melancholicmaze · 4 days
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Petelguese sketch
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melancholicmaze · 11 days
I’ve started writing a Heinkel analysis post a while back, I should really finish it. There’s so much to cover, like his relationship with his parents, his resulting insecurity, and his utter desperation to cure Louanna and how it manifests. I really want to examine the picture Heinkel as an absolutely irredeemable monster being painted to cover up the reality of a deeply flawed, depressed, and pathetic man.
I have so much to say about this man, I’m normal about him I swear
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melancholicmaze · 1 month
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Prologue- “Aldebaran”
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
Wow. Arc 9, Chapter 4… Okay I have a lot to say about this chapter. Again these are my unorganized thoughts immediately after finishing the chapter, apologies if I start rambling. I won’t touch on everything, but I’ll try to share my thoughts on as much of the chapter as possible.
Obviously, spoilers are ahead.
The chapter begins with a conversation between Emilia and Madelyn. Right off the bat, I really enjoy the parallel between them. Both have just suffered loss, albeit in a different capacity. It feels fitting that Madelyn is the one Emilia ends up being vulnerable with. She cries, mourns Priscilla, and laments a friendship that could never come to pass. A friendship with the woman she just recently believed she could get along with. I love that Tappei is taking the time to examine how each character is affected by this loss. It’s in striking contrast to Otto’s reaction for example. It really makes me more excited for the inevitable friction within the Emilia camp.
Seeing Schult respond to Priscila’s death so bravely, even insisting that Emilia doesn’t need to apologize, while still clearly being hurt… it’s just so good. Schult feels so pressured to act mature, and to be someone he isn’t.
It’s also interesting to me that Al, in his grief, has locked himself in his room. It’s especially interesting when you consider that he was really the only member of the camp to recognize Schult as a kid, often insisting that he doesn’t need to push himself. Very curious to see more of Schult going forward.
And oh my god the Heinkel stuff. I LOVE seeing his desperation in the wake of Priscilla’s death. I truly think he’s distraught by Priscilla’s death, but won’t allow himself to show it. Instead, he appeals to Emilia’s political goals, begging her to take him because he’d be of some use. He still sees Reinhard as a political threat, and offers himself as a bargaining chip. It’s so in character for Heinkel. Emilia is obviously put off by his immediate proposal, and even more so by his apparent lack of grief for Priscilla.
It reminds me of Subaru’s desperation in arc 3, and his own appeals to Crusch. He wants to stop the Witch Cult, and is so caught up in his own rage and sense of powerlessness that he doesn’t mention Emilia once. And I absolutely see something similar here with Heinkel.
But I think Schult is absolutely right, Heinkel is grieving too, but he’s not great at expressing his emotions. He doesn’t have the same strength that Emilia does, as demonstrated by the first part of the chapter. I’m really curious to see where the Heinkel and the rest of the Priscilla camp go from here. I do want to see him join the Emilia camp with Schult, or at the very least adopt him. I’m less certain on where Al’s story will take him. Right now, I can see him going off on his own. But to do what, I can’t predict.
Overall, I really enjoyed this chapter. There’s so much potential for this arc. Apologies if none of this was coherent, I really do end up rambling sometimes.
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
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“I’m sorry… I’m sorry I couldn’t kill you…”
Sunlight on the Water really made me interested in the implied relationship between Al and Satella.
I had to do something with that (even though I did this like over half a year ago now 😭)
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
I have a Carol pfp with the bi flag in the background, wonder if I should use that here
Edit: I DID IT
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
Quick and unorganized thoughts on Re:Zero Arc 9 Chapter 2. I don’t know if I’ll do something like this for every chapter, I just had a bit more than usual to say about this one.
Spoilers ahead
I really liked seeing Olbart again. He mentions that he’s on the verge of death, and I gotta say…. I hope he’s right. 😭 I also laughed at the visual of him scratching himself with his feet. What a silly old man, you’d almost forget he’s an irredeemable monster.
I’m not crazy about Moguro’s survival, it feels cheap considering we likely won’t see him again in any substantial capacity. Perhaps when Vincent reinforces Subaru in the future? But that role could’ve been given to another. I’ll wait to see what Tappei does, but not a fan rn.
I REALLY enjoyed the Otto section, absolute highlight of the chapter for me. He’s cold, cunning, and is willing to walk a path of thorns for an optimal outcome. And Ana of all people being the one to recognize that he’s playing the role of the villain is amazing. I really enjoyed seeing her call Otto out. It’s not at all surprising to see that he’s considering the political ramifications of the past two arcs. And he ponders the question I had after Priscilla’s death. Will the election proceed with four candidates now? Or will there be a fifth? (Melty?) Really interesting stuff. And sage council mention! Really excited to see them again, but I also dread it.
I enjoyed seeing Otto worrying that Emilia and Ana had gotten too close. His original plan regarding Priscilla was to arrange for her removal from the selection. And his only regret was that her loss hurt Subaru and Emilia. He’s purely logical, he’s cold, and absolutely going to be an ideological foil to the rest of the camp going forward. And that combined with the spica matter? Shit’s gonna go down. I love seeing the contrast between his reaction and Petra’s. Hopefully Otto’s fuckery is a focus of this arc. Emilia camp’s Russel fr
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
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Your stars were bad…
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
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Wilhelm sketch from a few years ago
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
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I felt like giving Heinkel cat ears 😭
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
I genuinely think half of this blog is gonna turn into me rambling about rz to myself, I finally have a place to share my thoughts without a word limit 👁️
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melancholicmaze · 2 months
First post 👁️ uhhhh I’m very normal about re zero, the wilhelm trilogy, the Priscilla camp, and the astreas. If I could just draw them all forever I’d be very happy
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