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menacehaha13-blog 6 years ago
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menacehaha13-blog 6 years ago
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menacehaha13-blog 8 years ago
Warriors of Chaos: The End Begins Who would've known that the end of the world would just be the beginning of a new lifestyle. Dominic Reaper sure didn't. He also doesn't know why he can't have a single minute of peace or relaxation. Only one month after he escapes that state prison and starts to live a life he wants, a top of the line, best of the best military task force has to burst in and kidnap him. Dominic's life has been pretty crazy, well, crazier than normal, here recently. Lots has changed. The world went through a zombie apocalypse. And, the world isn't handling it very well, no. Society has hit a serious downfall. Plus, the downfall received help from Hades and his band of misfit monsters that now roam the earth. But, now Dominic fully believes in Zeus, Hades, Olympus, Underworld, and all the trimmings that come along with them. Before being kidnapped, and besides losing his brother, Dominic has never been happier. Him and his friends can now live anywhere they want, and they can do whatever they want. Now, they can legally have fun taking part in their favorite activities, killing things, blowing shit up, and destroying shit. And, since it's mindless cannibals and mythological monsters they're all killing they don't feel bad about it. Now, back to being kidnapped, Dominic slowly regains consciousness. Dominic doesn't open his eyes though, he's smarter than that. Dominic feels that he is laying on a flat, metal surface. He feels that his wrists, stomach, and ankles are strapped down. The metal surface he is laying on, strapped down to, is moving. Dominic slowly opens one of his eyes and sees a male whitecoat helping three nurses push him down a hallway. Oh great, Dominic realizes that the flat metal surface he's strapped down to is a stretcher. That's always a good sign (sarcasm). The windows to the right are boarded up. Dominic glances to his left where the whitecoat is. He sees that they're passing metal doors with numbers on them. This place is too low security to be a prison. Uh-oh. Dominic frowns as he starts to weigh out the options of where he could be. He's pretty sure he knows, but he prays he's wrong. Please, Zeus please, don't let this be a loony bin. Please, unless your starting your shift, being at a loony bin is never a good sign. Never! Especially under the current circumstances, during the apocalypse, and after just being kidnapped. The whitecoat looks down at Dominic, notices his eyes are open, "Are you okay, Mr. Reaper?" What kind of a stupid ass question is that, Dominic thinks to himself. All he can do is look up at the guy with a disturbed and slightly mad expression on his face. Dominic isn't slightly mad though. He's at a point between completely fucking pissed and completely fucking enraged. "Who the fuck are you?" Dominic tugs at the straps s little. The male doctor in the whitecoat ignores the question and starts to explain, "I'm Dr. Sloan Renegade, and I'm here to help." Him and the three nurses continue rushing Dominic down the hallway. "Let me the fuck go then!" Dominic shouts and struggles against his restraints as much as he can. Nurse #1 pulls a syringe with a small bottle of sodium pentothal. She loads the right dosage into the needle, then quickly injects it into Dominic's arm. "You bitch!" Dominic shouts, staring his enraged brown eyes directly at Nurse #1. He makes sure that the nurse knows that it's her he is calling a bitch. Dominic continues to struggle as the drug pulls him under, until he blacks out. When he comes to he is groggy from the drugs side effects. All he knows is that he was strapped to a stretcher, and now he's strapped to a wooden chair. Dominic will admit, he likes whatever injected into his arm. Dr. Sloan Renegade pushes a metal table over to Dominic. "Who's that? Who's there?" Dominic slurs his words, the effects of the drugs in his system are keeping him from being able to open his eyes. The doctor opens up a wooden box that's on the metal table, "Please stay calm, Mr. Reaper," He pulls the Menace Jacket out of the box, "It'll be over soon." The whitecoat sounds assuring. "I don't wan- jusss- oh sshhlit-" Dominic tries to speak past the effects of the sodium pentothal. Dr. Renegade walks the Menace Jacket over to Dominic, who is hanging his head forward, nodding off. Two of the nurses cut off Dominic's shirt, he doesn't even notice. Sloan carefully puts the hood on Dominic's head then wipes the sweat from his forehead. After a couple seconds, the cloth of the Jacket starts to accept Dominic as the new Menace. It does that by forming itself over his torso. Once the Jacket is finished, Dominic feels like he just took a big shot of meth. "Whoooaaaa!" He is fully awake, "I'm not tired