince
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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“Winter Wolf” by Gabriel Welch
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merloryan12 · 4 years
-Alex Grey
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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Design graphics Geya Shvecova (Space processes) Archive_041219
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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Design graphics Geya Shvecova (Trippy_Tunnel_241119)
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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Hangar - 200131
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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You + I are Seizures 17
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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E̗̦̱͓͍͉̬X̰̼̻̲̖̺P̬̗̖̠̟E͢A͇̮R̮͚I̦̤̦̥͡ME͚̯͖̻̘͖N͚̦̟̲T̤̠̞͠ 15, Robert Hruska‎, 2016
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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psychedelic blog :) click to trip !
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merloryan12 · 4 years
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“Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” - Douglas Adams
Photo: Tim Cooper 
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