merintrashcan · 3 months
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Merintosh: Tropes
(I know some of these tropes are totally what me and some of my friends have decided, but until OUAT says otherwise, I’m counting them :))
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merintrashcan · 3 months
hey so
One of my discord servers recently had a PowerPoint party, and I gave a presentation on how the Merintosh fandom just kind of cropped up out of nowhere in November 2015 and
now I kind of want to post it because I had so much fun making it
I am absolutely back on my bullshit
I might post the PowerPoint to my main blog, though because here I am just shouting into the void versus all my ouat followers follow me on main
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merintrashcan · 3 months
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ABC is just like “OH YES THIS IS DEFINITELY THE SAME PERSON” and all the viewers are like “what kind of puberty witchcraft is this ALL MAGIC COMES WITH A PRICE”
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merintrashcan · 3 months
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*Throws more Merintosh at the screen*
I have an ever growing list of quotes to make gifs for…so this may not be stopping anytime soon!
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merintrashcan · 3 years
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Just a quick drawing for the Merintosh ship from Once Upon a Time! If they wore modern clothes.
(Her hair needs to be fuller)
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merintrashcan · 4 years
Red and Blue
TW : Character Death
It rained. That day it rained. As she lay there, motionless in his arms, so beautiful and peaceful the skies opened up and washed away his tears. Her red curls, so gorgeous and unruly in life seemed to die along with the fire within. “Merida.” He whispered quietly, pushing her unusually limp locks out of her face. Her eyes remained open, perfect and glistening like a deep blue ocean but they didn’t see the pain in Macintosh’s features. The hurt he felt as he he held her close, her blood staining his kilt.
He cried that day too, harder than he had in a very long time. He cried, not just because his wife was gone but because his best friend was too. As he sat, no - knelt - by her just holding her tightly, clinging to her as if it would save her. But to no avail, she was too far gone. Dead.
When they came to take her away he was completely silent. As they carried her away he didn’t say a word but instead just stayed where he was, the rain pouring down, soaking him to the bone. Did he care? No. He didn’t. He willed the rain to wash him away too. Willed lightning to ascend from the heavens and strike him down dead but nothing happened. The darkness eventually crept it’s way over the glen and that was when Mac trudged half heartedly back to the castle. What had once been their castle. Their home.
The days that followed did nothing but fuel his anger. He wasn’t sad anymore but instead angry. A rage overtook him every so often and he would flip a table or aim a punch at a stone wall only to regret it soon after. Lady Elinor tried to talk sense into him on several occasions but that only ended in raised voices and a forced stony look from the former Queen along with the words, ‘This is not what she would have wanted.’
He knew as well that his mother in law was right. Merida wouldn’t have wanted him to live like this, in constant turmoil. One day - months later - he decided to build up the courage and actually talk about what had happened to the one person who needed to talk about it just as much as him. He knocked gently on the door to her room before entering. With a small smile he muttered, “M'lady.”
When she turned around he felt a pang of guilt. The familiarity of her face, exactly like her mother’s. Round blue eyes and unruly red hair. “Dad.” She said quietly and Mac’s parental instinct kicked in. He stepped forward and opened his arms. No sooner was his comfort offered than his daughters own arms were wrapped tightly around his waist, tears leaking from the young woman’s eyes.
“I miss her.” Eilidh finally admitted after moments of comfortable silence, not moving an inch.
“Aye..” Mac said quietly, into her hair, “I do too.”
“Gran tells me stories about her sometimes.” His daughter continued.
“Does she?” Mac replied quietly.
“Was she brave?” Eilidh asked, looking up at her father, “Can I be brave too?”
Mac simply smiled, trying not to show the obvious pain he was feeling inside, “Aye.” He repeated quietly, his voice breaking slightly. “She was the bravest lass I ever knew and you.“ He paused, “You already are.”
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merintrashcan · 4 years
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merintrashcan · 4 years
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But really.
Where did this little random, mostly non-existent ship come from and why am I suddenly such total trash for it and am now constantly headcanoning all manner of things about them like how they bicker constantly and how she threatens to loose an arrow in his arse if he doesn’t follow his queen’s commands properly and how he just smiles and notes that she seems to be rather preoccupied with his arse these days and how he winks when he kneels before her now just to see the blush stain her cheeks and how they race each other across the glen and of course she beats him because you wish you could keep up with Angus and me and he tries to act huffy as she crows over her victory but then traps her up against Angus’ flank and shuts her up with his lips and how she turns to him for advice and counsel on clan matters and trusts in him and finds confidence and bravery during tough times from his unwavering loyalty and support and then eventually maybe there is a bearskin rug in front of a roaring fire involved that leads to a brood of curly-headed hobbit babies running around the highlands WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING?
