megnknight · 9 months
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TED LASSO 3.02 | 3.11
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6K notes · View notes
megnknight · 2 years
Nick and Charlie's snow day with Nellie is more romantic than anything I've ever experienced in almost 3 decades on this earth.
217 notes · View notes
megnknight · 2 years
eddie munson would have loved the foo fighters. no questions asked.
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megnknight · 2 years
my new main goal in life: protect steven grant from all the bad in the world at all costs.
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megnknight · 2 years
The Schism of Eliot Spencer's Heart
Eliot Spencer x reader
Eliot Spencer loves reader. Eliot Spencer refused to acknowledge it, and pushes it away from his mind. The team is on a new job, reader gets hurt, and Eliot almost blows the con. Will he finally fess up and tell reader his feelings, or ignore it still and keep everything the way it is?
[tw: slight mention of seizures]
[authors note: I based this fic off a song, I would highly suggest listening to it either before or while reading it. the song is titled 'Schism' by Tool, the lyrics from the song are in the brackets throughout the fic. word count: 8.3k]
[I know the pieces fit, 'Cause I watched them fall away]
It was a rainy day in Boston, to everyone’s dismay, and the team was brought in for another job, another con, another payday. Nate was chatting with Hardison about the information he had found, while Sophie was catching up Parker on her latest acting job (Parker looked… not amused).
Then, there was his heart, his soul, and the one person he could never ever, in a million years, have as his own. Y/N sat on the couch, quietly, but quickly, solving a rubix cube that Hardison had left lying around the apartment. When Eliot walked in, Y/N’s head quickly snapped up, but quickly looked back down to the rubix cube. Eliot took a deep breath, choosing to ignore the pulling of his heart strings towards the empty seat next to them, and sat in the lazy boy. He also then chose not to look up, because he knew the only thing he would be met with was the sad look on Y/N’s face as they tried their best not to look at him.
Eliot had made the decision a couple weeks ago that he was no longer going to entertain the thought of him and Y/N together. It was simply impossible. They were way too good for him, and he was not the person they thought he was. They deserved someone way better than him, that was for sure.
This thought was cut off abruptly by Nate's usual phrase.
“Roll it, Hardison”
Hardison went through his usual speech, this one being about a man with a prosthetic metal arm asking the team to help him get back at the company who made the arm, HYDRA, after they gave him a metal arm that gave him a nasty infection, when they promised a safe arm that would not harm him. He paid almost fifty-thousand dollars for that arm. James said he did not want the money (of course, the team would get it back for him, and probably more) and just to take the company down so they could not hurt anyone else. This was more than do-able, but the con would require the team to defame the head of the company, Alex Pierce, and get him arrested for unlawful practices.
Nate ran through everyone’s jobs for this con. Sophie was going to be another rich company owner who wanted to buy his company outright. Nate would be his right-hand man, the assistant who did whatever she wanted. Parker was going to be a person who needed a prosthetic, and Hardison would be her loving husband. That left Y/N and Eliot. Eliot was going to be security, which is not much different from any other times, and try to make his way to the top floors so Parker could eventually get herself in without getting caught. Y/N was going to be one of the medical people, those who put the prosthetics on the patients. That way, maybe they could figure out just what was giving the patients the horrible infections.
Everyone had their role, and they were not going to head out for another couple of hours so everyone could get ready. Thus, the group departed each other and headed for their respective places to get their clothes and such. Eliot made the quick dash to the door, making sure no one had the chance to talk to him so he would have to stay in the same room as Y/N.
It hurt Eliot; it really did. They were all he yearned for, all he longed for. But, alas, he was not going to subject them to the nothingness he offered. It was hard. He longed for the moments when they had to pretend to be together for the cons. Married couple, dates to a formal event, anything that made him happier than a beer and a Sunday football game. Being with them, even if it’s not real, made Eliot believe he was able to actually have this— a normal white picket fence life—and it made his heart sore straight out of his chest.
And therefore, he was doing what he was doing.
This thing, this feeling, it was throwing him off his game. If he even slipped up a little bit, someone on the team could be killed. He’s the hitter, the protector. It’s his job to make sure everyone makes it out alive. If he goes soft, he could fuck up really badly, and he would never forgive himself. Ever.
Y/N and him just fit. The way they sat next to each other; every curve fit in place. Their hands, when intertwined, were the perfect sizes for each other. They knew how to bicker, but also were able to have a serious conversation. The pieces fit, the puzzle was complete, it all made sense.
Eliot would make sure it fell away.
[Mildewed and smoldering, Fundamental differing]
“Parker, just stick to what we told you, please” Sophie begged into the comms. “We rehearsed this and you did so so well, don’t go changing it up now.”
“But we all agree that a robot leg is cooler than a robot arm, correct?” Parker said back with a whine, wanting very much to get a prosthetic leg, and not an arm (even though she was very much keeping all her limbs. She was just… really immersing herself in her role).
“Yes mama, way cooler, now just stick to wait you practiced with Sophie so we can take down this evil man” Hardison whispered to her while they walked towards the receptionist desk to attempt to get a meeting with a prosthetic designer for the soon-to-be but not actually armless Parker.
