melkluver · 1 year
doggy, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, upside down, inside out, one leg up, two legs up, in public, on a spaceship, in the garden, on the grass, in a car, in a box, on a table, against a wall, even as clickers!!!!!!! NO BREAKS
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melkluver · 1 year
Playing Dangerous
Ellie Williams x f!reader
word count: 2k
warnings: SMUTTT (f!receiving). modern-ish. Officer Williams. MINORS DNI!!!!!
a/n: inspired by Lana Del Rey's song (all credit to her)!!! I've had this idea for awhile, I hope the vision works out :))) (song is the title) (also IM BACKKK sorry I literally had no motivation to write anything but im a horny fucker)
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The cold air whipped around you as you stumbled down the deserted road, your nightgown flapping wildly in the wind. You shivered, feeling a chill run down your spine that had nothing to do with the temperature.
As you opened your eyes, you realized with a sinking feeling that you had been sleepwalking again. This was nothing new, of course- you had a history of it, especially during your teenage years. But this was the fourth time this month, which was unusual.
Looking around, you saw that you were surrounded by empty houses. There were no streetlamps, no cars in driveways, and no signs of life from any of the houses. But there was a strange, bright orange light coming from behind you, almost like the sun had risen too early.
Whipping around, you expected to see the source of the light. Instead, you saw a single house engulfed in flames, the fire blazing brightly in the darkness. Your heart pounded in your chest as you wondered if you could have caused this somehow. But you quickly shook your head- there was no way you could have started a fire like this. You always made sure to lock your doors at night, even triple-checking on occasion.
As you turned back around, you realized that you didn't recognize this place at all. You had no idea how far away from home you were, or how you had ended up here. It was all so strange and disorienting.
Suddenly, a pair of red and blue lights appeared, hurtling towards you at high speed. You instinctively covered your eyes with your forearms, shielding them from the blinding lights. The overpowering smell of smoke and fire made your head pound even more, and you felt your stomach lurch with nausea.
The car door opened, and a woman's voice called out, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" 
You hesitated for a moment, not sure what to say. You glanced back at the burning house, feeling a sense of dread wash over you. "I was sleepwalking," you finally managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper "I don’t know where I am.” 
The woman's expression softened in the slightest bit, but she still looked skeptical. “Who are you?” she repeated harshly, “Did you do that?”
You took a few steps forward towards the police officer. As you approached her, you could see the freckles that lightly speckled across her face, as well as the scar that ran across her right eyebrow. Her auburn hair was tightly pulled into a ponytail. 
The red and blue lights gave her face an ambiance that made it hard to look away from her. 
“Everybody knows that I’m a good girl, officer,” your voice dripped with innocence. “No, I wouldn’t do a thing like that.”
“So you wake up in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, alone, a house on fire behind you- almost like you're walking away from it. And you’re telling me you had nothing to do with the fire?” she almost scoffed. 
“The house was already on fire,” your both lock eyes, “I swear I’m not a liar.” 
Sighing in defeat, she seemed to accept that her question would go unanswered for the time being. “Alright- well are you okay?” 
“Well I’m a little shaken- but I’m fine, thanks for asking.” You couldn’t help but notice how the officer was alone. 
Officer Williams the badge on her chest read. 
Finding some sort of confidence in the midst of things, you asked, “Tell me, do you always work alone so late?” 
Taken aback by your question, Officer Williams blinked a couple of times. She took a couple more steps forward, “I happen to be on my way home,” she corrected “my shift ended an hour ago, but before I could go get high and eat dinner and pass out in the comfort of my own home- this happens. I mean you’re a pretty girl and all and I really don’t wanna take you down to the station-” 
In that moment, you felt a rush of heat stretch down to your core. Pretty.
Your hands quickly found their way to your dark hair, tucking it behind your ear. You suddenly felt like a teenager again, “God, I’m all shy standing here in my nightgown.”
"You cut me off before I could finish sweetheart," she said while looking you up and down, licking her lips, just inches away from your face. "I gotta take you down to the station."
