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memories29 · 7 years ago
Whitewash me (la) 9.
<This poem I composed for my AngloAmerican Modernist Poetry class of 2018. I also included an explication as footnote so that the teacher had background knowledge of my childhood and coming into age.>
Turn my skin fair and my curly hair
Give me privileges only you know,
Teach me how to appropriate it, all
I don't own, yet I reclaim as mine.
I wanna know how it feels to be white,
Criticize blacks and yet
(Go to the beach to get tanned).
Teach me, 'cause
Such atrocities are hard to acquire
(Yet they seem to come with your natural fire)
And perpetuate your throne.
Me (la) nine
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memories29 · 7 years ago
Now you reckon I
Am the one who never
Was the one who
Was a liar. (Yes, a liar)
Think it twice,
Pray me fair:
Wasn't I next to you
When you needed me there?
Who's the fake?
I, who left before the eye of the storm was upon me?
Or you, who actually abandoned when the ship was wreck (with me inside).
You can pick the
Pieces yourself though.
Never ever have I never,
Or have I?
How was that saying?
Next to me: lights
And giggles (in case that you want to know).
Introduce a 'smiley-winky' face [HERE]
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memories29 · 7 years ago
Here's to the ones who don't hoard knowledge.
Little bird wasn't free,
So it never managed to fly on its own,
Always following man-made paths,
Always following a voice.
Entitled to something
(it was always something it was entitled to)
Little bird's coached fly
Was at a point of ending
Without landing on a pillow
And it feared it'd crash into the unknown. (So it was)
It crashed so hard,
Unprepared, nothing else to follow,
It never had the need of hoarding knowledge
Of the unknown (what for?)
It was always coached.
Now little bird is not little anymore,
It's feathers: flown away(in the wind)
And what's worse:
Nobody cared.
Here's to the little birds out there:
Learn to fly when you're instructed,
Keep the knowledge for yourself,
Save it in a box for later.
Don't be off-guard when time comes.
Don't be afraid, or ashamed or
There's always a place.
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memories29 · 7 years ago
Yo sin ti y una habitación vacía.
Ojalá pudiera ser yo sin ti.
Poder cruzar las calles sin verte en todos los ojos que con los míos chocan, sin que te clavases en mi pecho con cada 'te amo'.
Ojalá pudiera ser yo sin ti... No tocarte, ni besarte, ni añorarte al irte, ni desear conocer cada grieta de las huellas de tus dedos, cada trazo que hacen mis dedos sobre tu pelo, cada beso que me quema cual braza encendida.
Pero en realidad no quiero ser yo sin ti, ¿qué soy yo sin ti?: Una niña vacía, una muñeca rota, un respiro que pudo salir de una amante deseosa de aquel por el que respira... Pero que no pudo ser.
Un ente frío. Un ente sin alma... Una carcasa sin cabida a nadie a quien cobijar, pues el techo se habría derruido y los suelos rotos por el peso de los años en soledad. Eso sería yo sin ti... Eso y más (y menos)
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memories29 · 8 years ago
An unconventional knight
Through the fine lines, drawn on the sheets, After we, so lovely and vividly made a kingdom, Your fingers run, seeking for a little bit more of that body of mine, And I'm desiring they reach an arrival. The moon, which covers the lovers uncertified lust, also kept us safe from The voluptuous figure of a wicked gaze, which only looked for our perdition. But we, involved in this unfinished- by want or by need- love, took no notice and kept going as if the night was a stage, And I your precious protagonist. Every star was a light that accentuated my divine pace at which I developed the play, A play that can no longer come to an end, as we already turned it into a reality. Be my hero, the one that lets himself be saved by a princess, or a mistress, Or be the stress of sharp voice that shout so silently 'not to let it go', Because I need you and you certainly need me, to live this unwanted yet desirable life we live, Keep me safe, Keep you with me.
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memories29 · 9 years ago
Las estrellas se han conmovido y me han dicho donde te escondes, Mal amante! Que me privas de tus besos sin importarte que por ellos viva. Ellas también, siendo amables, me desvelaron que me amas... Bandido! Te robas mi corazón para luego querer esconderte entre las piedras! Pero no... Este tributo haz de pagarlo, Esta vez no vas a huir. Me vas a amar, querer... Tal como yo a ti. Es un gran fuego y es difícil apagarlo. Como a un lienzo en blanco me pintaste, con tus dedos calientes por el sol; gran sol que calienta a felices y desdichados. Pobre de mi! Aunque mi invierno será cálido, de este fuerte lazo esclava seré ... Por los siglos de los siglos, amén!
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memories29 · 9 years ago
Far as I have you, close as I want to.