Sophie and Nate were already on their way to Mr. Pierce’s office, Y/N was making their way to the medical wing to lift a jacket and ID badge. Eliot, well, he was politely putting a knocked out security guard in a janitor's closet, putting him in a comfortable position so the guard did not wake up with any pains…well, no more pain than he will already be in, and Eliot got changed into his new HYDRA security work outfit. Eliot was no longer Eliot Spencer, but now Ryan Pine. Ryan Pine made his way towards the elevator that was employee’s only, swiped his card, and made his way up the building.
Over the comms, Eliot hears Parker and Hardison fake their love story (though, they do have a real one, it’s just taking a very long time to actually get anywhere), Nate and Sophie bargain a price for the company, and Y/N humming a tune while sifting through the medical side of the building.
“Eliot?” Y/N said quickly.
He was surprised they asked for him, but he knew everyone else was busy playing their role, so he was the only option left.
“Yes?” Eliot replied.
“Bleach isn’t good for metal, nor human skin, correct?”
‘That would be correct. What did you find?”
“I found a lot of something. A whole closet full of cheap off brand bleach they most likely buy in bulk. They must be using that to clean the metal or something, so it ends up hurting the skin, and giving them an infection. Enough bleach will kill ya, don’t they know that?”
“Yeah, they do. They do know. That’s why they are using it.” Eliot put the pieces together in his head. “If they kill the patients, they won’t have to replace the prosthetic at any point, which saves them money.”
“Won’t that just make them look bad if they have a bunch of dead people on their hands?”
“Not if they make it look like the doctors who did the surgeries did it or blame the patient for their body rejecting the prosthesis. They’re trying to murder people, so they don’t have to pay.”
Eliot could hear Y/N pacing in the closet full of bleach. He knew what they were about to say before they even said it.
“I’m going to go talk to the other medical staff. See if they will tell me anything.” Y/N stated, before heading towards the closet door.
“Absolutely not, Y/N. Are you crazy?” Eliot retorted quickly. That was the dumbest idea he’s ever heard, or maybe it’s only the dumbest idea because it could put Y/N in harm’s way.
“What do you mean ‘no’? If I can get some information out of them, I can help move the con along, and we can have more information to take down Pierce. What about that sounds like a bad idea?” Y/N was starting to get irritated, they never like their intelligence to be countered.
“It could put you in a bad spot. What if they realize you’re not supposed to be there? They could hurt you. You are quite literally surrounded by things meant to cut people open. It’s not a good idea, just wait until a time where no one is in the medical unit.”
‘I can take care of myself, Spencer. I know how to use the stabby tools as well, I’m not an idiot.”
“I did not say you were an idiot; all I am saying is that it is not a good idea until someone else is nearby. Y/N, do not put yourself in a vulnerable position when there is no need.” Eliot begged, pleaded, hoping they would listen.
Y/N huffed.
“Why do you even care? It’s not like it would make a difference anyways.”
Eliot’s heart dropped. Straight through his stomach and onto the floor.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Eliot snapped. He refused to wait for a response, and quickly added “Just, wait until we come back later at night. That way more of us can look around, and none of the medical staff will question what you are doing.”
Eliot heard Y/N grumbling to themselves, but it seems they would listen to Eliot this time.
Eliot liked that they thought differently. Y/N wanted to always jump into action, using their smart brain to get themselves any piece of information. Eliot wanted to jump into the action, but his action consisted of beating up bad guys.
Y/N wanted to be right all the time, Eliot…wanted to be right all the time. Okay, maybe that one’s not as different.
Y/N thought Eliot was a good man, worthy of love, and a happy life. Eliot, well, he did not.
Y/N thought they could protect themselves. Eliot knew he would protect them at all costs, even if that cost him his life, even if they thought he didn’t care about their life.
Two very fundamentally different people.
[Pure intention juxtaposed, Will set two lovers' souls in motion]
Sitting in his tiny apartment he rents for dirt cheap in Boston, Eliot sips on some beer he bought from the corner store and leans back and lets his eyes close. He tries to re-call one of the best days he had in a long time; almost the best day he’s had ever.
It was evening, and the team had just finished up a con. They had put the bad guy away, gave the person they were helping more money than they ever needed, and had made it back to the apartment they used as their headquarters. Everyone was tired, but no one seemed ready to depart each other just quite yet.
“Movie night! Movie night!” Parker chanted from her seat on the couch, sipping a freshly made cup of chocolate milk by Hardison.
“I don’t see why not,” Sophie chimed in “but we are watching something good. No more weird zombie movies.”
Parker pouted and whined, Hardison huffed and muttered a “they’re not weird,” and Nate nodded in agreement with Sophie.
Y/N was sitting on the couch, opposite of Parker, and was laughing at the banter. Eliot couldn’t help but watch them. Their smile was to die for, with beautiful eyes, and a laugh that made your heart swell. Before he knew it, his legs were moving him to the couch and plopped himself right next to Y/N.
“And no cowboy movies, Eliot here might start using his southern charm on us” Y/N added, though only Eliot caught the softly muttered “Not that I would mind” that followed that statement.
“I have no idea what you are talkin’ bout, darlin’, no idea at all” Eliot answers with a southern drawl, hoping to get a rise out of Y/N.
Y/N, of course, cannot contain their laughter, and leans into Eliot. Eliot, without even thinking, puts an arm around Y/N’s shoulder. It was the most comfortable he has ever been in a long time.
