memorylanediaries · 3 days
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Jamaica presents a captivating blend of stunning natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and thrilling adventures, making it an ideal destination for travelers seeking a diverse and unforgettable experience. Whether your preference is to unwind on the picturesque beaches or delve into the island's fascinating history and attractions, Jamaica caters to all interests.
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Jamaica
1. Dunn's River Falls - A breathtaking waterfall near Ocho Rios.
2. Bob Marley Museum - A museum dedicated to the legendary reggae artist in Kingston.
3. Negril Cliffs - Stunning cliffs and sunsets in Negril.
4. Doctor's Cave Beach - A popular beach in Montego Bay.
5. Rafting on the Martha Brae - A relaxing river rafting experience.
6. Blue Mountains - A scenic mountain range and coffee plantations.
7. Rick's Café - A famous bar and restaurant in Negril.
8. Port Royal - A historic town and former pirate hub.
9. Luminous Lagoon - A glowing bay in Falmouth.
10. Appleton Estate - A historic rum distillery in St. Elizabeth.
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memorylanediaries · 5 days
Interview- Past Career Experiences
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Good Afternoon Mr HArrelson, how are you doing today? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): Hi Ms Scott, thank you for having me today, how are you doing?
Ms Scott (Interviewer): I'm doing okay. Alright, so Ill be asking you ten questions for this interview, surrounding your past career, Is that okay? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): Yes thats fine
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Okay, What was your favorite part about working at Jamaica Hospital Supplies? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): Well, my favorite part about my job back at Jamaica Hospital supplies was mostly the daily traveling around the country and getting to meet new people in the various medical fields.
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Okay sounds great, Can you tell me about a typical day in your role as a warehouse associate? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): My day in day out role at as a warehouse associate varies, because some days you are in house and some days you’re out on the road getting work done, basically.
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Okay great. What were some of your responsibilities and tasks in that position? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): So days when I’m in, I mainly keep the warehouse organized and deal with in house orders for customers and assist other staff when necessary, as in ensure that inventory is updated and shelves are replenished.
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Alright next question. How did you like the company culture and working environment? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee):Well, to be honest, the company had a bit of a old school culture that you had to adapt to and the environment was pretty small, so most times I like being out on the road getting stuff done.
Ms Scott (Interviewer):Okay, what did you accomplish that you're most proud of? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): Well, I learnt a lot in the few months while on my tenure, I get to accomplish the goals of getting to understanding how a few complex medical machines operated such as a life support machine, for example.
Ms Scott (Interviewer):Okay, intersting. How did your role contribute to the team or organization's goals? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): Well, I made a few contributions in specific areas where my ideas were highlighted in the sense of updating the old school culture and ways of operating so goals could be better achieved.
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Okay, What were some challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): Mmmm, some challenges were the working conditions, it was pretty hot on a day to day to day basis, it was something that could be overcome once you’re in house so I always took the option of going out to get work done basically.
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Okay, how did you like working with your colleagues and supervisor? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): Regardless of the challenges, I was working with a very small and efficient team and a great supervisor with good rapport and communication skills.
Ms Scott (Interviewer):Okay, What skills or experiences did you gain that have been helpful in your career that you have now? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): I’m grateful for my time and experience at Jamaica Hospital supplies because I learned a lot on a practical level and how to manage in way necessary to get work done efficiently which helped to boost my warehouse career from there.
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Okay, final question, Why did you decide to leave the company, and what does your career look like presently? Mr Harrelson (Interviewee):I decided to leave company because I was seeking better options in the sense of experience level and also on a financial path.. Well, my career has grown since the departure because now I’m a warehouse Supervisor on a much larger scale for a group of powerhouse bottling companies.
Ms Scott (Interviewer): Well Mr Harrelson, thank you so much for coming today. Mr Harrelson (Interviewee): Alright, and thank you for having me here today Ms Scott.
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memorylanediaries · 17 days
Title: The Wisdom of the Almond Tree
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Title: The Wisdom of the Almond Tree
As I stood beneath the vastness of the almond tree in our backyard, I was reminded of the profound impact nature has had on my life. This tree, with its gnarled branches and weathered trunk, has been a silent witness to my joys and sorrows, and has taught me valuable lessons about resilience and strength.
I recall the countless hours I spent as a child playing beneath its shade, my imagination running wild as I chased the dappled sunlight filtering through its leaves. As I grew older, the tree became a refuge from the storms of adolescence, a symbol of stability in an ever-changing world.
But it was during a particularly difficult period in my life, when I faced a series of challenges that left me feeling shattered and lost, that the tree's wisdom truly revealed itself to me. As I sat at its base, feeling the rough bark beneath my hands, I realized that this ancient tree had endured countless phases of growth and decay, yet remained steadfast and strong.
In that moment, I understood that nature's cycles of birth, growth, decay, and renewal were mirrored in our own human experiences. Just as the tree adapts to the changing seasons, so too must I learn to flex and adapt in the face of adversity.