The heat you felt had faded a bit, and your stomach dropped. Officer Williams reached out and tugged your arm, turning you to face backwards from her. She reached into her pocket and brought out the linked metal rings, placing the cold metal onto your wrists. She struggled a bit while tightening the metal, making it so tight that it almost cut off your circulation.
"Do you really have to put those tight handcuffs on?" Your head turned around to meet her eyes, your own eyes almost pleading with hers.
"I've got no choice here," she grunted, pulling your body towards her cruiser. She opened the back door and guided you into the seat, placing her hand on the back of your head. 
As you sat in the backseat of the cruiser, you couldn’t help the naughty thoughts that invaded your brain about Officer Williams. How she would look slurping and lapping at your folds. You shifted in uncomfortableness as the heat grew once again. 
You brought your leg up onto the seat, placing it underneath your core- you were looking for a way to relieve yourself, feeling uncontrollably aroused in this moment. You shuffled on top of yourself, rocking your hips back and forth slightly. 
Officer Williams was the first person in a long time to make you feel this way. Not just horny- there was something more, like a desire. You can only remember one girl making you feel this way before, but both of you were too immature for any kind of relationship. 
You were happy living a quiet life, teaching art to high schoolers and coaching the town’s Tee-Ball team. You never had a desire to do anything else- or anyone for that matter. Matter of fact, you’ve never felt this confident enough to be able to let yourself unfold in front of a complete stranger. 
When you let a whimper slip past your lips, your eyes darted to the middle mirror, but Officer Williams was already watching your every move. 
Her eyes grew with a fire and immediately pulled the car over to the side of the desolate road. The red and blue lights had disappeared, leaving only the headlights to illuminate the darkness ahead. 
In the background, the flames grew higher, peeking over the tree line. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” She turned around to look at you, watching the whimpers fall out of your mouth as you pleasure yourself. 
Your desire for her grew, pushing you over the edge with growing confidence. “You’re making me go crazy Officer, I wan-” you caught yourself “need you. You can do anything you want, anything”  
A light chuckle rolled past her lips. She reached for the door handle, and made her way to you. “You know, I don't usually do this- but I gotta admit you are something else.”
Her hands instantly found yours, unlocking the handcuffs she placed on your wrists only 10 minutes ago, throwing them to the front of her car. 
“Uncuff people you put in the backseat of your cop car? Or are you gonna fuck me?” 
With this, she grabbed your legs pulling you towards her face she had lowered to meet your core. She hastily pulled your long nightgown up to your stomach, peeling open your legs. She groaned with the sight of you already bare, your cunt already dripping down to the leather car seams. 
“You’re already this wet baby? Just from the thought of me? Hell- you don’t even know me.” Her tongue immediately met your clit, giving the smallest kitten licks. 
“Holy shit” you said, already choking on air from the pleasure you were experiencing. 
“Is this what you were thinking about before?” She questioned, picking up the pace of her laps, “Me eating your sweet little pussy?” 
“Fuck-” you almost came undone with her words. 
Her fingers quickly found its way to your folds, spreading your lips apart as her mouth lapped and sucked against your swollen nub, eating like you were her substitute dinner for tonight. 
She pushed one finger into your hole, quickly finding a rhythm that made you moan at a pitch you'd never let out before. She was quick to add another finger into your folds with your words of encouragement, curling them to reach that sensitive spot inside you. 
The slick sounds coming from your core invaded the car. The windows were already foggy from the two of you, and you were starting to sweat with the lack of fresh air. 
Her eyes looked towards yours, only to find your head thrown back in pleasure. “Look at me.”
Your eyes quickly found hers- her fingers fucked into you over and over, while her tongue swirled across your aroused clit. Your hands sunk into her auburn hair, desperately rubbing your core against her lips. 
The pleasure was sending you over the edge, your walls clenched around her fingers. “Good girl, that's it. cum for me” 
Her words made the coil in your stomach snap, coming undone onto her fingers and mouth. You cried out loud, mumbling nonsense that only came from this kind of high. 
When you are focused, she removes herself from your core. She brings her fingers up to your mouth, letting you taste yourself. 
Without wasting another second, she uses both hands to flip you around so that you are on all fours. She shuffles right behind you, her pelvis meeting the back of your legs.