Eventually, Hardison puts on some nerdy movie, Parker is messing with the newest technological invention Hardison made for her, Nate and Sophie are situated on the other couch, both sipping their glasses of whiskey, and Eliot is here, next to Y/N, who has fallen asleep on his shoulder.
“Oh shit. They fell asleep on my shoulder.” Eliot thinks, starting to panic in his brain. He can’t move, won’t move. He refuses to disturb them. They look so peaceful sleeping, he thinks, I can’t possibly get up now. It’s fine, it’s totally fine, he will just stay there until they wake up. He can’t help but look down at them, their eyes closed, looking so peaceful. He tried to engrain the image in his head, so if he needed an escape from his own head, he could remember how they looked sleeping.
He had an idea. It wasn’t the best idea he’s had, but it was one. Y/N’s hands were resting in between his leg and theirs. He slowly reached over and placed one of his hands on theirs. He was just about to pull it back, when in a sleepy haze, Y/N found his hand and held on to it. The heat that filled his cheeks was hotter than any Arizona desert. He had to keep his cool, make sure he did not alarm the others. He cooled down, and the smallest smile was plastered across his face.
The movie played on, but Eliot wasn’t paying attention anymore. He was imagining the life he could have with Y/N. Settling down, getting a nice house, getting a dog (and a cat, he knew how much Y/N liked cats, so they just had to get one) and living a peaceful life. It would be pure. Eliot has never been, and will never be pure, but it could be the closest he could come to being so.
Why not? Why couldn’t he have this? He raked through his brain, and all the thoughts he came up with, he knew Y/N would simply disagree, saying he was a good man, and deserved the whole world.
He was going to do it. His soul was in motion now, and there was no stopping it. Maybe he could have that white picket fence life with Y/N. He wanted to try.
That was when he still had hope for the future. That was when he had allowed himself to go soft, to think he could have a happy life. It was short lived, he thought, but should not have happened at all. How stupid could he have been to think otherwise?
He was making sure that his soul was stuck. His soul could no longer be in motion, especially not in the direction it was going. He made every effort to make sure it stopped, and what he did not realize was that it was going to hurt a lot more than any torture, any stabbings or punchings he’s ever endured. Watching Y/N slowly start to dislike him, to get hurt by him, was like being stabbed right in the heart. But it’s what he had to do. He couldn’t let them get closer to him, for fear of getting them hurt.
He started to avoid them at all costs, though he would not admit that. He would volunteer for every job in the con that did not involve them. He would argue that he would be better if he was doing something else, not doing what they were doing. If Y/N sat in the back of the van, Eliot was sitting in the passenger seat or driving. If Y/N was in the kitchen, he was in the living room. He said he was busy for every single team get together. He simply would not allow himself to be near them, as he knew it would make it that much harder to tear the heartstrings that spelled out their name into two.
He could tell, by the third con where he made his opinion clear that he wanted the opposite job of Y/N, that they were catching on, and looked physically hurt by every word that spilled out of Eliot’s mouth. Every “why don’t I do this instead?” was another stab to Y/N’s back. Every. Single. One. He was doing what he had to do is what he told himself everytime he caught a glance of them. He was protecting them, even if they did not know it. Around the fifth con, when Nate was giving out jobs, Y/N just got up and went into a different room. They could not stand to be in there when Eliot gave his speech on why he should have a different job. It hurt them too much to think that the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with would not even look at them, let alone be in the same room.
Y/N had put their soul in motion as well, Eliot knew it. He could tell by the way they looked at him before he started his crusade of destroying any feelings he had. He knew that maybe, just maybe, they wanted just what he wanted, but it wouldn’t happen, not in this lifetime.
Two lovers' souls were in motion, but the brick wall built between them would surely stop it, right?
[Disintegrating as it goes, Testing our communication]
The con was on track so far, though, they were going to have to wrap it up before Parker’s supposed “surgery” to have her arm removed. The team was back in the HYDRA building, later at night, trying to find information they could leak. Y/N was dead set on going back to the medical wing, so naturally, Eliot was voluntold to go with them, in case there was anyone up there. Before he could protest, Y/N was already on their way to the elevator. It seemed he wasn’t getting out of this one.
He knew in his brain it wasn’t a good idea to be alone with them, but he had no choice. They were putting themselves in danger, and Eliot was the hitter after all. That’s what he did. He protected the team from danger.
They made their way to the medical wing and started searching. Y/N has already found the bleach closet, but they needed something more than that. They needed something that showed the medical staff was being instructed to use the bleach in a way that would harm the patient.
After ten minutes of an awkwardly silent elevator ride, and more awkward silent searching, Eliot decided he had had enough, and was going to speak up.
“Y/N, I’m not seeing anything. We may need to look somewhere else. I don’t think they would just leave an instruction manual out in the open.” Eliot noted, looking towards Y/N for a reaction. Instead, he was met with silence. That wasn’t the answer he was expecting.
“Y/N. We need to look somewhere else.”
Again, met with silence, as Y/N kept looking around the room. It was evident that Y/N was not planning on listening to him. So, he walked up to them and lightly grabbed their shoulder. That, apparently, was the wrong answer, because that was met with Y/N jerking back out of his touch quickly.
“Eliot, if you want to go look somewhere else, go ahead. I know damn well there is going to be evidence here, you just don’t want to look so I end up being wrong and looking dumb in front of the team. Fine, I get it, whatever, just leave me alone.” Y/N snapped.
