59 posts
Solitary green-ish witch chillin’ in the broom closet with tea, plants, books, & cats
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
I still wear mood rings!
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
12 year old me was incredibly sheltered.
I think 12 year old me would just be stunned if she knew me now. Like horrified but also in awe at the same time.
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
Domestic feminism: I am the fucking mistress of this fucking house.
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
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Shout out to all the shy, introvert witches out there. You are my people 💛
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
I’ve got a tea leaf reading book waiting in my TBR pile this’ll have to hold me over until I can get to it!
The art of tea reading 🍵 💖
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
Some Tips I was taught
- A small bowl of salt in each of the rooms of the house absorbs negative energy and makes for a really cool cleansing form. It also works when you mix it with white vinegar.
- Copper keeps away negative energy and promotes the flow of positive energy, so keep it above your door.
- A small bag of salt or rice kept over the door ensures no negative energy comes in.
- A white candle lit in the room helps to cleanse the energy of the room - fire cleanses.
- Clapping disperses energy, so if there's a lot of stale energy in a house, clap in the four corners of the home.
- Charming some red string and wrapping it around the left wrist protects against baneful energy and evil eye.
- Iron wards off evil spirits and negative energy, keeping an iron key, nail or piece of iron over the main portals of the houes aid in protecting against evil.
- bells... bells cleanse spaces, get rid of negative energy, some believe that evil spirits cannot stand the sound of bells.
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
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Self care is always important, but especially lately. You can’t pour from an empty cup and neglecting yourself can lead to illness or worse. I’m going to use this article as a jumping off point for myself.
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
Totally bought a Magic Mixie for myself. My children will not be laying hands on this.
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Also, as the cauldron is reusable… I plan on using it in spell work. Because witchcraft can be fun. Even if you’re a 36 year old mother of 2. Magic brings me joy and I will love it up.
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
Playing Cards As Tarot Cards
Whether you're in the broom closet or you just love to save money (because capitalism has us forced into wage slavery amiright), you may want to divine with a tarot deck without actually buying/owning a tarot deck. In a limited sense, you can use a deck of regualr playing cards to divine in a similar manner.
Disclaimer, this only works to represent the first 13/14 cards in each minor arcana court, unless you use more than two decks. Since a playing card deck has 1-10, a knight, queen and king already, I'll be discluding the knave from each suit, as well as the reversed meaning of each card. However the knave has the same meaning as the first card of each court, so don't feel held back by that.
Diamonds = Pentacles
King: security, control, fatherly, power, discipline, abundance
Queen: practical, home body, motherly, down to earth
Knight: efficiency, routine, conservation, methodical
Ten: wealth, inheritance, family, established routine
Nine: gratitude, luxury, self sufficiency, culmination of works
Eight: apprenticeship, education, quality, engagement
Seven: vision, perseverance, profit, and investment rewarded
Six: generosity, charity, prosperity, sharing wealth
Five: isolation, insecurity, financial loss, poverty, general worry
Four: control, stability, security, possession, conservation
Three: teamwork, initial fulfillment, collaboration, learn from others
Two: balance, adaptability, time management, prioritizing
One: manifestation, new financial opportunity, new job
Spades = Swords
King: clear thinking, intellect, authority, honesty
Queen: quick thinker, organized, perceptive, independent
Knight: opinionated, hasty, action oriented
Ten: backstabbing, defeated, betrayed, a state of crisis, endings and loss
Nine: depression, nightmares, intense anxiety, despair
Eight: isolation, self restriction, imprisonment
Seven: betrayal, deception, getting away eith something, stealth
Six: regretful but necessary transition, rite of passage
Five: conflict, tension, loss, defeat of enemies, win at all costs, betrayal of allies
Four: contemplation, recuperation, passivity, rest and relaxation
Three: painful separation, sorrow, heartbreak, grief, rejection
Two: indecision, choices, truce or stalemate, blocked emotions
One: raw power, victory, a breakthrough, mental clarity
Clubs = Wands
King: natural born leader, visionary, interpreter, honorable
Queen: exuberance, warmth, vibrancy, determination
Knight: energy, passion, lust, impulsiveness, adventurer