Her hands grip your cheeks, spreading them apart. Spit drops from her mouth onto your tighter hole. She brings her thumb to your pulsating hole, circling the hole eager with permission. “This okay?” 
There is no hesitation with your answer, “Yes.” 
With this, she dips her thumb into your ass. Your back immediately aches, sending her thumb even further in. 
Her thumb pushes in and out of you at a fast pace, not even bothering to let your small hole adjust to her finger for another second. 
“Holy fuck baby, your ass is taking me so well” Officer Williams spoke, her words sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. 
Officer Williams brings her face down to meet your core once again, licking up all your juices that spill from you. Her tongue moved back and forth between your folds, letting her tongue rest on your clit every so often. Her tongue against your sopping wet pussy made the most pornographic sounds, you were wishing this moment would never end. 
Her thumb pushing in and out of your hole with the combined feeling of her tongue devouring you, made your body come undone a second time that night in no time. 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Sweat scattered your forehead, the back of your knees and even the crevices of your elbows. “No one has ever made me cum that hard Officer” you blurt out, as your head whips around to meet her eyes. 
She smiled as she removed her thumb from your hole, letting you gape for just a second before she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “I really enjoy eating your pussy,” she said staring at you “if you agree that we can do this again, I won't turn you in. That’s fair.”
“Sounds like a fair trade Officer.” you almost let out a schoolgirl giggle right then and there. 
“Call me Ellie.” 
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melkluver · 1 year
the way i need a masc girlfriend who is strong and tough (like ellie williams i want ellie williams i want to date ellie williams i want ellie williams to date me i want ellie williams to be my girlfriend please ellie williams be my girlfriend)
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melkluver · 1 year
Bella Ramsey is doing an amazing job as Ellie and if you disagree you’re wrong
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melkluver · 1 year
Midnight- you yearn for Ellie and find yourself knocking on your girlfriends door in the middle of the night
Playing Dangerous- You find yourself in a weird situation, but Officer Williams is there too
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melkluver · 1 year
abby’s masterlist
The Last of Us-
Joel (coming soon ;))
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melkluver · 1 year
I’m abby :))
I like girls, im twenty years old, im a capricorn 
I mainly write about The Last of Us (mostly Ellie but I am working on some Joel stuff)
I like writing smut so NO MINORS!!! 
I’m always open to taking constructive criticism and suggestions (my suggestions box is currently open, it might take me a second to get to it <3)
OKAY love you guys and thx for reading and supporting :)
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melkluver · 1 year
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LMFAO Pedro?? Where did you find this pic..
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melkluver · 1 year
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I love her! She is so craaaazzzzyyy!
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melkluver · 1 year
Ellie Williams x f!reader
word count: 3k
warnings: SMUT- like a lot. marijuana consumption, established relationship,  minors DN!!!!
a/n: I need to express all of my feelings and this is the only way that seems right (I also tried to proof read to the best of my ability)
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The clock reads midnight. You can’t sleep, and you haven’t been able to for the past couple of weeks. 
All you think about is her. Ellie. She’s always on your mind and you can’t seem to get her out, not that you want to anyway. 
You guys have been dating for the past several months and the relationship has been so much better than anything you could’ve ever asked for. 
She knows you, she cares about you. She remembers every single detail about you. 
She loves every part of you, even the scars that scatter across your body that you’ve collected over the years from the countless run-ins with the infected. 
Her love is genuine and kind.
Of course you feel the same way about her. You would do anything for Ellie. 
You need Ellie. 
You decided to get up out of the bed to make your way over to her house, making sure to grab boots and a jacket seeing as it was freezing outside. You also made sure to grab your backpack that had something in it that you knew would definitely help you two fall asleep.
You wrapped the jacket around your figure tightly when you stepped outside, hoping to block out as much cold air as possible. Like expected, the Wyoming cold was too much and made your journey towards Ellie’s little shed even more difficult than you had planned for. 
When you arrived at the green house in the backyard, you wasted no time in knocking. You were eager to see her.
“Hi El” You said smiling to the auburn haired girl.
“Hey babe” she says back. She wastes no time pulling you inside, closing the door behind you. 