Eliot was stunned. He was hurt. That’s the exact opposite of what he wanted, but he knew that it would be better this way. If Y/N just didn’t even like him as a person, there would be no way he could hurt them.
“Hell, I’m fucking surprised you didn’t get yourself out of coming up here with me. And you actually spoke to me? I think the world is gonna end. Poof, gone.” And Y/N made a little explosion with their hands.
Eliot had no clue what to say. He was a smart man, he knew many languages, but in this instance, he couldn’t find a single string of words to respond to what he was just told.
“I don’t know what I did, or what I said, to be Eliot Spencer’s most hated person in the world, but I sure as hell don’t think I deserved to be avoided like this. We’re supposed to be a team, and you won’t even look in my direction. The last time you said anything to me was twenty-four days ago. That’s over three weeks, Eliot. One day we were fine, the next it’s like I did not exist. You’re my best friend, Eliot. I have the rest of the team, of course, but you. You’re my best friend, and you haven’t talked to me in twenty-four days. What did I do to you, huh? What did I do that was so bad that you can’t even look me in my face right now?” Y/N spat out, choking on the tears they were holding back.
Eliot knew he looked like a kicked puppy, and he knew he didn’t deserve to look that way, but that was the second stab to his heart in the past two days.
“You have nothing to say? You speak seven plus languages and can’t think of a single thing to say?” They almost begged, wanting an answer.
Apparently, Y/N could read minds now. They knew exactly what he was thinking. He finally looked over at them, saw the silent tears streaming down their face, and had to hold back tears himself. Knowing he made them cry, that was torture.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He said softly. That was all he could come up with. All he could think of to say.
Y/N nodded, but that wasn’t the answer they wanted. It wasn’t even close.
“I’m going to continue looking through this medical wing until I find something. I would appreciate the help.” Y/N said quietly, and Eliot quickly nodded, and went back to looking through papers.
The connection they once had, it was disintegrating as time went on. Their communication was basically none. But this, Eliot thought, maybe he could do something with this. Maybe he could still be Y/N’s friend, but not want anything more. He was strong, hell he’s held the world on his shoulder multiple times. Atlas didn’t have shit on him, so he thought.
Maybe he could test it out, see how it was being friends.
Friends. Just friends. He didn’t have many friends, but he wanted this one.
[The light that fueled our fire then, Has burned a hole between us so]
The team was back in the apartment. Parker found some legal work that was definitely illegal, and Y/N and Eliot finally had found something in the medical wing after an hour of searching.
Hardison was putting something together that he would blast on the internet, making Pierce have to counter it, and step into the spotlight to talk about it and his company. That’s when they would have him arrested, since they knew where he held conferences, and the police already have possession of the evidence of the misuse of bleach on patients.
Sophie was able to pull strings with the coroner’s office, and had them re-test victims for any bleach in the area of the infections, and they all came back positive. That’s all they needed to put Pierce away for life, give James a big check, and finish off the con. Sophie and Nate were chatting in the kitchen, Parker was climbing Hardison like he was an elevator while he was trying to do work on his computer, though being careful not to mess him up, and Eliot was sat on the couch, reading the book he had started a couple days prior. Y/N was wondering, and finally sat themselves in a chair adjacent to the couch, but careful not to disturb Eliot.
Eliot heard Y/N take a very deep breath, before stuttering out a “What are you reading?” in the direction of Eliot.
“I found this in a pile of Hardison’s nerdy books and thought it could possibly be interesting. It’s not.” Eliot stated.
“Why are you still reading it then?’ Y/N asked as they gave him a look between confused and curious.
“Because he bet I wouldn’t finish it. And I am not losing $50 to Alec Hardison and his weird nerdy books.”
Y/N chuckled softly, allowing themselves to put a small smile on their face, but not the ones they used to give him. The big, happy, toothy smiles that always made him warm inside.
“Tell me the plotline so far, and I’ll decide if it's lame or not” Y/N jabbed, and Eliot let himself chuckle, before thoroughly explaining the very ‘boring’ plot he was making himself read. After all of that, Y/N had made their decision.
“That sounds good to me, Spencer, I think you just like boring cowboy books.” They joked, hoping to get a rise out of him.
“You’re crazy, cowboy books are good, this is not.”
“It is good, you’re just boring!” Hardison yelled from the other room.
“Wow, I save all your asses every day and you have the audacity to call me boring? Let me know if I’m boring the next time I punch someone so you don’t get hurt.” Eliot grumbled in his usual grumbling tone.
Y/N threw a small rubber ball that was laying around at Eliot, and Eliot laughed, immediately throwing it at the back of Hardison’s head.
“Hey! I wasn’t even the one who threw it!” Hardison complained, rubbing it at the back of his head.
“Well, I’m obviously not gonna throw it at the pretty person who actually threw it, that would be a crime.” Eliot spilled out, and then immediately regretted, as Y/N gave him a look with the widest eyes and an agape mouth.
“Are you saying I’m not pretty?” Hardison retorted, “because I know I’m sexy as hell, ain’t that right mama?” He directed that at Parker, but she was too busy with a mouth full of chocolate cake.
Eliot did not hear this, as the blood was rushing straight to his cheeks and his ears, making him go bright red. A tomato would think they were relatives.
