mercyovalles · 2 years
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Vera blushed and laughed. She wasn’t really one who was much for dancing. She would, but probably in her own bedroom where she was less likely to embarrass herself if she fell over. So Mercy had noticed she was watching people having fun out on the dance floor. Naturally, Vera was just enjoying observing for now. “Maybe…” she grinned sheepishly. “How much are you going to judge me if I said I don’t really know many dance moves? Is this going to be like Footloose?”
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        “I’m not gonna judge you at all!” Her expression instantly turning into mock surprise. As if to say, how could you? Though, it’s laughed off not even a second later. “The last person who’d ever judge you is me, Vera. Trust me. I ain’t much of a good dancer myself. It’s be more like a version of Footloose where no leads can dance,” she laughed, but quickly added, “Unless we’re the side characters.. which would probably make a lot more sense.”
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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mercyovalles · 2 years
Truth be told, Valentina wasn’t used to being alone for too long. At least, not in Merrock. Sure she could enjoy being on her own, but she was made to meet other humans and to have some fun with them. So the night had been a little boring so far, as no one she knew was around and no one seemed to be ready to hang out with a stranger. No one except the bartender and her sweet smile. “You don’t even need that to convince me”, she said, offering her a bright grin. “I’ll go only if you come with me, though.”
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         “𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑬? I was willin’ to offer a pretty penny,” Mercy teased before placing her rag onto the counter—that same smile never seeming to falter. Taking a quick glance between her surroundings and her co-worker, the brunette thought about it. Did she have the time? It took less than a second and Mercy gave a quick shrug of her shoulder. Why not? “Alright, alright. Clearly it don’t take much to convince me either. Let me make sure my friend over here has the bar handled and then I’ll meet you over there.”
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mercyovalles · 2 years
𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : vibrations.
𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 : capping at 6 ( 0/6 )​
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    𝑰𝑻 𝑻𝑶𝑶𝑲 𝑨 𝑳𝑶𝑻 𝑶𝑭 convincing on her end, but there she was— working the club’s bar as if she’d never left. Just last week, she’d been letting her boss know that she was quitting with the expectations of leaving—which she did. Though, here she was six days later, working her shift as if nothing happened at all. With the current bar rush finally over, Mercy felt her shoulders relax a little before her eyes fell onto on of the patrons sitting by the bar. “How much tip money is it gonna take to convince you to get on the dance floor?” She teased, flashing a sweet smile in their direction. “I promise you, you’ll have a lot more fun out there than watchin’ me runnin’ around like my head is gone.” 
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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PRISCILLA QUINTANA Good Trouble (4.14)
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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felt cute, might unleash these carnivorous plants on you later idk.
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mercyovalles · 2 years
“Probably every boy who tried to get you on a date in high school, right?” He laughed. “No, no, I think it’s best that I have the wine after the corn maze, or else we’re never, ever getting out of this.” Chetan was not known for being a very put together drunk.
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“Just about, but I can’t say it ever worked. So, if that’s the angle you’re goin’ for, you might wanna switch it up or else you’ll never get me on a date.” Her own laugh blended in Chetan’s, “And that just makes it all the fun. Come on. You’re not gonna let me bein’ the only one, are you?”
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mercyovalles · 2 years
Alice grinned and shook her head. To be fair, she wasn’t muchh of a runner either. She really wasn’t planning on making a head start for it anyway. “Naw, I’m only messing with you, Mercy. C’mon, let’s see what we can find on our way there.”
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“Thank god ‘cause I was ‘bout two seconds away from givin’ in and embarrassin’ myself,” she teased before reaching over and linking her arm with Alice’s. “I was actually thinkin’ of lettin’ one of the kids paint my face. That sound like somethin’ you’d be into?”
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mercyovalles · 2 years
“Maybe my mind just needs some jogging. You’ll have to remind me.” Was any kind of reminder actually needed? No. And the smirk on Charlie’s face probably gave that away. That and how long it took the two to make it to the actual festival made it very pretty obvious the impression Mercy had left at the Sunflower Festival and continued to make. “Oh. I’m pretty locked in on the dragon. I think my decision is pretty much made.” Charlie lifted her hand up to his lips as they walked towards the entrance of the difficult maze. “I’ll have you know that I used to be really good at these mazes before you. So we’ll definitely make it out alive. Quickly on the other hand? I can’t promise that.”