It wasn’t unexpected for you to show up in the middle of the night. It was something that Ellie had grown quite fond of, secretly hoping every night you would find yourself making your way back towards her. 
You engulf each other into a hug, her hands rubbing up and down your back feeling every inch of your covered skin. Ellie’s figure stood taller than yours, but it wasn’t too drastic of a height difference. 
Your eyes meet each other. Wasting no time, you both move forward harmoniously with your lips eventually meeting. 
You guys act like you haven’t seen each other in days, when in reality you had seen her only yesterday. You guys had been busy with patrolling recently, there's been more and more sightings of infected, and sometimes it’s hard to catch the other one awake before they accidentally fall asleep from exhaustion. 
Our saving grace was the weekends. Maria thought it would be nice giving you guys weekends off especially because of how hard the two of you have been working, You guess infected didn’t matter on the weekends. Not that you were complaining anyway. 
“I have something.” You giggled, pulling away from the kiss, making your way towards her couch while also making sure to tug your boots and jacket off behind you. 
“What is it?” Ellie said, following right behind you. 
You placed down the backpack on her little table in front of the couch, pushing the zipper to the side and pulling out the medium sized glassware Eugene had lent you. 
“Holy shit,” Ellie exclaimed “how’d you get that!” she grabbed the bong out of your hands, taking a closer look. 
“Eugene, who do you think? He only needs a little bit of sweet-talking.” You said playfully to the green eyed girl. 
She playfully pushed your shoulder, laughing in the process. “Do you even know how to use this? I don’t.” she says sheepishly.
“Eugene gave me the rundown on how to use it, I think I got the jist of it.” You say back to your girlfriend. “We need water,” You say, turning to Ellie. 
She nods and walks away into her bathroom, grabbing a cup in the process. The faucet squeaked as she filled the cup up with water. 
She handed you the clear cup when she finished filling the cup all the way to the top. “Thank you baby,” you mumbled to her while pouring some water into the side of the bong. “I think this should be enough. Eugene said not to cover this hole with water.” 
She mumbled an ‘okay’ before sitting back down next to you, intertwining her legs with yours. 
She was a very touchy person and you loved it. Every touch she left on your body, you were sure enough to soak up. 
You pulled the small little baggy of the loose green flower out of the bag. Eugene had somehow managed to keep and maintain a weed farm during an apocalypse, something you weren't sure how he did. It made so much sense now on why Eugene always liked to patrol in that area. 
It was a complete accident when you stumbled across it too. You were supposed to be trading shifts with Eugene for patrolling that day but when you arrived at the lookout and he wasn’t there you made a decision to search the surrounding area. You found the library and made your way towards the basement where the atrocious smell of what you thought then was skunk, was seeping out.  
You found Eugene passed out, sprawled across the couch. When you eventually woke him up, he made you promise you wouldn’t tell anyone about him and the stinky flower he called weed. 
That was months ago. Eugene had given you weed in the form he called ‘joints’ only twice before this, obviously you shared it with Ellie. This was something new though. 
You opened the little baggy, and grabbed a small amount of the sticky green stuff to place in the part Eugene had told you to. 
“Okay,” You paused, trying to remember his exact instructions. “He said we have to breathe in while lighting this part, and then he said we take this little piece out from the side when we’re done inhaling the smoke.”
“Sounds simple enough to me.” Ellie said. 
You love how Ellie is always eager to do things with you, no matter how dumb or stupid it may seem to everyone else. She is something worth living for, she makes you feel so free.
You turn your head towards Ellie, pressing your lips to hers feeling an overcome of emotions towards the girl. 
You brought the glass up to your mouth and followed the steps, eventually being able to finally see smoke fill up the cylinder. You took out the little glass piece like he said, and inhaled all the smoke that still lingered. 
It’s only a few seconds before you start to cough, you were honestly so thankful that Ellie had gotten more than enough water for trying to fill the bong. 
You cough for a few more seconds, before your lungs finally start to calm down from the sensation of water. You extend the glassware over to Ellie while also handing her the lighter you had brought from home. 
Ellie had taken a hit out of the bong and to your own surprise, she didn’t cough. 