Why am I the omen of something bad? Or is it just dreams that come to perturb me? I don't really know why I even care, cause you didn't when I was the wrecked one. But how come could I let this pass? Cause even when I got someone else I reckon I take care of you... On the distance, but I do... And I don't want to. Letting it go, Letting it simmer till nothing remains but a white foam emerging from consumption... A white fog with shades of silver.
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memories29 · 9 years ago
Draft #1
I’m just too afraid to leave everything to go next to you, I die to do so tho. And I swear I have feelings which I certainly don’t know how to call them, but I own them and they’re strong. I know I’ve promised you a lot and you got out of a bad mood because of me, but I’m just too coward to go and find you and go beyond the infinity.
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memories29 · 9 years ago
Chronicles of a fake man
You...beast! Punishing the good for having no sins, You...reckless! You make me believe that you had some kindness, You...fool! You didn't realize that I really knew you, You...idiot! You played a good heart... You deserve nothing.
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memories29 · 9 years ago
When I was born
When I was born I was expected to be something. Since the first minute I was out there in the world, my mama exhorted how she'd like her daughter to be. I was expected... However, I became exposed to the worldly demons, which creep on the obscure nights to get your heart away... And I got spoiled. But they didn't spill me against my willing, I asked for it, for I wanted so badly to be independent and self conscious about what is it like to be on the other side. And of course I did. I experienced myself what it is like to be rejected, neglected, cheated on... All these things which make your heart cold and rigid. And here I am. I'm here under my mama's bed, under my mama's sheets... On her shoulders crying out loud... And she's there for me... There for me whenever I need her... And it's all because I was expected.
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memories29 · 9 years ago
A little deutsch
Nur die Sterne sind heller als du, Aber es gibt keine Sage größer als meine Liebe, Wenn ich ohne dich bin, bin ich dumm, weiß ich keine Straße, keine Dinge.
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memories29 · 9 years ago
Con este puñal de acero...
¿Como puedo mirar tus ojos sin perderme en ellos? Tu almohada no me deja levantar, Más da igual, pues mis pies se han tornado torpes. Como dos espigas al viento. Y yo sin poder andar, me corroen tus besos que con tanta pasión quieren meterse bien adentro... Tan adentro como el alma está... Sellados en el puñal de acero que me arrebata la vida cada vez que se acerca a mi, esos besos van mellando el camino cual río a su paso por el llano suelo.. Así de clavado te tengo en mi pecho y yo sin poderte (sin quererte) apartar.
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memories29 · 9 years ago
El intermedio entre tu y yo
Mírame y besame
no beses mis sabanas 
que están llenas de ti
besa mi alma 
que tiene hambre de ti
no susurres en mi almohada
que esta ahogada de lagrimas 
susurrame al oído 
que esta sordo de tu voz
no toques mis brazadas
toca  mi cuerpo
que esta seco de tu piel
mírame y besame 
en la oscuridad de la habitación
que es el intermedio entre tu y yo
 Karin H Pizarro 
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memories29 · 9 years ago
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Share a love poem for Valentine’s Day. Check out more poems, essays, books, and poets’ love letters on
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memories29 · 9 years ago
She torments without mercy; She disregards color and creed; She arrives without warning: And when her trigger sings, You’re lifeless – Your existence begins to cease. She hunts without pity; She destroys like a disease. She strips away your sanity As she inflicts with her deeds. She cares not for the needy, Nor the humble, or the weak; She enjoys your cries for mercy As she destroys your will to be. She is ruthless; she’s never-ending, No boundaries does she keep: She comes without a warning, Carrying vengeance to her feast. I pray she ends her afflictions, Her tortures terrorize me. I pray she ceases her anger: I am shallow, broken and weak From the heartache she does bring.
Death by K. Saitta © 2009, A Walk In Verse
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memories29 · 9 years ago
As promises burn out with fire, Don't let them clash with hail, I bet you don't want to hire, A heart which can not be fiel(faithful).
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memories29 · 9 years ago
No te amo.
Tus ojos me hipnotizan, tus labios: dulce miel, Tus manos gran refugio, tu ausencia: amarga hiel. Pero no te amo. Aunque al verte me derrito, y mis palabras se tornan mudas, Los pájaros entonan dulce música angelical, La lluvia se detiene, los dioses aplacan las tormentas del mar. Pero no te amo. Y no insistas. Me dejo por ti besar, Acariciar y hacer de mi tu templo celestial, Pero no te amo. No, te amo. Y son palabras que me repito, para no perder el rumbo, Pero sin ti es que no puedo respirar, En el más profundo mar me hundo. Y no te amo. No, te amo. Y no te amo porque el orgullo me puede, Aceptar mi derrota me duele, Como perderte me clavaria un puñal. Pero prefiero en tus sábanas perderme, Amanecer contigo, Tenerte para siempre... Y eso lo consigo con sólo un 'Te amo'. Y te amo... No me engaño más.
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