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“I could do that. We are headin’ into another maze, so now’s a better time than ever.” That promise she made turning out to be a lot harder to keep than when she initially offered— even more so with the smirk he wore. “Can’t say you’re makin’ a good choice,” her nose scrunching, but the grin on her face seemed to grow wider once she felt his lips quickly brush against the back of her hand “But I’ll get you the dragon. A deal is a deal.” Taking the first couple steps into the entrance, Mercy’s body turned toward Charlie. “Sounds like you should’ve been the one takin’ charge last time. How long do you think it would’ve taken us to get out if you did? Ten, twenty minutes?”
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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A small smile as she watched the conversation carry on. She couldn’t make out what was being said, but both were leaning in. “Right? Fingers crossed. Merrockites are uniquely friendly,” she agreed. “I’ve lived in a few places, but this one made me feel welcomed right away. Everyone knows everyone, in a good way. Kinda feels like we’re all looking out for each other.” She nodded in response to the question. “Oh, absolutely. Friendships can be even better, a longer-lasting bond. I’m a big fan of anything that makes this evening a good one.”
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“Ain’t that the truth. The moment I stepped foot here, everyone’s been nothin’ but the sweetest to me.” Having her own experience with living in a few—well, many—places, Merrock was by far one of the most welcoming. “I mean, it probably comes with the territory of bein’ in a small town, right? Everyone knowin’ everyone?” Back in her small town, Mercy absolutely hated it, but Merrock was a different story. Here, no one knew anything about her aside what she decided to tell them. “Well, from the looks of it, it seems to be goin’ pretty good. Either way, it’s goin’ to be a win-win situation. Assumin’ the interaction ends in the best way possible.”
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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“I figured that if you weren’t drunk right now, you would be rational enough to choose the easier maze, that’s all.” Jacob clarified with a shrug of his shoulders. “The hard one is hard enough as it is, and I don’t think it’s advisable for you to try it out when you’re wine drunk.” When she asked him about the sunflower maze, he shrugged once more. “Nothing. Just a few accounts from bystanders who claimed that you had gotten lost. Is that not true?” He asked, curiously as he raised his eyebrow at her. Either way, the surgeon was not going to try out the hard corn maze, or let Mercy do it on her own while she was drunk. “Why must you be so stubborn, Mercy?” He sighed. “You know what? Fine, if you want to do it, then suit yourself. But just know that I’m not going to be there to help you find your way as I always have.” He gave in, holding his hands up in defense. “I’m getting late for work anyways.” 
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“The point isn’t to be rational. I’m just tryin’ to have some fun,” she countered with a roll of her own eyes. Had she been sober, Mercy might’ve agreed with Jacob, but all sorts of logical thinking seemed to be out the window the moment the wine entered her system. “I mean .. I wouldn’t say we got lost. Just took a little longer than others.” It was definitely one way to put it and Mercy had no intention of spilling the details. “I’m sure that’s a question people wanna ask me every day.” Shrugging her shoulders at his final remark, she took one last swing from her wine cup. “Suit yourself, Jacob. You’re actin’ as if we’re actually gonna be stuck in there forever. I’m sure there’d be someone around to help if we can’t find our way.”
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mercyovalles · 2 years
Hello my dear! How’s everything going with you? I’m sorry I haven’t stopped by to visit you recently, but that will change! Will me buying you something yummy at Creek Fest make up for that? @mercyovalles​
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Hey, baby! They’re goin’ good. Can’t really complain, if I’m bein’ honest. How ‘bout you? You should be! I think you’re the only Hartman that’s been missin’ from my life recently, but if you’re offerin’ somethin’ sweet then I might be able to forgive you.
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mercyovalles · 2 years
“Let’s hope so. I have to get up pretty early tomorrow, don’t want to miss a day at work because we kept going around in circles,” Jin said as he walked closer to the maze. He did his best to stay optimistic. The good thing was that at least he had someone with him instead of doing the maze alone. “Shall we?” he glanced over at Mercy before turning his attention back to the entrance of the maze. 
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“Well, if we do end up walkin’ in circles the whole night, you’d be be in good company.” But given how this was an event and not two strangers tackling a random corn maze, they’d definitely make it before the end of it all. Her grin beams brighter when the two finally reach the entrance of the maze, Mercy took the lead and walked through the entrance before turning to face the other— taking small, but cautious, steps backwards.  “I’m Mercy,  by the way. Figured you might wanna know my name if there’s a possibility of us bein’ stuck in here all night.” 
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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mercyovalles · 2 years
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