anymore," He chuckles, looks at the three nurses, then back at the whitecoat, "What did you give me? What is this? What am I- Oh shit!" Dominic's questions get cut off by his body tensing up so bad that he's frozen stiff. "Ahh!" He cracks his neck as his face starts to be painfully covered by complete darkness. His face, eyes, nose, and teeth get covered by a shadow-like pitch blackness. "Ahaha," Dominic gets a chuckle in with his painful screams. Even though he is in extreme pain, Dominic gets off, mentally, by seeing what type of, and how much pain he can go through. And this pain he's going through is topping the charts, and he's got a feeling that this isn't the worst of it. Dominic's pretty average for his height, 5' 10". It's how stout and broad-chested he is that is over average. He's already ripped with muscle from having a life where he grew up in The Valleys. But, while his face gets blackened out, Dominic's body starts to grow in height and muscle. "Hahahaha," He keeps chuckling in pain. Dr. Renegade and the nurses stare in shock, amazement, and in fear of Dominic. They all thought Dominic wasn't going to make it because of his average size. Maybe size doesn't matter with the Menace Jacket. It's most likely a mental thing, it all depends on how sick in the head you are, and Dominic is known to be pretty sick in the head. As his average-sized build grows, his skin tightens, his veins bulge out around his body's main muscle groups. Then the color of his veins change to blood red. "Haaaa," Dominic's teeth start to easily fall out of his mouth. He spits out the ones that he catches with his tongue, tastes the copper flavor of his own blood. The rest of his teeth just fall out, leaves a trail of blood/saliva coming from his mouth. This transformation is just blowing Dominic away. Mostly because he's still alive. Dominic knows that if he survives this it'll be worth it. He's already seen what a man looks like after transformed into Menace. After all his teeth are gone, sharp pointed teeth grow in their place in a matter of seconds. Dominic exhales deeply once his new 'shark' teeth are fully grown in. All he can think is 'What. Is. Next?' Then, it happens, his question gets an answer. His eyes burst into a raging inferno. It's like Dominic's eye are balls of gas that just came into contact with a lit match. "Haaaa haaa ha ha," Dominic feels like he's being tortured by his own body. It's like his split personality knows Dominic gets off on seeing how much pain he can take, and this split personality of his is testing his limit. But, before Dominic thinks about saying uncle, the pain starts to fade. His eyes stay ablaze and his body stays transformed. Which makes Dominic feel even better, even more badass. He likes the way this Menace character looks, how Dominic looks now, who Dominic is now. And, Dominic doesn't feel a single bit bad about being Menace. He will embrace it, make Menace as much a part of him as he can. No matter what this post-apocolyptic world puts in front of him. As the pain from the transformation completely fades, Dominic continues to take deep breaths. He shows off his new smile. The nurses still stare in somewhat fear, but Dr. Renegade smiles at the success. The hooded, eyes of fire success sitting in front of him. Dominic let's all of his super senses kick in. He's able to hear conversations other people are having two stories above him. His eyes are able to pick up heat signatures and materials that can make fire. Like the Bic lighters in Nurse #1's and #3's pockets. Hmmm, Dominic wouldn't have guessed that any of them as smokers. He's able to pick up on odd objects in the room that can be used as weapons. And, Dominic sees that his 'quick grab' duffel bag is stashed under the metal table. The best part is that Dominic can control his new super senses like he's had them his while life. Dominic looks at Dr. Renegade with his normal eyesight and his permanent Menace smile. His once average height is now 6' 7" and hrs twice as stout. Dominic now has nearly three times as much rock solid muscle as he used to. And this feeling of power, oh man. To hell with the best speed, crack, or meth in the world, throw that shit in the trash. The world's biggest junkies wouldn't even want to touch any of that if they could smoke, snort, or shoot up something that would make them feel the way Dominic does. Of course, Dominic quit shooting and snorting since he got out of the state prison. He needed to get his life on track to escape that place. No more doing hardcore drugs, life is too dangerous as it is already. All Dominic does now is smoke weed, of course, and there's his occasional shrooms, acid, opium, or LSD flashback. Dominic's gaze turns to the three nurses, "Any of you girls have a cig on ya?" The nurses give each other questioned expressions, unsure what to do. "Don't ask yourself if it's bad for the monster's health," Dominic jokes around, like he always does with strangers, "And