The almond tree's resilience has inspired me to confront my own fears and doubts, to embrace change and uncertainty, and find strength in my own vulnerability. Its wisdom has reminded me that growth and decay are intertwined and that every ending marks a new beginning.
As I gazed up at the tree's towering branches, I was filled with gratitude for the lessons it has taught me. In its steadfast presence, I found a sense of peace and belonging.
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memorylanediaries · 20 days
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The Art of Individually tailored Learning Styles and Abilities
In 2013, I was a young student in Grade 7 at a prominent traditional high school in the parish of Manchesterin Jamaica. My classmates and I were navigating a tumultuous time, as we were fresh from the loins of our loving and patient preparatory school teachers, whom we even referred to as aunties and uncles. I'd say we struggled to integrate ourselves into the new environment and culture of high schools. After all, we were all students of different learning styles and abilities.
I was lucky to have a teacher, Mrs. Johnson, who recognized that each student learned differently. She encouraged me, a visual-kinesthetic learner, to express my creativity through art and craft while also providing extra support to my peers who needed it.
One day, we were assigned a project on the different religions in history. While others struggled to memorize dates and facts, I created a 3D flip book depicting the different religions and all that they encompassed.
I was fortunate enough to also have a mom who enjoyed putting time and effort into assisting me with completing my assignments, especially if it required a hands-on creative touch.
Mrs. Johnsons approach helped me excel, and my project became a catalyst for all her class discussions even after I moved on to a higher grade level.
This experience taught me that learning styles and abilities are diverse and valuable. It showed me that embracing individuality and creativity can lead to profound understanding and growth.
This belief has stayed with me, and I believe that education should foster inclusive and adaptive environments, celebrating the unique strengths of each learner even up to the tertiary level of learning.
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memorylanediaries · 24 days
As I stepped onto campus, a mix of emotions swirled inside me. Excitement for the new chapter ahead, nervousness about the unknown, and a hint of sadness leaving the familiarity of my previous home and school routine behind. Starting college marked a significant milestone for me, a transition from adolescence to adulthood and from living with family, to living with strangers.
The first few days were a whirlwind of orientation, meeting new faces, and navigating the huge campus. I felt like a small fish in a vast ocean, struggling to find my footing. But as classes began, something shifted. I discovered a sense of purpose in the lecture halls, a hunger to learn and grow and though it was no easy feat, I made up my mind to push through.
Late-night conversations with dormmates turned into debates about life, death, and everything in between. Lecturers challenged our minds weekly, pushing us to question assumptions and explore new perspectives. The campus came alive ever so often, with cultural events, club meetings, and spontaneous adventures. The numerous hall parties, sports days, faculty events and symposiums that were held taught me how to manage my time wisely. To hear the sound of bass from music afar off and still dedicate to stay glued to my little work station chair and study for upcoming tests.
My cooking skills gleaned from my dear mother, somewhat saved me from the dreads of being fast food dependent. I became what was known as the "hall chef", because it was said that my cooking reminded them of home.
Starting college was a journey of self-discovery, a chance to redefine myself beyond high school labels and expectations. I embraced new passions, forged lifelong friendships, and developed a sense of resilience. Those early days of uncertainty gave way to a sense of belonging, a realization that I was exactly where I was meant to be.
Looking back, starting college was a pivotal moment in my life, a threshold to a world of possibilities. It taught me to embrace the unknown, trust myself, and chase my dreams with courage and determination.
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memorylanediaries · 26 days
It was another monday morning. My family and I were out the door on time and early as we usually are. We got through our hometown pretty easily as the roads aren't too busy in the mornings on that side of the country. As we crossed the parish border, the journey began to get boring. It was a routine journey for me, because I traveled the journey for years. My eyes forced shut when we had about thirty minutes left to get into the parish of Manchester. However, not long after I fell asleep, disaster struck as we approached a well-known corner. The sound of screeching tires after the breaks were engaged, and the loudest metal to metal impact , as if I was 30 minutes into an action film. The car we were in flew into the air.. climbed a tree in its path and flipped 2 or maybe 3 times before we landed on the other side of the roadway. It all went dark for a moment, and when I opened my eyes, all I could see was a haze of dust around me. The smell of burning rubber engulfed what was left of our car, and everything was silent and still. It was like I was snapped out of reality when I heard my dad's voice shout" help me get them out" I was hauled out of one of the rear windows that was no longer, and put to sit in a clump of grass. My sisters and mom soon joined me, and then I realised I would be late for school.
People came from all over. Some checking out the scene for signs of life and others helping us to move what was left of our car out of the roadway. The police and firefighters came not long after. Civilians helped to rush us to the hospital so we could make sure that even though we had no major external injuries, we were OK internally too.
The Mandeville Regional Hospital pungent chemical and cleaning agent scents still lingers in my mind and the journey to Manchester from St. Elizabeth facilitates dreadful flashbacks from time to time.
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