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merintrashcan · 5 years
i know you don’t know the ship, so you don’t have to read it(in fact it will probably be odd and strange if you didn’t watch the exactly two episodes of once upon a time brave was in) but thanks for the prompt @funnefatale
prompt: one of them brings home a black cat
- -
bad luck
- -
The kittens had been either abandoned by their mother in the stables, or the mother had died that particularly cold winter, but Merida had a kind heart and brought them into the castle, and ignored any chattering and teasing about Merida getting soft. The funniest reactions were from the council room, when she brought one of the kittens, the smallest and most sickly, when a room full of grown men through an entire fit over their queen bringing a black cat into a meeting.
“He’s a wee chit–a bairn. He’s no harm t’ anybody.” She laughed as one of the elder lairds physically jumped at the sight of it.
“A black cat!” He yelped, alarmed. “T’is bad luck!”
“Ye are a Laird of the highlands, a warrior, and a part of the council. Wouldnae think ye’d be scair’t of a wee cat.” Merida mused, raising an eyebrow.
“Ye’ve brought an omen of ill into a war room my Queen,” Another laird murmured.
Merida rolled her eyes, turning to Macintosh, hoping for a voice of reason. She was surprised to see that even he looked a bit wary, though he hadn’t said anything yet.
“Laird Macintosh, come ‘ere.” She said, crooking her finger at him. He glared at her, feeling like she was about to make an example of him. She smiled sweetly, he was right of course, but he wouldn’t dare not take a direct order from his Queen, especially not in front of the council. He stood and moved solemnly toward her.
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him once again. “Macintosh, hold out ye’re hand.”
He obliged but he was still glaring daggers at her, she gently placed the small kitten into his hands, cupping his hand and guiding him to give it some scritches under its little chin. The black kitten began to purr so loudly, she knew the whole hall could hear it.
“Now,” She said, smiling, “look at him, what a dark omen, aye? I ken he’s very big and scary, he might even claw ye’re eyes righ’ out.”
She hadn’t realized her hand was lingering on his until his very blue gray eyes landed on hers and she felt her heart constrict.
“Aye,” He said softly, turning away from her as she dropped her hand abruptly, “T’is jus’ a wee cat, can we get on with the meetin’ now?”
Merida found it hard to concentrate on the meeting after that, not just because of the kitten and the murmuring lairds.
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merintrashcan · 5 years
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merintrashcan · 5 years
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“Enough, Merida! The only way you and your brothers live out this day is if you relinquish your crown!”
                                            “If you’re not fit to lead the clans, no one is.”
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merintrashcan · 5 years
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Honey, you’re familiar like my mirror years ago Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword
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merintrashcan · 5 years
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The heart eyes I was talking about (。♥‿♥。) 
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merintrashcan · 5 years
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Merintosh Time Travel AU
Lord Macintosh is scouting the land for his kingdom when he sees a large purple cloud approaching. He hurries back to warn his king of the mysterious cloud but gets engulfed in it.
When he awakes up, Mac finds himself in a different place, a city called Storybrooke. He sees all these strange things like vehicles, televisions, and women wearing pants. People give him weird looks as they pass by.
Stopping at a street light, Macintosh spots a familiar face. King Arthur’s face is on a Wanted poster. He’s surprised that Arthur’s here, actually says his name aloud.
Hearing him, a cop named Merida asks him if he knows him. She’s been trying to find Arthur since he killed her father and other crimes he committed. Mac answers how he knows him as if he’s still in his time. Soon, Merida convinces him that he’s in modern time.
Together, they join to find Arthur. Macintosh learns more about this new world, and Merida gets him out of his shenanigans.
What will happen when they do find him? How will Mac return home? Who cast the curse that led Macintosh into today’s time and how will that person play a part in this story? Will Mac and Merida stay together at the end or forever live separately in their own times?
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merintrashcan · 5 years
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merintrashcan · 5 years
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for him, there is only her
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merintrashcan · 5 years
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