don't tell me you're too ladylike to smoke. Two of you have lighter in your pants' pockets and you must use them for something," Dominic continues to stare at the three nurses. He doesn't really give off a facial expression since his face is completely blacked out, besides his flaming eyes and razor sharp pearly whites. Because of of the attitude passed down from Chaos to Menace, it always seems like he's smiling in some sort of way. Nurse #3 gives in and pulls out a pack of Newport menthols. She takes a few careful steps toward Dominic, holds out the menthol cancer stick for him. "Sweet," He smiles, "A real cigarette. You mind putting it in my mouth and torching it? I'm kinda tied down at the moment," He chuckles. Nurse #3 tries not to seem so shaky as sets the cigs filter between Dominic's lips, then pulls out her lighter. "Don't be afraid of me darling," Dominic flirts a little, carefully holding the cig with his teeth . For looking like the such a horrific monster, Nurse #3 is stunned with surprise by his sweet sounding voice, gentleman type of sweet. "I could never hurt a gorgeous woman like you," Dominic smiles like the charmer he is. Actually makes the nurse blush. She tries to hide it along with her smile as she lights the Newport. Dominic keeps his blazing stare on her as he breathes in the cigarette smoke, "Oh, please let that smile of yours be seen," Dominic takes a deep drag, "You shouldn't hide one of your most beautiful features," Even without speaking, he's able to keep his sweet, gentleman's charm switched on. Makes Nurse #3's beautiful feature come back, and she doesn't hide it this time. She smiles and blushes hard, glances at the other two nurses. Nurses #1 and #2 are surprised to see that #3 is being wooed by this random guy (monster). All three Nurses will admit that Dominic was super cute before the transformation. But now, with that sinister grin and his terrifying fire blazing eyes. His huge arms, tight muscles, toned abs, broad/solid chest, forearms, biceps, and those BIG shoulders. Oh dammit, now the other two nurses are gawking at Dominic's new body. And Dominic is able to notice, even without his super senses. He lets out a few chuckles, along with the cigarette smoke that rolls out of his mouth as he looks back at the whitecoat. "Well," Dominic exhales a big sigh and the straps holding him down rip apart like tissue paper, "Whew, that feels better. " He leans back in the chair, takes a deep drag from his cig then holds it between his right hand's middle and pointer fingers. Twenty of the world's best soldiers, best remaining soldiers that is, come out of the room's shadows with high-powered assault rifle's aimed and ready to fire. Ready to fire straight into Dominic's head. They don't scare or startle D though, don't even make him flinch. He just takes another drag from his Newport and blows a smoke ring around one of the assault rifle barrels that's in his face. "Stand down! Stand down!" Dr. Renegade pushes through the soldiers, makes his way to Dominic, "He wasn't going to harm anyone," The good doctor looks around at all the soldiers, assurance in his gaze and voice, "He was just getting comfortable. Right?" He directs his gaze and question toward Dominic. Dominic smiles at Sloan then around at all the soldiers, and the guns in their hands. He makes sure to take his time answering, because he can, "Yeah, of course," D takes a drag from his cigarette, "I couldn't breathe." Dominic keeps his 'Fuck you' smirk on his face. "There, satisfied? Now lower the weapons," Dr. Renegade orders the soldiers. They all slowly lower their weapons and go back into the shadows of the room. Sloan watches the soldiers until they're out of sight. He lets out a deep sigh and shakes his head in annoyance, "Sorry about that," Dr. Renegade looks back at Dominic, "Ever since zombies came to town, they've all been jumpy, they're always on edge, plus that's all mixed with itchy trigger fingers." Dr. Sloan keeps his serious facial expression on Dominic, seriously annoyed expression. "It's ok yo," Dominic drops the butt of the cigarette on the concrete floor and stomps it out, "It's not the first time I've had a gun, or several guns, pointed at my head." He chuckles. "Well, now that we got the security out of the way, how about I tell you what I was told to," Sloan shows that he's a no bullshit, straight to the point type of guy. Dominic thinks that's a good trait to have. After reading the file that President Jaxon made on Dominic Reaper, Sloan has learned that D is the type of guy who doesn't care for bullshit talk. And it's Dr. Renegade's mission from the president to make friends with Dominic, in case he goes against the plan. Dominic motions for the good doctor to continue. "Once again, I'm Dr. Sloan Renegade," He paces while talking, "I'm one of the president's head scientists, house doctor, physicist," Dominic feels like this guy gets sidetracked by his own success at times, "I know