“Okay big girl” You say, playfully rolling your eyes towards your girlfriend. 
“Come on babe. You know how horny you just made me, saying that?” 
It’s not uncommon for Ellie to use dirty talk, and you knew how much it did to her when you used dirty talk back, especially when you talked to her like she was in charge. She was dominant and you didn’t mind it. 
“Yeah?” You say while taking the bong from Ellie, bringing the cylinder back up to your mouth to take another hit. “Show me” You say while exhaling out the smoke. 
She wastes no time in taking the bong out of your hands to place it on the table in front of you.
She turns back to you and grabs the back of your neck pulling you forward, bringing you to sit on top of her, your lips immediately crashing together. Your mouths move together, her tongue making its way into your mouth as your tongues fight for dominance, which Ellie obviously wins. You moan into the kiss as Ellie’s hands explore your body, especially paying attention to your ass. 
You struggle to breathe and pull away, to which Ellie responds by crashing her lips onto your neck leaving love marks that you know she’s secretly proud to show off. 
She gently tugs your face back down to her, before viciously attacking your lips with hers. Both of your highs made the intensity of it all become much deeper, both of you getting lost in each other. 
You moved your hands to the hem of her sweatshirt, letting your hands travel under her top and your fingertips softly grazing her stomach. Ellie pulled away from the kiss, licking her lips.
Fuck she looks so fucking hot. You felt a rush of heat stretch down to your core and you squeeze your thighs closer together around her, your pussy aching for her. 
You stand up from the couch, Ellie shuddering from the cold air that’s met when you leave her lap. “Come on” you said motioning to her bed, grabbing her hand. 
Every time you and Ellie had sex, there was something so magical about it. Ellie is the first girl you’ve ever been with. You cringe thinking about how nervous you were with your first time with Ellie, but all those nerves were quick to fade away in an instant. She's the type that makes you feel very comfortable in bed, always making sure to praise you and tell you how good you are doing, she’d also do anything to meet your needs.
Ellie really liked to please you, like really please you. It took weeks for her to understand that you wanted to please her too, finally letting you eat her out. The moans she let escape her mouth that night let you know you must’ve been doing something right. 
Your knees immediately buckled underneath you with the first contact of the soft bed hitting your skin, Ellie quickly finding herself on top of you.
You quickly take your sweatshirt off, leaving you bare to Ellie. Her lips immediately showered your chest with kisses and hickeys. She takes her time sucking and biting softly on your nipple, while her hand toys with your other nipple. She leaned back for a moment, admiring her work on your neck and chest. 
You take this time to slide her grey sweatshirt up until her stomach is exposed, encouraging her to take her hoodie off, in which she complies. 
“You’re incredible” you say breathlessly to the auburn haired girl, your eyes scanning across every single inch of her skin. You’ve seen her naked so many times before but you’d never get over how she looked. 
She slides her fingers under the layers that consist of your sweatpants and panties, encouraging you to take them off. She leans down to kiss you while she removes the garments you let her take off your body. 
Her right hand finds its way in-between your legs, running her fingers through your wet folds. 
“Fuck. You’re already this wet for me” Ellie breathed out on your lips, her fingers finding their way to your pulsating clit. She made circle motions with her thumb on your nub, making you cry out loud with joy. 
She took her thumb off your clit, making you whimper from the loss of contact. But before you could complain, her middle finger found its way dipping into your soaking cunt. You moaned from the feeling. 
“So tight” she breathed out, her head finding its way further to your cunt leaving kisses down your stomach. Your head rolled back when Ellie added a second finger. You let out gasps and little whines while Ellie fingered you. 
The sounds of Ellie fingering you bouncing around her room, made you both want more. 
She pulled her fingers out of you folds and pulled your legs closer to her face, wrapping her arms under your legs and around your hips in the process. 
Without warning Ellie licked a stripe up your cunt, stopping her tongue on your clit. You let out soft moans and reached out to grab a handful of Ellie’s hair, making her suck on your clit. 
She inserted both fingers back into you, stretching you out. She ate you out like she was starving, her expert fingers adding even more pleasure to it all. She added another finger deep into your cunt, as her mouth still sucked away at your pussy. 