Ten: burden, responsibility, hard work, stress, achievement
Nine: courage, persistence, test of faith, resilience
Eight: speed, action, air travel, movement, swift change
Seven: challenge, competition, perseverance
Six: public recognition, victory, progress, self confidence
Five: disagreement, high tensions, strife, conflict
Four: celebration, harmony, marriage, home, resilience
Three: preparation, foresight, expansion of enterprise
Two: planning for the future, progress, decisions, discovery
One: inspiration, power, creation, beginnings, potential
Hearts = Cups/Chalices
King: emotional balance and control, generosity
Queen: enotional security, calm, intuitive and compassionate
Knight: romance, charm, imagination, "knight in shining armor"
Ten: harmony, marriage, happiness, alignment
Nine: wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness, satisfaction
Eight: escapism, disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal
Seven: fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, choices to be made
Six: reunion, nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence
Five: loss, regret, disappointment, despair, bereavement
Four: mediation, contemplation, apathy, reevaluation
Three: celebration, friendship, creativity, community
Two: unified love, partnership, attraction, relationships
One: love, compassion, creativity, overwhelming emotion
So that's the tall and thick of it, of course it's all in your interpretation as to how any card relates to your life and experiences. I don't mind giving a second opinion on any readings you try with this methods, so feel free to interact. Happy casting
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
There’s just something about Ostara/the spring equinox that brings light and warmth I my soul
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You guys loved my Imbolc post so much, I did one for Ostara! If you want to know more about this pagan celebration of the Spring Equinox (specifically Norse aspects), follow me on TikTok! (@earthlycapricorn)
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
I don't know who (if anyone) needs to hear this, but witchcraft isn't sacred to every practitioner. It's not always filling some spiritual void they had, or becoming a huge part of their life and identity. It's not a religious experience for a lot of witches. Not everyone takes it super seriously at all times.
It can be a hobby. It can be a casual thing. It can be something fun they do every now and then.
Just because it's a certain thing for you, don't expect everyone else to feel exactly the same way.
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
Definitely need to give this a go!
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First time making my own flower oil, and my own stop motion GIF.
Anyway, here’s how to make your own flower oil.
Step 1: gather your intended flowers. Either look for a specific flower based on their correspondence or gather wild flowers from certain locations based on the intent. The healthier they look the better when you pick them.
Step 2: gently pluck and rip the petals to open release the scent of the flowers and place them in your glass jar (make sure you have a cover for later)
Step 3: cover the ripped petals with a carrier oil of your choosing. Gentle push and stir the petals into the oil so its completely covered.
Step 4: this is where my research deferred and you can pick which method works better for you
Using a potato masher, press the flowers and squeeze them in the oil and leave them in a cool dry area for a couple weeks, yes weeks, and then remash/squeeze then drain using a strainer or cheese cloth (you can add more flowers during this process)
Close your jar and place it into a pot of water and put it to boil, then lower to a simmer, then turn it off and leave the jar in the water for a couple hours. Let it cool then strain out the contents
Step 5: bottle your oil. It is ready to use. Happy crafting
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✨💛 The Blasian Witch 💛✨
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
hidden (??) witchcraft ideas
-color magick.. outfits, nail polish, makeup, jewelry
-crystal replacements.. pretty rocks, buttons, or just crystals/pendants that r on jewelry already
-music.. music that matches your intentions, positive music, anything that makes you feel good
-sigils.. put them in between your phone case and phone, draw them on your hand, on your face in foundation, on the corner of your homework, under your pillow
-herbs.. take an interest in cooking or gardening
-knot magick.. do a witches ladder, wear it as a bracelet/necklace, keychain, on your wall as 'decor'
-start a grimoir/bos.. you can use a regular notebook and keep it in your backpack or bookcase! it doesnt have to be fancy
-pendulum.. its just a weight on a string. can be a necklace, ring on a string, crystal in a net, etc. you can wear it as jewelry too
take what resonates with you. leave what doesnt. im open to more ideas <3 i hope this helped someone.
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
Some good broom closet tips for witches like me!
