melfist · 6 years
Player.it presenta... DELTARUNE IN ITALIANO! Un lavoro messo a punto dal Lancer Italian Fanclub, composto da me, ilCirox e Guglielmo Secchi, con l’ausilio di un gruppo di betatester e collaboratori.  Esatto, gente. Abbiamo eseguito in tempi record una localizzazione amatoriale (ma molto approfondita) in italiano. Sprite, dialoghi, descrizioni, HUD, voci, canzoni... e nella più recente patch abbiamo persino corretto e reinserito il manuale di Ralsei, ora totalmente leggibile! La nostra patch è scaricabile nei link sotto, usando un comodo installer per Windows che sostituisce tutti i file in lingua inglese con l’italiano, lasciando i vostri salvataggi intonsi (e stiamo considerando anche una versione per Mac). Ed è completamente GRATIS! Disclaimer: l’installer può risultare sospetto al vostro computer; vi avvisiamo in anticipo proprio perché non vogliamo che pensiate che stiate scaricando più di quello che vi viene promesso. La patch sostituisce i file nella cartella standard dove il gioco verrebbe normalmente installato, quindi può far bizze se avete installato il gioco altrove, e soprattutto richiede di cancellare il gioco interamente e riscaricarlo per ottenere di nuovo la versione in italiano. Per qualsiasi domanda o problema potete contattarci sulla nostra pagina Facebook.
Player.it presents... DELTARUNE IN ITALIAN! A translation made possible by the Lancer Italian Fanclub, made by me, ilCirox and Guglielmo Secchi, and thanks to a close group of beta testers and collaborators. That’s right, folks. We put up an amatorial (albeit very in-depth) italian localization in record time. Sprites, dialogues, descriptions, HUDs, voices, songs... and in the latest patch we even restored and added the original Ralsei’s manual, now completely readable! Our patch can be downloaded in the link, using an easy installer for Windows that switches all english content with italian files, leaving your saves completely untouched (and we’re also considering a patch for the Mac version). And it’s completely FREE! Disclaimer: the installer may appear fishy to your computer; we warn you in advance to make sure you don’t get worried about downloading anything other than what you’re supposed to. The patch operates on the usual pre-chosen folder where the game’s usually installed, so it might not work if you installed the game somewhere else, and most importantly it requires you to disinstall the game completely and then re-install it if you wish to play in English again. For any issues or questions you can contact us through our Facebook page.
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melfist · 10 years
osmosis jones was better than frozen
742 notes · View notes
melfist · 10 years
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In Dungeons and Dragons you can do anything.
63K notes · View notes
melfist · 10 years
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449 notes · View notes
melfist · 10 years
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my dash right now
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melfist · 10 years
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olaf mark7
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melfist · 10 years
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melfist · 10 years
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melfist · 10 years
u fuckwit jade is near blue-green
person: u should like more colours
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melfist · 10 years
You fuckers, that's a woman who spontaneously joined the Smile Club, a post-World War I group led by Hungarian hypnotist Sarkady Jeno. The group was made by scientists trying to 'teach how to smile in the face of adversity' through thorough research of humans' attitude in similing. They developed various kinds of smile, from the Mona Lisa Smile to the Clark Gable Smile and Loretta Powell Smile among others.
Despite being a ludicrous waste of time and idiocy, it has nothing to do with patriarchal shit like most SJW claim, but with the fact that some gloomy, rich folks wanted to smile no matter what in the crapsack epoque they were living in.
Get your facts straight.
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When women used to be depressed or were not “taking care of their men” properly their husbands could send them to the psych ward for attitude adjustments. This was part of conditioning them to always wear a smile. They believed that if a woman saw herself smiling that it would become natural practice and that she would be “cured”. This often went along with shock therapies.
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melfist · 10 years
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I’m crying
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melfist · 10 years
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358K notes · View notes
melfist · 10 years
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set of nostalgia drawings by gabriel picolo. i don’t think i have enough space on my tumblr for all his works that i’d like to post.
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melfist · 10 years
You have a dinner date for seven. What time do you arrive?
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melfist · 10 years
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melfist · 10 years
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M83. 30x22cm. Acrylic on Canvas. Steve Lodge
Check out the Space on Canvas Etsy Shop Here!
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melfist · 10 years
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Juan Gimenez selected by Alternative Art
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