more about the human body and the body's of multiple monsters more than any other of the president's staff members like me." Sloan's voice takes a pause, but his legs and feet keep pacing. "Jaxon?" Dominic quickly gets the word out before the good doctor starts up his life story and accomplishments again. "Yes, he's the one that brought you here." Dr. Renegade explains. "Before you tell me why he did that, where exactly has he brought me?" Dominic waits to be answered. He gets a good and honest vibe from this doctor. Not like the vibe he got from the last doctor he knew on a first name basis. "Well, now that we got the security out of the way, how about I tell you what I was told to," Sloan shows that he's a no bullshit, straight to the point type of guy. Dominic thinks that's a good trait to have. After reading the file that President Jaxon made on Dominic Reaper, Sloan has learned that D is the type of guy who doesn't care for bullshit talk. And it's Dr. Renegade's mission from the president to make friends with Dominic, in case he goes against the plan. Dominic motions for the good doctor to continue. "Once again, I'm Dr. Sloan Renegade," He paces while talking, "I'm one of the president's head scientists, house doctor, physicist," Dominic feels like this guy gets sidetracked by his own success at times, "I know more about the human body and the body's of multiple monsters more than any other of the president's staff members like me." Sloan's voice takes a pause, but his legs and feet keep pacing. "Jaxon?" Dominic quickly gets the word out before the good doctor starts up his life story and accomplishments again. "Yes, he's the one that brought you here." Dr. Renegade explains. "Before you tell me why he did that, where exactly has he brought me?" Dominic waits to be answered. He gets a good and honest vibe from this doctor. Not like the vibe he got from the last doctor he knew on a first name basis. "You're still in New York. We're at Bellevue mental facility," Sloan looks around the big, open, concrete room, "Well, what it used to be anyway." He seems kinda bummed out. "I never been here," Dominic says in a calm way, "It's been recommended though," He adds with a smile. Sloan gets back on the ball, "I've been told to tell you that the president wants you for a mission," He informs, "His late brother said you would be perfect for the mission, before you killed him." Dominic chuckles at the remark. Doesn't feel bad about murdering the president's youngest brother. The mad doctor was a psychotic, twisted asshole who deserved his death. "He also said you would be perfect for the Menace Jacket. Especially after the first candidate turned out to be a nightmare," Dr. Renegade sighs. Dominic thinks back to how bad things got in prison once the Darkness' gang leader's brother turned into Menace. How worst things got. The whole place turned into a burning riot that you couldn't escape. "Anyway," Sloan turns back to Dominic, "I was just told to tell you who brought you here. I've probably said too much as it is." The whitecoat sighs and rubs his forehead from the pile of stress that's been put on him ever since this strange apocalypse started. "Since you seem like there's too much on your plate already, I'll try not to cause any problems for you." Dominic says respectfully. Let's the good doctor know that he won't have any trouble coming from him. "I appreciate that," Sloan pulls a pair of glasses out of his whitecoat's breast pocket, "I really appreciate that actually," He slides his glasses on and weakly smiles at Dominic, very weakly, "I got to get back to President Jaxon so you can know more about what's going on," He goes to the metal table and picks up a small stack of files and papers, "The nurses will get you whatever they need, or whatever they can get you. We're kinda short on.......everything, ever since, you know, the apocalypse," Dr. Renegade turns and looks at the new Menace, "I should be back tomorrow though." He adds, keeps his bummed out expression on his mug. "Then that's when I'll see ya," Dominic smiles his new maniac smile, tries to keep spirits up. Because he can sense that there is something wrong with this doctor. And for some ungodly reason Dominic feels sorry for the guy, whatever his problem is. Dominic got his loving and caring conscious from his late, but still wonderful mother. He got his smart-ass mouth and Dont-Take-Shit-From-Anyone attitude from his late father. Just to even himself out. "Later then," Sloan waves goodbye as he walks to the open elevator door then up to the ground floor. He keeps his gaze on the concrete floor as the elevator's doors close. Dr. Renegade's eyes show that his mind is somewhere else. Dominic continues to lightly wave until Sloan is out of sight. He then let's out a sigh, "Poor guy," Dominic shakes his head a couple times then notices the three nurses cleaning up. He also notices that Nurse #3 is still gawking at him. She tries to smoothly