He immediately got up, throwing the book to his right on the couch, and was ready to dash out the door, but not before Y/N could grab his wrist, a look on their face begging him to stay, to not start doing what he had done again. To not distance himself again.
The touch was hot, fire hot, and he had to get away. He wriggled his wrist out of their grip and walked off, heading straight to the fridge for a beer, and then straight to the door.
Before, he would have been fine. He would play it off as platonic flirting (even though it was very much romantic flirting) and keep bickering with Hardison. This time, however, it was different. He couldn’t tell himself it was just platonic. It was much more than that. They couldn’t even make it ten minutes into a conversation without Eliot slipping up and running away.
There was a hole burned between them, and he wasn’t sure if it could be fixed.
[We cannot seem to reach an end, Crippling our communication]
This time, it was a mutual agreement between the two that they would not talk, or hang out, or work together. They could work together on the team, of course, but it did not go farther than that. He refused to let it go farther, and they knew no matter what they did, they could not change his mind.
No communication. That was good. That helped Eliot keep up his game, make sure he kept everyone on the team safe. Safety was a number one priority and eliminating any distractions would just have to be how it was.
[No fault, none to blame, It doesn't mean I don't desire, to point the finger, blame the other, Watch the temple topple over]
Eliot was having a bad day. He didn’t mean to be having a bad day, it was just… one of those days.
Things had gotten better with Y/N after the incident. He had realized it was ok to be their friend. It was ok to hang out, make small talk, make fun of them. The whole pretty thing was a slip-up, and he knew not to do it again.
But what Nate said to him, well, made his blood boil.
Right before the team was to be debriefed on a new case, Nate pulled Eliot into another room to talk to him.
“What’s up, boss?” Eliot questioned.
“You need to get rid of whatever feelings or things you have going on with Y/N. It’s disrupting the team, and is going to get someone hurt, or worse.” Nate said, calmly.
Eliot was no longer calm. He could see red flooding the corners of his vision.
“Excuse the fuck outta me, what the hell does that mean?” Eliot barked back.
“Everyone and their mother knows you’re in love with Y/N, but you just don’t seem willing to act on that, or won’t, but whatever it is you’re doing instead needs to stop. It’s making everyone distracted. Hardison and Parker have a bet on how long it takes for you to finally admit your feelings and ask them out. Sophie won’t stop pointing out every single time you make lovebird eyes at them. I can feel the tension even if you guys are sitting on opposite sides of the room. Either man up and tell them how you feel, or forget about it and just be co-workers. Your choice.” Nate knew he was over-stepping, but he wasn’t ready to let his team be put in harm’s way because their hitter wasn’t focused.
Eliot forgot how to breathe for a second, and had to pinch his leg in an attempt not to lash out at Nate. Where did he get the audacity to be saying this to him? All Eliot did was nod and storm out of the room, and straight out of the apartment. He could catch up on the con later, right now he needed fresh air, or he might burst at the seams.
Nate was blaming all of this on him. Pointing the finger at him. It was Eliot’s fault that the last con went a little haywire. Yes, Eliot may have been a minute or two late to the guys that were going after Nate when they found him in the CEO’s office, but Eliot can’t be everywhere at once. He wasn’t fucking God for Christ’s sake.
Eliot walked out of the apartment building and went to the side alley to calm himself down. He started pacing, back and forth and back and forth. He was thinking, and it helped him think if he wasn’t standing still.
This was it, Eliot thought. The final decision. Was he going to confess, or was he going to push down his feelings and suffer for the rest of his life? Obviously, he has suffered quite a bit, so a little more wouldn’t be much. But maybe, just maybe, he could… not suffer. He wondered what that was like. He kept thinking about it, but a hand on his arm snapped him out of it.
“Eliot, are you okay? You looked really upset when you stormed out. I just wanted to make sure Nate didn’t say anything that upset you.” Y/N spoke kindly to Eliot as they looked at him and gave a loving squeeze to his arm.
“I’m okay, Y/N, I really am. But…I do appreciate you coming to check on me. I really do.” Eliot countered, offering a soft smile, putting his hand over the one currently on his arm.
“Ok cool, yeah, ok, awesome, great, I wasn’t really looking forward to having to give Nate a stern talking to, but I had rehearsed it enough in my head on the walk down that I was more than prepared.” Y/N said cooly. Eliot gave a hearty chuckle and shook his head.
“You’re trouble, ya know. Let’s go back inside, yeah?” Eliot asked, and with a nod in response from Y/N, they made their way back up to the apartment.
[I've done the math enough to know, The dangers of our second guessing]
Everything was going great, which does not happen a lot to Eliot. The last couple jobs had gone over smoothly, with only a couple hiccups. Eliot and Y/N were back to working together if it was necessary, it was great. They were one big happy team again.
They hadn’t had anyone reach out for help in a couple days, so everyone had been doing their own thing. Eliot and Y/N sent texts every once in a while, but because Eliot wasn’t the most technologically advanced (even after Hardison gave him a three hour tutorial on all the basics) it was harder for him to get in the groove of it.
Y/N would send pictures, mostly of their cats. Eliot would respond with how cute they were, and how much he wanted a dog. It was small, short little conversations, but they were nice.
Finally, someone reached out to Nate, asking for help, and the team was called to meet up. Eliot arrived, and as they were waiting for Sophie to get there, Parker, Hardison, and Y/N were talking about what they had been doing.