Subtle/Discreet Witchcraft
These are all based off my experience and can be adjusted as needed. Creative thinking is a definite must for broom closet witches.
Cleaning Supplies: Using MOON WATER or SUN WATER as a base intention mixed with white vinegar, witch hazel, hydrogen peroxide, or straight bleach, you have a basic foundation for a DIY cleaning spray. I recommend looking into more DIY cleaning products and adding your own spin. Aside from the water properties, you can also add your own ESSENTIAL OILS into the mix with their intended corresponding magic. (I personally use a jasmine and cinnamon mix topped with eucalyptus to help with inner child healing, bringing happiness and protection). You can also use your favorite or intentional magical HERBS by making them into a tea with or without using your moon/sun water and add it into the mixture. Depending on how much oils and herbs you use will determine the smell if you want it to also smell a certain way.
Body Products: Don’t worry you don’t have to go completely DIY on this, but you can if you want to. Like the cleaning supplies you can add intentional ESSENTIAL OILS to you body wash, shampoos/conditioners, and lotions. If you add any of the waters or herb tea it will thin it out so if you really want to do this it is recommended to use a thickener before adding them. The oils can either be premixed combining your favorite product with the oils in a separate container, or mixed when using by adding a few drops of the oils you’re using to the product in your hand before putting on your body. (My personal favorites are adding lavender and jasmine to my body wash as a way to cleanse my spiritual energy before bed and also have the scent on my body for more dream magic)
Candles and Diffusers/Humidifiers: You can premix oils and add them to a candle for your spells, make candles with the oils, or add drops of the ESSENTIAL OILS and even sprinkle some of your intended magical HERBS to a lit candle or before lighting. You can mix OILS, MOON/SUN WATER, and/or HERB TEA to add to your humidifier or diffuser to bring a certain energy into the room. (Personal favs is to mix moon water with an intended oil for the night in my diffuser)
Cooking/Baking: There’s a reason kitchen witches and hearth witches exist. Cooking and baking with intended ingredients, seasonings and herbs are a great way to create your own magic and bring life to your spells. Look into what your favorite seasonings and flavors mean because it might be telling you something that you need in your life.
These are all things I tend to use when I’m with friends or family who may be particular against witchcraft (which is a lot of them) so it works great to make your own room, bathroom, or home overall a safe space to you all while covering it up in nice subtle ways.
PS: When it comes to making/using your own cleaning products, the excuse I use to hide my witchy intent is that the ingredients help repel certain bugs, which some oils do so it may be worth looking into that alongside your magical correspondence list.
~💛The Blasian Witch💛
I am open to any and all questions if you have any.
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
Magical Correspondences of Coffee
I recently accepted the fact that I have a lactose aversion, which saddens me because I slam milk like it's the 90's. The stabbing abdominal pain and jank ass bowel movements outweigh the weird satisfaction I get from cow milk.
On a vaguely related note, milk/cream is something that one might put in coffee, and is associated with nurturing, power and protection. Think of your coffee cup as a cauldron, and the coffee is the base liquid, the things you add to it can be charged with magical intent and that magic will follow you through your whole day.
Here's some popular coffee additives and their correspondences:
Coffee: stimulant, great for energy work and cleansing
Sugar: love, purification, attraction
Honey/Maple/Syrups: binding, attraction, love
Milk/Cream: nurturing, power, protection
Soy Milk: protection, job success
Coconut Milk: protection, cleansing
Oat Milk: grounding, prosperity, wealth
Almond Milk: prosperity, healing, wealth, wisdom
Vanilla: happiness, love, good fortune
Add some of these to your coffee, stir with intent, and watch how it effects your day. Happy casting
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
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Wanted to share with you all my homemade witches runes and my rune spread in my book of shadows. I’m honestly so happy with how these turned out ✨ thank you Goddess
Blessed be
-The Rose witch
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mercedesthewitch · 3 years ago
Latest project! A kitchen magic-centric cookbook. The last section contains correspondences for herbs, fruits, veggies, and other foods so I can have all the information I need at my fingertips! Cooking with intention is just one more way to add a little more magic to my day.
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