Hi! Its a pleasure to meet you! My name is Melody. This blog corresponds with my youtube channel at youtube.com/mellove5 where I post videos about Asian beauty :) thanks for stopping by!
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Happy 1 Year Anniversary ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
One year ago on a cold January night, this amazing creature came into my life and changed me forever. She is the most adorable and incredible cat anyone could ever ask for. Honestly, I'm lucky to have her in my life. I needed to be adopted more than she did. I have a connection with her that i'll never find anywhere else. She is the love of my life, the apple of my eye, the whipped cream on the top of my strawberry shortcake. She is more than just a cat.
When I went through a hard time last year, I battled with depression, stress, and anger, this fluffy ball of love came and sat on my lap asking for tummy rubz and head scratches. She was my depression medicine. She was there for me when I had no one; when no one was there for me, Moo sat right beside me and loved me unconditionally. A lot of people think that cats are animals who only come when they want you to pet them or when they need food. But not my Moo. She is always there following me around, waiting for me to get home to love her, sharing a bed with me, but most of all, sharing her love with me.
Sure call me a crazy cat lady. But I'm not ashamed to say that my cat is my life. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably still be a sad, depressed, and angry person. But she has shown me how to love and how to care for someone. She has shown me what its like to open your heart and bed to someone. No matter what anyone says, I love my cat and I'm not ashamed to be that cat lady. If I had no friends at all, I guarantee, Moo would be by my side, purring, and rolling around. I love you Moo. You're the love of my life. Heres to our many many many many many many many many many many more years together!!!
I love you FURREVER babygirl ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

P.S. Shes sleeping right beside me snoring as I type this....i'll admit, i'm getting a little emotional...
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얼짱 한아름송이&윤아라 Inspired Makeup (Ulzzang Han AreumSongi and Yoon Ahra)
My Take: excuse the hair and the string on my shirt! ^^
possible tutorial :)
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MERRY CHRISTMAS from my little family~ sorry i look a little tired it was a long day today :)
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AHHHH~ i just got my MULE by Jung Saem Mool collection in the mail!!! SOO EXCITEDD!! i love it already!! I can't wait to do my review and demo! :D

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HI MEL I LOVE YOUR TUTORIALS. LOL anyways, can you do a tutorial on the picture you posted on thu1608 i love the eyeliner look! thanks!
thank you sweetie~ the makeup i was wearing that day was super simple! but if you'd like a tutorial then sure! i'll try to do one soon! thanks
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you're beautiful!! I love watching your make-up tutorials. I've had this question for a while now, are you Korean?
thank you for the support dear! but no, i'm not Korean. Im actually Hmong :)
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:3 girl i wish i could just talk about makeup and try out cosmetics with you all day!
girl me too!!! :D i need some friends who i can blab about makeup with~
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I splurged and ordered myself the MULE Season 2 Collection by renowned S.Korean celebrity makeup artist, Jung Saem Mool :) SOOO EXCITED!!! i'll definitely be doing a demo and review for youtube!
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working on a fun video for you guys!! :D really excited about it!!
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You are literally perfect omfg ;_;
oh my gah...how flattering! D: thank you dear but i'm very very far from perfect!! :/ thank you though! i think YOU'RE perfect!
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failed attempt at Park Bom tutorial today...pissed to the maxx :(
gahh will try again monday
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Park Bom makeup with the new camera :)
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Check out my new video. Just a simple preview of the next video!
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i secretly want to BE Park Bom...before she goes on stage, she says "i am beyonce." before i walk out the door, i say to myself "you ARE Park Bom" :)
lame i know right?? seriously out of all the kpop artist out there, i really like Park Bom. i know she can be a bit awkward and all but shes adorable and so pretty....*sigh*

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Ok so im purchasing a new camera for tutorial purposes since i've become youtube partner a while back, i need better equipment obviously!! So i'm thinking...should i get an actual HD camcorder? or like a nice little camera that can take HD video?? i'm not in desperate need of a nice camera for photo purposes because i'm not a big blogger and my phone takes good quality photos.
I need help guys!! i'm leaning more on the side of just getting a good camcorder because later when i've saved up some money, i can put it into investing in a nicer camera that is multifunctional that can take really nice photos and also take really nice video!! so i dont wanna drop more than $300 to be completely honest because i'm cheap like that...come on i'm asian for crying out loud!! :D
So opinions and suggestions are much much appreciated!! help a girl out here!!!
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