“I got a new rig!” Parker announced happily, showing it off to all of them. “It works so well! I am so excited to use it during this job.”
“If the job requires it.” Hardison chimed in.
“It will.” Parked quipped.
“Yeah yeah, rigs are exciting, but I went on a date.” Y/N said, and suddenly Eliot was focused on nothing else but then what they were saying.
Y/N went on a date? They have never ever mentioned going on dates before. Why is this suddenly a new thing? Eliot’s temper was starting to rise, but did not make a sound; just listened.
“You went on a date?” Parker asked, a bit confused. Maybe she was thinking the same thing Eliot was.
“I did. He was nice, but I don’t think it’s gonna work. He’s just… not my type, ya know?” Y/N responded, making sure to not look at Eliot, acting like he never even walked in.
“What is your type, then?” Hardison asked.
“Hmmm, well, I think I’d have to say handsome, of course, nice brown hair, blue-grayish eyes.” The blush on Eliot’s face got brighter as the list went on. “Sweet, kind, very protective, maybe a little southern, them southern boys know how to take care of ya. Knows how to play guitar; lean, but not as skinny as a stick. Yeah, I think that’s my type.”
Hardison laughed, follows by a “You sure are picky, but go get ‘em tiger”
Y/N laughed, and finally decided to look back at Eliot, who was looking at the floor; his shoes were quite entertaining at the moment.
Eliot did the math in his head. Nate had Sophie, Hardison had Parker, and well, that left him with one option—not that he was complaining—and that was Y/N. He thinks he is finally ready to confess. After his talk with Nate, and whatever the hell just happened, it had to make sense.
He wasn’t going to second guess this. It was what he wanted, and he always got what he wanted…
Well, after this job. He would get what he wanted after this job.
[Cold silence has a tendency to, Atrophy any sense of compassion]
Everything was going great, once again. Everyone had their roles, and it was all going according to plan.
That, of course, was stopped abruptly when Y/N was told by the company worker they were talking to that they had run a check on their name and face, and it very much did not add up.
“Y/N, get yourself out of there as calmly as you can.” Nate said,
“Remember what I taught you, Y/N, just play your part and get out” Sophie added.
Y/N chuckled nervously at the man and said “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just trying to get a job here, nothing more, nothing less.”
Eliot was trying to keep his cool while he heard what was going on, but every passing second was making him ready to run away from his part of the job and go get Y/N to safety. Parker, who was working with him this time around, could tell how anxious he was getting.
“They’ll be ok,” she whispered to him.
They would not be ok, it turns out, as a guard came in and immediately tasered Y/N until they passed out. Eliot heard the sound and jumped, very quickly excusing himself from the meeting he was having with some lame ass underpaid worker and Parker, and walked out of the room until out of sight, and then sprinted to where Y/N was.
“Take them to the roof. Make it look like an accident. We can’t have anyone letting out our plans to the world. It will ruin everything.” The man who had caught on to Y/N said, and the two guards very roughly picked up Y/N and started carrying them to the door that gave access to the roof.
“Hardison! Where are they taking them?” Eliot snapped, still running to where they just had them, hoping to run into the guards.
“I’m working on it man. The taser short-circuited the comm. Give me a minute.” Hardison responded. That’s not what he wanted to hear.
“Damn it, Hardison! I don’t have a minute!” Eliot yelled.
The guards had made it to the roof, but once they opened the door to the outside world, Y/N had woken up, in a lot of pain.
“Wha-hey, get off me!” They yelled, fighting against the grip of the guards.
The guards immediately threw them forward, and one threw a punch. Y/N, still trying to orient themselves to the new environment, stumbled around a bit, towards the edge of the building. The other guard pulled out the taser again, walking towards them.
“The roof! They’re on the roof, Eliot!” Hardison exclaimed quickly.
Eliot bolted to the roof access door, running up the stairs like he was running from a wasps nest that broke, and made it up just in time to see the guards' taser Y/N again.
Y/N yelled out in pain, trying to crawl away from them. They were insistent, now both guards tasering both sides of them, causing them to pass out once again. Silence fell upon the roof as they stopped screaming, and the one guard said “grab them and toss ‘em over.”
Eliot immediately dashed towards the guards, and before they realized it, one had been punched square in the face, and the other kicked in the knees. The guards fought back, but Eliot was too mad, too furious, and had no compassion for them. He was going to beat the ever-living shit out of them, make them feel the pain they caused Y/N. He wouldn’t kill them, he didn’t do that anymore, but they’d want to be dead.
Eliot was finally able to knock them both down, with enough adrenaline still to knock out five more guards. He quickly ran over to Y/N, who was in the middle of a seizure.
“Shit, Hardison, we need to take Y/N to the hospital now!” He yelled, picking Y/N up bridal style and making his way back to the stairs.
“I’ll meet you out back, I already have the quickest route to the hospital up now.”
Eliot ran, and kept running, and finally made his way out the back of the building and into Lucille. The back door had barely shut before Hardison had already pulled off faster than ever. Eliot made sure to keep Y/N on their side, hoping everything would be ok.
They made it to the hospital, and before Hardison had put the van in park, Eliot was out the back door with Y/N, carrying them in and to the nearest nurse.
“Help, please, they’re having a seizure!” He begged.