You moaned, that familiar feeling coiling inside your core, your orgasm approaching soon. Your legs tightened, threatening to close but Ellie had managed to keep them apart with her arms. 
“Shit” you groaned, your head dropped back while you still had a handful of Ellie’s hair, your grip getting tighter with each passing second. 
Your legs shook as your orgasm hit, Ellie moaned into your cunt while the vibrations added more stimulation to your clit as you came. When your body feels limp, you let go of Ellie’s hair. 
“Good girl” Ellie said, placing one more kiss on your pussy before making her way back up to you, kissing you, letting you taste your juices on her lips. 
Before Ellie could protest you managed to flip you two over, leaving you on top. You wasted no time leaving kisses all over the top half of her body, while also leaving a few hickeys on her chest. 
Your hands came to rest at her hips, quickly tugging away the material that covered her bottom half. You pulled her legs open, your eyes quickly landing on her soaking wet cunt. Fuck she’s so wet. Your clit throbbed with the feeling of making Ellie feel good. 
You settled yourself close to her and your mouth met her sopping cunt, your tongue swirling around her clit. She let out soft moans and her hand found its way yanking a handful of your hair. 
Your lapping between her thighs are loud, the most pornographic, obscene slurps can be heard from where your mouth sits on her pussy. Your eyes looked up to see hers already starting down at you, one hand behind her head. 
“You’re doing so good,” she breathed out words of encouragement “that's it, baby.” 
Your tongue moving in circles against her wet clit, trying to give her as much pleasure as you could. Her moans became more desperate as you sucked on her cunt.  
You ate her out more aggressively, trying to help bring her closer to the edge. You added your middle finger deep into her folds, causing Ellie to groan deeper. Her eyes closed tightly and her thighs began to shake. You picked up the pace. 
Her hips buckled as she let out a moan, coming undone on your mouth. “Fuck” she moaned as her body shook. 
Ellie immediately cups your face, bringing her closer to hers as she smashes her lips onto yours tasting herself. Your lips move together more desperately, you straddling her thighs, your legs on either side of hers. Her hands roaming your naked body, one landing on your hip and the other landing on your breast.
She smiles into the kiss as her hand fondles with your breasts. She gently pushes you back, wasting no time crawling over to you. You didn’t ask questions; you trusted Ellie. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Ellie managed to speak, while positioning the two of you so that your cores could face each other, with you laying down. 
She was sitting up, leaning back holding herself up with one arm, while the other arm grabbed ahold of your leg. She began to grind her pussy onto yours.
“Oh my god” you immediately groan. Ellie’s head rolled back as her movement quickened. You didn’t know if it was the result of being high, but this shared time with Ellie had felt so passionate than previous times. 
You managed to sit up enough to be closer to her, you wanted to see her face when she fucked you. You intertwined your fingers as you both rolled your hips together. 
You both were letting out soft moans, internally cursing at yourself for not trying this position sooner. You groaned, the feeling of her slick clit rubbing against yours was overwhelming, and you could feel your second orgasm approaching.
“Fuck” Ellie whimpered, as she tightened her grip around your waist. You looked up to Ellie, admiring how her hair was stuck to her forehead with little beads of sweat, and how her lips were parted just enough to let out delicate moans.
“You like that baby?” Ellie grunted out, and the feeling coiling inside you finally snapped and for the second time that night you came undone underneath Ellie, letting out a string of curse words following. 
Ellie finished shortly after you, still grinding her hips over your clit while also letting a string of curse words fall from her lips. She sat for one more minute, the both of you trying to catch your breath before untangling your legs from hers. 
She pressed an innocent kiss to your lips. You both move back to the top of the bed, laying down next to each other with her blankets pulled over the both of you. 
Ellie looked at you with a small smile on her face, her hand resting on your cheek.
Your eyes locked with each hers, the high giving her a little more confidence to finally say what she’s been thinking for the past few months. “I love you” was all she said. 
Your heart skipped a beat, your breath almost cut short. “I love you too, Ellie”. 
Silence followed as the both of you drift off to sleep, intertwined with each other. 
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