look away but it doesn't work. "It's ok, darling. I don't mind if you stare, I don't blame you either," Dominic seductively chuckles and directs his grin towards Nurse #3. Which nearly makes her turn red and giggle beyond control. "It'll cost you another one of them Newports though, gorgeous," He adds, just to flirt more with this woman. Who can be classified as one of those HOTT nurses that guys like Dominic fantasize about. Nurse #3 smiles more at Dominic, her cheeks red. She pulls out another cigarette and walk it over to him. The nurse only glances at Dominic's new face but she sees that he is looking straight at her eyes. Eye contact is key when it comes to getting girls to like you. He makes sure that their hands touch when he gently takes the cig from Nurse #3. "You want me to light it?" She seductively bites her lip. Nurses #1 and #2 both watch and listen in. Both suddenly feel left out because they're not getting hit on, or flirting with a VERY, VERY muscular monster. Dominic sees the sign and tales the hint Nurse #3 just sent out. "Please do," He holds the menthol between his teeth. She pulls out her Bic lighter again. "You might be the only woman hott enough to light me," Dominic stares into Nurse #3's eyes. She get lost in the flames of Dominic's eyes for a minute. With his sweet and charming voice, those big and tight arms, plus that last statement he just made to her. Those flaming eyes, that were normal colored a minute ago, are bright orange at the bottom and blood red at the top. The colors blend so perfectly together. The other two nurses look at each other in shock. Not because of how sweet the statement was or any of the other nice comments Dominic gave Nurse #3. But, because he wasn't saying that nice stuff to them. Both of their moods turn to jealousy, or envy. Along with Nurse #3, the other two nurses think that's a lot of muscle on a man. It's the most muscle any of the nurses have seen on any man. And, if the nurses were given the opportunity, they would rub all over Dominic's body, caress his unclothed and clothed bulges. After Nurse #3 stares too long into his flaming eyes, Dominic gets a slight uncomfortable feeling, because he doesn't know the color of his flaming eyes change color. He doesn't know that's what the nurse is lost in. "Uh-hmmm," Dominic clears his throat loud enough to pull Nurse #3 back into the real world. The cigarette is still caught between his teeth, and is still unlit. "Oh, sorry." She snaps out of it, then quickly lights up the menthol for D, and returns to her dream world. Dominic chuckles as he takes in a few drags and crosses his legs. He suddenly gets a sense of jealousy coming from somewhere in the basement. Dominic takes in another drag from his cig, french inhales the smoke through his nose and glances at the other two nurses. Yep, that's where the source of jealously is coming from. Even if he didn't have these new powers, Dominic would be able to tell those nurses are jealous just by the looks on their faces, and by how they quickly look away when Dominic notices their gawking gazes. "What are you two gorgeous girls doing over there by yourself?" He asks very loud, gets their attention and Nurse #3 comes back out of her dream world at the sound of his voice. She was so engrossed by his body that the N.I.L.F. didn't even notice he started to look at the other two nurses. Which, Dominic now sees that they are also N.I.L.F.'s. Oh, what a great ending to a very shitty day. "Why don't we gather up some chairs ladies. I want you pretty things to be as comfortable as possible, and feel as good as possible." Dominic chuckles. All three nurses giggle and blush together. Without even noticing, the nurses race each other to find chairs. Only one of them gets to sit directly in front of this Dominic, the sculpted monster. With those oddly mesmerizing flaming eyes. Dominic takes in a couple drags of his cigarette. Even though he's smoking this nicotine into his system like a steam engine, he doesn't feel the side effects of his lungs filling up with too much smoke. And he doesn't have the feeling of dreadful coughs about to attack, or any type of of coughs at all. Which always happens to Dominic. Has this Menace Jacket healed all of Dominic's health issues. All he knows about it is the change it does to your appearance, and he'd guess that he's now somewhat indestructible. But, before he tests out how much he can now take, Dominic thinks it might be a good idea to have this Dr. Sloan explain it all to him. Besides, it's not the time for testing how resilient his new body is. It's time to test how his new male parts work. Has it changed size? Does it still function? Who knows? What Dominic does know is that he's got three N.I.L.F.'s who are perfect for testing. "I'm here." Nurse #3 quickly plops down a couple inches in front of him. "Yes you are," Dominic smiles at her, leans forward and gently rubs her thigh for a few long seconds. Nurses #1 and #2 