The nurse quickly got a bed and he laid them on it, as a bunch of nurses wheeled them towards the emergency room. Eliot was quick to follow but was stopped by a nurse.
“We got them; you’ll have to wait out here.”
Eliot wanted to protest, but knew it would get nowhere. He made his way back out to the van and jumped in, sitting against the side and rubbing his face.
“Hey man, they’ll be ok. Seriously, it’ll be ok.” Hardison told Eliot, knowing he was probably freaking out right now.
He was, in fact, freaking out, but he wouldn’t show it. He could not show he was vulnerable, not even to Hardison. He would be ok, but not until after he knew Y/N was ok.
[Between supposed brothers]
The team had finished up the job while Y/N was still in the hospital. Eliot was reluctant to leave the hospital at all, but knew he owed the team, since he almost blew the con altogether.
After it was done, bad guy put away, good guy paid, yada yada yada, Eliot did not hesitate to return to the hospital. Y/N had not woken up yet, it had only been a day, but it still worried Eliot.
He sat in the room where they laid, watching over them, making sure no one would hurt them, never again, when the team walked in.
“Hey guys,” Eliot spoke, looking over at all of them.
“How is she?” Parker asked, setting the biggest gift basket of chocolate he had ever seen on the table next to Y/N. Parker loved her chocolate, so obviously she had to give Y/N some so they would feel better.
“Hasn’t woken up yet, but vitals are good.” Eliot responded.
“Hey man, can I talk to you?” Hardison directed the question to Eliot, and even though he did not want to leave the room, leave Y/N, he got up and walked outside the room with Hardison.
“Eliot, man, you gotta figure your shit out.”
“Wha- huh? I have my shit figured out.”
“No the hell you don’t. You almost blew the con when Y/N got caught. We would have had to start over, hell we might have not even been able to do it. I’m not mad at you man, but you gotta tell them. I know how you feel about them, just tell them!” Hardison said sternly.
“Come on, Hardison, it’s not like that. I thought you were my brother, supposed to have my back.”
“You know damn well I am your brother, Eliot, don’t play stupid with me! You haven’t heard Y/N gush over you, how perfect and amazing you are. They love you. They are in love with you, and you are in love with them, and you just need to tell them and get it over with! Do you know how bad it is to watch you two fawn over each other, it’s like two kids staring at ice cream. Come on, man. Do it.” Hardison walked back into the room, not waiting for a response from Eliot. He said what he needed to, and didn’t need anything more.
[Between supposed lovers]
Everyone else had headed home, needing to rest after the stressful con, but Eliot stayed stationed in Y/N’s hospital room. He wouldn’t budge, not even after the team told him he needed to sleep in his own bed, in his home.
His home was here, though, laying on this hospital bed. He was home, he just needed home to wake up.
At 12:47 am, Eliot was awoken from his uncomfortable sleep in his uncomfortable hospital chair by stirring from the bed in the middle of the room. It wasn’t completely dark in the room, due to the lights from the monitor and the soft glow of the tv in the corner of the room, but Y/N slowly opened their eyes and looked around.
“Hello?” They croaked out, throat sore. “Eliot?” They asked when they glanced over in his direction.
Eliot shot up and reached out to put his hand on their arm. “Y/N, you’re awake. How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Sore. What happened? Am I… in the hospital? Yuck.” They asked, and Eliot couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Yes, unfortunately, you are in the hospital. But hey, you should see the other guys, you really gave them a run for their money.”
Y/N laughed, then coughed, then looked at Eliot. “My knight in shining armor I suppose?”
“Nah, darlin’, that’s too much.”
“You very obviously saved my life, Eliot. I could never repay you. I owe you.”
“No, no. It’s my job, remember?
“Eliot Spencer, you are the most stubborn man I’ve ever met in my life, god damnit. I don’t know how I love you.” Y/N chuckled, and then immediately slapped their hand to their mouth, and then groaned from the pain that shot up from their side.
Eliot was shell shocked. They had said it. They said they loved him. They loved him? No, it was just the pain meds. He looked over at the morphine drip, and realized it was in fact… not dripping. It must have stopped working at some point. He made a mental note to get that fixed, but right now, he had another thing to worry about. Anyone could see the thoughts racing through his head, and Y/N certainly could, even in the poorly lit room.
“I meant, uh, I mean, well, I didn’t-“ Y/N stuttered out, unsure of how to save themselves from the slip up.
“I love you too.” Eliot blurted out, and then also immediately slapped his hand to his mouth (he had picked it up from the millions of times Y/N, Parker, and Hardison did it. Them damn kids and their weird things) and eyes went wide. He shook it off, and looked at Y/N.
“Yeah, I do. I do love you, I love you so fucking much, Jesus Christ.” Eliot gasped out in-between his heavy breathing.
[I know the pieces fit ]
Y/N reached out for him, and he grabbed their hand. They pulled him closer to them, and their heavy breathing was in sync.
[I know the pieces fit]
Their eyes were locked in on each other, neither risking to look away. The steel blue eyes stared into Y/EC eyes.
[I know the pieces fit]
As soon as Y/N inched closer to Eliot, he knew. He leaned down and kissed them. He kissed them hard, pouring every ounce of love for them into it. Every day he’s had to wait, every day he’s dreamt of this, poured into a single kiss.
[I know the pieces fit]
Y/N wrapped their arms around Eliot’s neck, pulling him as close as physically possible. A hospital bed wasn’t the preferred place for a first kiss, but he did not even care at this point, and neither did they. They had waited too long, far too long, for anything to be in the way.
[I know the pieces fit]
When the need for air arrived, Eliot slowly pulled away, but leaned his forehead against theirs, and smiled.
“I’ve been waiting since the day I met you to do that.”
“You’ve known since the first day we met?” Y/N quizzed.
“Absolutely. My heart wouldn’t stop pounding when I laid eyes on you.”
[I know the pieces fit]
Y/N scooted over so there was room for Eliot to lay next to them. He laid down next to them, making sure not to pull at the IV or hit any of the tender spots from the taser. Y/N curled into his side, resting their head on his shoulder, and closing their eyes.
Eliot put his arm around them, pulling them closer to him, and pressing a kiss to their temple.
[I know the pieces fit]
“Eliot?” Y/N piped up after a bit of silence.
“If we don’t tell anyone, Parker will win the $50, and she owes me a steak dinner anyways.”
Eliot laughed and nodded. “Sounds like a deal, as long as you bring me back some.”
“Of course.”
[I know the pieces fit]
He was right. The two pieces of this puzzle, of Eliot and Y/N, fit. They fit so perfectly. He would never, ever, watch them fall away again.
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megnknight · 2 years
Hardison: we can't mansplain, manipulate or malewife our way out of this one boys
Eliot, cracking his knuckles: manslaughter it is then
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megnknight · 3 years
Reblog if you’re bisexual, support bisexual people or are actually a bunch of tiny velociraptors in a human suit
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megnknight · 4 years
“(Morgan is waiting in the hospital for Reid to wake up. Morgan is eating jello) Reid: (Waking up) Are you eating jello? Morgan: (Smiling) Hey kid, hey doc look who’s back. Reid: (Sitting up) Is there anymore jello?”
— Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan. Season 4 Episode 24. Criminal Minds quote of the day. (via youkicklikeanineyearoldgirl-cm)
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megnknight · 4 years
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459 notes · View notes
megnknight · 4 years
True character development is starting Criminal Minds solely because you saw Morgan on the cover only to realize a year later that you find everyone on the team hot and would now, in fact, die for ALL of them.
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megnknight · 5 years
no offense but
ooga chaka ooga ooga
ooga chaka ooga ooga
ooga chaka ooga ooga
ooga chaka ooga ooga
i cant stop this feelin’
deep inside of me
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megnknight · 5 years
I dont know how I feel about John mulaney. Like, do I wanna be him? Do I just think he's funny? Am I in love with him? Do I want to bump into him on the streets of Chicago and have him throw a money clip (engraved?) In my face, call me a useless waste of air and walk away?
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megnknight · 5 years
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I just love those two.
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megnknight · 5 years
I don’t necessarily work ‘better under pressure’, I just literally will not work until I am under the extreme pressure of time constraints created by my own unnecessary procrastination
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megnknight · 5 years
color series: yellow
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warning: a little angst. not a lot. that’s not my brand.
loving peter parker is yellow.
it’s the daisies that grow on your porch, the only ones that peter kept alive.
it’s the cool juice you sip in summer when it’s too hot to touch. it’s sweet, but not sweeter than him.
yellow is peters birthday present, or the envelope at least. the deed to a star, named for him “PBP.” a star for your star. your guide in the dark.
golden yellow are the earrings you have no idea how peter afforded. you insist he take them back, but he only says “you’re worth it. i promise, you deserve them.” and you did. and you deserve him, in all of his glory.
the bruises are yellow first. the ones that come when his spider senses send him in the wrong direction, when he dodged too late, or when he couldn’t land a punch. the ones that he tells you are from when he “fell down the stairs” or when flash punched him too hard. yellow is the embarrassment you feel when you confront flash, and he hasn’t seen peter in weeks. it’s the sickness you feel when you start to tear up, because you teased peter for not getting his homework done. you didn’t know. he liked it that way.
his lies are yellow. they’re made with hope of protecting you, with keeping you safe. they’re made with intentions filled with sunshine and his golden laugh when you’re supposed to be studying. his intentions are filled with colored pencils scattered on the floor from when you sketched each other for the first time. they’re filled with honey coated love, but they leave you with a sore throat.
they leave you feeling his love, but also his lies. and you love him, maybe to a fault. even when he’s yellow.
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megnknight · 5 years
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megnknight · 5 years
color series: red
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—no warnings, just fluff.
loving peter parker is red. it’s the blush on his cheeks when you brush hands, even though you’ve been together for a while now. red is the blanket he brings on your picnic date, the same one may and ben used all those years ago. he spills lemonade on it, and you tell him may won’t be mad. red is the color of the pile of hard candies you receive on valentine’s day. ned teased him, saying he should buy $20 worth of candy grams, and he did. when you receive them, you also turn a shade of red when you quickly grab them and shove them in your locker. ned had to help peter write them all. his hand had a cramp. it’s the color of the wrinkled pile of high tech uniform discarded on the floor, because sweatpants are more comfortable. the suit that you know would be so dangerous if the most wholesome boy in the world wasn’t wearing it. the boy who asks “can i hold your hand?” the boy who asks you “are you okay?” the boy who cares, so passionately, that it is red.
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