unexcitedly sit down on each side of him, feeling they're left out once again. "Don't worry darlings," Dominic seductively smiles at #1 and #2, "I can serve all three of you. It's my duty as a real man to pleasure you all beyond belief," He adds some seductive chuckles to his smile. N.I.L.F. #1 and #2 blush more than they have this evening. N.I.L.F. #3 is lost yet again, this time in Dominic's muscular chest. "You two can sit closer," Dominic says to #1 and #2, "Here, let me help," Dominic slowly bends his torso over and stretches out his long muscular arms and grabs both of their metal chairs. Dominic glances down, "Whoops," He devilishly chuckles, notices that his face is an inch from being in the nurses lap. He continues to chuckle as he sits back up and easily pulls the other two N.I.L.F.'s closer to him by their chairs. #1 and #2 watch Dominic and Nurse #3, both turned on and excited about getting their turns. N.I.L.F. #3 stares anxious and seductively at him. She slowly unbuttons the top of the top of her shirt, reveals the mounds of fun stuffed in her tight, red, push-up bra. "I'm guessing your favorite color is red," Dominic rhetorically asks, not worried if she answers. It doesn't really matter if that's her favorite color or not. "Mhmm," She sexily moans the answer. Dominic looks at N.I.L.F. #1, who is gawking at his biceps. "What's your favorite color baby?" He calmly asks. The nurse quickly unbuttons her whole shirt, her way of answering Dominic. She teases him a little by barely parting her shirt. Then, she pops out her perky DD breasts, that are wonderfully sculpted by a forest green push-up bra. N.I.L.F. #1 slowly moves her hands up her sides. Pushes her drool worthy breasts together a little. Just to tease Dominic some more. He smiles at her, very impressed. Dominic looks at the last N.I.L.F. "What about you baby?" The nurse looks to the ceiling for a minute, thinks. The other two nurses giggle while they watch. Both sit in a few different poses in their chairs. But every pose they make their big breasts stick out, in case Dominic is looking their way. N.I.L.F. #2 playfully smiles and stands up. Steps closer to Dominic, but doesn't get in the way of #1's and #3's view. She let's her fiery red hair down and flips it to one side, somewhat covers part of her face. Then, she starts to unbutton her shirt from the bottom. As she gets to the top buttons, Nurse #2 makes sure her shirt doesn't part at all. She seductively smiles and turns her back to Dominic, then lifts the shirt so her whole stomach is showing. The nurse ties both halves of her shirt together and quickly turns back to facing Dominic. She shows that she's not wearing a bra. And N.I.L.F. #2 has the biggest breasts out of the three. "Wow," Dominic laughs, "Do you not have a favorite color," Another rhetorical question followed by his chuckles. "I didn't say I was done," She laughs a laugh that is unbelievably sexy, Dominic instantly looks back and waits in anticipation. She bends her torso over in front of Dominic so he can see her melon sized breasts hang from her body, they sway, and bounce into each other. "Oh my sweet baby Zeus," Dominic gets out, even though he is speechless. Nurse #2 giggles and continues to do that as she digs her thumbs into the sides of her pants. She slowly straightens back up and pulls the sides of her purple thong up onto the top of her hip bones. "I like purple," N.I.L.F. #2 seductively smiles then swings her bubble butt towards Dominic. She struts it a few times before sitting it back down. "Well," Dominic gets his head out of the clouds, "Before you girls get too excited, or get me too excited," Dominic jokes. The nurses giggle a little. "Let me check something real quick," He wiggles his, now, pitch black colored tongue behind his 'shark teeth'. Then he licks his lips that are also, now, just as pitch black, "Sweet, my tongue and lips are still work, so you ladies are in for a real treat," Dominic seductively wiggles his tongue at the three nurses, then laughs pretty loud. The N.I.L.F.'s laugh with him, continue to to pose in their chairs like pornstars. "So, are you three friends?" Dominic suddenly stops laughing, but continues to smile. "Yes," Nurse #2 answers for all three. "We were sorority sisters," #3 adds. "Really?" Dominic seems a little even more excited. "Mhmm," All three of them nod their heads together. "That's a wonderful thing," He chuckles, takes another drag from the menthol cigarette, holds the smoke in his lungs for a minute. Looks in the air while he exhales. "So, tell me something, you three beauties like to experiment?" Chapter 2 "I don't know, Zeus," President Jaxon looks across his desk at the all powerful god, Zeus. "Dominic Reaper is a pretty big risk," Jaxon swallows the rest of his scotch then refills his short glass. "I didn't come all way here to get your opinion," Zeus speaks with authority. Which should make President Jaxon think about treating him with more respect. But, it doesn't. He's the president and all that power has went to his head. During his second term in office, Cecil arranged it so if you're voted for enough you can stay president until the people vote for someone else during election. President Cecil Jaxon has been in office for three terms, and plans being there until the day he retires. All because he gives the people what they want. But not everyone's going to lie down and be told what to do for the rest of their lives. "You said you wanted to help Olympus in the war, here's your chance," Zeus pauses, "I can always take the Reaper brothers and find someone else to help me," He warns Cecil. He's not lying though. It wouldn't be a problem for Zeus to take back what's his. He's certainly not going to let some human on a power trip muck up his plans. "No, I want to help you," Cecil takes a sip of his scotch, "I'm just trying to give you better optio-" A mighty voice cuts Jaxon's sentence short, "I don't need any better options!" Zeus slams his hands down on Cecil's desk, "Just do as I say," He takes charge of the conversation. Zeus knows that President Jaxon sometimes forgets that he is the hired help, not the other way around. Zeus steps to the office's door then turns back to Cecil, "Just in case that kid doesn't believe you're working for me, I'll join you when you go see him," Zeus walks out the room, leaves the door open, "You'll hear from me," The deep and mighty voice of power echoes through the hall. President Jaxon's fake smile turns to an evil glare. He looks at his large, flatscreen computer monitor. It shows several views of the white house. President Jaxon watches Zeus walk down the hall, then he just disappears. Cecil drinks the rest of the scotch in his glass then sighs in hatred. Doesn't really appreciate being talked down to or being put in his place. Which is exactly Zeus has done. But, there's really nothing he can do about it, unless he wants to get a lightning bolt shoved up his ass. President Jaxon will play along for now, but at some point he will find a way to get something out of this for himself. "President, Dr. Renegade is on line one," Cecil's secretary beeps over the intercom. He finishes his scotch then picks up his office phone. The rest of the surrounding cities are without electricity so the white house can keep running. "Hello," He talks into the receiver. "The subject has successfully changed and wants to know more," Sloan gets to the point, as usual. He uses the same bummed out tone of voice. "Great," President Jaxon smiles, leans back in his leather chair and props his feet on his desk, "Do you think he will accept the mission?" Cecil pours himself another scotch. "I don't know. I haven't gotten to actually talking with him about it yet," Sloan doesn't really want to, but he's going to. It's the good doctor's job, and he gave his word. "Alright," Cecil takes a sip of scotch, "I'll fly out tomorrow. Someone will be with me," He gets a burning feeling in his stomach when the thought of Zeus enters his mind. "Who will that be, sir?" Sloan doesn't show excitement in the question. President Jaxon takes a minute to answer, "The god in charge of this whole thing," That's the best answer Cecil can come up with. Dr. Renegade gets a little excited and nervous about meeting Zeus, Mr. Lightning Bolt himself. "Are you going to be able to handle yourself around him?" President Jaxon can tell by the doctor's silence that things might get uncomfortable. "No, no. I'll be fine." Sloan trues to reassure the president. "Ok, a piece of advice though. Treat him as a regular human, he prefers it that way." Cecil finishes. No problem. Just treat The Creator, who has an unknown amount and unlimited powers, like a regular, everyday human being. Easy. Sloan swallows his nervous feelings and calms himself down. As much as he can anyway. "Yes, sir. I won't ruin things for you," He says respectfully. This so called zombie apocalypse didn't just turn more than half of the population into monsters, or stop normal human civilization. It also took away Dr. Renegade's amazing wife of six wonderful years. And, soon after that, his seventeen year old daughter goes missing. Not dead, just missing. That's what Sloan tells himself anyway, to help himself feel better. "Wonderful, doctor," Cecil pulls Sloan back into the real world, "I'll be on the east coast tomorrow," The president doesn't say goodbye, he just hangs up. No surprise, or the feeling of being rude to by Dr. Renegade. He's used to it. He expects it from the president. Sloan respects the guy just enough and does what he says because Cecil pays good and it keeps the good doctor's mind busy, and his body safe. But, President Jaxon promised, gave his word to Sloan that he would send out search parties to find the doctor's daughter. That promise was made over a month ago. And, deep down inside, Sloan's extremely pissed about it.
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